“I think it’s possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. One way to do that is through the adoption of sustainable energy solutions like solar power.”

If we closely examine this statement from one of his own kind of intelligence, Elon Musk, we can conclude that how one single bold decision makes an ordinary business into a market giant.

This is the case with Solar power, which has increasingly been adopted by every size of business, seeing the benefits and values this energy puts to your business.

Commercial solar system in UK
Commercial solar system in UK

Installing solar panels on commercial property brings several benefits for business in the UK, from reducing electricity price to brands value and environmental benefits.  

Keeping in mind the business energy demand and ample solar power for energy production in UK, solar energy for commercial business can bring more than just cost reduction. The following writing will highlight the benefits your business can have.  

Are you Looking for professional installers? Give Try to MAK Energy, a professional installer with more than 15 years of installing commercial and industrial solar panels across the UK.

Benefits of Solar Energy for Business in UK

Recent Studies have shown that 50 percent of UK based businesses are planning to switch to solar energy to keep their business operational at a lower cost. It’s no surprise when we consider the benefits this source of energy brings for commercial entities.

So, what are those benefits that make the solar energy an essential part of ever business and what it entails with it? lets try to find out together.

Significant Cost Savings

One of the most important advantages of having solar panels for your business operation is, it can reduce your electricity cost by up to 70%. And you must be thinking how is it possible. Think when your business runs during the daytime when the sun is out to produce the ample electricity for your to meet your requirements.

And everyone knowns, for business Electricity cost is the real headache, particualry for business in manufacturing and production houses related business.

Contrary to the traditional electricity, solar panels roughly cost you the third of the grid tied electricity.

For instance, let’s understand the case study that has revealed that a solar system with an initial cost of £15,281 had a lifetime output valued at £50,937 which resulted in a profit of £35,656 and an ROI of approximately 233.09%​ Such savings shows that you can free up capital for other investments and business growth initiatives.

Predictable Energy Costs

Another benefit of solar energy is that you will never see fluctuation in the prices these panels will cost you for producing electricity to keep your operational running.  Because Solar energy will always cost you a stable and predictable cost.

But when se look onto the other hand, Traditional energy sources are subject to market fluctuations and price volatility that make it challenging for businesses to budget for energy expenses.

And what is more interesting fact is that the panels last more than 25 years, mean you will have atleast 70% off your energy cost for next more than 2 decades.  businesses can also achieve financial stability and reduce the risk associated with fluctuating energy prices. This predictability can be particularly beneficial for businesses with energy-intensive operations.

Environmental Benefits

Seeing the damage climate change making to every sector across the world, UK Government has committed to achieve zero carbon till 2030 to play their part in protecting the environment. And businesses contribution to such agenda means too much.

For business to contribute to this goal is to generate energy through renewable energy source, and for business, Solar PV system is most easily accessible as well as affordable.

Above all Because adopting solar energy helps businesses significantly reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact.  

Business often emit more carbon emission due to higher energy consumption, so businesses can play a crucial role in combating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.

For instance, think about a solar energy system for business that can offset several tons of CO2 emissions each year, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Enhanced Corporate Image and Social Responsibility

Another valuable benefit of solar energy for business is that solar energy for business enhances a company’s reputation and demonstrates a commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

It has been observed that consumers, investors, and partners get more attracted toward brands that generate electricity through renewable sources.

A strong commitment to CSR can differentiate a business from its competitors and enhance its brand image. For example, companies that invest in renewable energy often see an improvement in customer loyalty and brand perception, as they are perceived as doing their part to protect the environment.

Increased Property Value

What if you see that, with a little investment, you have increased your property value? This happens when you switch your business to solar power because it can also increase the value of commercial properties.

In case you plan to sell them in the future, studies show that properties with solar energy systems get up to 4% more money than other properties. This increase in property value can be particularly advantageous for businesses that own their facilities.

Installing a solar PV system is becoming increasingly popular in the country due to an ever high electricity bills and an all-time high demand for renewable energy sources. Switching to a solar energy solution is a cost-effective way to reduce your energy bills, which is one of the most important benefits of solar panels. Solar panels work by capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity. The produced electricity can be used immediately or it can be stored in batteries for later use.

There are numerous benefits to switching to an eco-friendly way of generating electricity. However, there are also some cons of solar energy, which we will discuss in the later part of this blog. For now, let’s explore the advantages of solar energy for your homes. But before delving into the benefits of a solar energy system, let’s understand how they are installed and how do they work.

How are Solar Panels installed?  

How are Solar Panels installed in UK
How are Solar Panels installed in UK?

The installation process can be divided into 5 steps, starting with preparation or assessing roof suitability and obtaining permits if required for installation.

  • Then, the mounting rails are fixed on the roof using special brackets that firmly hold the panels.
  • After the installation of mounting rails, solar panels are installed on them, and it is ensured that all nuts and bolts are properly tightened.
  • The next step is to install electrical wiring and then the solar inverter to convert the solar panels’ produced DC current into usable AC current.
  • If you want backup, bond inverters with a battery storage system, and finally, connect the inverter unit with the consumer unit.

Advantages of Solar Energy for your Home  

Lower Electricity Bill  

Once your solar PV system is installed, it will start saving on your energy bill from the very first day. Solar panels directly generate electricity as long as the sun shines, powering your home. The percentage you can save on your energy bills depends on the size of the system you installed, but one can easily lower this ratio by up to 50%.

Low Maintenance 

One of the most important benefits of solar panels is their very low maintenance costs; all they need is to be kept clean from dirt and bird droppings, which could be done automatically if your area receives enough rainfall. However, it is recommended to give them a proper wiping every 6 months so that they can operate at their optimal level.

Independence from the National Grid

Having solar panels system on your roof make you less dependent on national grid for electric supply. If there is something wrong with the grid and the other area in your surroundings is facing power outages, you will still have the source of generating free electricity while free from fossil fuels. 

Increased Property Value 

If you have installed solar system at your home roof, your home value could be increased by up to 4%. Solar panels not only reduce your energy expenses, but at the same time increase the value of your home. The houses with renewable energy sources are very much in demand in UK and you could probably get the higher price of your home. 

Smart Export Energy / SEG Tariffs

Through SEG tariffs, you can sell unused electricity back to the grid and get paid. This is another way to further reduce your monthly energy bills. Depending on your solar panel system and the extra electricity they produce, you can save up to £100 to £200 every year.

Solar Panels and Battery storage system

Pairing your solar panels with batteries can double your savings. Because with battery storage system you can save the extra produce electricity for later use either at night or during the power outage. And using the solar energy even when there is no sunshine will make your energy independent and reduce your energy bills too. 

How do Solar Panels work with your electric bill uk

How solar power works
How solar power works

When you use solar energy, it simply reduces your electricity bill, but that does not appear on your energy bills. However, if you get the export tariff through SEG, you will see the payments for your exported electricity on your bill. You don’t need to inform your energy supplier that you have solar panels on your rooftop unless you use the Smart Export Guarantee tariff to sell the extra produced energy back to the grid.

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy

Advantages of Solar EnergyDisadvantages of Solar Energy
Reduce Your Carbon FootprintsHigh Upfront Cost
Reduce Energy BillsToo much dependence on sunlight
Less Dependence on Grid stationsDifficult to relocate solar panels
Long term savingsrecycling options may be limited
Low Maintenance Costs 
Environment Friendly 
Pros and Cons of Solar Energy

We, at MAK Energy, commit to providing our clients with high-quality solar energy systems and excellent customer service. However, we can help you design, install, and maintain a solar energy system that meets your specific needs and goals. And that delivers long-lasting and reliable performance.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of solar energy and how you can switch to clean and renewable energy sources,. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our solar experts.

Which is Best for Your Home?

In the last one decade, the UK has seen a huge shift the Energy Consumption sources. this all happened due to the race of reducing carbon footprint and achieving the carbon zero agenda in the country. Solar Energy has emerged as the more sustainable forms of energy in the country, with over 1.8 million homes has already shifted to this energy. 

But the question still remains in some people minds, how do the solar panels are more efficient and helpful not only for our pocket but also for the environment when we compare it with the traditional source of energy.  and why should the UK homeowner should switch to this source of energy?

Well there are various reasons that make the solar energy always the first choice of many which are not limited to just cost, environmental benefits and reduction in fossil fuels.

This blog will help you find out the best comparison between the solar energy and the traditional source of electricity and will also help in making decision which is best for your home as well. Lets discuss them in detail.

Before moving forwards to our writing, we need to introduce the MAK Energy’s most efficient and reliable solar energy packages for domestic users. Get all the details here.

Solar Panels Vs Traditional Energy Source 

Cost Comparison: The Numbers Game

Let’s break down cost comparison for both energy sources in two categories, monthly bills and the long term savings to see which suits best for your home.

cost comparison for solar energy

Traditional Energy Sources:

Monthly Bills

With Traditional energy sources, you can’t avoid paying the hundreds of pounds every month. And the interesting fact is that the cost will not remain the same, it will fluctuate depending on the inflation and energy providers rates. your energy bills can soar unexpectedly. With prices that swing up and down and the looming threat of hikes, budgeting becomes a guessing game.

Long-term Costs

Imagine pouring money into a pit over ten years; that’s what sticking with traditional energy can feel like. You’re left with a hefty sum spent and nothing to show for it.

Solar Panels:

Monthly Bills

It’s a game-changer once you have installed solar panels on your roof. You could see your electricity reducing up to 70% or even vanish if you sell back the extra produced electricity to the electricity providers. You’re not just saving money; you’re harnessing the sun’s generosity!

Long-term Savings

The saving is for guaranteed when you opt solar panels as they are like the gift that keeps on giving. Within 5-7 years, they’ve paid for themselves through bill savings. After that? It’s like the sun is putting money right back into your pocket.

Environmental Benefits: A Greener Choice

Environmental Benefits of solar energy

Traditional Energy Sources:

Carbon Footprint

The primary culprits behind global warming and climate change are fossil fuels. They contribute significantly to environmental degradation, making our surroundings dirty and unhealthy. The abrupt shifts in weather patterns and the drastic floods in Asian countries can be attributed to carbon footprints, which are major contributors to the devastation impacting our environment.

Resource Depletion

It’s a race to the bottom with coal, oil, and natural gas. We’re using them up fast, and the planet is paying the price. If the resources depletes, we will have to face even more drastic situation not just in the country but across the world.

Solar Panels:

Zero Emissions

Solar panels are the heroes of this story, offering clean, renewable energy. From their manufacturing, installation to producing the cheap electricity, they do not emit any emissions. They’re your personal contribution to a healthier planet. Solar panels keeps the environment clean, healthy liveable for everyone.


The sun isn’t going anywhere. So when you choose the solar panels, you choose the sustainability.  By choosing solar, we’re tapping into an eternal wellspring, not draining our Earth dry.

Initial Cost: The Investment Angle

Traditional Energy Sources:

Setup Costs

There’s no big upfront cost since everything’s already up and running. But the meter keeps running too, with maintenance and operation costs that never quit.

Solar Panels

Installation Costs

Contrary to the traditional energy sources, solar panels need you to invest in acquiring the components of solar PV system like panels, inverters and batteries. It might seem steep to get those panels up at first. But here’s the good news—the UK government is ready to lend a hand with incentives and grants to lighten the load.

Financing Options

 And if you’re worried about the budget, companies are offering ways to spread out the cost, making it easier to welcome the sun into your life.

Return on Investment: Reaping the Benefits

Return over investment on solar energy

Traditional Energy Sources:


With traditional energy, what you see is what you get. You pay for your consumption, end of story.

Solar Panels:


Solar panels are like planting a money tree. In a few years, they start paying you back, and you might even earn some green if you feed excess energy back to the grid.

Property Value

Solar panel does not only return on investment, but it also increases the value of your homes. Think of solar panels as an upgrade to your home’s curb appeal. They’re a magnet for buyers looking for a home that’s kind to both the planet and their wallets.

Other Factors: Convenience and Reliability

Solar Panels


Technology is being evolved with every passing day and as the new technology evolve in the solar panel industry in increase the value to its already convivences features. They are very easy to install and need very less maintenance.  


The sun’s not shy, and solar energy is bountiful and dependable, especially when the skies are clear. And with the latest battery storage, you can keep that solar goodness on tap for a rainy day—or night.


Choosing between solar and traditional energy for your home isn’t just a matter of cost—it’s a lifestyle decision. Solar energy, with its promise of clean, renewable power, is like a breath of fresh air for your home and the planet. It’s the forward-thinking choice, aligning with a vision of a sustainable future. On the other hand, traditional energy sources are the familiar path, well-trodden and dependable, but with a shadow cast by environmental concerns. The best choice? It’s the one that aligns with your values, your budget, and your desire to either preserve the status quo or embrace change for a greener tomorrow.

Have you ever noticed how a dirty window blocks out sunlight? Imagine that on a larger scale with solar panels, and you’ll see why keeping them clean is so important. However, even when you know the value of solar cleaning, you won’t go for traditional cleaning services. Why? The traditional system isn’t as accurate and efficient as the technologically advanced systems are. That’s where the professional solar panel cleaning trailer system comes in—a revolutionary solution for maintaining solar panels’ efficiency. This guide will explore what solar panel cleaning trailer systems are, how they work, why they’re essential and the best solar panel cleaner in the UK.

What is a Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System?

A solar panel cleaning trailer system is a mobile unit equipped with all the tools needed to clean solar panels efficiently. It’s designed to travel to various solar installations, making the cleaning process quicker and more effective. These systems typically include water tanks, brushes, pressure washers, and sometimes even robotic arms. Each component ensures the panels are spotless and functioning at their best.

Why Solar Panels Need Cleaning

There are multiple reasons why your solar panel needs to be cleaned occasionally. The cleaning mean the transparent way of increasing your savings. Following are some reasons your panels must remain clean:

Why Solar Panels Need Cleaning

The Impact of Dirt and Debris

Dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other debris can accumulate on solar panels, blocking sunlight and reducing their efficiency. It’s like trying to read a book through a dirty window—frustrating and ineffective.

Efficiency Matters 

Clean solar panels can produce up to 20% more energy than dirty ones. That’s a significant difference, especially for large solar farms or commercial installations.

5 Easy Steps of Cleaning Solar Panels Using the Trailer System in UK

The traditional way of cleaning solar panels in the UK is relatively a straightforward process, but when you choose the advanced system, you have to follow some steps that increase the efficiency and reliability of the overall system.


It all starts with a thorough inspection assessment of your solar panels’ condition, what type of cleaning they require, and how much time will be consumed in cleaning your panels.


After thoroughly assessing your panels’ condition, we, MAK Energy, set up our trailer system and prepare the necessary equipment needed for the cleaning process.


Now, the cleaning process starts, where we use water, brushes, and sometimes detergents, depending on the panels’ condition and the requirements. We ensure that every debris and every dot of dust is cleaned with utter care and professionalism.


After finishing the cleaning process, now its time rinse it with the water. The purpose of using water is to prevent mineral spots.

Final Check      

 We do not just wash and go away; we make sure that every part of our cleaning process is up to the mark. Therefore, after cleaning, another inspection is done to ensure all panels are spotless and undamaged.

What Are The Benefits Of Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System?

Solar panel Maintenance, Efficiency and Speed 

We all are very well aware of the phrase that “Time is money”. one of the major benefits of trailer system is that it can clean your panels in comparatively less time. These systems can clean many panels quickly, reducing downtime and ensuring that solar installations always operate at peak efficiency.

Benefits Of Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System


Trailer system might look costly at earlier to you, but actually they are not. look at the benefits the system can bring to you, save time and increase the panels production. While the initial investment might be high, the long-term savings are substantial. Clean panels mean more energy production, leading to higher returns on investment.


Built-in safety features minimize the risk of accidents during the cleaning process, protecting both personnel and panels.

What Solar Panel Cleaning Tools Should You Look for When Dealing with Trailer System?

There are 6 things that you must look for when planning to have the trailer cleaning services in uk.

  1. Water Tanks and Deionized Water Systems   
  2. Ensure a steady water supply and prevent mineral deposits.
  3. Automated Brushes and Pressure Washers
  4. Speed up the cleaning process and ensure thorough cleaning.
  5. Mobility and Flexibility   
  6. The trailer’s mobility makes it ideal for companies that manage multiple solar installations.

Is The Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System Beneficial for Our Environment?

Yes, this technologically advanced method can benefit our environment in many different ways. Here are the two top reasons why you should opt for a trailer cleaning system for your panels instead of the traditional methods.

Water Usage 

Water scarcity is a concern in many regions. And so it is recommended from the international community to use the cleaning system that consume less water, Advanced trailer systems often come with water recycling features to minimize usage

Who Can Benefit from a Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System?

Trailer cleaning system isn’t just limited to one entity, any sort of home, business and industry can get the benefits of cleaning solar panels using the trailer system. here are some of the entities that can get benefits of cleaning services using trailer system.


You might be thinking that we only deal with business and industrial entities. This is not the case; we consider every project important, no matter the size and type. We ensure your rooftop solar panels are always working at peak efficiency.


As the business community often installs large projects to meet their energy demands, their cleaning process, if done with traditional ways, can take a couple of weeks and the efficiency is still questionable. With MAK Energy’s trailer cleaning system, we keep your commercial solar installations clean to maximize energy savings and maintain a professional appearance.

Cleaning Companies:

You are a cleaning company but short of equipment and labour force? Don’t worry when you have MAK Energy at your reach. We offer the equipment and expert augmentation services as well. Just finalize your project and leave everything to us.

The Future of Solar Panel Cleaning

Technological Advancements 

As technology advances, we can expect even more efficient and automated cleaning systems. Innovations like AI and machine learning could optimize the cleaning process further.

The growing emphasis on renewable energy and sustainability will likely drive further improvements and adoption of advanced cleaning systems.


Keeping solar panels clean is vital for maximizing their efficiency and longevity. A solar panel cleaning services with the advance trailer system offers a practical, efficient, and cost-effective solution for maintaining large solar installations. By investing in these systems, companies can ensure their solar panels are always operating at their best, leading to higher energy production and greater returns on investment.


How often should solar panels be cleaned? 

The frequency depends on location and environmental conditions. Generally, solar panels should be cleaned at least once or twice a year.

Can I clean solar panels myself? 

While it’s possible, using a professional cleaning service or a trailer system ensures the job is done thoroughly and safely.

What are the costs associated with a professional solar panel cleaning trailer system?

Costs vary depending on the system’s size and features. While the initial investment might be high, the long-term benefits often justify the expense.

Are there any risks associated with cleaning solar panels? 

Risks include potential damage to the panels and personal injury if proper safety measures are not followed. Using a professional system or service mitigates these risks.

What are the environmental impacts of using a solar panel cleaning trailer system? 

Using deionized water and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions minimizes the environmental impact. Advanced systems also often include water recycling features to reduce water usage.

The role of advanced technology in every industry is increasing every day. This also applies to the cleaning solar PV industry, where solar panel inverters, maintenance, and cleaning are taking over old and traditional methods. One such advancement in the solar maintenance and cleaning industry is the use of Drones. In this blog, we will look at how drones make solar panels a more efficient source of energy production.

MAK Energy owns all types of Aerial Drones with Cleaning Attachments. The interesting thing is that our cleaning drones are not limited to solar panel cleaning. Whether you need your building, windows, or office glass cleaned, consider MAK Energy your helping hands.  

What are Solar Panel Cleaning Drones?

Sure! Solar panel cleaning drones are like little robots that help clean solar panels. They fly over the panels and use special brushes or puffs of air to sweep off the dust and dirt. This allows the panels to catch more sunlight and make more electricity. These intelligent drones can fly by themselves, ensuring they clean the panels well without missing spots. They’re helpful because they can clean quickly and safely without people having to climb up and do it themselves. Plus, they can check the panels to see if everything’s working right. This makes taking care of solar panels easier and cheaper, and it’s good for the planet, too.

 How Cleaning Drones Work

Solar panel cleaning with drones has special tools that make cleaning relatively easy and effective. Its working depends on the type of drones used in the solar panel cleaning drones.

High-Pressure Water Jets

The advanced drones have high-pressure water jets that ensure home panels are clean from dirt, birds droppings and dust. They work with High-pressure water jets that can be adjusted depending on the surface being cleaned to avoid damage.

Brushes and Scrubbers

Some drones have rotating brushes or scrubbers for thorough cleaning. These brushes and scrubbers can be combined with water jets or cleaning solutions to ensure a deep clean. The brushes are used to avoid any damage while cleaning the surface gently.

Sensors and Cameras

The most technologically advanced Drones for solar panel cleaning use sensors and cameras to navigate and find the spots that need to be cleaned. The cameras help the drones get a close-up view of the surfaces they are cleaning, making it easier to identify areas that need cleaning. The sensors allow the drones to avoid obstacles and navigate around complex structures.

Remote Control or Autonomous

Another impressive benefit of solar panel cleaning drones is that they can be controlled remotely by an operator or programmed to work on their own. The only thing this type of drone needs is a trained operator, while autonomous drones are equipped with advanced navigation systems that allow them to clean on their own.

Benefits of Cleaning Solar Panels with Drones

The solar industry can benefit from drones and solar panel cleaning. Here are some key benefits they offer:

Solar Panel Cleaning Drones (2)

Enhanced Safety

Traditional methods can be risky, especially at great heights. Drones eliminate this risk by doing the job remotely. Workers no longer need to climb scaffolding or hang from ropes, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. This is particularly important when cleaning tall buildings or other structures that are difficult to access.

Time Efficiency

Drones can clean large areas quickly and efficiently, saving time. Traditional cleaning methods can take a long time, especially for large buildings or industrial facilities. Drones can cover large areas a fraction of the time, making them much more efficient. This time-saving aspect is particularly beneficial for businesses that need to minimize downtime and maintain productivity.

Cost Savings

Though the initial investment is high, the long-term savings in labor and resources are significant. While purchasing and maintaining cleaning drones can be expensive, the long-term savings in labor costs can be substantial. Drones can also reduce the need for expensive equipment like scaffolding and harnesses. Additionally, drones are more efficient, so that they can reduce the overall cost of cleaning services.

Environmental Friendliness

Drones use water and cleaning solutions efficiently, reducing waste and environmental impact. Traditional cleaning methods often use large amounts of water and cleaning chemicals, which can harm the environment. Drones are designed to use these resources more efficiently, minimizing waste and reducing their environmental footprint. This is an essential consideration for businesses that are committed to sustainability.


The best thing about drones is that they can be used for multiple other purposes, such as cleaning high buildings, windows, and other glasses of large buildings. This versatility makes them an attractive option for businesses and organizations that need to clean a wide range of surfaces.

Regulations and Challenges Cleaning Solar Panels with Drones

No one can deny every advanced technology’s challenges in this fast-paced era.


Safety is the most crucial part of panel cleaning, especially when using drones in populated areas. Therefore, Proper drone operator training, regular maintenance of the advanced system, and strict safety protocols are essential parts of every cleaning system. Drones must be operated by trained professionals who understand how to use them safely and effectively. Regular maintenance is also necessary to ensure the drones are in good working condition and to prevent accidents.


Another major challenge while cleaning solar panels with drones is the Privacy concerns that can arise when drones are used near homes or private properties. Operators must follow privacy regulations. Drones equipped with cameras and sensors can infringe on people’s privacy. Operators must adhere to privacy regulations and guidelines to ensure that individuals’ privacy is respected. This is particularly important when drones are used in residential areas or near private properties.

Airspace Regulation 

Every drone operator must remember this ep while cleaning solar panels or other building glass, either in commercial or domestic areas. Because Drones share airspace with other aircraft, you must follow Regulations to ensure safe coexistence. Drones must be operated in accordance with airspace regulations to avoid conflicts with other aircraft. This includes adhering to altitude restrictions and no-fly zones. Operators must also be aware of and comply with local and national regulations regarding drone use.


Cleaning drones for solar panels makes the Solar PV industry the most advanced and efficient. This blog has mentioned the reasons.  They offer enhanced safety, efficiency, and cost savings in various sectors, from commercial buildings to solar panel farms. However, some challenges and airspace regulations must be followed, but this industry has potential for growth and innovation.

The use of drones in the cleaning industry is still in its early stages, but with the advanced equipment MAK Energy owns, the cleaning process becomes more reliable and efficient.

For more information, fill out our quotation form and get advice from our cleaning experts. 

As per the report, more than one million houses, apartments, and buildings have solar panels on their roof. So, to protect the investment of millions of people around the country, it is necessary to save the panels from pigeons and birds making their nest underneath solar panels.

Because solar panels aren’t just a valuable investment but source of energy production. The damage done by these birds can also void the manufacturer’s warranty on your Solar’s components as they use the cabling to make their nest, and the weight of the nest can cause damage to the cables.

 Bird droppings, feathers and the nesting material they use to build underneath can also block sunlight from reaching the panel’s surface, ultimately reducing panel production and overall system performance.

Therefore, if you don’t apply any bird protection for solar panels, it can cost you a lot of time and money in the long run. So, take action before it’s too late.

MAK Energy, an MCS-certified solar installation and cleaning maintenance services provider, is best at handling solar panel pigeon proofing. For further information, please contact us through our contact number or by visiting our office. 


What Does Pigeon Proofing Mean for Solar Panels?

Well, generally, the solar panels’ owner takes measures to stop birds and pigeons from birds and pigeons’ droppings. Usually, the measure includes stopping birds from building the nest and damaging the panels. Dropping and nesting highly affect the solar panel’s efficiency in producing power using the sun’s energy. Keeping pigeons out also means less noise and mess on your roof. It’s about protecting your solar investment and keeping it running smoothly without any problems.

Why Pigeon proofing your solar panels is essential?

Keeping the birds away from your place where solar panels are installed isn’t just a reason for pigeon-proof; it is also about ensuring solar PV systems work efficiently because pigeons and birds’ nests—have several issues. Let’s discuss the major problems they can create for your system.


Physical Damage

Pigeons love to make nests under solar panels. While building a nest, there is a high chance of cables being damaged. Birds’ weight, the material they carry for nesting, and the habits of roosting can physically damage the solar panels.

Reduced Efficiency

Even though solar panels do not need many maintenance services, pigeon dropping can stop sun rays from reaching the solar panels’ surface, which could ultimately reduce the panels’ efficiency, and you may have to pay a high electricity bill.

Maintenance Cost

 Too many pigeons increase maintenance and cleaning costs. It can also become a headache for owners who spend a lot of time removing the birds’ droppings daily. 

Why is solar panel bird-proofing the most effective solution?

Removing bird droppings and debris is quite a difficult task because the panels need cleaning daily. On the other hand, protecting the solar panels from building nests is a one-time solution. Birds are habitual visitors unless they are deterred. Particularly, pigeons regularly visit those places with their nests. If the behavior of such birds passes to their offspring, it will be more challenging to get them away from the system.  

Bird-Proofing your solar panels: Prevention is better than cure

Pigeon proofing was not done by solar panel companies in the UK at the time of installation. Therefore, owners need to get pigeon-proofing for their solar panels as soon as possible to prevent further loss.

How does MAK Energy protect your solar panels from Pigeons?  

MAK Energy’s proofing process involves three steps: We ensure that your solar PV system is properly maintained and clean and produces enough electricity for your home.

  1. First, make sure the birds do not land on your solar panels. For this, we use repellent gel, which restricts birds and pigeons from landing on the solar panels, ultimately protecting them from debris.
  • After applying the gel, the next step is to prevent birds from getting underneath. We use mesh fitting around the solar panels, which includes special material clips to secure the mesh to the panels. Alternatively, we can install bird spikes around the solar panels.
  • To prevent birds from sitting and causing trouble on your roof, we simply install pigeon spikes where they tend to land. These spikes deter them from perching and creating a mess


The efficiency of the overall solar PV system highly depends on the maintenance and cleaning of the solar panels. as they are the real source of absorbing the sun power and converting it into electricity for the use in home or offices. But one such problem that home owners particularly face is the birds and pigeons dropping that can damage the solar panels not just physically but also its performance.

MAK Energy make sure your solar panels do not become the home place for birds, for that we use three easy steps it starts with apply the gel which restrict the birds to stay away form the panels. then mesh is fitted around the solar panels and at the end we put up some birds’ spikes to stop their landings.

If you need any information regarding solar panel bird proofing, feel free to contact us by filling our form or by contacting us at the given number. 

The increasing demand for energy across the globe and consequently the rise in carbon emissions and fossil fuel emissions have already threatened the environmental future of our planet. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly crucial for every home owner, business owners and industrialists to meet their energy needs using renewable energy sources. Solar energy is one such source that is easily accessible for every one and also cost-effective.

Although the components of a Solar PV system do not require regular maintenance, installations in areas like commercial and industrial zones are more prone to accumulating dust, bird droppings, and leaves which ultimately reduce the overall system performance.

While cleaning and maintenance for small systems can be done manually. However, the megawatt projects require advanced AI-integrated tools that can perform the cleaning process more accurately and at a faster pace. One such solution is solar panel cleaning robots that clean the solar surface efficiently and ensure there is no risk of human injury or damage. MAK Energy offers solar cleaning services using the latest robots that do the job efficiently, reliably, and quickly.

So, if you have a solar PV system installed over large areas, opt for our robotic cleaning services to ensure your system produces maximum energy for you.

In this blog, we will discuss four different robotic products for solar panel cleaning that can make your system highly efficient and free from any dust or bird droppings

Understanding the Solar Panel Clearing Robots

Solar panel cleaning robots are advanced and automated cleaning machines designed to efficiently clean solar panels by removing dust and debris. The operation of these robots is quite similar; they are equipped with soft brushes, an air blower, and a water tank to gently clean the panels.

A common perception is that water must be used to clean panels. However, some robotic models are waterless, which makes the cleaning process eco-friendlier and more cost-effective. They ensure your panels produce maximum energy output and prolong the panels’ lifespan

What are the different types of Solar panels robots

SolarCleano Model F1            

This robotic machine is known as the fastest cleaning robot available on the market. It can easily cover up to 1600m² in an hour, meaning no matter how large your project is, it will only take a few hours for this speedy robot to clean your panels. With just one person in command, the SolarCleano Model F1 can clean 2MW of solar panels in one day. Isn’t that interesting?

The condition of the panels doesn’t matter to it; whether wet or dry, it will perfectly clean the panels

SolarCleano Model F1

Key Features:

  • Connects to standard garden hoses (13-15mm diameter; 2.0 – 8.0 bar pressure).
  • Valves to regulate water consumption.
  • Option for waterless cleaning.
  • Certified no microcracks after electroluminescent testing.
  • Central electric switching box powered by lithium-ion batteries (2h30 autonomy).
  • Remote operation camera for safety.
  • Helicoidal brushes in 1.1m, 1.2m, and 2.2m lengths with two bristle types.
  • High-end caterpillar tracks exerting 4200Pa pressure on panels.

Solarcleano Model M1 Mini

For smaller solar PV systems, the SolarCleano Model M1 Mini is the perfect robotic machine. They are very lightweight and can easily be moved from one place to another, weighing only 27kg. The M1 can clean up to 800 m² in an hour. Just like the F1 model, it also comes in two variations: water and waterless. You can choose the one that suits your requirements. The best part about using these cleaning robots is that they don’t require much human interaction; they can be operated all day by just one person. It’s perfect for smaller installations, such as domestic panels

SolarCleano Model M1 Mini

Key Features:

  • Hooks up to your everyday garden hoses (13-15mm diameter; 2.0 – 8.0 bar pressure).
  • Built-in valves to keep water use in check.
  • Boasts a waterless cleaning option for those dry days.
  • Passed with no microcracks in the electroluminescent test – that’s quality assurance!
  • Central electric box powered by lithium-ion batteries, good for a solid 3-hour run.
  • Comes with 0.8m helicoidal brushes, dual bristle types, ready for any solar cell, wet or dry.
  • High-end caterpillar tracks that tread lightly with a 3500Pa pressure, keeping your panels safe and sound.

Solar Robot Pro

If you have a larger PV system whether roof-mounted or ground-mounted the Solar Robot Pro is perfectly suited to clean your panels efficiently. It can quickly clean areas up to 2000 square meters. The system is user-friendly and can be assembled in just a few minutes with a few simple steps. It is then controlled from a safe distance using a radio remote control. The unique brush design ensures an effective cleaning process without the need for chemical additives or cleaning agents. If you need more information or further assistance, feel free to ask.

Solar Robot Pro

Key Features

  • Adaptable for various areas: roofs, open fields, deserts, barns, and more.
  • Flexible use on surfaces with up to 25° incline, and 45° with side guidance.
  • Enhanced safety features, including edge detection and fall protection sensors.
  • Remote control operation for safe and convenient use.
  • Innovative brush design for high performance, rotating at ±400 rpm.
  • Efficient cleaning with minimal water use, approximately 0.5 l/sqm, without chemicals.
  • Dry cleaning capability for versatility.
  • Modular design with 7 lightweight components under 20kg each, for easy transport and customization.

GEKKO Solar High-Tec Robot – Serbot 

The GEKKO Solar robot is a game-changer for cleaning hard-to-reach PV panels on rooftops and solar farms. It’s ideal for cleaning services. It come with an impressive cleaning rate of up to 1,040 m² per hour which make it a perfect cleaning partner for larger installations. The robot operates with rotating brushes and demineralized water that ensure that you do not need any labour to clean your panels. Additionally, it comes with a trolley for water and energy, and for smaller farms, a support wagon provides all necessary utilities for autonomous operation.

GEKKO Solar High-Tec Robot – Serbot


The cleaning process for smaller home solar PV systems isn’t difficult. However, systems installed in commercial and industrial areas are often larger in number, so their cleaning needs to be done in a fast and reliable manner. This is where the solar panel cleaning kit, equipped with robots, comes in handy. These robots can easily clean megawatts of solar panels in a single day, ensuring you get the maximum output from your solar system. MAK Energy is equipped with all these solar panel robotic machines and is the best solar panel cleaner in town. If you own a system that requires an advanced tool for its cleaning and maintenance, feel free to contact us.

The solar inverter is the most critical component of a solar PV system, as it converts the direct current produced by solar panels into usable alternating current for home appliances and businesses. To maximize the efficiency of your PV system, your solar inverter must be working optimally. And If you notice that your solar PV system is generating below-average output, there may be an issue with your solar inverter. But how do you know if your inverter is causing a problem and needs replacement? Here are some signs that indicate the system isn’t functioning properly and should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Experiencing issues with your inverter’s performance? Let MAK Energy be your solution. Get a free quotation for solar panel inverter replacement costs UK today, and ensure you’re maximizing the potential of your solar system.

What are Grid Fault Inverters?   

The term grid fault inverter refers to a grid-tied inverter that has encountered an issue preventing it from properly communicating with the power grid. This could be due to various factors such as a faulty communication cable, a damaged inverter, or a problem with the grid itself. A grid-tied inverter, also known as a grid-interactive inverter, is a crucial component in grid-connected solar systems. It converts the direct current (DC) produced by solar panels into alternating current (AC) that matches the voltage, frequency, and phase of the grid, allowing the energy to be used and shared with the power grid. When a grid fault occurs, it can disrupt this process, potentially leading to a shutdown of the inverter to prevent unsafe conditions or damage.

How can I determine if my solar inverter is faulty?

If you’re concerned that your solar inverter may be malfunctioning, these are several steps you can take to assess your solar inverter condition. Timely maintenance and monitoring are key to ensuring that your solar inverter operates at peak efficiency and continues to contribute to your sustainable energy goals. Remember, addressing issues early can help prevent a decrease in solar energy production and maintain the longevity of your system.

Decreased Energy Production

One of the major signs that your inverter isn’t performing up to par is a decrease in energy production. A faulty solar inverter often begins to drop energy production over time. If you’re experiencing a decline in solar PV system production, there’s a possibility that the solar inverter is faulty and may need replacement. To investigate further, reach out to a professional MCS-certified installer to determine the cause of the decrease.

Warning Lights

The second most common sign is an error message on the display screen or warning lights flashing or blinking repeatedly. These indicators are also considered early signs of a solar inverter fault. As soon as you notice such warning lights or error messages, simply contact our team. A timely response can prevent you from solar inverter replacement.

Strange Noises

The solar inverter is comprised of various micro components, and if there is an issue with any of its internal parts, it may produce strange noises that need to be addressed promptly. If these noises persist over time, it’s a clear indication that the solar inverter replacement is required. 

Age of the Inverter  

As with all electronic devices, inverters have a limited lifespan. If your inverter is older and nearing the end of its lifespan, it may start generating issues. Old inverters are more prone to failure and can result in decreased energy production. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider replacement to ensure optimal performance and efficiency for your solar system.

Frequent Tripping

Another sign that is alarming for your inverter health is the frequent tripping of your circuit breaker. Although, there might be multiple reasons behind tripping, but in most case the potential cause should be a malfunction solar inverter. And if you face such frequent tripping in your bracket, consult with the professional installer to diagnose the actual reason behind the frequent tripping of your electricity circuit.


Regularly monitor the surface temperature of your solar inverter by gently touching its casing. Detecting any signs of overheating is crucial as it can cause performance degradation and potentially irreversible damage to the inverter. Keep a vigilant eye on temperature fluctuations to ensure optimal functioning and longevity of your solar power system.

Fluctuating output  

Have you observed irregularities in your energy output? Variations in energy generation, particularly when weather conditions remain consistent, may indicate an underlying issue with your inverter. It’s essential to address such fluctuations promptly to ensure the continued efficiency and reliability of your solar power system.

How to Replace a Solar Inverter?

Replacing a solar inverter is a technical process that must be handled by professionals. Here are the steps involved in solar inverter replacement.

To replace a solar inverter, first power down the system and disconnect the old inverter. Remove it, then install the new one, ensuring it’s secure and properly oriented. Reconnect the wires, power on, and test for errors. Always prioritize safety; if unsure, seek a professional’s help. This is a general guide—consult the manufacturer’s manual or a technician for specifics.


Dealing with any malfunction in your solar PV system can be a source of significant frustration, but issues with your solar inverter are particularly vexing and can lead to substantial expenses. To avoid the hefty costs associated with replacing or repairing your inverter, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of a faulty unit. Start by monitoring your energy production for any declines, check for any error messages on the display, and be aware of frequent tripping or unusual noises emanating from the inverter. Consulting with a professional can provide clarity and direction. Regular checks on your inverter’s health and diligent maintenance are essential strategies to prevent the need for costly replacements and ensure the enduring efficiency of your solar energy system.

Take charge of your solar energy system’s health—schedule a professional inspection today and ensure peak performance for years to come!


Why is my electricity bill higher even though I have a solar system?

A sudden increase in your bill despite having solar PV system installer on your space could be a sign that your inverter is not operating efficiently and may need a replacement.

Can a solar inverter stop working before its expected lifespan?

Yes, there are possibilities that the solar inverter may stop working before reaching its expected lifespan, requiring replacement.

What should I do if I see an error message on my solar inverter’s screen?

An error message is a clear indication of a problem. Contact a certified solar technician to diagnose and resolve the issue.

Is it better to repair or replace a faulty solar inverter?

This depends on the severity of the issue, the cost of repairs, and the age of your inverter. A professional assessment can help you decide.

After the recent increase in energy bills, every UK homeowner keen to find ways to lower their costs, especially considering the significant 36% rise in domestic energy costs over the last decade. One excellent way to tackle high bills is by switching to solar energy, which is affordable, cheaper and renewable. Solar PV systems can save homeowners up to 70% on their energy bills, and that too with a reasonable and affordable investment.

The advantages of installing a solar PV system go beyond just financial savings. It’s a clean energy source that produces no carbon emissions, which is great for the environment. Solar Panels System can also increase the value of your home and position you as someone contributing to a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Savings are often the main aspect people consider when planning to install solar energy. However, there are several other factors you should also keep in mind. Today, let’s discuss them.

How Does Solar Panels Work

Every user must know how solar energy works because understanding the process helps us grasp how solar energy can maximize savings on your energy bills in the UK. So, if we simplify the process, the principle behind solar panels is straightforward. Solar panels are installed either on the roof or on the ground. Solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells. When sunlight hits the solar panels, the photovoltaic cells absorb the sunlight and convert it into direct electricity. Then, an inverter converts this generated power into alternating electricity for use with home appliances or for storage purposes.

This way, solar energy helps homeowners reduce their reliance on grid power by running most of their home appliances with solar power, thereby saving on their energy bills. Now, you’re using power produced by a renewable source and requiring less power from the grid. Plus, you can also store the extra electricity produced in batteries if you don’t want to sell it back to the grid. 

Are Solar Panels Worth It? 

The answer is simple and straightforward: yes! Solar panels are worth it for homes in many ways. They are the best and most readily available source to save money on energy costs and also contribute positively to the environment. While you might encounter some drawbacks such as the upfront cost and dependency on weather conditions, the long-term savings and the panels’ ability to generate energy even during cold and snowy weather make them even more worthwhile.

As long as you stay in the same house and install a system that meets your energy requirements, you will continuously reap the benefits. Before installing a solar system and making it more worthwhile for you, consider your home’s energy needs, the size of the solar system required, and available financial incentives or rebates.

How Much Can You Save With Solar Panels?

A home with solar panels on its roof can save up to 70% on its energy bills in the UK. These numbers show that despite the high investment, solar energy is a great way to cut down on electricity bills. However, when it comes to the actual savings, it depends on multiple factors such as the system size, the number of sunlight hours your place receives, and the per unit energy cost in your area.

On average, a home that installs a 4kW solar system can annually save £840. Additionally, if your daytime energy consumption is low and your system produces more energy than you use, you can send the extra electricity back to the grid through the SEG tariff and save even more.

Do Solar Panels Increase the Value of My Home?

The most recent National Home Energy Survey, conducted by the Eco Experts, reveals that over 60% of people in the UK are interested in purchasing homes with solar panels installed on the roof. This heightened interest from potential buyers can significantly boost the value of your home, increasing it by up to 4%. Having your own electricity source not only appeals to environmentally conscious buyers but also attracts those willing to pay a premium compared to homes without solar panels.

Currently, there is a surge in demand for solar panels, driven by home-buyers who are increasingly environmentally aware and cost-conscious. This growing demand often translates into higher home values for properties with solar panels. However, the extent of the increase will vary depending on your location and the quality of the solar panel installation.


The rise in energy bills is never welcomed by homeowners, as a significant portion of their savings ends up being spent on paying those bills. In such circumstances, having a reliable and cost-effective energy solution becomes a top priority for every homeowner. Solar energy, with its ability to potentially save homeowners up to 70% on their energy bills through the installation of a Solar PV system, increase home value, attract more customers and contribute to a sustainable environment, emerges as the best alternative source of energy. Ready to harness the sun’s energy for your home? Let MAK Energy guide you through the process! With our years of experience in installing solar PV solutions for all kinds of homes, we’re offering you a free quote and a complimentary online survey. Get in touch with us today by filling out the form or giving us a call. Let’s make your solar dreams a reality!

Monocrystalline solar panels are tremendously popular and the go-to-choice for many, owing to their high efficiency, reliability, low-temperature coefficient, and longer lifespan. However, they are comparatively more expensive than other types of panels available on the market.

There are other solar panel types that also work well for domestic solar energy systems, such as Polycrystalline and narrow panels. Though the narrow solar panels come in sizes ranging from 100 w solar panel to 200 watts, they are a perfect solution for curved roofs as they come with a bending feature. And for now, their availability is very rare, and you would not often see that type of solar panels installed on roofs. On the other hand, the mono panels are the most efficient cells and are widely used for both domestic and commercial applications.

Saving money and protecting the environment have always been top priorities for many of us. If that’s the case, why hesitate to switch to a renewable energy source that’s not only more accessible but also affordable?  It’s time to take a bold step, and MAK Energy is just a call away, ready to help you break free from fossil fuels and the costly methods of electricity production.

Mono crystalline Solar Cells 

Mono solar modules are sometimes referred to as single crystalline cells. They are crafted from a very pure form of silicon, and one can easily recognize them by their sleek black appearance with clean-cut edges. 

Their larger surface area allows them to capture more energy from sunlight. They are coated with silicon nitride, which further increases their ability to absorb more sunlight and produce more energy. 

With a long 25-year warranty and a high efficiency rate, these panels are the top choice in town. While most mono crystalline solar panels come with a 25-year warranty, they can perform well even beyond 30 years.

How Does Monocrystalline Solar Module Work?  

The working of monocrystalline panels is quite simple and it starts as the sunlight hits the surface of the panel, the photons within the light interact with the silicon atoms in the solar cell which allow electrons to liberate from their atomic bonds. These electrons then travel through the cell, allowing them to form an electric current that is collected by a wire circuit. This electron flow generates electrical energy capable of powering devices or being stored in a battery for future use.

Pros and cons of Monocrystalline solar panels  

Monocrystalline have dozens of advantages over other types of solar panels but there are some drawbacks of this type of module and you should be aware of that before making any purchase.

Mono modules have a higher efficiency rate of up to 25% as they are made from high-grade siliconThe initial cost is higher than that of other solar modules available in the market
Using a very low space, they generate high energy outputThey are made from very fragile components, so there is always a risk of damage during installation
Longer lifespan with More than 25 years of performance warrantyThey start losing efficiency when a small part of the panels is covered with shadow.
They perform very well in low light and high temperatures.They also experience reduced performance in low-temperature situations.
From their own production process to producing energy, their entire evolution process is environmentally friendly.
Pros and cons of Monocrystalline solar panels 

Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline solar panels

The main difference between Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline solar panels is that Monocrystalline solar panels are made of a single silicon crystal cell, and Polycrystalline panels are made by melting multiple fragments of silicon together to form the wafer for the panel. It’s important to note that both mono and poly panels have the same fundamental role within a solar PV system: they efficiently capture sunlight and convert it into electricity.

The differences between mono crystalline and polycrystalline are mentioned in the following table:

PerformancePerforms better even in low lightLow efficiency in cloudy weather
SpaceOccupies less rooftop spaceTakes more space
lifespanUp to 25 yearsUp to 25 Years
Temperature CoefficientHighLow
AppearanceBlack Color Panels Bluish Color Panel
Key ManufacturersLongi, Jinko, JA, CanadianTrina, JA, Sunpower
Difference between mono crystalline and poly crystalline solar panels

How Much Do Solar Panels Monocrystalline Cost?

The cost of installing monocrystalline panels in the UK depends on the product quality, efficiency rate, product brand, and warranty. However, it’s worth noting that monocrystalline solar panels are generally more expensive than polycrystalline solar panels in the UK.

While mono comes with a higher price tag, the benefits they offer are remarkable. They enable you to generate more clean and green energy, all while saving both money and the environment.


Monocrystalline solar panels in the UK are renowned for their exceptional efficiency and impressive lifespan, which can extend up to 30 years. Moreover, their outstanding heat resistance makes them a top choice, especially in regions with frequent cloud cover. In terms of aesthetics, mono modules sport a sleek black color that harmonizes well with the look of most homes. However, it’s important to note that this premium appearance comes at a higher cost compared to other solar panel options.

Solar panel mounting rail is a compulsory component of solar PV system installations as they securely hold the solar panels in place on rooftops or ground-mounted structures. Almost every solar panel mounting structure is lightweight, durable, and weather-resistant. They are designed to make solar panel installation easy and ensure optimal panel alignment, maximizing energy production while providing long-lasting support for sustainable power solutions.

Solar mounting rails come in different designs and sizes. But the primary purpose of all these rails is to securely hold the panels while maintaining their alignment.

MAK Energy always uses high-quality solar panel rails during installation. With MAK Energy, you will have peace of mind when it comes to solar panel installations. We are MCS-Certified, and every installation under the MAK name is durable and long-lasting. We proudly claim that our installation systems produce more energy than others on the market. MAK Energy is always here to assist you with your solar PV system. Contact us today to get a free quote and a free online survey.

Key Notes

  • Solar panel mounting rails are the most common type of mounting system for rooftop solar panels. They are made of aluminum or steel and are designed to be strong and durable.
  • The cost of solar panel mounting rails typically accounts for about 10% of the total cost of a solar system.
  • Solar panel mounting rails are available in a variety of sizes and styles to accommodate different roof types and solar panel configurations.
  • Solar panel mounting rails are typically made of corrosion-resistant materials to withstand the elements.

What Are Solar Panel Mounting Rails? 

Solar panel mounting rails

When considering solar panel installation, solar panel rails play an essential role in ensuring a proper and efficient system setup. They serve as the foundational framework onto which solar panels are securely attached, facilitating the optimal positioning of panels to capture sunlight efficiently.

Solar mounting rails are available in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different solar panel sizes and installation types. Typically constructed from materials such as aluminum or steel, they ensure longevity and resistance to environmental factors.

What Are the Benefits of Using Solar Panel Mounting Rails?

Solar panel mounting rails are the structures that support solar panels on roofs or on the ground. They come in a variety of materials, styles, and sizes, and are designed to withstand the weight of the solar panels, as well as the wind and snow loads in your area.

Some of The Benefits of Using Solar Panel Mounting Rail


 Solar panel mounting rail can be adjusted to accommodate different roof pitches and styles, as well as different sizes and types of solar panels. This makes them a versatile option for a variety of solar installations.


Solar mounting rails are made from strong materials that can withstand the elements. This ensures that your solar panels will be secure and protected from damage, even in harsh weather conditions.

Ease of installation

Solar panel mounting rails are relatively easy to install, even for DIYers. This can save you money on installation costs.

Long lifespan 

Solar panel mounting rails are designed to last for many years. This means that you won’t have to worry about replacing them often.


Solar panel mounting rails are designed to keep solar panels secure and prevent them from falling. This is important for safety, as well as for the performance of your solar system.

Types of Solar Panel Mounting Rails in the UK

Solar mounting rails come in various design, materials and sizes, and their prices vary depending on your choice of material and size. However, here are the most frequently used solar panel mounting rail in the UK:

Fixed-Tilt Mounting Rails

Fixed tilt mounting rails are the most common type of mounting rail for solar panels. They are attached to the roof and the solar panels are mounted to the rails in a fixed position. The tilt angle of the rails is typically set to the optimal angle for the location, which is usually between 15 and 30 degrees.

Fixed-Tilt Solar Mounting Rails

Fixed tilt mounting rails are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. They are also a good option for roofs with a limited pitch. However, they are not as efficient as adjustable-tilt or tracker mounting rails, which can track the sun’s movement throughout the day to maximize solar energy production.

Adjustable-Tilt Mounting Rails

Adjustable-tilt mounting rails are a type of mounting rail that allows the solar panels to be tilted to different angles. This allows the solar panels to be optimized for the time of year and the location of the roof. Adjustable-tilt mounting rails are a good option for roofs with a limited pitch or for roofs that are facing north or south. Adjustable-tilt mounting rails can increase solar energy production by up to 20% compared to fixed tilt mounting rails.

Adjustable-Tilt Mounting Rails

Tracker Mounting Rails

tracker solar panel mounting rails

Tracker solar panel mounting rails are a type of mounting rail that tracks the sun’s movement throughout the day to keep the solar panels facing the sun. This allows the solar panels to collect the maximum amount of solar energy possible. Tracker mounting rails are the most efficient type of mounting rail, but they are also the most expensive.

Tracker solar panel Mounting Rails

How Are Solar Panels Attached to Rails?

Solar panels are attached to rails using a combination of mounting hardware and brackets. Here’s a basic overview of the process.

Solar Panel Frame

Solar panels typically have an aluminum frame around their edges. These frames are designed with mounting holes or channels that allow for easy attachment to mounting rails.

Solar Panel Frame

Mounting Rails

Mounting rails are installed on the mounting structure, which could be a rooftop or ground-mounted structure. These rails run horizontally and provide a stable framework for securing the solar panels.

mounting rails

Clamps or Brackets

Specialized clamps or brackets are used to secure the solar panels to the mounting rails. These clamps or brackets are typically adjustable to accommodate various panel sizes and frame dimensions.

Clamps or Brackets


Installers carefully position the solar panels on the rails, ensuring they are correctly aligned and spaced for optimal sunlight exposure.

Solar Positioning


The clamps or brackets are then attached to the mounting rails and the solar panel frame. This step requires a certified and experienced installer to ensure the secure fitting of the solar panels.


The clamps or brackets are tightened to secure the panels firmly in place. It’s essential not to over-tighten, as this could damage the panels or the mounting structure.

Final Inspection

Installers conduct a final inspection to ensure that all panels are securely attached and correctly positioned. They also check the wiring for safety and functionality. 

solar inspection

What Is the Spacing for Solar Rail Mount?

To ensure optimal solar panel installation, it’s crucial to maintain the correct spacing between the mounting rails. Ideally, the distance between the rails should be approximately three-quarters of the panel’s height. This spacing ensures proper support and stability for the panels, allowing them to securely capture sunlight and generate energy efficiently. Precise rail placement, guided by certified installers, plays a key role in maximizing the effectiveness and longevity of solar panel systems.

Why Choose MAK Energy for Solar Panel Installation?

MAK Energy stands out as the premier choice for solar panel installation for a multitude of reasons. With a team of certified experts, we offer tailored solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial needs, ensuring maximum energy efficiency and cost savings. Our commitment to using high-quality materials and adhering to stringent safety standards guarantees the longevity and performance of your solar panel system.

We take pride in our environmentally friendly approach, allowing you to reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying reduced energy bills. At MAK Energy, customer satisfaction is paramount, and we offer comprehensive support, from consultation to post-installation maintenance. Choose us for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future with the assurance of quality and reliability


Solar panel mounting rails are an essential part of solar panel installations, as without them, solar panels cannot be securely positioned to generate efficient power. There are three main types of solar panel mounting rails: Fixed-Tilt Mounting Rails, Adjustable-Tilt Mounting Rails, and Tracker Mounting Rails. Among these, fixed-tilt mounting rails are the most commonly used due to their affordability and durability. Conversely, the most efficient rails are tracker mounting rails, they come at a higher cost, offering the potential to generate up to 30% more electricity compared to other mounting rail types.

On average, a 250-watt solar panel is commonly used for solar panel installations in the UK, with a cost ranging from £390 to £490 per panel. However, the cost of solar panels can vary depending on the size and type of the panel. As we discussed earlier in detail about the 4kw solar system, which is the most commonly used system in the UK, a 4kw solar panel system will cost you around £6000 to £6500 (without a battery) and will require an estimated roof space of 29 square meters.

How much do solar panels cost? This is a common question for those considering renewable energy solutions. The upfront cost of solar panel installation might seem high to most customers, but the payback period isn’t too long. In the table below, we highlight the system size, the number of required panels, the cost of solar panels, required roof space, annual savings, and the potential savings over the course of 25 years.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

System SizePanel WattageNumber of PanelsEstimated Annual SavingsEstimated Savings after 25 yearsEstimated Upfront CostRoof Space
3KW Panel System250 watt12£840£21,000£5,200-£5,80022 m²
4KW Panel System250 watt16£990£24,750£6,000-£6,50029 m²
5KW Panel System250 watt20£1450£36,250£6,500-£7,00032 m²
6KW Panel System250 watt24£1450 – £1550£36,250 – £38,750£7,000-£8,00043 m²
Cost of Solar Panels Per KW System in the UK

The provided prices are meant to serve as indications, giving you an idea of what to expect and how much you would need to invest in installing a solar panel system, as well as the potential payback period on your investment. However, if you are seeking more accurate prices for a customized solar solution, please reach out to MAK Energy. We will provide you with a free price quote and offer a complimentary online survey.

solar panels cost

What Are the Labour Costs?      

Labor costs can be calculated in two different ways. One method involves calculating a per-day rate per installer, which typically ranges from £280 to £490 per installer per day. On average, the installation of a solar system requires two installers. The other approach to calculating labor costs for solar panel installation is based on a rate of 20 pence per watt. For instance, a 5kw solar system with a rate of 20 pence per watt would result in a labor cost of approximately £1,000.

When you receive a quote from an installer, labor costs are usually included in the quotation.

Factors Affecting Solar Panels Cost in the UK

For your convenience when choosing a system, in the table above, we have listed the upfront costs for different system sizes. However, several factors can influence the question of how much do solar panels cost? These factors include the following:

Type of Panel  

Solar panels come in various types, with the most commonly used options being Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Thin-Film. Monocrystalline is the preferred choice for most homeowners due to its high efficiency, reliability, and positive reviews. However, the cost of Monocrystalline solar panels is higher than the other two types. If you are seeking a more affordable solution, Polycrystalline panels are the best option for you. They offer reasonable efficiency and reliability at a lower price point. Monocrystalline solar panels typically cost around £1 to £1.55 per watt, while Polycrystalline panels range from £0.9 to £1.1 per watt.

Decide on the Type of Solar Panels

System Size

The size of the solar system has a greater impact on the cost of solar panels than anything else. The larger the system, the higher the upfront cost will be. However, this cost variation is influenced by your energy needs and requirements. Taking a look at the most commonly installed system in UK households, the 4KW solar system, it will generally cost you around £6000 to £6500. A 3kw solar system falls between the range of £5200 to £5800, while a 6kw solar system, which produces more electricity and leads to greater savings on the electricity bill, is approximately priced around £7000.

Location and Labour Cost

The overall cost of solar panel installation also includes the labor cost. Labor costs often depend on factors such as location, roof type, and the distance from the installer’s location.

solar panel installers cost

Installation Process  

The installation of solar panels is a complex task and should be carried out by professional installers. Nonetheless, some customers prefer a DIY installation approach. However, if you choose to hire a professional installer, the cost of installation will depend on factors such as the system size, the level of installation complexity, and the duration required to complete the installation.

Additional Components to the System  

Factors such as additional components can influence how much do solar panels cost. If you plan to include additional components, such as a solar battery storage system, during the solar panel installation, it will increase your upfront costs. However, if you combine these components with the installation process—whether it’s pigeon proofing or a solar battery storage system—it can lead to a reduction in the overall installation cost of the system.

How Long Do Solar Panels Take to Pay for Themselves?

The break-even time for solar panels in the UK depends on factors such as the installed system size, electricity rates, and export tariff. On average, solar panels take around 10 to 11 years to return on investment. However, with a larger system size, you can reach the break-even point in as little as 7 years.

How Much Do You Save with Solar Panels?

Solar panels generate electricity free of cost, allowing you to save hundreds to thousands of pounds every year by having them installed on your rooftop. The annual savings depend on the system you install and your energy consumption. On average, a solar panel owner can save between £800 and £1500 each year. Looking at the long-term perspective, with the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), you can accumulate savings ranging from £21,000 to £40,000 over 25 years.

However, there are still some factors that can influence these savings:

  • Your electricity consumption
  • The efficiency of your solar panel system
  • System size

If you wish to maximize your savings, consider using home appliances such as washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers during the day when solar panels produce sufficient electricity for these devices.

Do Solar Batteries Affect the Installation Cost? 

Solar batteries are additional components for solar panel installations, and incorporating them alongside solar panels will certainly increase the overall cost of the solar panel system. However, it will enable you to harness more energy from the solar panels during the night or when they are not producing enough electricity. The average price for a 5.2Kw solar battery in the UK is around £5000 to £6000.

If you’re interested in installing solar panels with a solar battery storage system, MAK Energy is here to provide the best possible and professional assistance. We specialize in helping people transition to renewable energies seamlessly. Our customized solar panel solutions are budget-friendly, reliable, and environmentally friendly. These solutions can help you reduce your electricity bills and save thousands of pounds every year.

Is It Worth Installing Solar Panels?

The frequently asked question is whether solar panels are worth the investment. The answer is simple and clear: yes! Solar panels are worth installing. While the initial investment may seem high, the benefits that solar panels provide in the long run are exceptional. You can save thousands of pounds every year on your electricity bills and also reduce your carbon footprint, as solar panels emit very little or no carbon emissions. So, how much do solar panels cost upfront is just one aspect to consider in this advantageous equation.

What is The Average Cost of Solar Panels in the UK?

How much do solar panels cost? The answer depends on various factors. For domestic applications, solar panels on average cost between £5000 to £11000. However, the cost will depend on the system size, type of panels, and labor cost in your area.

What is the Maintenance Cost of Solar Panels?

Solar panels require very little maintenance. However, to increase efficiency and ensure a longer lifespan, maintaining solar panels is necessary. You can clean your own solar panels at home, or professional cleaning services typically cost around 7 to 15 pounds per panel.

Are There Incentives for Solar Panels?

Yes, there are grants available for UK households interested in adopting renewable energy through solar panels:

Smart Export Guarantee

This initiative allows homeowners to receive payment for selling excess energy back to the grid.

ECO4 Scheme

Intending to replace ECO3, this scheme is scheduled to operate from April 2022 to 2026. It will expand grant eligibility due to LA Flex criteria.

Zero VAT

Recently, the UK introduced a policy where energy-efficient measures like solar panels, insulation, and heat pumps are exempt from VAT. This replaces the previous 5% VAT on renewable. The policy will be effective from April 2022 to 2027.”


When considering a solar energy system, one of the first questions people often ask is: how much do solar panels cost? On average, the cost of solar panels for a UK home ranges between £5000 and £10000. However, the cost can vary depending on factors like system size, panel type, and any additional components you choose to include. Despite the higher initial investment, solar panels offer exceptional benefits. They can save you thousands of pounds every year, reduce your dependence on grid electricity, increase your home’s value, and provide free electricity for more than 25 years.

If you have any queries related to the cost of solar panels, MAK Energy can provide you with the best answers, along with a no-obligation quote and a free online survey facility. Feel free to contact us and let us manage your solar panel installation.

In today’s rapidly advancing era of renewable energy technologies, solar power shines as the most cost-effective and readily available choice for homes and businesses alike. Among the components of solar PV systems, the PV inverter is the most crucial part of the system as it converts DC into usable AC. And among all PV inverters, Solis Inverter has solidified its reputation as the preferred choice for numerous installations.

Solis is a subsidiary of Ginlong Technologies. The company manufactures its inverters in China but has expanded its presence to most continents by setting up technical after-sales offices in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Romania, and more.

Solis is a well-reputed brand designed with the domestic Solar PV system in mind. That is the reason they are very popular for domestic applications. They work best when used with batteries, maximizing the self-consumption of your solar energy. Solis 5kW and 3kW hybrid inverters stand out among other models.

This guide will help you understand why Solis inverters are the best-suited option for UK homeowners and why they have become the first choice for MAK Energy.

MAK Energy deals with all types of Solis Inverters. If you’re unsure which one is best suited for you, simply fill out our quotation form or contact us through the provided numbers. Our professionals will get in touch with you as soon as possible and will assist you in the best possible way.

What Makes the Solis Inverter Stands Out?  

Solis solar inverters stand out due to their exceptional performance, innovative technology, and robust build quality. The capability of seamless transition between solar and battery power, while effectively converting solar and battery power into AC current, sets them apart from their competitors.

Solis is mostly popular for its hybrid inverters. With a hybrid PV inverter, you essentially have a single component performing the functions of two. This ensures an efficient and streamlined solution that enhances the performance of both your solar panels and the battery storage system.

Efficiency and Reliability

Solis Hybrid PV inverters come equipped with dual MPPT inputs and the capability to perform optimally in both on-grid and off-grid applications. Solis Panel inverters offer users the flexibility to easily switch based on their energy requirements.

Another standout feature of Solis inverters is their reliability. These devices have been engineered for a longer lifespan and come with IP65 ratings, providing protection against water and dust. These inverters are the ideal choice for challenging and diverse climate conditions.

Features and Functionality 

Solis Hybrid PV inverters come equipped with dual MPPT inputs and the capability to perform optimally in both on-grid and off-grid applications. Solis Panel inverters offer users the flexibility to easily switch based on their energy requirements.

The dual MPPT feature allows users to install two different sizes of solar arrays without any deficiency in efficiency or performance.

Monitoring and Control

Solis inverters come with built-in monitoring system, which enables you to easily track their system’s performance. Their mobile application provides real-time data, keeps a record of history and sends fault notifications. customers can stay fully informed about their system anytime, anywhere.

Battery Storage with Solis Hybrid Inverter  

With a Solis inverter, the management of battery charging and discharging becomes smoother. It optimizes the process and allows you to store the excess generated electricity for later use. Adding a battery storage system as a backup to your solar panel system makes you more energy independent.

Optimized charging strategy

The Solis Hybrid PV Inverter employs a smart battery charging strategy, ensuring the optimal utilization of solar energy and enhancing energy savings.

Throughout the day, when your solar panels produce more electricity than your home consumes, the Solis PV Hybrid Inverter efficiently store this surplus energy to charge your battery storage system. This means that rather than sending excess power back to the grid, you’re effectively storing it for future use.

By adopting this charging approach, you maximize the utilization of your generated solar power and decrease your dependency on grid electricity. This results in significant energy cost savings and an overall boost in the efficiency of your solar system.

Load Shifting and Peak Saving

Managed by the Solis Hybrid Inverter, battery charging plays a pivotal role in optimizing energy usage through two effective strategies: load shifting and peak shaving.

Load shifting entails the charging of batteries during off-peak hours when electricity costs are lower, such as during the day when solar power generation is abundant. The stored energy is then utilized during peak hours when electricity rates are typically higher, such as in the evening.

In contrast, peak shaving involves tapping into the stored energy within the batteries to offset high power consumption during periods of peak demand. This allows you to mitigate or reduce the impact of elevated energy rates during those peak times.

Features and Specifications of Solis Hybrid Inverter

Each model of the Solis Inverter has its own unique features and specifications. Here is a list of some general features and specifications that every inverter should have. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Battery Charging and Energy Management  

Solis RHI Hybrid inverters support both Lithium-ion and Lead-acid batteries, with a voltage range of 42-58 V and a maximum charge/discharge power of 3 kW. This adaptability to different battery types makes it versatile for various storage needs. Its intelligent energy management system guarantees round-the-clock smart energy usage, enhancing battery reliability and your savings.

Noteworthy Features

All inverters include comprehensive protection features, including DC reverse-polarity protection, output overcurrent protection, surge protection, short-circuit protection, and integrated AFCI.

All Solis Hybrid inverters include comprehensive protection features, including DC reverse-polarity protection, output overcurrent protection, surge protection, short-circuit protection, and integrated AFCI.

Solis Inverters

Product codeCategoriesName
SOL-S5-GR3P-20K-DCMain Unit, Solar PV Inverter,20kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
 Screen Display, Web InterfaceData Logging Stick – wired LAN
SOL-S5-EH1P5K-L-EUHybrid solar Inverter, Storage SystemsEnergy Storage 5kW Hybrid S5 EH1P Inverter (include 3 phase meter)
SOL-RHI-3P5K-HVES-5G-DCHybrid Inverters, Storage Systems5kW 3phase High Voltage Hybrid 5G Inverter
SOL-100.0-3PH-5G-DCMain Unit, Solar PV Inverter,100kW 5G 3 Phase 10x MPPT – DC
SOL-5K-RHI-48ES-5G-DCHybrid Inverter, Storage SystemsEH1 Energy Storage 5kW Hybrid 5G Inverter with DC switch
SOL-RHI-3P6K-HVES-5G-DCHybrid Inverter, Storage Systems6kW 3phase High Voltage Hybrid 5G Inverter
SOL-S5-GR3P-10K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,10kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GR3P-12K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,12kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GR3P-5K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,5kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GR3P-6K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,6kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GR3P-8K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,8kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
SOL-S6-EH1P5K-L-PROHybrid Inverter, Storage SystemsS6 Pro 5kW Advanced Hybrid Inverter
SOL-SDM-120-CTM-1PDisplay, Energy Meter,SDM120CTM Eastron 1P Meter
SOL-SDM-630-MCT-3PDisplay, Energy Meter,SDM630MCT Eastron 3P Meter
SOL-S6-EH1P6K-LHybrid Inverter, Storage SystemsEnergy Storage 6kW Hybrid S6 Inverter with DC switch
SOL-S6-EH1P6K-L-PROHybrid Inverter, Storage SystemsS6 Pro 6kW Advanced Hybrid Inverter
SOL-S6-EH1P8K-L-PROHybrid Inverter, Storage SystemsS6 Pro 8kW Advanced Hybrid Inverter
SOL-S5-GC40K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,40kW S5 3 Phase Quad MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GC50K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,50kW S5 3 Phase 5x MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GC60K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,60kW S5 3 Phase 6x MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GR3P-15K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,15kW S5 3 Phase Dual MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GC30K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,30kW S5 3 Phase Triple MPPT – DC
SOL-S5-GC36K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,36kW S5 3 Phase Quad MPPT – DC
SOL-S2-WL-ST-USBDisplay, Web InterfaceData Logging Stick – Wi-Fi & LAN USB
SOL-S2-WL-STDisplay, Web InterfaceData Logging Stick – Wi-Fi & LAN 4-Pin
SOL-S3-GPRS-STDisplay, Web InterfaceData Logging Stick – GPRS (GSM) DLS V3
SOL-S4-WiFi-STDisplay, Web InterfaceS4 Data Logging Stick – Wi-Fi USB
SOL-RS485-GP-4P-CONNAccessory, Display,RS-485 Green Plug Connector (4 PIN Connector)
SOL-S5-EH1P6K-LHybrid Inverter, Storage SystemsEnergy Storage 5kW Hybrid S5 Inverter with DC switch
SOL-S5-GC25K-DCMain Unit, PV Inverter,25kW S5 3 Phase Triple MPPT – DC
SOL-METER-1PH-CT2Display, Energy Meter,1phase Meter 60A Direct Connected DDSD 1352
SOL-METER-3PHDisplay, Energy Meter,3phase Meter DTSD 1352 60A Direct Connected
SOL-METER-3PH-CT3Display, Power Management,3phase Meter DTSD1352 with 3x150A:5A CTs
SOL-RF-LINKDisplay, Energy Meter,Data Logging Device RF Kit and RF Stick
SOL-RHI-3P10K-HVES-5G-DCHybrid Inverter, Storage Systems10kW 3-Phase High Voltage Hybrid 5G Inverter
SOL-RHI-3P8K-HVES-5G-DCHybrid Inverter, Storage Systems8kW 3phase High Voltage Hybrid 5G Inverter
SOL-EPM3-5GDisplay, Power Management,Export Power Manager 5 Gen – 3ph Up to 10 inverters
SOL-EPM3-5G-PLUSDisplay, Power Management,Export Power Manager PLUS 5 Gen – 3ph for Up to 10 inverters
SOL-EPM-3PHDisplay, Power Management,Export Power Manager 2 Gen – 1 or 3 phase
SOL-METER-1PHDisplay, Energy Meter,1phase Meter 60A Direct Connected DDSD 1352
SOL-METER-1PH-CT1Display, Power Management,1phase Meter ACR10R 16DTE with 120A CT
SOL-EPM-2P-COM-INV-PAccessory, Display,2-PIN EPM Comm Inv Plug
SOL-EPM-5P-POW-PAccessory, Display,5-PIN EPM Power Plug

Best Solis Hybrid Inverters – One by One

Solis 5KW Hybrid Inverter Solis-RHI-5K-48ES-DC 5G

The SOLIS-RHI-5K-48ES-DC stands as a 5kW hybrid energy storage inverter, complete with an integrated DC switch. This Solis energy storage inverter is well-suited for li-ion batteries, boasts strong independence, and incorporates an off-grid backup capability.

With a maximum efficiency exceeding 97% and a dual MPPT design for optimized performance, this inverter is built for resilience. It sports an IP65-rated construction with natural cooling, offering robust protection functions, and includes a 7″ LCD color display screen for user convenience.

Features and Benefits  

  • MPPT design with precise MPPT algorithm
  • Intelligent EMS function
  • Multiple protection functions
  • Natural cooling without external fan
  • UPS function
  • WIFI/GPRS Real time monitoring
  • Off-grid backup function
  • IP65
  • Max. input voltage: 600V
  • Start-up voltage: 120V
  • MPPT number: 2

Solis 5KW Hybrid Inverter Solis-RHI-6K-48ES-DC 5G

This innovative Hybrid Storage Inverter is highly efficient at 97.5% with IP65 protection. It has an Intelligent BMS for reliable battery performance, an integrated DC switch, and broad MPPT voltage range (90-520V) for swift, uninterrupted power supply (20ms response time). Compliant with various grid standards, it enhances economic benefits with higher charge-discharge efficiency.

You can easily control it via Wi-Fi or GPRS. Solis 5Kw hybrid Inverter provides 5kW backup power, supports grid-friendly peak management, offers multiple working modes for increased self-consumption, and features 24/7 intelligent energy management for real-time PV plant status monitoring.

Features and Benefits

  • MPPT design with precise MPPT algorithm
  • 97.5% Efficiency
  • Intelligent EMS function
  • Multiple protection functions
  • Natural cooling without external fan
  • UPS function
  • WIFI/GPRS Real time monitoring
  • IP65

Solis 3.6 kW Hybrid Inverter 5G (dual MPPT)  

The Solis 3.6kW Inverter is a versatile solution suitable for both on-grid PV operations and reliable backup battery storage. It is a Part of Solis’ fifth-generation 5G residential hybrid inverters. it has an impressive efficiency rating of 97.5%. This advanced inverter incorporates a 24-hour intelligent energy management system, ensuring efficient energy utilization. It also features a user-friendly 7″ color LCD screen for easy programming and monitoring.

Features and Benefits 

  • IP65 Rating for durability
  • 5kW Backup Power for reliability
  • Enhanced charge-discharge efficiency for improved economics
  • Proactive AFCI protection to reduce fire risk
  • Remote control and upgrade capabilities
  • Dynamic MPPTs (2 MPPTs with 4 DC inputs) for optimized performance
  • Multiple operating modes to maximize self-consumption
  • 24-hour intelligent energy management system
  • Compatibility with both lithium and lead-acid batteries
  • Fan less design for extended lifespan

Solis S6 Pro 6kw Advanced Hybrid Inverter  

The Solis S6 Pro Hybrid inverter range is designed for today’s solar market, offering advanced features like a maximum PV input of 9600W, dual MPPT, and 16A PV string current. It supports 1-phase and 3-phase parallel connections, allowing up to 6 units for 36kW backup power, and integrates seamlessly with generators.

This inverter features a 24-hour real-time intelligent energy management system accessible via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and an app. It ensures uninterrupted power with a 4ms reaction time and includes a Wi-Fi/LAN datalogger and CT. Backed by a 5-year warranty, extendable to 10 years, it offers reliability for the long term.

Is A Solis Inverter Any Good?

Solis inverters are generally considered to be reliable and offer good performance for solar energy systems. However, like any product, the suitability and quality of these inverters can depend on various factors including your specific solar setup, location, and individual preferences.

DC Power Compatibility with Solis RHI-3.6K-48ES-5G

Final Thoughts  

You may still have been deprived of the potential benefits of a solar power system, but no worries, MAK Energy is always here to assist its customers. In our long journey of solar installation, we have helped customers transition to an environmentally friendly and more cost-effective source of electricity. If you are looking for a reliable and yet affordable energy solution for your home or business, you will find MAK Energy as your helping hand.

key Notes

✔ You are entitled to compensation from major energy providers for surplus renewable energy you generate.

✔ Presently, the most favorable rate under the Smart Export Guarantee is 29.3 pence per kWh.

✔ On average, households can expect to earn around £159 annually through this program.

What is the Smart Export Guarantee?

smart export guarantee working

Best SEG Tariffs From Different Energy Suppliers

Energy SupplierNeed to be a customerPrice (p/kWh)Name of Tariff
OctopusYes24pOctopus Flux
OctopusYes15pOutgoing Fixed
OVO (With Battery)Yes20pOvo SEG Tariff
OVOYes15pOvo SEG Tariff
Scottish PowerYes15pSmartGen+
OctopusYes15pOutgoing Fixed
Scottish PowerNo12pSmartGen
British GasNo6.4pExport & Earn Flex
EDFYes5.6pExport Variable Value
E.ONYes5.5pNext Export Exclusive
OctopusNo4.1pOutgoing Go
Shell EnergyYes3.5pSeg V1.1 Tariff
Utility WarehouseNo2pUW Smart Export Guarantee – Standard
ENo1pE Seg January2020v.1

SEG Tariff Companies in UK  

Octopus Energy

Octopus Energy offers different types of Smart Export Energy rates to its customers: fixed and flexible or agile. The fixed rate is 15p per kWh, while the flexible tariff is measured on a half-hourly rate and based on day-ahead wholesale SEG rates. You may be curious to know which one is best suited for you: fixed or agile.

Well, the fixed Smart Export Guarantee rates will give you a fixed rate regardless of any changes that may occur during the fixed term. On the other hand, the agile tariff allows you to sell your excess generated electricity at a time that is most valuable to you.

What Is Required to Receive the Tariff?

  • You must have an active supply and export account with Octopus. Customers with export-only accounts will receive 4.1p per kWh for their exported electricity.
  • A SMETS2 smart meter (or SecureTM SMETS1) must be installed, and it should be capable of sending half-hourly export meter readings.
  • You should not be receiving deemed export payments from a feed-in tariff (FIT).
  • Any installed solar PV systems must hold MCS/Flexi-Orb certification.
Octopus Energy Tariffs 
Tariff TypeCurrently Fixed
Tariff Rate15p (per kWh)
Includes Battery StorageYes
MCS/Flexi-Orb CertifiedYes
Payment CycleMonthly
Exit FeeNo
Tariff Length12 Month Fixed Term
Tariff TypeHalf Hourly Prices
Tariff RateAnywhere from 0 to 29p per kWh
Includes Battery StorageYes
MCS/Flexi-Orb CertifiedYes
Payment CycleMonthly
Exit FeeNo
Tariff LengthNo Fixed End Date

Scottish Power

Scottish Power offers two types of SEG tariffs to their customers, each with different Smart Export Guarantee rates: SmartGen and SmartGen+. Customers are compensated based on the units they export to the Scottish Power company. The SmartGen+ tariff provides a rate of 15p per kWh, while the SmartGen tariff offers a rate of approximately 12p per kWh.

What Is Required to Receive the Tariff?

  • A Smart or AMR meter capable of obtaining half-hourly readings must be in place, and you must grant consent to Scottish Power for accessing these readings.
  • Your export meter should be assigned an Export Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN).
  • You should not be receiving deemed export payments through a feed-in tariff (FiT).
  • Solar PV systems that have been installed must possess MCS/Flexi-Orb certification.
  • Your generation unit should have a capacity of up to 5MW, or up to 50kW for Micro-CHP systems.
Scottish Power SEG Tariffs  
Tariff TypeVariable
Tariff Rate12p (per kWh)
Includes Battery StorageYes
Payment Cycle6 Months
Exit FeeNo
Tariff LengthNo Fixed End Date
Tariff TypeVariable
Tariff Rate15p (per kWh)
Includes Battery StorageYes
Payment Cycle6 Months
Exit FeeNo
Tariff LengthNo Fixed End Date
MCS/Flexi-Orb CertifiedYes

OVO Energy

The fix Smart Export Guarantee rates of exporting electricity back to the OVO energy is 4p /kwh regardless of your energy supplier association. But under their OVO best SEG tariff umbrella the Smart Export Guarantee rates go up to 20p if you have installed battery with your system and for on grid system the SEG rate is 15p.

The agreement will function by utilizing anticipated manual quarterly readings that you send to the supplier using OVO Energy’s convenient online form. Alternatively, if you have an ‘approved’ smart meter, you can opt for automated remote readings.             

What Is Required to Receive the Tariff?

  • Installation of a smart meter (either SMETS1 or SMETS2) is required, capable of transmitting half-hourly export meter readings.
  • Your export meter must be equipped with an Export Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN).
  • You must not be receiving any public grants that could disqualify you from participating in SEG.
  • Solar PV systems that are installed need to possess MCS/Flexi-Orb certification.
  • Your generation unit’s capacity can be up to 5MW, or up to 50kW for micro-combined heat and power (Micro-CHP).
  • You should not be receiving deemed export payments from a feed-in tariff (FIT).
OVO Energy SEG Tariff  
OVO SEG Tariff
Tariff TypeCurrently fixed
Tariff Rate15p – 20p(per kWh)
Includes Battery StorageYes
Payment Cycle3 Months
Exit FeeYes (unless during 14 day cooling period)
Tariff Length12 Month Fixed Term
MCS/Flexi-Orb CertifiedYes

Shell Energy

Shall Energy offers a slightly lower rate to its customers for feeding back the electricity generated by their solar panels. They provide their customers with a rate of 3.5p per kWh of energy exported back to the grid. To qualify for the SEG tariff, the property you own must be equipped with an export register and a SMETS compliant meter. Additionally, it is mandatory to have an MCS certificate for your property and complete a registration form.

What Is Required to Receive the Tariff?

  • You should not receive deemed export payments from a feed-in tariff (FIT)
  • Solar PV systems that are installed must hold MCS/Flexi-Orb certification
  • Your export meter should be assigned an Export Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN)
  • You are required to have a SMETS smart meter installed
Shell Energy SEG Tariff
Shall Energy SEG V1.1 Tariff
Tariff TypeVariable
Tariff Rate3.5p (per kWh)
Includes Battery StorageYes
Payment Cycle12 Months
Exit FeeYes (unless during 14-day cooling period)
Tariff LengthNo Fixed End Date
MCS/Flexi-Orb CertifiedYes

British Gas

What Is Required to Receive the Tariff?

  • You need to have a smart meter or a meter capable of obtaining half-hourly readings
  • Your export meter should be assigned an Export Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN)
  • You must not be receiving deemed export payments through a Feed-In Tariff (FIT)
  • Solar PV systems that are installed must hold MCS/Flexi-Orb certification
  • Your generation unit should have a capacity of up to 5MW, or for micro-combined heat and power (micro-CHP) systems, a capacity of up to 50kW
British Gas SEG Tariff
Export and Earn Flex
Tariff TypeVariable
Tariff Rate6.4p (per kWh)
Includes Battery StorageYes
Payment Cycle3 Months
Exit FeeNo
Tariff LengthNo Fixed End Date
MCS/Flexi-Orb CertifiedYes

What’s The Best Smart Export Guarantee Rate?

Among all the companies offering the best SEG Tariff rates, Octopus stands out as it offers you up to 24p per kWh when exporting electricity back to the grid. Even if you aren’t an Octopus customer, you still have the opportunity to export your excess electricity back to Octopus at a reasonable rate of 4.1p per kWh, which is still higher than some other energy companies.

However, the best rate available to both customers and non-customers of solar panel homeowners is offered by Scottish Power at a rate of 12p per kWh, known as the SmartGen Tariff.

When inquiring about the lower rate for non-customers from Octopus, they explained that providing the same rate to customers of other suppliers isn’t feasible due to the significant effort and cost involved in setting up an export tariff.

How Much Money Can You Earn from The Smart Export Guarantee?  

The money that an average solar panel owner can earn with the SEG Tariff in the UK is £160, assuming they have a three-bedroom house and a 3.5kW solar system.

However, every house is different, so the amount one can save varies. In this table, you will gain a generic understanding of how different houses with various sizes of Solar PV systems can earn from SEG Tariff rates.

SEG Annual Income Based on Solar Panel and House Size

System SizeHouse SizeNo of PanelsTotal Estimated Annual Savings with SEG Profit
3kW1-2 bedrooms6-8£550-£570
4KW2-3 bedrooms9-11£800-£825
5KW4 bedrooms11-13£850-£870
6KW5+ bedrooms14-16£1220-£1250
SEG Annual Income Based on Solar Panel and House Size

How is SEG income Paid to You?  

If you are associated with the same company that is also your supplier, in that case, you may receive a deduction in your monthly energy bills. In other cases, you will be paid through a bank transfer. The transaction depends on the rules and regulations of each energy supplier and how often they transfer your money for exporting energy back to the grid.

For instance, Scottish Energy transfers monthly, OVO every three months, while Shall Energy will pay you annually.

Is SEG Income Taxable?

If your solar array is situated on a residential property that you own or in close proximity to it, and you do not plan for your solar panels to generate a substantially larger amount of solar energy (typically defined as exceeding 20% of your home’s electricity consumption), then you might still be eligible for an exemption.

In such cases, you can categorize your Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) payments as both trading and miscellaneous income. As long as your combined income in this category remains below £1,000, you are not required to report it to HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs).

Is SEG tariffs Income Taxable?

How Do You Qualify and Sign Up For SEG? 

To qualify for the SEG Tariff in the UK, you must fall into one of the categories of energy generators listed below:

  • Solar Panels
  • Micro Combined heat and Power
  • Hydro
  • Wind Turbines
  • Anaerobic digestion

The other necessary things for SEG sign-up and qualification are as follows:

  • Your installation must have a maximum capacity of 5 MW. Without a combined heat and power installation, the upper limit does not exceed 50 kW.
  • You are required to provide your Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) certificate or an equivalent document.
  • Ownership of an export meter is mandatory. Additionally, you will need to provide your SEG company with your export MPAN. If you’re uncertain about where to find your export MPAN, don’t hesitate to inquire with your supplier.

Can You Choose any Supplier for the SEG? 

Yes! Homeowners owning solar panels can choose any energy supplier for the best SEG Tariff. You may receive minimal SEG rates, but you have the right to choose as you please. Some suppliers provide good SEG rates even to non-customers, such as Scottish British, Octopus, and E.ON. You can select the one that best suits your needs without any hurdles.

Do You Require a Smart Meter In Order To Receive SEG Payments?

It depends on the supplier’s requirements; some energy suppliers may ask you to install a smart meter before receiving the SEG tariff. In most cases, you might not be required to have a smart meter, but having one ensures accurate SEG tariff rates and eliminates the need for manual readings. There are some speculations that smart meters may become compulsory for SEG payments in the near future. Therefore, it is recommended to have one before applying for the SEG program. 


The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Tariff presents an excellent opportunity to earn income by exporting surplus electricity back to the grid. Numerous energy suppliers participate in this program, each offering best SEG tariffs. Among the notable options, Octopus and Scottish Energy stand out, providing best SEG Tariff rates for exported electricity.

To access the SEG program, you must meet specific requirements, including furnishing Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) documentation for your property and owning an export meter. These criteria ensure that you are properly equipped to participate in the program and receive fair compensation for your renewable energy contributions.

If you secure the best SEG Tariff rates from a supplier company, it offers a lucrative opportunity to both reduce your carbon footprint and earn money, with Octopus and Scottish Energy leading the way in offering favourable terms.

As energy prices continue to rise in the UK, with no expected decrease in the near future, achieving energy independence from the national grid has become increasingly desirable. An off-grid solar system will grant you complete independence from grid electricity and enable you to generate, store, and deliver your own renewable energy. The system will solely rely on electricity produced by solar panels, battery storage, and a backup generator (in case of adverse weather conditions).

The concept of an off-grid system sounds amazing, doesn’t it? It truly is. However, the question remains: how much does an off-grid solar system cost in the UK, and is it suitable for UK homeowners? Additionally, what is the break-even point for an off-grid solar system? While the sun is shining, your off-grid system will operate perfectly, but during inclement weather, there might be some challenges if you lack a plan B, such as a backup generator.

This blog aims to provide you with the essential information every customer needs to know before installing an off grid solar system in the UK. We believe you will find all the necessary information here you require before making the decision to go off-grid.

What is an Off Grid Solar System?

The system doesn’t establish any connection to the grid. Off-grid is the ultimate way of achieving self-sufficient renewable energy, relying solely on solar power, batteries, and backup power sources such as generators. The off-grid solar system in the uk includes a bank of batteries that store excess electricity generated by the solar panels. This stored energy is then fed back to the property at night or during times when the solar panels aren’t productive.

off grid solar system with batteries

How Long Does an Off Grid Solar Panel System Pay Back?

The break even point of an off grid solar system in the UK depends on the size of the system and the sunshine hours plus the number of batteries installed along the system. However, an average, keeping in mind the current electricity prices in the country, and off grid solar system in the uk has break even point of 5 years. The span can increase to 7-8 years in case the system is larger in size and how many hours you have to rely on the backup generator during winter season.

How Long Does an Off Grid Solar Panel System Pay Back

How Much Does an Off Grid Solar System Cost in the UK?

To ascertain your solar requirements, let’s assess the most challenging situation. In the UK, the months with minimal sunlight span from November to February, yielding approximately two to three peak hours of solar energy daily. This means you must generate a full day’s worth of solar power within two hours, unless you’re prepared for considerable lifestyle adjustments.

man expressing a sense of doubt standing beside solar panels

With these factors in mind, a minimum of a 15 KW off-grid solar system is recommended to ensure winter coverage and reliable battery charging during unfavourable weather patterns. This is why the typical off grid solar system in the UK often involves compromises or is located in rural areas with abundant, affordable land.  

The 15kW solar system, comprising nearly 60 250-watt solar panels, batteries, a backup generator, solar inverter, generator inverter, and supplementary infrastructure, will amount to approximately £30,000 to £35,000 in cost. 

Who Should Go Off the Grid?

Off-Grid Solar Systems are best for Vacation homes, Garages, Camping sites, Caravan residences, Cabins, and even Office spaces. Furthermore, they offer a notably favorable solution, especially in Countryside and Distant locations. The reason being, such areas are more prone to experiencing inadequate network infrastructure, leading to frequent power outages and unstable electricity supply. Alternatively, you might merely desire to embrace an off-the-grid lifestyle.

guy thnking gif

Is it Worthwhile to Buy An Off Grid Solar System In the UK?  

Whether or not it is worthwhile to buy an off grid solar system in the UK depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The cost of the system
  • Electricity Prices
  • The amount of sunlight in your area
  • Your energy needs
  • Your budget
  • Your environmental goals

The cost of an off-grid solar system can vary depending on the size and complexity of the system, but it is generally more expensive than a grid-connected system. The amount of sunlight in your area will also affect the amount of electricity that your system can generate. If you live in an area with low sunlight, you may need to install a larger system or use a battery to store excess energy.

off grid solar system components

Your energy needs will also affect the size of the system you need. If you have a small home and don’t use a lot of electricity, you may be able to get away with a smaller system. However, if you have a large home or use a lot of electricity, you will need a larger system.

Your budget is another important factor to consider. Off-grid solar systems can be expensive, so it is important to make sure that you can afford the upfront cost. You should also factor in the cost of maintenance and repairs.

Finally, you need to consider your environmental goals. If you are interested in reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and living a more sustainable lifestyle, then an off-grid solar system is a good option.

Advantages of Off Grid Solar System

off grid solar system panels

Energy independence

Off-grid solar systems allow you to generate your own electricity, which means that you are not reliant on the grid. This can be a major advantage in areas where the grid is unreliable or where there are frequent power outages.

Zero Electricity bills

Off-grid solar systems render you independent from grid electricity, thereby eliminating the need to pay traditional electricity bills. Instead, all your energy requirements are met through solar panels, batteries, and a generator.

Environmental benefits

Off-grid solar systems are a renewable energy source, which means that they do not produce greenhouse gases. This can help to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Increased property value

Off-grid solar systems can increase the value of your property. This is because buyers are increasingly looking for homes that are energy efficient and sustainable.

Peace of mind

Off-grid solar systems can give you peace of mind knowing that you will have access to electricity even in the event of a power outage.


Off grid solar systems present an appealing path toward energy self-sufficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and long-term financial savings. While challenges like weather-dependent energy generation and initial costs exist, the benefits of energy independence and environmental impact far outweigh these considerations. By carefully assessing system design, costs, and practical applications, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions that align with their energy goals and contribute to a more sustainable future.

An air source heat pump represents an environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and low-carbon method of heating homes. This system delivers enough heat throughout the year at highly economical rates. Furthermore, if you’re eligible for government incentives to support the installation, it transforms into an even more appealing investment.

As the government focuses on installing an air source heat pump and energy-efficient renewable systems and phasing out traditional methods of heating homes and commercial buildings, such as gas boilers, air source heat pumps have become increasingly sought after. This trend is expected to persist for future generations.

vaillant air source heat pump installation

In this blog, we will discuss the complete process of air source heat pump installation. The task is complex and requires a significant amount of engineering expertise and professional knowledge to ensure proper installation, maximizing efficiency and reliability. There are three main steps involved in the installation of an air source heat pump:

  • Pre-Installation: This step includes conducting a survey and assessing the accessibility of the installation site.
  • Installation Process: This stage encompasses installing air source heat pump indoor and outdoor units and establishing the necessary connections between them.
  • Post-Installation: This phase involves verifying the functionality of the system and outlining the required maintenance procedures.

No matter, how complicated the process is, MAK Energy has the experience of handling air source heat pump installation. Reach out to MAK Energy for your air source heat pump installation and get the free no obligation quote and complimentary online survey by just filling out our quotation form which takes no more than a minute.

Important Note: What is EPC?

Before reaching out to the installer, you may need an Energy Performance Certificate. This certificate is particularly obtained when customers plan to apply for a grant. The EPC assesses your home’s energy efficiency and rates it from A to G, where A signifies high efficiency and G indicates low efficiency. By obtaining an EPC, you will also be able to estimate the expected heating costs for your home.

Energy Performance Certificate.

After obtaining the EPC, you can get in touch with the installer for a quotation. MAK Energy is always available to provide you with a quote for an efficient heating system.

Air Source Heat Pump Installation Process

There are two types of air source heat pumps: air-to-air heat pumps and air-to-water heat pumps. The initial installation process for both systems remains the same. The outdoor unit is installed outside the home on a concrete base, ideally in an area with good airflow. Let’s delve into the details of each step in the air source heat pump installation process.

air source heat pump installer
1 – Air-to-Air Source Heat Pump Working
Air-to-Water Source Heat Pump Working

Pre-Installation Work- Inspection and Preparation  

The first step involves site inspection and suitability assessment for air source heat pump installation. You would need to request the air source heat pump installer to send an engineer for a pre-installation inspection to determine the optimal size of the air source heat pump required for your needs. Once the inspection is completed, the air source heat pump installer company will provide a report detailing the sketched property layout.

The initial inspection is often performed by the air source heat pump installer companies at no cost, but some companies may charge a couple of hundred pounds. However, this fee is typically waived if you choose to proceed with the heat pump installation through the same company.

Pre-Installation Work- Inspection and Preparation  

During the inspection, the engineer will measure the appropriate size of the air source heat system for your property, recommend the most suitable type for your home, determine the number of rooms requiring heating, assess insulation levels, and evaluate the dimensions of your current heating system. After completing the inspection, the engineer might suggest improving your home’s insulation for better efficiency, or they may recommend adding larger radiators or underfloor heating.

Installation of Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit is then installed outside your home, positioned next to an external wall. Because the heat pump requires unobstructed airflow, the installer will identify the most suitable location for the outdoor unit installation. It will either be placed on a concrete flat base or attached to the wall using brackets. The outdoor unit is installed in a way that ensures its stability in all weather conditions.

outdoor unit air source heat pump installers
outdoor heat pump unit

Installation of Indoor Unit  

After installing an air source heat pump outdoor unit, the installer will move inside for the installation of the indoor unit. The indoor unit is installed and connected to either radiators, hot water pipes, or underfloor heating. A professional air source heat pump installer will recommend the appropriate size for your home; for instance, the average UK home with three bedrooms typically requires a 200-liter hot water cylinder.

indoor unit AIR TO WATER source heat pump installation
Indoor heat pump unit

Connecting the Units

Now comes the stage of interconnecting all the components. Using wires, a condensate drain hose, and a refrigerant hose, the installer will establish a connection between the internal hot water cylinder and the external heat pump. These connections are typically established by drilling a hole through the wall. Throughout this process, there might be a brief interruption in your old heating system, but this typically lasts only a matter of hours.

Air source heat pump installer
An installer is connecting the units

Post-Installation Work   

The process doesn’t conclude once the system is installed; there are some finishing touches to ensure the air source heat pump operates efficiently. Following installation, you can inquire about air source heat pump maintenance. While it requires minimal upkeep, maintaining your system is essential for achieving higher efficiency and extending its lifespan. This may involve tasks such as cleaning the fan or checking the filter annually.

How Much Does an Air Source Heat Pump Installation Cost?

The air source heat pump installation cost, including labor, VAT, and installation charges, can range from £8500 to £18500. The installation cost varies based on factors like system size, type, and installation complexity. To receive an accurate quote for an air source heat pump, simply complete our quotation form. You will swiftly receive a free, no-obligation quotation, along with the added benefit of a complimentary online survey.

  • The air-to-air source heat pump installation cost, including labor, VAT, and installation charges, can range from £8500 to £18500
  • The air-to-water source heat pump installation cost, including labor, VAT, and installation charges, can range from £6,900 to £12,500

Can You DIY Air Source Heat Pump Installation?

Yes, an air source heat pump installation could be carried out by yourself, but only if you possess experience and expertise in every aspect of air source heat pump installation. However, it is strongly recommended to hire a professional installer to ensure optimal performance from your heat pump. Even a small mistake during DIY installation could result in costly repairs, potentially amounting to thousands of pounds.

installing an air source heat pump

Connecting the units and handling the wiring requires a certified installer with specialized experience due to the complexity involved. To extend the lifespan of your air source heat pump and attain maximum efficiency, investing in a proper installation is highly advised.

How Long Does It take to Install an Air Source Heat Pump?

An air source heat pump installation usually takes between 2 to 5 days, depending on the complexity and size of the system. In most cases, the heat pump installation doesn’t require planning permission, which can expedite the process even further. However, it’s essential to confirm the planning permission requirements before proceeding with the installation.

air source heat pump installer
Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

How to Choose the Right Heat Pump Installer? 

A correct choice of installer not only ensures a smooth installation process but also enhances the efficiency and lifespan of the heat pump. Before hiring a heat pump installer in the UK, ensure that the company is MCS-Certified and has received positive customer reviews. The best approach to selecting the optimal heat pump installer involves obtaining quotations from multiple installers, and subsequently comparing their services, pricing, and history related to heat pump installations.

Choose MAK Energy as your heat pump installer, as we possess MCS-Certification, boast positive customer reviews, and hold extensive experience in successfully installing an air source heat pump systems across the UK.

Vaillant air source heat pumps


An air source heating system is highly efficient in providing heat, capable of delivering three times more heat energy than the electrical energy it consumes. Its installation process is somewhat lengthier and can take 2-5 days, depending on the complexity of the system. The process begins with an inspection and concludes with finishing touches, which involve checking the efficiency and functionality of the entire system.

Comparatively, an air source heating system is relatively expensive compared to other heating systems. The air source heat pump installation cost ranges between £800 and £1800, depending on the system’s size and heating requirements.

There’s something magical about diving into a pool, but as the colder months approach, the thought of putting away your swimsuit becomes inevitable. But what if we told you that you could enjoy your pool for a longer period, without causing a spike in your energy bills? Yes, you heard it right! With a pool solar heater, you can maintain your pool at an optimal temperature, all at very minimal or even zero operational cost.

Solar pool heaters offer a wealth of benefits to pool owners by utilizing solar energy to heat up swimming pools. MAK Energy is well-versed in capturing and harnessing this energy to provide efficient pool heating solutions in the UK. In this informative blog, we will delve into what a solar pool heater truly is, how it operates, the advantages it offers, and the associated costs.

For inquiries pertaining to solar solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the provided contact number, by completing our quotation form, or by visiting our office. Our team of professionals is always ready to offer guidance and assistance to individuals considering the switch to renewable energy solutions.

So, What are Solar Pool Heaters? 

Solar pool heaters utilize the sun’s thermal energy to raise the temperature of your pool water. Much like solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, the solar energy collectors responsible for heating your pool’s water are commonly positioned on your roof. This system operates by directing water from your pool through a filtering process and subsequently to the solar collectors situated on your roof. These collectors, resembling PV panels in appearance, incorporate internal tubes that facilitate the circulation of cold water. This water absorbs heat from the solar energy collector before being returned as warm water to your pool. 

How Does Solar Pool Heater Work? 

A solar pool heater works by using the sun’s energy to heat the water in your swimming pool. The system consists of solar collectors, a pump, and a control panel. The solar collectors are typically mounted on the roof of your home or on a rack near the pool. They are made of a material that absorbs the sun’s heat, such as black metal or plastic. The pump circulates the pool water through the solar collectors, where it is heated. The heated water is then returned to the pool.

working of solar pool heater

The amount of heat that a solar heater for a pool can provide depends on the size of the solar collectors, the amount of sunlight available, and the efficiency of the system. In the UK, pool heater solar can be effective in heating swimming pools, but they may not be able to raise the temperature of the water as much as in sunnier climates.

What are the Main Components of Solar Pool Heater? 

Solar Pool heaters consist of three main components: Solar Collectors, Pump and Control Panels. They work in a flow to keep the pool water warm at the lowest possible rates. 

Solar collectors

 The solar collectors are the key component of a solar heater for pool. They absorb the sun’s heat and transfer it to the pool water. Solar collectors are made of different materials, including black metal, plastic, and glass. The type of solar collector you choose will depend on your climate and budget.

solar collectors - solar pool heater


The pump circulates the pool water through the solar collectors. The pump must be powerful enough to circulate the water efficiently.

solar pool pump

Control panel

The control panel regulates the flow of water through the solar collectors. It also has a thermostat that controls the temperature of the pool water.

Control panes for solar pool heater

What is Solar Pool Heater Installation cost? 

According to energy department reports, the installation cost of an average solar pool heater can range from £8,000 to £11,000 to cater for typical for 3 or 4 bedroom home.  However, this price is an estimate, as the precise cost depends on factors such as the size of your heating pool, the duration you wish to maintain your pool’s warmth, and the location, as installation expenses can vary based on the geographical area. Solar heater for pool represents the optimal approach for diminishing electricity bills, and with meticulous installation and efficient utilization, owners of solar pool heaters can typically recoup their initial investment in approximately 7 years.

How Warm Does a Solar-Heated Pool Get? 

Solar pool heaters can elevate the temperature of an unheated pool by as much as 15C to 20C degrees. This technology effectively elevates the pool’s temperature to a comfortable range of 63 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit with minimal effort, even on cooler days. During the summer, the need for water warming is diminished, given that temperatures frequently reach around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Determining The Size Of Your Solar Pool Heater System  

The sizing of your pool solar heater depends on various factors, including your pool’s dimensions, the desired water temperature, and the solar collectors’ exposure to sunlight (which takes into account geographical location, collector tilt, potential shading, and more). While you can install as many solar collectors as your roof can accommodate, keep in mind that if your roof is predominantly shaded, the solar collectors might not adequately fulfill your pool heating requirements.

Following a general guideline, your solar collector(s) should ideally cover 50 to 100 percent of your pool’s surface area. For instance, if your pool spans 300 square feet, your solar collectors should have a minimum surface area of 150 square feet. 

solar heater for pool

Estimated Solar Collector Sizes for Different Pool Sizes

Pool Size Total Pool Surface Area Low End Solar Collector Size Required High End Solar Collector Size Required
10×20 ft 200 sq. ft 100 sq. ft 200 sq ft.
15×20 ft 300 sq. ft 150 sq. ft 300 sq ft.
20×40 ft 800 sq. ft 400 sq. ft 800 sq ft.

When you work with a certified contractor like MAK Energy offering solar heater for a pool, they’ll expertly determine the appropriate system size based on your pool’s specific details and collector placement. If your location experiences frequent cloudy days or if there’s potential shading on the roof where the solar collectors would be installed, your contractor might recommend incorporating an electric heater backup system in addition to the solar heating setup.  

Are Solar Pool Heaters worth It? 

Installing solar swimming pool heaters offers numerous advantages, with the most apparent being their eco-friendly and sustainable approach to pool heating. Pool solar heater not only significantly reduces energy costs but also leaves a smaller carbon footprint, making it a win-win proposition.

Solar pool heaters

These systems also extend your swimming season, allowing you to relish comfortably heated pool water well before and after summer’s peak. Moreover, solar heater for pool very minimal maintenance once they’re installed properly. These systems, known for their robustness and efficiency, utilize weather-resistant and durable materials, conferring a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

How Long Does it take for a Solar Pool Heater to heat up?  

Generally, solar heater for a pool increases the pool’s temperature by 2 to 4 degrees per day. Over the course of 5 to 6 days, this cumulative effect leads to a total temperature rise of about 10 degrees, which is then maintained. 

Benefits of Solar Pool Heater

Effortless Economies

Once your pool solar heater is up and running, it operates with minimal to zero ongoing costs, achieving self-sufficiency where the heat it generates comes entirely free of charge.

Smart Investment

A solar heating system has the potential to repay its installation expenses in as little as 7 to 10 years. While this timeline varies based on multiple factors, it’s undeniable that a functional solar system will ultimately surpass its initial investment.

Enduring Longevity

Solar panels boast a reputation for requiring little upkeep and boasting an extended lifespan. With most solar panels carrying a minimum 10-year guarantee, proper care can easily extend their functional life to more than 30 years.

Optimal Seasonal Performance 

Solar heater for a pool operates at peak efficiency during sun-drenched summer months, conveniently aligning with when outdoor pools are most in use. If your pool activity mainly centres around the summer, solar heating is poised to effectively cater to all your heating requirements.


Solar pool heating has often been a hot topic of discussion as it provides efficient and reliable heating system for pool at an minimum operational cost. pool solar heater upfront cost is quite high but its operational cost sometimes goes to zero, depending on the system size and the sunlight hours in your area. Additional solar pool heater break-even is just 7-10 years if installed properly and maintain the system. Pool solar heater has many advantages as it perform very well in the winter season and save you hundreds of pounds on your bill every month. 

MAK Energy provides you the best solar pool heater panels at affordable prices. And if you are not aware of the size you need for you pool heating, the best location for installation. MAK Energy loves to help and advise the customers with best possible and customized solutions. 

Guide To Sizing Up Your Solar Energy Installation

Every individual has unique electricity usage, distinct roof space, and varying sunlight hours. On average, a UK household with 2-3 occupants consumes around 2900 kWh annually. For such families, a 3-kW solar system suffices. Typically, a 3 kW solar system comprises approximately 12 solar panels, each with a capacity of 250 watts. However, the number of panels may increase if you choose smaller panels or have higher energy usage; the larger the system, the more solar panels are required.

Numerous factors influence the question of How many solar panels do I need? In this blog, we’ll shed light on how many solar panels do I need, the best solar system for your requirements, and the various factors affecting the required panels for your desired system.

If you’re considering installing a solar PV system for your home or business but are unsure where to start or what solar system size you need, MAK Energy is here to assist. We begin by establishing client trust, ensuring transparency at every step of the solar PV system process. Feel free to complete our quotation form to access a free online survey and consultation with our professional team.

Factors That Can Affect the Number of Required Solar Panels

The number of solar panels you need for your home or business depends on various factors, including your energy consumption, the number of sunlight hours your roof receives, and the size of your roof. Not every individual has the same energy usage, nor does their roof receive the same amount of sunlight or offer the same amount of space. Factors like location, sunlight exposure, and your desired energy output play a significant role in deciding, “How many solar panels do I need?” Let’s examine each factor to see how they can influence the required number of panels.

how many solar panels do i need?

Your average daily Energy Consumption 

Your average energy consumption plays a pivotal role in determining the required number of panels for your home. And It’s essential to evaluate your energy needs to determine precisely, “How many solar panels do I need?” for an effective solar setup. If your energy consumption is higher, the number of panels needed will correspondingly increase. Another crucial factor is the total kilowatt-hours you currently use or anticipate using in the future.

The amount of Sunlight Your Roof Receive 

As the panel generate electricity by absorbing the sun power, so the production is dependent on the number of sun hours your area has, therefore, the number of panels affected by the location you live. 

Your Roof Space  

If you possess ample roof space, you can opt for a higher number of panels with lower capacities. Conversely, those with limited roof space will need to install larger solar panels. In essence, the available roof space significantly impacts the number of panels required.

Here in the given below table you can find out how much roof space and how many solar panels will you need for your home. 

Solar System SizeNumber of PanelsSize of Each Panel (Watts)Total Required WattageTotal Required Area (Square Meters)

Formula to Calculate the Number of Solar Panels

To calculate how many 205-watt solar panels you need for a 4 kW solar system, you can use the following formula:

Number of Solar Panels = Total System Size (kW) / Solar Panel (wattage)

In this case:

  1. Let’s suppose total System Size (kW) is 4 kW. 4kw could also be written as 4000 which we’ll be doing in the formula below.
  2. A single Solar panel (wattage) is 205W, which is one of the most widely used solar panel in the UK.

Now, you can calculate the number of panels you need:

Number of Solar Panels = 4000/ 205W solar panel ≈ 19.51 panels

Since you can’t have a fraction of a solar panel, round up to the nearest whole number. In this case, you would need approximately 20 of your 205-watt solar panels to create a 4 kW solar system. Please note that, you can use any wattage of solar panel and calculate in same way.

Keep in mind that this calculation assumes ideal conditions and doesn’t account for factors like shading, panel orientation, and system losses, which can affect the actual performance of your solar system. It’s a good idea to consult with a professional solar installer such as MAK Energy Ltd to ensure your system is properly designed and optimized for your specific location and needs.

What is the Average Number of Solar Panels in A UK Home?

Determining the number of required solar panels depends on the household size and annual energy consumption. On average, a home with 2-3 occupants consumes about 3000 kWh annually. For such households, a 3-kW solar system, necessitating around 12 solar panels, is sufficient. However, another factor that impacts this calculation, as previously discussed, is the available roof space.

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need in UK?

A 4 kW solar system suits houses with 3-4 residents, while a 6 kW solar system is recommended for homes with over 5 occupants. A 5 kW solar system is ideal for a house hosting 4 occupants.

The required number of solar panels is contingent upon the chosen installation capacity. For a 3 kW installation, you’ll need 12 panels, each with a capacity of 250 watts. In a 6 kW solar system, the panel count rises to 24. It’s worth noting that these panel counts are flexible; opting for larger panel sizes reduces the overall number of panels required.

How Do I Calculate the Right Solar Array Size? 

Calculation of the solar system size depends on the amount of energy you aim to generate, the sunlight hours your area receives, and your available roof space. To determine your daily energy consumption, refer to your electricity bill, which provides information about your daily energy usage.

solar system size

Let’s illustrate this with an example: Suppose you consume 150 kWh of electricity monthly, resulting in a daily consumption of 5 kWh. Therefore, the required system should generate 5 kWh of electricity daily. Many individuals are curious about the sunlight hours in their regions. On average, the UK receives approximately 4 hours of sunlight daily.

The Required Individual Solar Panel Size 

The electricity output of solar panels is contingent on their size and capacity. A 400-watt solar panel generates 400 watts per hour of sunlight, whereas a 250-watt panel yields 250 watts and a 300-watt panel produces 300 watts during the same duration. It’s crucial to ascertain your energy requirements before finalizing the solar panel size.

solar panel sizing

Referencing the previous example, for an individual consuming 5 kWh daily, the installation of 20 solar panels, each with a capacity of 250 watts, is necessary. Opting for larger panels reduces the panel count to 15.

In the case of installing 15 solar panels, an area of 23m² is requisite.

What Type of Solar Panel Should I install? 

The choice of solar panels you should make depends on factors such as efficiency rate, price, available space, and the reliability of the panels. Some panels are more efficient and dependable than others, and this efficiency can impact the number of solar panels required for your system installation.

There are two primary types of solar panels that are extensively used: Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline. Let’s delve into the characteristics of each solar panel type.

Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline


The latest Monocrystalline models boast an efficiency rate of up to 25%, indicating their ability to convert as much as 25% of the received sunlight into electricity.

Monocrystalline solar panels find widespread use across all applications, whether domestic, commercial, or industrial, globally. Monocrystalline bifacial solar panels offer even greater efficiency due to their capacity to generate electricity from both sides of the panel. They are also space-efficient, producing more electricity than polycrystalline panels, thereby reducing the required panel count. While these panels are comparatively more expensive than other types, their reliability and extended lifespan render them an optimal choice for homeowners and businesses.


Polycrystalline solar panels generate more electricity compared to monocrystalline panels over the years, thanks to their high-temperature tolerance capacity. Additionally, they are more affordable than the latter. However, polycrystalline panels have a lower efficiency rate due to the impurity in their silicon material. This is why installers often don’t prioritize them as a first choice.

Opting for polycrystalline panels alters the answer to the question “how many solar panels do I need?” Their lower efficiency necessitates installing extra solar panels to meet your electricity requirements. 

What is the cost of Solar Panels?

The cost of solar panels is determined by the size of the system installation and the type of panels chosen. Typically, a 3 kW solar system will incur a cost of approximately £5400 without batteries. However, if you intend to include batteries, the total cost for a 3 kW solar system with batteries will amount to nearly £9,000.

Do I need Solar Battery Storage System? 

It all depends on your energy needs and interests. If you are a person who wants to rely less on grid electricity as well as reduce your energy bill, a solar battery storage system is the best option for you. However, if your energy usage occurs mainly during the daytime, it might not be beneficial to add solar batteries to your solar panels. Solar batteries can provide you with numerous benefits. They store excess generated electricity for later use, making you more energy independent and resulting in significantly lower electricity bills.

How Do I Find the Right Installer? 

Solar panel installation requires a higher initial investment, making it essential to find the best solar panel installer for long-term benefits. And to accurately answer, “How many solar panels do I need?” consider getting a professional assessment from a solar installation company. You should choose an installer who can assist you from the initial stages of the process and ensure a smooth project execution. Additionally, it’s advisable to obtain multiple quotes from different installers to ensure you are receiving a fair price. Check customer reviews about the installer and their certifications, such as MCS-Certification.

If you have already decided to install solar panels and want to find out the exact answer to your question, “How many solar panels do I need?” MAK Energy is here to guide you through every stage. Obtain our no-obligation quote and a free online survey by simply filling out our quotation form.

Summary How Many Solar Panels Do I Need? 

How many solar panels do I need? is a question that is frequently heard from consumers due to confusion regarding energy consumption and the precise requirements of a solar system. Several factors influence this question, such as average energy consumption, required solar system size, available roof space, sunlight hours, and the type of solar panels chosen. However, for the average household in the UK, around 12 to 16 solar panels, each with a capacity of 250 watts, are generally required. The number of panels could increase if your energy consumption is higher. To make an informed decision about the number of panels, ask experts in the field, “How many solar panels do I need?” based on your unique circumstances.

We are affiliated with all major commercial banks, and our installations are carried out in compliance with your chosen bank’s policies and financing scheme.

Ground Source heat pump installation is a quite complicated and expensive process compared to other heating systems. Sometimes, people compromise on the quality of products and components used in ground source heat pumps, but they never think about compromising on a less competent ground source heat pump installer.

To save you from any such difficulty, MAK Energy has come up with the best Ground Source heat pump installers in the UK. The provided list of ground source heat pump installers in the UK is based on painstaking research and customer reviews. These installers have extensive experience in installing heating systems and have received the highest ratings, reviews, and accreditations.

You can easily get a Ground Source Heat Pump quotation by filling out our form, which takes just one minute of your valuable time, and our professionals will be in contact with you in no time.

List Of Ground Source Heat Pump Installers in the UK

  1. Heat Norfolk
  2. MAK Energy
  3. Cinergi
  4. Daly Renewables
  5. Marshal and McCourt Plumbing and Heating Contractors
  6. UK Alternative Energy
  7. Eco Trades
  8. Abacus Energy Solutions
  9. GreenMatch
  10. Zing Energy
  11. Eco Expert

1 – MAK Energy

MAK Energy tops the list of the best Ground source heat pump installers in the UK. The company is unique in its services, providing heating system installations not only in specific areas but across the entire UK. Whether you live in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Wickford, Essex, or Bradford, MAK Energy will be at your doorstep for all types of heating systems.

Based on Google Reviews, customer satisfaction, and years of experience working with renewable energy sources, MAK Energy stands out as a top ground source heat pump installer in the UK. The company has carried out hundreds of heating system installations.

They provide the best advice on renewable energy solutions, as evidenced by one of MAK’s customers who left a review stating, “MAK is not a fit-and-forget company. They keep you informed about your installation and ensure peace of mind with their after-sale services. Once the system is installed, MAK Energy remains dedicated to helping you with everything you need.”

Another reason to choose MAK Energy as your ground source heat pump installer is their passion for building an eco-friendly environment. The enthusiasm of their team reflects the company’s dedication to this mission.

To get a quotation from MAK Energy for any type of heating system, solar PV system, Solar Inverters, Solar Batteries, and more, simply leave a message with your query, and the team will contact you as soon as possible.

Mak Energy  - ground source heat pump installers
Caption – MAK Energy (one of the best Solar thermal Installers)

2 – Cinergi

Cinergi was established during the toughest time, amidst the pandemic, and yet they have emerged as one of the best ground source heat pump installers in the UK. So far, the company has not received any negative reviews and is dedicated to helping people save money on energy bills and achieve zero carbon in the UK. The abundance of positive reviews has placed the company among the top-rated ground source heat pump installers in the UK.

Cinergi - ground source heat pump installers

3 – Daly Renewables

Daly Renewable is highly regarded as a one of the leading ground source heat pump installers in the UK due to their distinctive engineer-led approach in designing, installing, and commissioning heating systems. Despite having a relatively low number of Google reviews, the company holds MCS certification, ensuring their competence. With a dedicated team of trained professionals, Daly Renewable continues to excel in providing top-notch services in the renewable energy sector.

4 – Marshal and McCourt Plumbing and Heating Contractors

The company has a good reputation and reviews on Trustpilot, which places them among the best ground source heat pump installers in the UK. They have a very professional team with a high level of expertise, experience, and efficiency. The company also has its own showroom, providing the facility to discuss your options while seeing the products in person.

Marshal and McCourt Plumbing and Heating Contractors

5 – UK Alternative Energy

Despite more than 1000 installations, UK Alternative Energy still achieves the best rating as a ground source heat pump installers in the UK. They not only deal with heating systems, but their solar panel systems are also equally impressive across various applications. The company is passionate about building an eco-friendly environment for future generations.

uk alternative energy

6 – Eco Trades

The company has been providing top-notch heating system services in the South West for almost a decade. They have achieved a 100% rating for their quote accuracy, ensuring that you will receive the best pricing for ground source heat pump installation. Despite being small in size, the company has successfully earned a place on the list of ground source heat pump installers in the UK.

eco trades

7 – Abacus Energy Solutions

Abacus Energy Solutions was created in 2009 by two former Royal Naval engineers. They were very enthusiastic about providing the top renewable energy source with core values of integrity, quality workmanship, and customer excellence. The company has received just one negative review about its installation, which is quite an impressive achievement for the company. Customers identify the customer service of Abacus Energy Solutions as a reason for their success and top-ranked position among ground source heat pump installers in the UK.

abacus energy solutions

8 – GreenMatch

GreenMatch has a good reputation in the market for installing renewable energy sources. They provide solar panel and heating system installation services. The company has been in the industry for quite some time and has received positive reviews on multiple platforms, including Trustpilot and Google Reviews. When discussing the top ground source heat pump installers in the UK, GreenMatch will always be among the companies mentioned.


9 – Zing Energy

Are you seeking expert advice on renewable energies or interested in learning about the grants available for renewable energy projects? Look no further than Zing Energy. Not only does Zing Energy provide exceptional heating system installation services, but they also offer comprehensive information about the grants you can avail. Their commitment to customer satisfaction has earned them appreciative reviews across various platforms from domestic, commercial, and local authorities.

With a team of knowledgeable professionals, Zing Energy strives to empower their clients with the best renewable energy solutions tailored to their needs. Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or a local authority, Zing Energy is your reliable partner in navigating the world of renewable energies.

zing energy

10 – The Eco Expert

The company has earned a well-renowned reputation for providing high-quality products and services. They are particularly known for their expertise in solar panel installation, heating systems, and various other renewable energy sources. Customers trust them for their top-notch solutions in the renewable energy industry.

The eco experts

11 – Heat Norfolk

Heat Norfolk provides a complete range of heating systems, including plumbing and heating services. The company offers its services across Norfolk. It is often recommended by researchers as the best ground source heat pump installer in the UK, as their professional installers always give a refreshing touch to the installations, and they are never hesitant to take on even the smallest tasks, such as fixing a dripping tap. The company makes every effort to satisfy its customers.

Heat Norfolk

How to Find the best Ground Source Heat Pump Installer in The UK?

We have listed the best ground source heat pump installers in the UK to help you find the most suitable one for your needs and location. Among our recommendations, MAK Energy stands out as the best ground source heat pump installer. They are highly professional, with years of experience in installing various heating systems, offering expert advice and comprehensive information about the installation process. Moreover, they have received five-star ratings on different platforms. Give MAK Energy a try for your heating system installation, and we assure you will receive the best services in the UK.

pipes of ground source heat pump

How Much Does it Cost to Install a Heat Pump in the UK?

The cost of heat pump insatlltion depends on which type you opt for. On average an air source heat pump will cost you an estimated price of £10,000 for three bedromm house,
While a ground source heat pump for three bedroom house will cost you around £25,000 for horizontal installation and for verticle installation the cost will go up to the £50,000. The ground source heat pump installation is quite costly as it need borehole for heating system which is quite a costly process.

ground source heat pump installers


You may come across multiple ground source heat pump installers in the UK, but are they worth it? This is the question that often arises in customers’ minds. To save time and difficulty for customers, we have listed some top-ranked ground source heat pump installers in the UK based on customer reviews and their working experience. Among the best ground source heat pump installers in the UK, MAK Energy stands out as the top choice. The company has a well-reputed image and years of experience in installing ground source heat pumps across the UK.

To gather more information about renewable energies, reach out to us through the provided number or fill out our quotation form to receive a free quotation and online survey.

The underfloor heating system is known for being the most reliable and efficient way to heat homes, thanks to its eco-friendly and cost-effective nature. Additionally, it offers an aesthetically pleasing and safe heating option for individuals with asthma and allergies. However, many people may not be aware of the different types of underfloor heating systems, which include wet and electric systems. Both of these underfloor heating systems can be utilized in various applications and are impressive in heating spaces. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to understand the pros and cons of each system.

So, you’ve decided to get underfloor heating. But now, the question is: how do you choose between an electric and water floor heating system? Both systems are well-known for their efficiency, but which one is right for you? Let’s explore it.

When it comes to home heating, underfloor heating electric vs water underfloor heating, is a common debate. Both systems offer unique advantages, and choosing the right one depends on your needs and preferences. Here, we will discuss each and every aspect, covering underfloor heating electric vs water heating systems.

Comparing Underfloor Heating Electric Vs Water Underfloor Heating Systems

AspectElectric Underfloor Heating SystemWater Underfloor Heating System
Suitable projectsBest for single and renovation projectsIdeal for new build projects and larger spaces
How does it work?By connecting heating wires or heating mats to the main electricity supplyBy circulating hot water through a network of pipes to warm the floor of a room
Installation CostLower installation cost than that of the wet systemHigher upfront cost
Running CostHigher running cost due to higher electricity rateLower running cost owing to 25% – 40% more efficiency
Caption – Comparison table between electric & Water Underfloor heating system

Electric Vs Water Underfloor Heating System

Both electric and water underfloor heating systems are used to heat the space, but they differ from each other in their working, installation cost, running cost, efficiency, and more.

How Does an Underfloor Heating System Works?

Underfloor heating systems work differently based on their type. There are two main types of underfloor heating systems, both of which utilize radiant technology to gradually warm a room from the floor up. Let’s explore how each underfloor heating system works.

How Does a Water Underfloor Heating System Work?

Water underfloor heating is a highly effective system that utilizes hot water to warm the floor of a room. It operates by circulating hot water through a network of pipes that are discreetly embedded in the floor. These pipes, usually made of polyethylene or polypropylene, are installed with a spacing of 10-15 centimeters each, ensuring even heat distribution. The hot water is heated by a boiler, heat pump, or another heat source. To seamlessly connect the underfloor heating system to the heating source, like a heat pump or boiler, a manifold is required.

How Does an Electric Underfloor Heating System Work?

Electric floor heater come in further two different types: mat and heating cable-based system. Heating mats utilize slim electric heating wires already attached to a pre-sized mat, making it easy to roll out and affix to the subfloor. Conversely, heating cables work by using a series of cables that are embedded in the floor. The cables are connected to an electric current, which causes them to heat up. The heat from the cables is then transferred to the floor, which in turn warms the air in the room.

Caption – Electric Underfloor Heating

Electric underfloor heating systems are typically controlled by a thermostat, which allows you to set the desired temperature for the room. The thermostat will then turn the heating on and off as needed to maintain the desired temperature.

Electric Vs Water Underfloor Heating System Installation Cost

Comparison of underfloor heating electric vs water heating system involves different aspects, with the main focus being on their installation. Let’s explore the installation cost for each system.

What is The Installation Cost of Electric Underfloor Heating System?

The installation cost for an electric underfloor heating system is quite lower than that of a water underfloor heating system. On average, an electric underfloor heating system can cost you around £55-£80 per square meter for new buildings, and the cost for renovated buildings could go up to £65-£85 per square meter.

Electric Underfloor Heating System
Caption – Electric Underfloor Heating System

How Much Does a Water Underfloor Heating System Cost?

The wet or water underfloor heating system costs more than other types of underfloor heating systems. Therefore, the cost you will have to pay for a water underfloor heating system is approximately £110-£130 per square meter for newly built homes and £130-£175 per square meter for renovated properties. However, the overall cost can vary depending on the size to be heated.

Caption – Underfloor water heating installation

Electric Vs Water Underfloor Heating System Running Cost

There is a significant difference in the running cost between the two underfloor heating systems. While the upfront cost of the water underfloor heating system is quite high, the electric underfloor heating system’s running cost is almost double that of the water system.

Electric Underfloor Heating System Running Cost

The running cost of an electric underfloor heating system is higher due to the higher electricity rate. When compared with the water heating system, the running cost of the electric underfloor heating system is three to four times costlier than the water system.
With an electricity rate of £0.24 per kWh, the running cost for heating a 10-square meter room will be approximately £390, while for a 30-square meter room, the running cost will be around £115.

Water Underfloor Heating System Running Cost

The water underfloor heating system is 25% more efficient when connected with a boiler, and its efficiency increases to 40% when connected with a heat pump. Compared to the electric underfloor heating system, the running cost for a 10-square meter room will be approximately £85, while for a 20-square meter room, it will be around £245.

Which System Is More Suitable For My Home?

For smaller houses or single-room spaces, the electric underfloor heating is best suited. In case of installing the underfloor heating system in an existing property, the electric underfloor heating system is most suitable due to its lower installation cost. The electric system can be installed in bathrooms or kitchens as it is a waterproof system.

On the other hand, for newly built properties and larger projects, the water underfloor heating system is a better option as it can be installed as part of the construction process. The running cost of the water underfloor heating is far less than that of the electric underfloor heating system.

Maintenance Costs of Each Underfloor Heating System

The electric underfloor heating system has almost zero maintenance cost because it doesn’t have any moving parts, and most of its components come with lifetime warranties.

Similarly, the water underfloor system also requires minimal maintenance. However, it needs an annual check of the boiler to ensure the comfort and efficiency the water underfloor heating system provides.


When it comes to the underfloor heating system, people often compare electric vs water underfloor heating systems to determine the best option for their needs. Both systems work to provide efficient heating, but they differ in their installation, running cost, and working criteria.

The electric underfloor heating system is known for its ease of installation and lower upfront costs. It involves connecting heating wires or heating mats to the main electricity supply. On the other hand, the water underfloor heating system requires a higher upfront cost as it involves circulating hot water through a network of pipes to warm the floor of a room. However, its running cost is significantly lower due to its 25% – 40% more efficiency.

Before getting anything installed or purchasing anything for your house, you must have a bit of knowledge about it. The same applies to the water underfloor heating system. The process is quite complicated and may cost you more than other heating systems. Before getting the system installed, you need to know how much it costs and what its installation process entails.

Water underfloor heating is a great way to warm your home. However, it is not as trendy as electric underfloor heating systems, and the reason behind its lower number of installations is its upfront cost and installation complexity. However, the running cost is lower than other underfloor heating systems.

Are you looking for a professional water underfloor heating installer? Choose MAK Energy, the trusted top-leading heating installer company. We are MCS-Certified, and all our installations comply with legal procedures. For more information, talk to our experts.

What is Wet Underfloor Heating?

Wet Underfloor heating system, also known as a water heating system, warms up the room through a series of pipes. The pipes are connected to the heating source through the manifold. Water is heated up via the heat source and spreads the warmth throughout the room. The hot water underfloor heating system is becoming increasingly popular among UK households owing to its even temperature, low running cost, and higher reliability and efficiency.

man installing the water underfloor heating
Caption – A man installing the water underfloor heating

How Do Water Underfloor Heating Systems Work?

Water underfloor heating is a system that uses hot water to heat the floor of a room. It works by circulating hot water through a network of pipes that are embedded in the floor. The pipes are typically made of polyethylene or polypropylene and are installed with a spacing of 10-15 centimeters each. The hot water is heated by a boiler, a heat pump, or another source of heat. However, to connect the underfloor heating system to the heating source, such as a heat pump or boiler, you need a manifold.

pipes of water underfloor heating system
Caption – pipes of water underfloor heating system

What is an Underfloor Heating Manifold?

A manifold is a system that connects the underfloor water pipes with the heating source to work together. It consists of two rows of taps, which allow the warm water to circulate from the heating source through the underfloor circuits. The number of pipes and the complexity of the manifold depend on the system size. The larger the system is, the higher the number of pipes and the more complex the manifold will be.

Underfloor Heating Manifold
Caption – Man working on Underfloor Heating Manifold

What is the Required Temperature for Water Underfloor Heating?

The underfloor heating wet system usually runs at a comparatively lower temperature compared to radiators or other types of heating systems. It operates at as low as 35°C compared to 55-60°C. However, the actual temperature required for a hot water underfloor heating system depends on the type of flooring used to cover it. The harder it is for the heat to get through the floor, the higher the water temperature will be. As the underfloor heating wet system is installed with a mixing valve, you can easily adjust the water temperature as per your needs and requirements.

How Much Does Underfloor Heating Wet System Cost?

The underfloor heating water system is more expensive than the electric underfloor heating system, but the running cost of the underfloor heating wet system is significantly lower compared to other types of underfloor heating systems. However, there are still many factors that can affect the overall cost of a hot water underfloor heating system in the UK, including the size to be heated, type of flooring, and labor costs in your area. The underfloor heating wet system is also more efficient than radiators, around 24% more efficient, making the system less expensive in the long run.

Where Can Water Underfloor Heating Be Installed?

The water underfloor heating system can be installed in any space if you have the proper water pipe infrastructure and a suitable heat source. However, the most appropriate spaces for installing the underfloor heating wet system are the kitchen, followed by the living room.

Unlike electric systems, underfloor heating water systems require more space, but they work perfectly in areas where the floor is properly prepared and insulated. Installing a hot water underfloor heating system in a new building is relatively easy, as adjustments can be considered from the start.

If you are considering installing a hot water underfloor heating water system, the first step you need to take is to have your house assessed by a professional installer like MAK Energy. With years of experience in assessing and installing water underfloor heating systems in the UK, MAK Energy is your go-to expert. Contact us now for a free quotation for your underfloor heating system.

Is Wet Underfloor Heating System Suitable for You?

In most cases, the hot water underfloor heating system is installed underneath tiled or stone floors. The system can also be installed under carpet, but the tog (thermal resistance) should not be greater than 2.5, as higher tog values can hinder the amount of heat passing through. Therefore, the system is typically installed in new builds. However, it can still be installed in your existing home, depending on the types of flooring.

Does Underfloor Heating Need a Special Type of Boiler?

You don’t need to buy a special type of boiler for a underfloor heating water system, as the underfloor heating water system is compatible with all types of boilers typically used in homes. This includes combi gas boilers, oil boilers, or tank-based gas boilers. A little adjustment may be required at the time of installation to your existing boiler.

 Benefits of Water Underfloor Heating System

The installation cost of water underfloor heating system is quite high but still it provides you the numerous benefits in the long run.

Cost-Effective Heating

The underfloor heating water system is cost-effective, with running costs quite lower than radiators or electric underfloor heating systems.

Energy Efficient

These systems are 25% more efficient when compared with others. They can operate at lower, more energy-efficient temperatures than other heating systems.


 Underfloor heating systems are very low-maintenance. The only regular maintenance required is to flush the pipes every few years.


Underfloor heating systems do not require any bulky radiators, which can free up space in your home.

How To Find the Best Water Underfloor Heating Installer In The UK?

Installing water underfloor heating is more complex compared to electric underfloor heating, and it may cost more than other heating systems. To ensure a successful installation, it’s essential to hire an MCS-Certified installer. At MAK Energy, a renowned water underfloor heating installer in the UK, we not only hold the MCS certification but also possess extensive experience in handling complex installations tailored to individual needs.

For any inquiries about renewable energy sources, MAK Energy is always here to assist you. Contact us through our provided number and fill out the quotation form to receive a free, no-obligation quotation. Let us help you make the most of efficient and eco-friendly heating solutions for your home.


Water underfloor heating systems are becoming very popular among UK homes, especially in new builds. The system is highly efficient, reliable, and its running cost is much lower than electric underfloor heating systems. The system can be installed with any type of boiler, whether it’s a gas boiler or an oil boiler. Additionally, the system can be installed in any space if the room is properly insulated.

If you are considering installing the underfloor heating system in your home, let MAK Energy make it easy for you. With years of experience in installing underfloor heating wet systems, we know how to handle complex installations. Feel free to contact us for assistance.

In the solar industry, Jinko Solar Panels is one of the most renowned solar manufacturing companies worldwide. The company operates eight production facilities located in China, Malaysia, South Africa, and Portugal, with a staff of over 1500 employees.

Jinko Solar is well-known for its utilization of integrated advanced polycrystalline solar PV technologies. The company has earned a reputation for creating reliable and cost-effective PV modules. To maintain its leadership position in the industry, the company invests in the development of new solar technologies to enhance panel production.

Jinko Solar offers PV modules in various sizes and models, with prices varying depending on the module size, efficiency, technology, and other features.

jinko solar panels uk

Why Choose Jinko Solar Panels for Your UK Home?

There are many reasons why you should choose Jinko Solar panels for your UK home. Jinko solar panels are highly efficient, have a longer lifespan, are available at a competitive price, and come in a wide range of options. These factors alone make them a top choice. Additionally, Jinko Solar has a well-reputed track record, being in the business for the last 20 years. Over time, they have evolved into a leading company in the industry.

Jinko Solar manufactures Tier 1 solar panels, known for their high efficiency, ability to yield more energy, and extended durability.

jinko solar panels uk

Key Features of Jinko Solar Panel UK

Here are some basic features of Jinko solar panels UK:

High efficiency

Jinko panels are some of the most efficient solar panels on the market, with an efficiency of up to 21.1%. This means that they can generate more power from the same amount of sunlight, which can save you money on your energy bills.

Long lifespan

Jinko panels comes with a longer life of 25 years or more, so you can be sure that your investment will be protected. With Jinko solar panels you reduce your electricity for almost next 3 decades.

Competitive prices

Jinko panels are very competitively priced, so you can get high-quality solar panels without breaking the bank. Jinko solar panels in the UK are quite pocket friendly and affordable to most of the customers.

Advanced technology

Jinko solar panels use advanced technology to improve their efficiency and performance. For example, they use half-cell technology, which can improve efficiency by up to 5%. Their modern technology make it the first choice for solar energy production.


Jinko solar panels are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, making them a good choice for the UK climate. They are designed to bear the snow and wind pressure.


Jinko solar panels come with a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty. This means that you can be sure that your panels will perform as expected for many years to come.

Jinko Solar Panels UK and The UK’s Solar Market

Jinko Solar panels have found a significant market share in the UK’s solar industry. Their high efficiency and reliability make them an attractive choice for both residential rooftop installations and larger commercial or utility-scale projects.

With the UK government’s feed-in tariff (FiT) and the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) schemes, homeowners and businesses can benefit from incentives that promote solar energy adoption. These schemes allow solar panel owners to earn money by exporting excess electricity back to the grid. The high efficiency of Jinko Solar panels in the UK can enhance these benefits by maximizing the amount of electricity generated.

Furthermore, the UK’s commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 has driven the demand for sustainable energy sources. As solar technology continues to improve, Jinko Solar’s cutting-edge products are likely to play a crucial role in meeting these ambitious targets.

Jinko Solar Panels Product Price Range

Jinko Solar provides top ranked solar panels in different models and sizes, all use the advance technology and are highly efficient and reliable. some of the most reliable Jinko solar panels in the Uk are as follows:  

Product NameEstimated Price (VAT not included)
Tiger Neo N-type 60HL4 475 Watt  £250 – £280
Jinko Tiger 66TR P-Type  £130 to £150
Jinko Tiger Neo 420-Watt N-Type Monocrystalline  £160 – £190
Jinko Tiger Neo 430-Watt  £175 – £190
Jinko 305W Cheetah Monocrystalline PERC MAXIM Cell Optimised Solar Panel  £130 – £160
Jinko 400W Tiger N-Type All Black Monocrystalline Solar Panel  £150 – £180
Jinko Tiger Neo 425W TOPCon N-Type Solar Panel  £160 – £190
Jinko Tiger Neo 435W TOPCon All Black Monocrystalline Solar Panel  £165 – £190
Jinko Tiger Neo 54c 415W N-Type  £170 – £200
Jinko Tiger Neo 54c 430W N-Type  £170 – £200
Jinko 355W Tiger N-Type All Black Monocrystalline Solar Panel  £130 – £150
Jinko 380W Tiger N-Type Monocrystalline Solar Panel  £140 – £170
Jinko 325W Cheetah Mono PERC MAXIM Power Optimized Solar Panel  £120 – £150
Caption – Table of Jinko Solar panels prices

Tiger Neo N-Type 60HL4 475 Watt

The latest Jinko Tiger model is a highly efficient solar panel with an efficiency rate of 23.53%. It utilizes N-type TopCon technology, offering three main features: higher bifacial factor, reduced performance decline over time, and lower temperature coefficient. With a 12-year product and 30-year linear power warranty, these panels are a reliable and long-lasting choice for solar energy needs.

jinko solar panels tiger Neo 475

Price Tiger Neo N-Type 475-Watt Jinko Solar Panels In The UK

  • The 475-watt Tiger Neo N-type Jinko solar panel price in the UK falls between £250 and £280, excluding tax.

Jinko Tiger 66TR P-Type

Jinko Tiger 66TR P-type solar panels use the Mono facial Framem Module P technology, making them ideal for domestic and commercial applications due to their high efficiency, reliability, and extended warranty. This PV module boasts a positive power tolerance of 0 to 3%. Additionally, the half-cell technology eliminates the cell gap, resulting in increased module efficiency. Jinko solar panels in the UK are highly popular, primarily because of their mere 2% degradation in the first year and an extended 25-year warranty.

Jinko Tiger 66TR P-Type

Tiger 66TR P-Type Jinko Solar Panels Price in The UK

  • Jinko P-type solar panels are quite impressive models, and they can be purchased for a price ranging from £130 to £150.

Jinko Tiger Neo 420-Watt N-Type All Black Monocrystalline Solar Panel

Jinko’s latest Tiger Neo model is packed with advanced technology that has attracted more customers. The new 420-watt N-type all-black monocrystalline solar panels come with the latest features and technology, delivering guaranteed safety, reliability, and high-power performance. The model uses Hot 2.0 Technology, which enhances reliability and reduces LID/LETID. Additionally, the warranty is also very generous, offering a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year power warranty

features of Jinko Tiger Neo 420-Watt N-Type All Black Monocrystalline Solar Panel


Tiger Neo 420-Watt Jinko Solar Panels Price in The UK

  • Despite being high in efficiency, reliability, and performance, the module is yet affordable and budget-friendly. The Tiger 420-watt price for Jinko solar panels in the UK is around £160, excluding tax, and with tax, the price can go up to £190

Jinko Tiger Neo 430-Watt

Jinko’s cutting-edge Tiger Neo model has garnered significant attention for its advanced technology. These state-of-the-art 430-watt Jinko solar panels incorporate the latest features, ensuring unrivaled safety, reliability, and high-power performance. The utilization of Hot 2.0 Technology further enhances their dependability while reducing LID/LETID concerns.  Moreover, the panel’s warranty is remarkably comprehensive, providing a 12-year product warranty and an impressive 25-year power warranty.

Jinko Tiger Neo 430-Watt

Tiger Neo 430-Watt Jinko Solar Panels Price in The UK

  • You can buy the Tiger 430-watt Jinko solar panel for just £175, excluding tax.


We would like to notify all readers and aspirants that the given prices of Jinko solar panels in the UK are just estimates. The solar industry is constantly evolving, and prices may fluctuate on a weekly basis. As a result, you may find the prices have increased or decreased at the time you visit this page. Therefore, the price of Jinko solar panels in the UK is not guaranteed or fixed.


Jinko solar panels have earned global popularity, and in the UK, they’ve become a dominant force in the solar industry. With up to 24% efficiency and a reliable 25-year warranty, these panels offer a powerful and long-lasting energy solution.

The diverse range of Jinko models ensures there’s an ideal fit for every need. Embrace the power of the sun with confidence, knowing Jinko’s cutting-edge technology will brighten your path to a greener future.

Upgrading warm air heating systems can bring numerous benefits to homeowners and businesses alike. With advancements in technology and increasing energy efficiency standards, upgrading these systems can lead to improved comfort, cost savings, and environmental sustainability.

If you are still using an older warm air heating system and planning to replace it with a new radiator or gas boiler, and curious to know about the warm air heating systems replacement cost, this article will provide you with insights about warm air heating systems replacement cost in the UK.

Warm air heating systems were very popular in the 1970’s due to their easy installation and ability to provide sufficient heat to homes. However, they are now considered outdated.

In this article, we will shed light on the cost of upgrading warm air heating systems in the UK, including installing a new heating system or replacing it altogether with a gas or electric central heating system.

heating replacement

Understanding The Current Warm Air Heating Systems

Warm air heating systems have been a popular choice for many homeowners due to their efficiency and ability to quickly heat up a space. These systems work by using ducts to distribute heated air throughout the house, providing warmth in an efficient manner.

One of the key components of a warm air heating system is the furnace, which is responsible for generating hot air. Furnaces can be powered by various energy sources such as natural gas, oil, or electricity. The type of fuel used can impact both the cost and efficiency of the system.

In terms of efficiency, modern warm air heating systems have come a long way. With advancements in technology and design, these systems now offer higher energy efficiency ratings compared to older models. This means that homeowners can enjoy lower energy bills while still maintaining optimal comfort levels within their homes.

Warm Air Heating Systems Replacement Cost

The Need for Upgrading Warm Air Heating System

It is becoming increasingly evident that upgrading warm air heating systems is a necessity. With advancements in technology and growing concerns about energy efficiency, older heating systems are proving to be inefficient and costly to maintain. One of the main reasons for upgrading warm air heating systems is their inefficiency. Older systems tend to lose heat through ducts-work leaks or inadequate insulation, resulting in higher energy bills.

Cost of Upgrading Warm Air Heating Systems

Cost of Upgrading Warm Air Heating Systems In the UK

Homeowners across the UK are now considering upgrading or replacing their warm air heating system as they have fallen out of favor, and there are very few providers offering these systems anymore. Replacing them with a gas-boiler and radiator system is a better option.  However, the cost of upgrading warm air heating systems in the UK depends on multiple factors such as the size of the heating system, geographical location and.  Here are some of the key factors that can affect the cost of upgrading warm air heating systems in the UK.

  • Type of the System
  • Size of the System
  • heating system energy efficiency
  • Duct work
  • Heating System Installation complexities
  • Additional Features

It is important to note that warm air heating systems replacement cost can vary significantly based on these factors and regional pricing differences. To get an accurate estimate for your specific situation, it is recommended to contact professional installer like MAK Energy who can assess your home’s needs and provide a detailed quote.

Warm Air Heating Systems Replacement Cost

If you are still keen on keeping your warm air heating system but want some upgradation, you will have to bear a cost ranging from £3000 to £5000 for the heating upgrades. On the other hand, if you are fed up with your existing system and want a complete heating replacement, a new installation of a warm air heating system will cost you around £5250 and £10,000. However, please note that the cost will depend on the size of your heating replacement system and the location where it is installed.

Before proceeding with the upgrade or new installation, it’s advisable to obtain a quote from MCS Certified installers. MAK Energy provides this facility to its customers free of cost, offering free consultations and free online surveys for solar panel systems.

Replacement OptionEstimated Cost
Upgrade Existing Boiler$3,000 – $5,000
New Installation of Warm Air Heating System$5,250 – $10,000
Replacement With a Heat Pump$10,000 – $15,000
Installing New Gas Combo Boiler and System Pipework4,550 £6,850
Installing New Gas Combo Boiler and Radiators£8,300 £11,500
Installing New Electric Central Heating System£4,000 £5,000
Caption – Above table shows warm air heating systems replacement costs

What Is the Cost of Electric Heating Replacement? 

You have another option for your heating replacement: electric storage heaters. This option is best suited for those who are not attached to the gas grid. The average cost for a full electric system installation from scratch is around £4500. However, please note that the cost can fluctuate depending on the system size.

What are the Forced Air Heating System Cost?

A forced air heating system is part of most modern homes, and if you are making a plan for heating replacement, Forced Air heating system is the one you must consider in. the average installation cost of forced air heating system will be around £3500 pounds, but the cost can go up to £7000 deepening on your system size and the requirement.

Are Old Warm Air Heating System Any Good?

Old warm air heating systems can be effective in heating your home, but they are not as efficient as newer central heating systems. They can also be more expensive to run and maintain, especially when compared to newer heating and cooling systems. The heating cost for maintenance is higher than those of newer ones. Therefore, it is advisable to upgrade your heating system with a new heating system installation.

Is Warm Air Heating Classed as Central Heating?

Yes, warm air heating is classified as a central heating system. A central heating system is a system that distributes heat throughout a home from a central location. Warm air heating systems work by using a warm air furnace and then distributing the heated air through ducts to different rooms in the home. However, warm air heating can cost you more because it is less efficient compared to newer heating systems that have better heating efficiency.

What Is the Cheapest Home Heating To Run?

The most budget-friendly home heating option will depend on a few factors, like where you live, the climate, heating system financing, heating system warranties and energy prices in your area. Generally, if you have access to natural gas, it’s often one of the most affordable ways to heat your home. Gas furnaces and boilers are known for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They can help keep your heating expenses in check while keeping you warm and comfortable during colder months.

When Should a Heating System Be Replaced?

When considering heating system upgrades and heating system repairs, there are several factors to keep in mind. If your heating system is older than 15-20 years, frequently breaking down, performing poorly, or causing safety concerns like carbon monoxide leaks, it might be time for a replacement. Additionally, if you’re facing continuously rising energy bills or planning significant home renovations or a fuel source switch, a replacement could be necessary. Seek advice from heating professionals to make the best decision for your situation.


Heating systems are essential in every UK home, and those with old warm air heating systems are now considering upgrades to the latest and modern models. However, warm air heating systems replacement cost in the UK can be high if you plan to install a new system from scratch. The heating system maintenance for a new system is very low, but the initial cost is quite high. We have mentioned the cost of upgrading warm air heating systems in the UK.

If you’re fed up with your old warm air heating system and want to make a change, MAK Energy is here to assist you in finding the best-suited heating system for your home upgrade. Take a minute to talk to us and switch to a more reliable and efficient heating system.

There is always a risk associated with any investment you make, and the same goes for the solar panel system. However, taking the right steps can reduce the risk and damage. Extreme weather conditions and external forces can damage solar panels and lead to costly repairs. The larger the size of the system, the higher the potential damage will be. One simple and effective solution to protect against such hazards from harsh weather and external forces is to ensure bracing is installed on solar frames.

No site or location is 100% secure from harsh weather or unexpected natural disasters, but taking a small proactive action can save costly damage for solar panel owners. There are different types of solar panel mounting systems, and opting for one of them can lead to significant cost savings by reducing structural damage.

In this article, we will shed light on how to choose the right solar panel mounting system for your solar panel mounting structure, the benefits of a solar panel bracing system, which bracing system is best for you, such as solar panel wind bracing, solar panel array bracing or solar panel seismic bracing, how it can help protect your investment, how are solar panels fixed to the roof and the cost implications of implementing a bracing system.

What is Solar Panel Mounting System?

A solar panel mounting system is a set of components that secure solar panels to a roof or other mounting surface. The system typically includes brackets, rails, and fasteners that are designed to withstand the weight of the solar panels, as well as the forces of wind and snow.

A solar panel mounting system is essential for secure and efficient solar panel installations. It provides stability, distributes weight, withstands external forces, and optimizes panel orientation. Different types, such as roof-top racking, ground-mounted, or adjustable tilt systems, cater to diverse installation scenarios. Properly chosen and installed, the bracing system ensures maximum energy production, protects against damage, and preserves the integrity of the roof or ground structure.

solar panel mounting system

How Are Solar Panels Fixed to The Roof?

Solar panels are fixed to the roof using a system of brackets, rails, and fasteners. The specific type of system used will depend on the type of roof you have, the size of your solar panel system, and the wind and snow load in your area.

Some of The Most Common Ways That Solar Panels Are Fixed to The Roof

Rigid Mounting Systems for Solar Panels

Rigid mounting systems: These systems are made of metal and are very strong. They are a good choice for roofs with high wind loads or steep slopes. The brackets are attached directly to the roof rafters, and the rails are then attached to the brackets. The solar panels are then attached to the rails.

Rigid Mounting Systems for Solar Panel mounting
Rigid Mounting Systems for Solar Panel bracing

Adjustable Mounting Systems for Solar Panels

These systems allow you to adjust the angle of your solar panels so that they can capture the most sunlight. This is a good choice for roofs that face different directions. The brackets are attached directly to the roof rafters, and the rails are then attached to the brackets. The solar panels are then attached to the rails using adjustable clamps.

Adjustable mounting structure
Caption – adjustable mounting structure image

Rail-Less Mounting Systems for Solar Panels

These systems do not use rails to support the solar panels. Instead, they use brackets that are attached directly to the roof. This is a good choice for roofs with limited space or that have complex shapes. The brackets are attached directly to the roof rafters, and the solar panels are then attached to the brackets using clamps.

Rail-Less Mounting Systems for Solar Panels
Caption – rail-less mounting structure image

Ballasted Mounting Systems

 These systems use sand or concrete to weigh down the solar panels. This is a good choice for roofs that cannot be penetrated by screws or nails. The brackets are attached directly to the roof, and the solar panels are then attached to the brackets using clamps. The ballast is then placed on top of the solar panels to weigh them down.

Ballasted mounting structure
Caption – Ballasted mounting structure image

How To Choose the Right Solar Panel Mounting System?

Choosing the right solar panel mounting system is essential to ensure the safety, maintenance, efficiency, and longevity of your solar installation. In most cases, solar panel mounting is used for wind resistance and seismic resistance. Here are the key steps.

Roof Assessment

Begin by assessing your roof type and structure. Different roof types (pitched, flat, metal, tile, etc.) require specific bracing solutions. Ensure the bracing system is compatible with your roof to avoid damage and ensure a secure installation.

Local Building Codes

Before choosing the solar panel mounting system, make sure you are well aware of the building codes and regulations in your area. Some regions have specific requirements for solar panel installations, including bracing systems. Choose a bracing system that complies with all local standards and regulations.

Wind and Snow Loads

The average wind and snow load can very depending on the geographical location and the weather conditions. and the bracing system is usually used to prevent such kind of hard weather condition. The most common bracing systems are solar panel wind bracing and solar panel array bracing. The bracing system must be designed to handle these loads effectively to prevent damage to the solar panel mounting and the roof. Ensure the bracing system specifications match or exceed the requirements for your location.

Material and Durability

The quality of the solar panel mounting matters a lot. Look for bracing systems made from durable and weather-resistant materials like aluminum or stainless steel. High-quality materials ensure the system’s longevity and prevent corrosion over time.

Ease of Installation

 Choose the system that is easy to install and yet provide the solar panel structural support. Choose solar panel mounting installation that is easy to install and does not require extensive modifications to your roof or ground structure. Simplified installation can save time and reduce overall installation costs.


The solar panel mounting system is used to save you from costly damage. So, while choosing the bracing system, make sure to opt for one that is budget-friendly and affordable. Determine your budget for the solar panel installation, including the bracing system. While it’s essential to choose a reliable and sturdy system, finding a balance between quality and cost-effectiveness is crucial.

Professional Installation

Finally, consider having your solar panels and bracing system installed by a professional solar installer. They have the expertise and experience to select and install the right bracing system for your specific setup, ensuring a safe and efficient solar energy system.


The installation cost of a Solar PV system can be significant for owners. Ensuring the system’s security from harsh weather is crucial. The solar panel mounting system is the ideal solution to protect and secure your solar panels, ensuring maximum efficiency and performance without fear of damage. By investing in a reliable bracing system, solar panel owners can safeguard their initial investment and enjoy long-term benefits from their solar energy system.

MAK Energy is here to assist you with any query about solar PV systems. Whether you are planning to install solar panels for your home or business, let MAK Energy be your solar energy partner. We have helped thousands of homes switch to solar energy. Contact us through our provided number or fill out our quotation form for a personalized quote, and our agent will be in touch as soon as possible.

how are solar panels fixed to the roof

Electric vehicles are the future of transportation, and owning them means you are embracing modern technology. Having an electric vehicle has many perks, but the only downside is that you need to be mindful of charging points. To address this issue, EV apps are inevitable as they help you locate the nearest charging points, whether you are at home or abroad.

Whether you are searching for a ev charging point, booking a hotel, or planning EV charging sessions, there is an app for you. Best EV charging apps assist you in navigating, route planning, and finding charging points. However, with hundreds of EV applications available, determining the best one can be an exhausting task. That’s why we have come up with the best EV charging app in the UK.

woman holding ev chargers pump with her ev car

Best EV Charging Apps in UK

  1. Zap-Map
  2. Plug Share
  3. Waze
  4. ChargePoint
  5. EV Hotels
  6. Optiwatt
  7. Chargemap
  8. Bonnet
  9. WhattsUp
  10. AppyParking
  11. WhenToPlugIn
  12. BP Pulse
  13. RingGO Parking
  14. EV8 Switch
  15. EVGO
  16. Caura
  17. ChargeHub
  18. Just Park
  19. The AA
  20. Tesla
  21. A Better Routeplanner (ABRP)


Whether you are an EV novice or enthusiastic about electric vehicles, you must have heard about the Zap-Map app. Zap-Map is the best EV charging app in the UK, covering 95% of public charging points on its network. The app assists EV owners in navigating and locating nearby charging stations, and it also offers the convenience of paying for EV charging across the network using Zap-Pay. Notably, Zap-Map was awarded the Driving Electric Award in 2022. The application also keeps users informed about the availability of different charging stations.

Zap-Map offers three plans, including a free plan with basic information.

zap map - best ev charging app uk

Plug Share

If you are planning to travel abroad with your electric vehicle, the PlugShare app must be installed on your smartphone. PlugShare guides users about charging stations across the globe, providing access to a vast network of 533,000 charging stations worldwide. The perks you get with the PlugShare app are endless, but the best one is the world’s largest EV driver community of approximately 300,000 users.

These drivers regularly write reviews about different charging stations in various countries, helping you become aware of the top-ranked and lower-ranked charging points.

plug share logo


Waze is as helpful for non-EV users as it is for EV users. Waze’s advanced features allow users to share navigational information, traffic conditions, incidents, and speed camera locations. The application’s database is updated in real-time, providing users with up-to-date information. This is why Waze is renowned as one of the best EV charging app in the UK. Even Tesla EVs can utilize Waze on their screens for a better route and user experience.

waze - best ev charging app


ChargePoint is one of the largest and best EV charging app in the UK, with over 100,000 charging stations in its network, not only in the UK but also in North America and across Europe. The app shows EV owners the nearest charging stations, the charging rates, and the estimated kilowatts that can be obtained. The best part of the ChargePoint app is its in-app notifications, which provide real-time information about the charging status of your vehicle.

charge point best ev charging app uk

EV Hotels

If you’re planning to travel across the Europe, the most important app you must have on your smartphone is the EVHotel. It makes your travel easy by providing access to 250,000 accommodations points worldwide that have charge points either on-site or within walking distance. The app’s standout feature, making it the best app for EV charging station in UK, is the ability to customize and filter the map. By customizing the map, you can select your desired hotel, set your car’s plug type, and specify the distance between your hotel and the charging station.

ev hotels ev app


Saving money has always been a major concern of every person and Optiwatt is designed to help you save money on charging your electric vehicle. Optiwatt is the best EV charging app in the UK among those who are very concern about the lower charging rates. The app automatically schedule charging for your vehicle when the rate is at its lowest, during peak hours and make sure that your car is fully charged at the lowest possible rates.

optiwatt logo


Chargemap is another highly reputed map for locating charging stations, planning trips, and managing charging for electric vehicles. It is considered one of the best app for EV charging station in the UK and covers a majority of European networks with over 500,000 charging points. Like other top-rated applications, Chargemap provides powerful filtering and route planning options to ensure hassle-free travel. With the Chargemap app, you gain access to over 300,000 charging points in Europe alone.

chargemap logo


Bonnet has the highest number of connections with networks among any other EV app. They have won awards for being the best EV charging app and offer access to over 200,000 charging stations across Europe, including Ionity, MFG, FastNed, Total Energies, and Allego. The application provides real-time information about the charging status, indicating whether a charging station is in use, out of service, or blocked. With their premium subscription, users can enjoy a 15% discount on every charge, regardless of the network and charging point.

bonnet logo


Do you feel overwhelmed while searching for the right station based on your charging requirements? WhattsUp is the best solution for you. Upon logging in, WhattsUp asks you about your charging type and requirements. When you hit the search button for charging points in specific areas, the app will only display stations that meet your needs. WhattsUp is the best app for EV charging station in UK, thanks to its unique and time-saving features.

whatts up best ev charging app


AppyParking stands out from other parking apps by offering a unique feature set. Not only does it display available on-street parking spots, designated spaces, and car parks, but it also provides real-time updates for on-street parking availability, ensuring a hassle-free parking experience. However, it’s worth noting that this app lacks extensive EV-oriented features and does not offer in-car app support.

appy parking logo - ev charging app uk


WhenToPlugIn is an app that informs you about the optimal time to charge your EV vehicle with the cleanest energy available. The application provides information about the electricity generated from renewable energy sources, with a high proportion of electricity fed into the grid. It also displays how the electricity used for EV charging is generated, whether from natural resources or fossil fuels.

whentoplugin - ev charging application

BP Pulse

BP Pulse has replaced its previous application with the new one called Chargemaster. The new app comes with several new features, including the ability to locate and navigate charging points. Additionally, premier members of BP Pulse gain access to a greater number of charging points nearby. BP Pulse is regarded the best EV charging app in the UK due to its features, user-friendly interface, and affordable subscription rates.

BP Pulse - Ev charging App

RingGO Parking

The RingoGo parking app provides compatibility with both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. RingGo parking app is considered one of the best parking apps currently available. It assists you in finding parking spaces near your destination with ease. The app also allows you to extend your parking time as needed. You may be surprised to find it listed as an EV charging app as well. RingGo offers the convenience of searching for car parking spaces with charging points, providing dual benefits with just one click.

Ring Go - Ev charging App

EV8 Switch

If you’re considering replacing your EV but unsure which one is the best fit for you, EV8 Switch is here to help. EV8 Switch analyzes your current car and driving habits, studying your typical journeys and routes, and suggests another electric car based on your routine. It also highlights charging points along your regular route. EV8 Switch ensures that you save money through your electric vehicle and charging habits.

ev8 switch


EVGO is regarded as the best EV charging app in UK that helps you easily locate charging points near you. The application displays available charging points, and EVGO also provides the convenience of paying and charging your EV with a single swipe.

evgo - fast ev charging


Caura is an FCA-Approved app that manages all your car needs from one place. By using your vehicle registration number, Caura takes care of everything from parking and road tax to MOT, tolls, insurance, and more. It reduces vehicle-related administrative tasks and helps mitigate penalty fees. While not specifically designed for EV drivers, we believe it is a must-have for any driver. Caura can be used for a single vehicle or to support multiple registered vehicles, making it ideal for fleet managers.


Just Park

JustPark, the UK’s largest parking network boasting over 45,000 locations, serves as the ultimate connection between drivers and available parking spaces. Whether you’re seeking a parking spot or looking to rent out your driveway, JustPark is the essential app for you. It offers real-time parking space availability and streamlines pre-booking and payment processes through a single account.

just park uk ev app


ChargeHub, owing to its features and user interface, regarded as the best app for EV charging station in UK. It efficiently shows you the nearest EV charging stations in your vicinity. Additionally, the application provides a platform for users to share their experiences about different charging points, contributing to its reputation as the best EV charging app in UK.

Charge Hub

The AA

The AA EV charging app is a reliable and convenient tool for electric vehicle owners. With its user-friendly interface, it allows users to easily locate and access charging stations. The app provides real-time information on station availability and pricing, ensuring a seamless charging experience. AA EV charging app is a must-have companion for EV drivers. And increasing number of users of The AA makes it the best EV charging app in UK.

Tesla – Best EV Charging App UK

If you own a Tesla electric vehicle, having the Tesla application on your phone is essential. The Tesla app stands out as the best EV charging app in UK, offering access to their extensive network of supercharging stations. With nearly 100,000 charging points worldwide, the app provides comprehensive coverage. It also monitors the charging process and sends notifications when your EV is fully charged. Additionally, the Tesla app offers various other features like unlocking the car, managing temperature settings, venting the sunroof, and more. These exceptional features solidify Tesla’s position as the best EV charging app in UK and globally.

Tesla ev charging app in the uk

A Better Routeplanner (ABRP)

The ABRP (A Better Route Planner) app is renowned as the best EV charging app in UK. It specializes in efficient journey planning for electric vehicles. By inputting your vehicle type, starting state of charge, and desired charging stop frequency, it calculates optimal charging locations and durations. This enables you to maximize your charge and minimize journey time.

A Better Routeplanner (ABRP)


Can I Charge My EV Without a Card?

Yes, it’s true! You can now charge your electric vehicle without a card. Several EV applications offer contactless payment options, which not only save you money but also valuable time.

Which is the Best EV Charging App in UK?

There are several EV charging apps that can be considered among the best in the UK. When considering features, subscription charges, and reputation, the top contenders in the EV charging category are Tesla, Bonnet, ZAP MAP, and Plug Share.

Is There Any App for Free EV Charging?

Yes, indeed! There are a few apps that provide free EV charging options, such as PlugShare, ChargePoint, EVHotel, EVGO, and others.


The number of electric vehicles is increasing each day, and every EV owner requires an app to navigate, locate nearby charging stations, find parking spaces, and manage car documents. Numerous EV apps are available on both Android and Apple stores, allowing you to choose the one that suits you best.

If you’re tired of searching for an EV charging point, MAK Energy can assist you in installing an EV charging station at your home. With MAK Energy’s EV charging station installation, you can eliminate the hassle of searching for a station and save a significant amount of money. If you have any queries regarding EV charger installation, feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to resolve any issues you may have.

Installing solar panels at your home or business premises can give you peace of mind as you no longer have to worry about the impact that your electricity bill has on your bank balance. The first challenge you face when considering installing a solar PV system and reaping these benefits is obtaining solar panels quotes. You might wonder from whom to get the quotation, how many quotes to obtain, what factors to consider before requesting solar quotation, and how to understand the given quotations from installers. These are all questions you may have encountered before. However, here we will provide you with the information you need to ask/understand before obtaining a solar panel quotation from an MCS certified installer. We will also guide you on what a solar panel quote is and what it entails.

To receive free solar panel quotes, simply fill out our quotation form, which takes no longer than one minute to complete. After submitting the form, a professional from MAK Energy will promptly get in touch with you and provide you with a competitively priced solar panel quotation. If you have already obtained quote for solar panels, don’t wait until tomorrow. Get your solar system installed now and start enjoying free electricity for years to come.

13 Things to Ask Before Getting Solar Panel Quotes

Click on the picture below or here to land on Free Quotation page!

Solar panels quote form

1 – Why Get a Solar Panel Quote?

Before getting a solar panel system installed, individuals typically want to gather information about it. One would obtain a solar quote to learn about the cost, specifications, and available options for installing solar panels. Getting a quote enables individuals to assess the financial feasibility of solar panel installation, compare prices and offerings from different providers, and make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the project. It provides valuable information about the required investment, potential savings on electricity bills, and the overall benefits of switching to solar energy.

2 – How Much Electricity Do You Use Annually?

The first and foremost thing you need to check before obtaining solar panels quotes is your annual electricity usage. This will help you determine your energy consumption and the appropriate size of solar panels you require. To check your annual electricity usage, simply refer to your electricity bills from the past 12 months. If you are unable to find this information, contact your supplier, and they will provide you with the necessary details. On average, a 3-bedroom home consumes approximately 3000 kW per year, and for such homes, a 3-4 kW solar system is typically sufficient to power the electricity needs of the house.

3 – Is Your Electricity Usage Going to Increase Soon?

Are you planning to install any new electric appliances in the near future that could potentially increase your electricity bill? For example, if you’re considering installing a heating system or a heat-only boiler in a large house, or if you plan to have an electric vehicle charging point at home, it is crucial to take these factors into account before obtaining solar panel quotes. Failing to consider these future plans may result in higher energy usage and a solar panel system with insufficient capacity, leading to continued high electricity bills. Therefore, it is important to keep your future plans in mind when requesting solar panels quotes.

4 – Where You Will Install the Solar Panels – Roof Top or Ground Mounted?

Not every rooftop is suitable for solar panel installation due to various factors such as shading areas near the roof, the condition of the roof, and its design. It is essential to assess the location where your solar panel system will be installed before obtaining a quote for solar panels.

5 – What Type of Solar Panel Will You Need?

Usually, two types of solar panels are commonly used: monocrystalline and polycrystalline.


Monocrystalline solar panels are generally more expensive compared to other types of solar panels, but they offer higher efficiency rates. Their efficiency typically ranges between 15% to 25%.


Polycrystalline solar panels are a cost-effective option that is more affordable than monocrystalline panels, although they have slightly lower efficiency. Despite this, they remain highly effective and environmentally friendly. The efficiency of polycrystalline solar panels typically ranges between 13% and 17%.

6 – Is Your Roof Suitable?

In most cases, solar panels are installed on rooftops. However, it is important to determine if your roof is suitable for solar panel installation before obtaining solar panel quotes. Suitability means ensuring that your roof has sufficient space and that the panels can be tilted vertically at an angle between 30 and 45 degrees. This angle ensures that the solar panels are optimally exposed to sunlight, resulting in increased electricity generation.

7 – Does Installer Hold the MCS Certification?

The MCS Certification is a quality assurance initiative that ensures the installer is well-equipped and maintains quality and reliability for the customer. Therefore, it is important to check whether the installer from whom you are obtaining the solar panel quote is MCS certified. If they are certified, you can proceed with confidence. However, if the installer is not certified, it is advisable not to obtain a quote for solar panels from them.

8 – How Many solar Panels Quotes Should I Get?

The more sources of information you have, the more familiar you become with solar PV systems. This holds true for obtaining quotes for solar panels as well. It is recommended to gather at least three quotations from competitive installers and compare their products and costs. Remember that cheaper isn’t always better. Therefore, it is important not to rely solely on the price but also consider factors such as the quality of products, the reputation of the installation company, and the number of systems they have successfully installed.

9 – What is a Feasibility Study?

The assessment of a solar system’s financial and technical aspects is commonly known as the feasibility study of the solar panel system. This study serves as the initial step in evaluating a new renewable energy project. The scope of the feasibility study depends on the size of the system, whether it is small or large. However, typically, a feasibility study assesses the following areas:

  • Project Background
  • Site Selection
  • Recommended Technologies
  • Economic Analysis
  • Community Impact

10 – What Should Solar Panels Quotes Include?

Geographical location and number of sunlight hours your house receive every day make huge impact on the productivity of the system. and the quote should start off with consideration of geographical location and sunlight hours.

solar panels quotes for the family

11 – List Of Hardware Included in The System

The hardware usually includes the solar panels, solar inverter, batteries, racking, brackets and other important parts for the system. these are the hardware for the new panel system installation. if you already have installed system at your place and want to upgrade it, the case could be different. But usually following are the items are included in the quotation:

  • Solar Panels
  • Solar Inverter
  • Brackets
  • Racking
  • Batteries (Optional)
  • Mounting Structure
  • Scaffolding.

Any Warranty

The solar panel quotation should include a warranty that covers all defects in the solar system. These defects may include issues such as reduced production of solar panels, disconnected cables, failed isolators due to water damage, or a loose racking system. While warranty terms may vary among different suppliers, typically, solar panels come with a 25-year warranty. They often provide a 90% production warranty for the first 10 years and an 80% production warranty at 25 years.

Proposed Roof Plan Sketch

To alleviate any concerns about whether your roof is suitable for solar panels, a solar panel quotation should include the proposed layout of the solar panels on your roof. It should clearly indicate the tilt, spacing, and orientation of the panels. This information allows you to assess whether the proposed layout is suitable and practical for your specific needs.

12 – Brands of the Items Use in the System

The solar panel quotes should also include the company of solar panels, which company of solar inverter will be used and batteries if added. You can yourself research about the best solar panels before getting a quotation.

Number of Panels

You must be aware of the number of solar panels that will be installed, and this information should be included in the solar panel quotation. The number of panels will impact the size of the installation and the area they will cover.

Projected Energy Output

The projected output refers to the estimated energy production of the solar panel system. It is important to know how much electricity your solar panel system will generate throughout the year. Additionally, it is crucial to check whether the solar panels quote indicates any potential deficiencies in the solar panel production, such as shading issues. This estimate will provide a more accurate assessment of the expected energy output.

Projected Money saving

The solar panels quote will also outline the potential savings on your energy bill that can be achieved by installing the particular system. This projection will be based on the information you provide about your annual electricity consumption to the supplier. It’s important to note that if you increase your electricity usage after installing the solar system, the savings will naturally decrease accordingly.

13 – Overall Cost of Your System   

The total cost will encompass the breakdown of hardware prices, installation charges, and labour costs. The solar panels quote should include a clear outline of individual items to ensure transparency and clarity. Additionally, the quotation should account for any additional costs related to tiled roofs or split arrays.

We hope you now understand how to prepare for the solar panels quotes and what should be included in it. If you are in need of a solar panel quotation, MAK Energy is here to assist you. To obtain a free quotation, simply leave us a message or fill out the quotation form.

A ground source heat pump is a renewable energy solution for heating systems in homes and business premises. The installation of a ground source heat pump requires either a borehole or a trench system, both of which extract heat from the ground. A borehole for the ground source heat pump is the most practical solution. However, drilling the borehole requires an experienced professional who can safely and efficiently carry out the drilling process.

Ground source heat pumps use vertical ground collectors or arrays to extract heat energy from the ground and transfer it to the heat pump. The costliest aspect of installing a ground source heat pump is the underground pipework, which can be done through vertical or horizontal ground loop systems.

In this article, we will discuss ground source heat pump borehole cost, including their functionality, working principle, and other essential information for those interested in this technology.

What is Ground Source Heat Pump?

A ground source heat pump operates by extracting heat from the ground, utilizing the accumulated warmth within the soil. This heat is then transferred to the pump, which distributes it to the desired area through a network of underground pipes. By opting for a ground source heating system, you not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also enjoy significant cost savings on your electricity bills. Before installing such a system, it is crucial to evaluate the different types of ground source heating systems available and select the one that best suits your specific needs. Embrace the Eco-friendly and cost-effective benefits of ground source heat pumps to efficiently heat your home.

What is Ground Source Heat Pump Borehole?

A ground source heat pump borehole is a vertical ground array or collector designed to extract heat energy from the ground for a ground source heat pump. Borehole systems offer the advantage of space-saving and minimal disruption during heat pump installation projects. In a vertical borehole system, only a width of 100-150 mm of garden or driveway space is required per borehole. The depth of each borehole typically ranges from 60 to 230 mm.

Here is how a ground source heat pump borehole works:

  1. A series of pipes are inserted into the ground, typically at a depth of 60-200 meters.
  2. The pipes are filled with a heat transfer fluid, which circulates through the ground.
  3. The heat transfer fluid absorbs heat from the ground, which is then transferred to the heat pump.
  4. The heat pump then uses the heat-to-heat water or air.

Why Choose Boreholes for Your Ground Source Heat Pump Project?

The borehole system for a heat pump is not only highly effective but also a practical solution, especially for those residing in small spaces with limited areas such as gardens or driveways. However, an alternative option is the horizontal system, which involves trenches covering a larger land area. If you own a substantial land area, the horizontal system may be a more cost-effective choice compared to the borehole system. In terms of reliability, the borehole ground source heat pump stands out as a dependable energy source.

Types of Ground Source Heat pump system

Closed-Loop Heat Pump

Closed-loop geothermal heat pumps typically utilize a closed loop system to circulate an antifreeze solution. The closed loop system consists of plastic tubing, which can either be buried in the ground or submerged in water. A heat exchanger is responsible for transferring heat between the refrigerant in the heat pump and the antifreeze solution circulating within the closed loop.

Another closed-loop system, known as direct exchange, operates without a heat exchanger. Instead, the refrigerant is pumped through copper tubing that is buried horizontally or vertically in the ground. Direct exchange systems require a larger compressor and are most effective in moist soils. It may be necessary to irrigate the soil to maintain adequate moisture levels. However, it is crucial to avoid installing these systems in soils that can corrode the copper tubing.

Horizontal Borehole

For residential installations, especially in new constructions with ample available land, this type of installation is generally the most cost-effective option. It involves digging trenches that are at least four feet deep. The common configurations for this installation approach involve the use of two pipes. One pipe is buried at a depth of six feet, while the other is buried at four feet. Alternatively, two pipes are placed side by side at a depth of five feet within a two-feet-wide trench.

Horizontal closed loop heat pump system - ground source heat pump borehole

The Slinky method, which loops the pipe, allows for more pipe to be accommodated in a shorter trench. This not only reduces installation costs but also enables horizontal installation in areas where it would not be feasible with conventional methods.

Vertical Borehole

Vertical systems are commonly employed in large commercial buildings and schools due to the impracticality of using horizontal loops given the required land area. They are also utilized in areas with shallow soil that is unsuitable for trenching, and they minimize disruption to existing landscaping.

Vertical closed loop heat pump system - ground source heat pump borehole

In a vertical system, approximately four-inch diameter holes are drilled at intervals of about 20 feet, reaching depths of 100 to 400 feet in each hole, two pipes are inserted and connected at the bottom in a U-bend shape to create a loop. The pipes are securely fixed with grouting to optimize performance. These vertical loops are then interconnected using horizontal pipes, called a manifold, which are placed in trenches and connected to the heat pump located within the building.

Open Loop Heat Pump

In this particular system, a well or surface body water functions as the heat exchange medium, circulating directly through the ground source heat pump (GHP) system. Once the water has passed through the system, it is then reintroduced to the ground through a well, recharge well, or surface discharge. This approach is feasible when there is a sufficient and clean water supply available, while also ensuring compliance with local codes and regulations pertaining to groundwater discharge.

types of ground source heat pumps

How Much Does a Ground Source Heat Pump Borehole Cost?

A borehole is a more expensive option for a ground source heating system due to the additional cost of drilling. However, it offers a good return on investment in the long run. Digging a borehole, whether horizontally or vertically, is an essential part of a ground source heat pump system and cannot be skipped. The ground source heat pump borehole cost depends on factors such as the type of system and the required digging. On average, you can expect to pay around £23 to £28 per meter for drilling a borehole, with the project taking 2 to 3 days to complete. The average ground source heat pump borehole cost ranges from £3,500 to £5,900, resulting in an overall project cost of £25,000 to £30,000.

In contrast, a horizontal trench is a cheaper alternative to a borehole heat pump, with a cost ranging from £2 to £5 per meter. The project can be completed in 1 to 2 days, and each trench will cost £2,500 to £4,500. The total cost of the project using horizontal trenches falls within the range of £14,000 to £24,000.

ground source heat pump borehole drilling machine

What Affects the Cost of Digging a Borehole?

The cost of digging a borehole can be influenced by various factors, including the depth and diameter of the borehole, soil type, geographical location, labour costs, and material expenses. It’s important to consider these factors when estimating the ground source heat pump borehole cost.

Weather You Require Borehole or Trench

As mentioned earlier, the cost of installing a borehole system is higher compared to a trench system. However, the borehole heat pump system offers greater efficiency and requires less space, whereas the trench system requires more land space but is more cost-effective. If you have a large area available and require a lower heating system, the trench system is a suitable choice. On the other hand, if space is limited, the borehole system is the better option.

Digging a horizontal trench can be done with standard machinery and is relatively inexpensive, costing around £3 to £6 per meter. In contrast, a borehole heat pump installation can cost around £23 to £28 per meter. Therefore, cost is another factor to consider when deciding on the system to install. If affordability is a priority, the horizontal trench system is the best option. However, if upfront cost is not a concern, the borehole or vertical ground source heating system is a favorable choice.

What Sort of Projects Do Boreholes Suit?

Ground source heat pump boreholes are typically utilized for domestic applications, large commercial projects, or sites where space is limited. They are particularly suitable when there isn’t enough room for horizontal arrays, such as slinky pipes in trenches. Vertical boreholes are highly recommended by MAK Energy as they not only provide efficient heat, but also save space during installation.

How Deep Are Boreholes?

Boreholes typically range in depth from 55 to 190 mm and have a width of 145 mm. However, to fully harness the potential of a ground source heat pump, medium-depth boreholes ranging from 310 mm to 410 mm can be used. These medium-depth boreholes are particularly beneficial in congested city locations. It is crucial to hire an experienced professional contractor for the drilling process, as it requires expertise and responsibility.

What Should I Consider Before Installing A Borehole?

Installing a ground source heat pump borehole is a complex process that requires a high level of professionalism. However, there are some essential factors to consider before proceeding with the installation. These considerations include:

Sizing and Efficiency of Borehole

The most effective method for determining the depth of a borehole is by considering the ground’s specific heat extraction properties, which are measured in watts per meter of borehole length. The performance of the borehole relies on the geographical location and its thermal conductivity. Generally, an 80 to 110 mm borehole can provide an extract-able heat output of 4 to 6 kW per year, based on 1800 running hours.

Ground Condition

A geological survey determines the material composition of the drilling area, guiding the borehole field design. Different geological conditions have varying heat transfer characteristics, such as loose stones at 20 W/m and granite at 55-70 W/m. The survey also identifies mine workings or aquifers, allowing for the utilization of subterranean water sources in open loop boreholes.

Spacing between Multiple Boreholes

If you are using multiple boreholes for your ground source heating system, there will be a space between each borehole. The average space need between each borehole is 5 to 6 m and it is also recommended to drill 5 to 6 m away from the building to avoid any interference between each borehole.


Determining whether a trench or borehole system is best suited for your needs can be a bit challenging. It largely depends on factors such as your budget, property size, and heating demands. However, overall, the ground source heat pump borehole is considered the optimal choice for maximizing the heating efficiency in both residential and commercial premises. It’s important to keep in mind that while the ground source heat pump borehole cost may be higher compared to other heating systems, the borehole heat pump provides efficient and effective heating.

Would you like a solar panel that can provide you with hot water throughout the year, day and night, regardless of rain, snow, or shine? If so, you’re in for a surprise. Thermodynamic solar panels are designed to heat water through the day and even at night by absorbing heat from the surrounding air.

Thermodynamic solar panels resemble traditional solar panels in appearance, but instead of harnessing energy from the sun, they extract heat from the outdoor air. They operate more similarly to a solar air source heat pump than a solar thermal panel. By absorbing heat from the atmosphere and converting it into a gas, they utilize reverse refrigerator technology to generate hot water through a thermodynamic system. Though the technology is not as familiar for domestic use, thermodynamic panel have numerous benefits. In this article, we will delve into the knowledge of thermodynamics, understanding what it is, how it works, and provide essential information about thermodynamic panels.

What are Thermodynamic Panels?

Thermodynamic panels are a combination of air source heat pump and solar thermal panels. They may resemble solar panels in appearance, but their purpose is completely different; they function as a heat pump. Thermodynamic panels can provide hot water throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions and time. They operate even at night by absorbing heat from the air and transferring it to a refrigerant. Despite their ability to provide hot water 24/7, this technology has not gained the same momentum as heat pumps and solar thermal panels.

How Do Thermodynamic Panels Work?

how do thermodynamic panels work?

Thermodynamic panels absorb heat from the surrounding air, regardless of whether it is day or night, sunny or cloudy. They do not rely solely on direct sunlight like traditional solar panels. The absorbed heat is transferred to a refrigerant fluid contained within the panel. This causes the refrigerant to vaporize and become a gas. The gas is then compressed, which increases its temperature even further. The hot gas is passed through a heat exchanger where it releases its heat energy to the water. After releasing its heat, the refrigerant condenses back into a liquid state.

This process generates a significant amount of heat that is transferred to the water, thus raising its temperature. The liquid refrigerant then flows back to the thermodynamic panel to repeat the cycle, absorbing more heat from the air and continuing the process of heating the water.

Benefits of Thermodynamic Solar Panels

Thermodynamic panels can provide various benefits, yet the installation rate of thermodynamic solar panels remains relatively low. Here are some important benefits of thermodynamic solar panels:

  1. Provide hot water 24/7: Thermodynamic panels ensure a constant supply of hot water, regardless of the time of day.
  2. Work in any weather condition: Whether it’s sunny, cloudy, or rainy, thermodynamic panels can operate efficiently and generate hot water.
  3. Don’t require direct sunlight: Unlike traditional solar panels, thermodynamic panels do not rely on direct sunlight to function effectively.
  4. Work well even at -15°C: Thermodynamic panels can work efficiently even in colder temperatures as low as -15°C.
  5. Require minimal maintenance: Thermodynamic panels typically require very little maintenance, reducing the need for frequent servicing.
  6. Operate quietly: Thermodynamic panels operate quietly, minimizing any noise disturbance.
  7. Can be fitted to the side of a home: Thermodynamic panels can be installed on the side of a home, providing flexibility in their placement.

Are Thermodynamic Systems Similar to Air Source Heat Pumps?

In general, both air source heat pumps and thermodynamic panels are used for the same purpose of absorbing heat from the air and transferring it from one place to another. However, there are some differences in how they work. Air source heat pumps consist of a continuously running fan that consumes more electricity to operate. In contrast, thermodynamic panels utilize a compressor that requires comparatively less electricity than an air source heat pump. Generally, air source heat pumps are more efficient than thermodynamic systems.

They are designed to operate within a specific temperature range, allowing them to extract more heat from the air. Thermodynamic systems, on the other hand, can transfer heat over a wider range of temperatures, making them more versatile. However, this versatility comes at the cost of reduced efficiency in certain cases.

How Efficient are Thermodynamic Solar Panels?

Thermodynamic solar panels are generally more efficient than solar thermal panels. They have a coefficient of performance (COP) ranging from 1.5 to 2.2. This indicates that for each unit of electricity consumed by the compressor, the panels can produce 1.5 to 2.2 units of heat. The efficiency of thermodynamic panels can also be influenced by the choice of refrigerant. Certain refrigerants are more effective at extracting heat than others.

How Much Does a Thermodynamic Panel Cost?

Unlike solar thermal panels, thermodynamic solar panels are more expensive. The cost of a single thermodynamic panel typically ranges from £4500 to £5500. This cost includes the additional components and installation expenses. For larger homes, a greater number of thermodynamic panels will be required, leading to increased costs.

Thermodynamic Panel Considerations  

Thermodynamic panels can provide numerous benefits, but it is important to consider that the technology is still relatively unproven compared to other systems due to its complexity and potential issues. Here are some considerations you’ll need to make:

  1. Electricity consumption: Thermodynamic panels require electricity to run the compressor, which can result in higher operating costs.
  2. Cost: Each panel can range from £4500 to £5500., making them relatively expensive compared to other renewable energy technologies.
  3. Installation complexity: The installation process for thermodynamic panels is intricate and can be prone to errors if not carried out correctly.
  4. Incentives: As of now, thermodynamic panels may not be eligible for any specific incentives or subsidies.

Thermodynamic Panel Maintenance

Thermodynamic panels require minimal maintenance. However, it is advisable to schedule a general check-up once a year to ensure that the system is running perfectly and efficiently. Keeping the panels clean is important, and this can be achieved by simply using water or letting rainwater naturally clean them.

Thermodynamic Panel Installation  

One of the greatest advantages of thermodynamic panels is that they do not require direct sunlight and can be installed without occupying roof space. They can be mounted on the side of a property or even on a roof space. However, in many cases, homeowners prefer to install them on the side of their homes.

installation of thermodynamic panels

Do I Require a Hot Water Cylinder for Thermodynamic Solar Panels?

Similar to solar thermal panels and heat pumps, the utilization of thermodynamic panels also requires a hot water cylinder. This cylinder serves as the storage unit for the heated water produced by the thermodynamic panel system. It ensures a readily available supply of hot water for various household needs. The combination of thermodynamic panel and a hot water cylinder allows for efficient and continuous access to hot water throughout the day and night, regardless of weather conditions.

How Much Could You Save With Thermodynamic Panels?

The initial installation cost of thermodynamic solar panels is higher compared to other heating systems. However, their operational costs are significantly lower. These panels require less electricity to heat the hot water, resulting in potential savings of up to 70% on your electricity bill. Additionally, the return on investment for thermodynamic panels is relatively faster compared to other renewable energy technologies. The amount of money saved will depend on factors such as the system size, hot water requirements, electricity costs, and the performance of the thermodynamic panels.

Thermodynamic Panel Mounting Method

Wall mounting is the most common and cost-effective method of installing thermodynamic solar panels. The panels can be easily affixed to the wall using six stainless brackets. Even with multiple panels, they can be rack-mounted since they don’t require direct sunlight to generate heat. Alternatively, thermodynamic panels can also be installed on roof spaces, similar to solar PV systems.


Thermodynamic solar panels offer the advantage of providing hot water throughout the day, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. While they may be considered relatively expensive, their numerous benefits and lower maintenance requirements make them an attractive choice for homeowners. The average cost of installing a single thermodynamic solar panel ranges from £4500 to £5500. Furthermore, their efficiency surpasses that of many other heating systems, offering increased energy savings. With their ability to harness heat from the surrounding air, thermodynamic solar panels ensure a consistent supply of hot water, making them a reliable and efficient option for residential use.

Solar panels for garden have now become the top priority for meeting energy needs, whether it’s for homes, commercial purposes, businesses, or even for your garden. The number of people switching to solar energy is increasing day by day, which is impressive. Installing solar panels in the garden is an excellent way to reduce energy bills, lower electricity costs, and gain the freedom to use energy according to your needs. You can keep the lights on during the night and power various appliances necessary for your garden.

In this blog, we will explore garden solar panels, their cost, and address the common question asked by garden owners: “Can I put solar panels in my garden?” This article will provide the answer to all of your queries.

Key Notes

  • Position solar panels to face south with an optimal angle (around 30-40 degrees) to maximize sunlight exposure in the UK’s climate
  • Check local regulations and permissions for garden solar panel installations to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  • Consider hiring a professional installer for safety, efficiency, and to ensure your garden solar panels are correctly installed.
  • Check for available government incentives, tax credits, or feed-in tariffs for solar installations, as these can help offset costs.

What are Garden Solar Panels?

Generally, the solar panels used for garden applications are known as garden solar panels. There is no fundamental difference compared to solar panels used for domestic and commercial applications. However, there are certain factors to consider when installing garden solar panels, such as panel size and available space. You have the option to install them on the roof of a garden room or on the ground.

Solar panels for the garden

Garden solar panels are well-suited for powering various devices in the garden, such as lights, fountains, and irrigation systems. Additionally, they have the capability to generate electricity that can be utilized to power other devices in the home.

Can I Put Solar Panels in My Garden?

Yes, you can install solar panels in your garden. However, there are a few factors to consider before purchasing and installing solar panels garden. The first one is planning permission, which is generally permitted for most domestic installations, except for listed buildings. If you don’t require any permission, you can easily install solar panels in your garden. Another aspect to check before installation is the available space for installing the solar panels, whether you want to install them on the rooftop or on the ground.

garden solar panels

How Much Are Solar Panels for Garden?

The cost of installing solar panels for the garden can vary depending on factors such as the type of installation, type of solar panels, and the size of the garden. However, one can expect to start installing a solar panel for garden from approximately £2000. It is important to note that the actual price will depend on the size of the garden, the type of panels chosen, and the installation method (whether it is rooftop or ground-mounted). The given price is an estimated starting point.

Are Garden Solar Panels Bigger Than Roof Solar Panels?

The size of solar panels varies based on energy needs and demand. The size of solar panels for gardens is not necessarily larger than roof solar panels. If your purpose is to keep the lights on and water the garden, you may not require larger-sized panels. Portable solar panels can also be used in gardens, especially if your garden is located in a remote area. They are smaller in size and can be carried wherever you go.

solar panels garden

How Should My Garden Solar Panels Be Positioned?

To maximize the power output for solar panels for the garden, they should be positioned in the optimal direction. In the UK, obtaining the maximum sunlight hours can be challenging due to the country’s weather conditions. Ideally, solar panels should be angled at approximately 30 to 40 degrees to optimize energy production. By positioning garden solar panels in this manner, there is a higher likelihood of capturing the maximum hours of sunlight and generating more electricity for garden solar panels.

Can I Put Solar Panels on My Garden Room?

Solar panels can be installed on the rooftop of a garden, but it is essential to check the condition of the roof. Is it strong enough to support the weight of the solar panels? Additionally, you should assess how many hours of sunlight the roof receives in a day and check for any shading that may impact performance. If necessary, seek permission for installation. If all the mentioned aspects are satisfactory, then you can proceed with installing solar panels on your garden rooftop.

Are Garden Room Solar Panels Worth the Money?

Solar panels are always a worthwhile investment, offering numerous benefits. The amount of savings you can achieve will vary depending on factors such as the price of electricity in your area, the number of sunlight hours your garden receives, and the cost of installing solar panels in your area. If electricity rates are high in your area, installing a solar panel garden can be particularly worthwhile. To get a professional assessment, you can reach out to MAK Energy professionals. They provide free quotations and online surveys to help you determine the feasibility and potential benefits of installing solar panels in your garden.

What is the Best Type of Solar Panel for My Garden?

There are two major types of solar panels widely used in domestic and commercial applications. To achieve the best efficiency and performance, it is recommended to opt for monocrystalline panels, even though they may come at a higher cost compared to polycrystalline panels. Monocrystalline panels are capable of generating sufficient electricity for your garden and can maintain their production for over 25 years.

solar panels in the garden

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels for The Garden

Solar panels are widely recognized for offering numerous benefits to their owners. One of the greatest advantages is the potential to reduce electricity bills by up to 80%. When solar panels are installed in a garden, they can even achieve 100% savings on the electricity bill if batteries are added as a backup option to store excess generated electricity for nighttime use. Solar panel garden can add values to your garden. Now, let’s explore other benefits of installing solar panels for your garden.

  • Lower your carbon footprint
  • Reduce Electricity Bills
  • Increase property value
  • Very low maintenance


A solar panel garden is a sustainable method for generating electricity. Solar panels garden can be installed in various shapes and sizes to accommodate any type of garden. Solar panels for gardens are not necessarily larger or more expensive compared to panels installed on houses. The answer to the question “Can I put solar panels in my garden?” is a simple yes, you can install them. Having a solar panel garden offers significant benefits, such as access to electricity throughout the day and the convenience of watering your plants without concerns about high electricity rates or power outages.

Electronic gadgets have become an essential part of our lives, and without them, we feel lost, especially when we go camping, hiking, or for an outing. It’s common to find ourselves with drained batteries on our mobile phones, cameras, and other electronic devices after taking numerous pictures, using Google Maps to find difficult routes, and sending snaps to our loved ones. Finding a way to charge these gadgets in such places can be a challenging task, but with portable solar panels, you can make your outings, camping trips, and hiking more enjoyable and memorable.

We all know how important it is to have a reliable source of energy to charge our mobile phones, laptops, GPS devices, headlamps, and other devices that we bring with us to the outdoors. There are numerous portable solar panel for home use and camping in the market. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 portable solar panels for camping, including their features, power range, and efficiency rates.

aeiusny portable solar panels for home & camp

Top 10 Best Portable Solar Panels for Home Use & Camping

  1. Aeiusny Solar Panel Foldable 60W Portable Solar Charger
  2. DOKIO 110W 18V Portable Foldable Solar Panel Kit Monocrystalline with Controller
  3. Renogy 100-Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Off Grid
  4. Jackery SolarSaga 100W Portable Solar Panel
  5. ELECAENTA 30W Foldable Solar Charger 3 USB Ports PD18W QC3.0 Type-C Portable Solar Panel Kit
  6. BigBlue 14W Solar Charger Foldable Outdoor Solar Powered Charger
  7. ECO-WORTHY 120 Watts Foldable Solar Panel
  8. EF ECOFLOW 110 Watt Portable Solar Panel
  9. Solar Charger 26800mAh Power Bank – Hiluckey Wireless Portable Charger
  10. ROCKPALS SP003 100W Foldable Solar Panel

Aeiusny Solar Panel Foldable 60W Portable Solar Charger

There are many excellent foldable solar panels available for homes and camping, and choosing the best one can be quite a difficult endeavor due to different needs and power requirements. However, the Aeiusny Solar Panel Foldable 60W Portable Solar Charger is a product that we have chosen as one of the best portable solar panels for camping. It has an efficiency rate of 20% under perfect conditions.

To power all of your electronic gadgets during outings, such as electric stoves, heaters, lamps, mobile phones, and tablets, you need generators or solar panels. The Aeiusny Solar Panel Foldable 60W Portable Solar Charger is ideal for such situations and circumstances. It is a foldable solar panel that resembles a laptop bag and is lightweight, making it easy to carry along with you. It offers significantly more power than other 60W portable solar panel in UK. It also features multiple connectors, built-in USB ports, and an AC adapter option, allowing you to charge your cell phone and laptop without worrying about electricity fluctuations.

foldable solar panels

DOKIO 110W 18V Portable Foldable Solar Panel Kit Monocrystalline with Controller

The Dokio Monocrystalline portable solar panel kit is designed to charge car and caravan batteries, and it comes with a free controller for that purpose. Additionally, it can be used to charge a power station using one of the many connectors included with the charger. With the Dokio portable solar panel kit, you won’t need to use the charger controller to charge your power station separately. This product has one of the highest certifications for resistance to water and particles (IP65), making it suitable for outdoor use. It has dimensions of 54 x 73cm and weighs only 2.7kg, which means it can be easily carried along during outings as it is the one of the best camping solar panels in the UK.

DOKIO portable solar panel

Renogy 100-Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Off Grid

Renogy offers affordable solar panels that can be used with full-sized batteries, making them one of the best and ideal for camping solar panels in UK. These panels have the capability to charge full-sized batteries, which is why you will find a DC port on the back for connecting to the battery. However, it’s important to note that this portable solar panel does not have a USB port. The Renogy 100-watt solar panel comes with a 5-year warranty, ensuring long-term reliability and peace of mind.

Renogy 100-Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Off Grid

Jackery SolarSaga 100W Portable Solar Panel

Jackery is a well-renowned brand known for manufacturing mobile power stations, and they also offer portable solar panels that can be used with your mobile devices and power station. It is considered one of the best options in this list due to its compact size. Despite its small size, the Jackery SolarSaga provides 100 watts of power, which can be utilized through its built-in 2 USB ports. This device is of high quality and has received certification for its water resistance and particle protection (IP65). It is backed by a 2-year warranty. Overall, it is considered the best portable solar panel in UK for homes and camping.

jackery portable solar panels for camping

ELECAENTA 30W Foldable Solar Charger 3 USB Ports PD18W QC3.0 Type-C Portable Solar Panel Kit

The Elecaenta 30W foldable solar panel is the best and most affordable option for portable solar panel for home use and camping. It provides a practical amount of energy. While you may come across cheaper alternatives, they are usually just power banks. However, if you are camping or picnicking in the woods, the Elecaenta 30W is the ideal choice. On a perfect day, it can produce up to 30W of power, allowing you to keep your cell phone and tablet charged. It offers three outlet options: USB-A for 5V devices, QC3.0 12V/2A, and Type-C PD18W, providing plenty of connectivity options. Additionally, it is only 300 grams heavier and has an IPX5 rating, ensuring durability and water resistance.

ELECAENTA 30W Foldable Solar Charger

BigBlue 14W Solar Charger Foldable Outdoor Solar Powered Charger

The BigBlue 14W solar panel is best suited for those who prefer to travel light during outings and only carry essential electronic gadgets such as cell phones and tablets. It is particularly suitable for individuals who do not want to carry heavy chargers. The BigBlue solar panel weighs only 360 grams and when folded, it measures just 14.8 by 15.3cm. Unlike the previous model, it does not have multiple ports. It is designed to charge 5V devices, such as smartphones. Under perfect conditions, it can achieve an impressive efficiency rate of 23%. To maximize its output, it is recommended to angle it at 45 degrees. There is also a 28W variant available under the same name, which is recommended for its higher power wattage.

BigBlue 14W Solar Charger Foldable Outdoor Solar Powered Charger

ECO-WORTHY 120 Watts Foldable Solar Panel

What would you do if your car battery dies during your picnic? It would surely ruin your entire plan and the days you took off from work. However, with the ECO-WORTHY 120 Watts Foldable Solar Panel, you no longer need to worry because it is perfect for charging a car battery. This solar panel has a power output of 110W and operates at 18V. It is designed to provide energy even on cloudy days. With dimensions of 54 x 73cm and a weight of only 2.7kg, it is highly portable and convenient to carry along.

ECO-WORTHY 120 Watts Foldable Solar Panel

EF ECOFLOW 110 Watt Portable Solar Panel

The EF ECOFLOW 110 Watt is a one of the powerful and convenient portable solar panels for camping. It allows you to charge your devices on the go. With an impressive efficiency rate of 23%, this product ensures you get the most out of your solar energy. It is foldable and lightweight, making it easy to carry. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or simply relaxing in your backyard, the EF ECOFLOW 110 Watt Portable Solar Panel is the perfect companion to keep your devices charged and your adventures going.

portable solar panels uk

Solar Charger 26800mAh Power Bank – Hiluckey Wireless Portable Charger

I’m sure many people are here looking for a solar device to charge their cell phones while they are traveling, hiking, or on outings. The Solar Charger 26800mAh Power Bank – Hiluckey Wireless Portable Charger offers the best value for money, providing multiple connectivity options, solid build quality, and portability. Once fully charged, it can charge 6 to 8 cell phones and can be used to charge multiple devices simultaneously.

portable solar panels for home use

ROCKPALS SP003 100W Foldable Solar Panel

Rockpals is compatible with Jackery mobile power stations, making it a great option as a portable solar panel for home use. This cost-effective portable solar panel kit not only saves you money but also provides a good output of 100 watts. Additionally, it features three USB ports for charging cell phones or tablets, making it one of an excellent camping solar panels in UK. The portable solar panels are also water-resistant, making them suitable for charging mobile phones during power outages in the UK. Overall, Rockpals is considered the best portable solar panel for home use and camping.

portable solar panels for camping


People who love to go traveling know how important it is to have their electronic devices fully charged at all times in order to get the best route from GPS, capture memorable moments, and stay connected with others. Portable solar panels for camping are the perfect solution for all these concerns. Each portable solar panel in UK has its own unique features and qualities, and we have compiled a list of the 10 best options available. These panels are highly reliable, with a higher conversion rate compared to traditional solar panels, making them more dependable than others.