Have you ever noticed how a dirty window blocks out sunlight? Imagine that on a larger scale with solar panels, and you’ll see why keeping them clean is so important. However, even when you know the value of solar cleaning, you won’t go for traditional cleaning services. Why? The traditional system isn’t as accurate and efficient as the technologically advanced systems are. That’s where the professional solar panel cleaning trailer system comes in—a revolutionary solution for maintaining solar panels’ efficiency. This guide will explore what solar panel cleaning trailer systems are, how they work, why they’re essential and the best solar panel cleaner in the UK.

What is a Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System?

A solar panel cleaning trailer system is a mobile unit equipped with all the tools needed to clean solar panels efficiently. It’s designed to travel to various solar installations, making the cleaning process quicker and more effective. These systems typically include water tanks, brushes, pressure washers, and sometimes even robotic arms. Each component ensures the panels are spotless and functioning at their best.

Why Solar Panels Need Cleaning

There are multiple reasons why your solar panel needs to be cleaned occasionally. The cleaning mean the transparent way of increasing your savings. Following are some reasons your panels must remain clean:

Why Solar Panels Need Cleaning

The Impact of Dirt and Debris

Dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other debris can accumulate on solar panels, blocking sunlight and reducing their efficiency. It’s like trying to read a book through a dirty window—frustrating and ineffective.

Efficiency Matters 

Clean solar panels can produce up to 20% more energy than dirty ones. That’s a significant difference, especially for large solar farms or commercial installations.

5 Easy Steps of Cleaning Solar Panels Using the Trailer System in UK

The traditional way of cleaning solar panels in the UK is relatively a straightforward process, but when you choose the advanced system, you have to follow some steps that increase the efficiency and reliability of the overall system.


It all starts with a thorough inspection assessment of your solar panels’ condition, what type of cleaning they require, and how much time will be consumed in cleaning your panels.


After thoroughly assessing your panels’ condition, we, MAK Energy, set up our trailer system and prepare the necessary equipment needed for the cleaning process.


Now, the cleaning process starts, where we use water, brushes, and sometimes detergents, depending on the panels’ condition and the requirements. We ensure that every debris and every dot of dust is cleaned with utter care and professionalism.


After finishing the cleaning process, now its time rinse it with the water. The purpose of using water is to prevent mineral spots.

Final Check      

 We do not just wash and go away; we make sure that every part of our cleaning process is up to the mark. Therefore, after cleaning, another inspection is done to ensure all panels are spotless and undamaged.

What Are The Benefits Of Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System?

Solar panel Maintenance, Efficiency and Speed 

We all are very well aware of the phrase that “Time is money”. one of the major benefits of trailer system is that it can clean your panels in comparatively less time. These systems can clean many panels quickly, reducing downtime and ensuring that solar installations always operate at peak efficiency.

Benefits Of Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System


Trailer system might look costly at earlier to you, but actually they are not. look at the benefits the system can bring to you, save time and increase the panels production. While the initial investment might be high, the long-term savings are substantial. Clean panels mean more energy production, leading to higher returns on investment.


Built-in safety features minimize the risk of accidents during the cleaning process, protecting both personnel and panels.

What Solar Panel Cleaning Tools Should You Look for When Dealing with Trailer System?

There are 6 things that you must look for when planning to have the trailer cleaning services in uk.

  1. Water Tanks and Deionized Water Systems   
  2. Ensure a steady water supply and prevent mineral deposits.
  3. Automated Brushes and Pressure Washers
  4. Speed up the cleaning process and ensure thorough cleaning.
  5. Mobility and Flexibility   
  6. The trailer’s mobility makes it ideal for companies that manage multiple solar installations.

Is The Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System Beneficial for Our Environment?

Yes, this technologically advanced method can benefit our environment in many different ways. Here are the two top reasons why you should opt for a trailer cleaning system for your panels instead of the traditional methods.

Water Usage 

Water scarcity is a concern in many regions. And so it is recommended from the international community to use the cleaning system that consume less water, Advanced trailer systems often come with water recycling features to minimize usage

Who Can Benefit from a Solar Panel Cleaning Trailer System?

Trailer cleaning system isn’t just limited to one entity, any sort of home, business and industry can get the benefits of cleaning solar panels using the trailer system. here are some of the entities that can get benefits of cleaning services using trailer system.


You might be thinking that we only deal with business and industrial entities. This is not the case; we consider every project important, no matter the size and type. We ensure your rooftop solar panels are always working at peak efficiency.


As the business community often installs large projects to meet their energy demands, their cleaning process, if done with traditional ways, can take a couple of weeks and the efficiency is still questionable. With MAK Energy’s trailer cleaning system, we keep your commercial solar installations clean to maximize energy savings and maintain a professional appearance.

Cleaning Companies:

You are a cleaning company but short of equipment and labour force? Don’t worry when you have MAK Energy at your reach. We offer the equipment and expert augmentation services as well. Just finalize your project and leave everything to us.

The Future of Solar Panel Cleaning

Technological Advancements 

As technology advances, we can expect even more efficient and automated cleaning systems. Innovations like AI and machine learning could optimize the cleaning process further.

The growing emphasis on renewable energy and sustainability will likely drive further improvements and adoption of advanced cleaning systems.


Keeping solar panels clean is vital for maximizing their efficiency and longevity. A solar panel cleaning services with the advance trailer system offers a practical, efficient, and cost-effective solution for maintaining large solar installations. By investing in these systems, companies can ensure their solar panels are always operating at their best, leading to higher energy production and greater returns on investment.


How often should solar panels be cleaned? 

The frequency depends on location and environmental conditions. Generally, solar panels should be cleaned at least once or twice a year.

Can I clean solar panels myself? 

While it’s possible, using a professional cleaning service or a trailer system ensures the job is done thoroughly and safely.

What are the costs associated with a professional solar panel cleaning trailer system?

Costs vary depending on the system’s size and features. While the initial investment might be high, the long-term benefits often justify the expense.

Are there any risks associated with cleaning solar panels? 

Risks include potential damage to the panels and personal injury if proper safety measures are not followed. Using a professional system or service mitigates these risks.

What are the environmental impacts of using a solar panel cleaning trailer system? 

Using deionized water and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions minimizes the environmental impact. Advanced systems also often include water recycling features to reduce water usage.

The role of advanced technology in every industry is increasing every day. This also applies to the cleaning solar PV industry, where solar panel inverters, maintenance, and cleaning are taking over old and traditional methods. One such advancement in the solar maintenance and cleaning industry is the use of Drones. In this blog, we will look at how drones make solar panels a more efficient source of energy production.

MAK Energy owns all types of Aerial Drones with Cleaning Attachments. The interesting thing is that our cleaning drones are not limited to solar panel cleaning. Whether you need your building, windows, or office glass cleaned, consider MAK Energy your helping hands.  

What are Solar Panel Cleaning Drones?

Sure! Solar panel cleaning drones are like little robots that help clean solar panels. They fly over the panels and use special brushes or puffs of air to sweep off the dust and dirt. This allows the panels to catch more sunlight and make more electricity. These intelligent drones can fly by themselves, ensuring they clean the panels well without missing spots. They’re helpful because they can clean quickly and safely without people having to climb up and do it themselves. Plus, they can check the panels to see if everything’s working right. This makes taking care of solar panels easier and cheaper, and it’s good for the planet, too.

 How Cleaning Drones Work

Solar panel cleaning with drones has special tools that make cleaning relatively easy and effective. Its working depends on the type of drones used in the solar panel cleaning drones.

High-Pressure Water Jets

The advanced drones have high-pressure water jets that ensure home panels are clean from dirt, birds droppings and dust. They work with High-pressure water jets that can be adjusted depending on the surface being cleaned to avoid damage.

Brushes and Scrubbers

Some drones have rotating brushes or scrubbers for thorough cleaning. These brushes and scrubbers can be combined with water jets or cleaning solutions to ensure a deep clean. The brushes are used to avoid any damage while cleaning the surface gently.

Sensors and Cameras

The most technologically advanced Drones for solar panel cleaning use sensors and cameras to navigate and find the spots that need to be cleaned. The cameras help the drones get a close-up view of the surfaces they are cleaning, making it easier to identify areas that need cleaning. The sensors allow the drones to avoid obstacles and navigate around complex structures.

Remote Control or Autonomous

Another impressive benefit of solar panel cleaning drones is that they can be controlled remotely by an operator or programmed to work on their own. The only thing this type of drone needs is a trained operator, while autonomous drones are equipped with advanced navigation systems that allow them to clean on their own.

Benefits of Cleaning Solar Panels with Drones

The solar industry can benefit from drones and solar panel cleaning. Here are some key benefits they offer:

Solar Panel Cleaning Drones (2)

Enhanced Safety

Traditional methods can be risky, especially at great heights. Drones eliminate this risk by doing the job remotely. Workers no longer need to climb scaffolding or hang from ropes, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. This is particularly important when cleaning tall buildings or other structures that are difficult to access.

Time Efficiency

Drones can clean large areas quickly and efficiently, saving time. Traditional cleaning methods can take a long time, especially for large buildings or industrial facilities. Drones can cover large areas a fraction of the time, making them much more efficient. This time-saving aspect is particularly beneficial for businesses that need to minimize downtime and maintain productivity.

Cost Savings

Though the initial investment is high, the long-term savings in labor and resources are significant. While purchasing and maintaining cleaning drones can be expensive, the long-term savings in labor costs can be substantial. Drones can also reduce the need for expensive equipment like scaffolding and harnesses. Additionally, drones are more efficient, so that they can reduce the overall cost of cleaning services.

Environmental Friendliness

Drones use water and cleaning solutions efficiently, reducing waste and environmental impact. Traditional cleaning methods often use large amounts of water and cleaning chemicals, which can harm the environment. Drones are designed to use these resources more efficiently, minimizing waste and reducing their environmental footprint. This is an essential consideration for businesses that are committed to sustainability.


The best thing about drones is that they can be used for multiple other purposes, such as cleaning high buildings, windows, and other glasses of large buildings. This versatility makes them an attractive option for businesses and organizations that need to clean a wide range of surfaces.

Regulations and Challenges Cleaning Solar Panels with Drones

No one can deny every advanced technology’s challenges in this fast-paced era.


Safety is the most crucial part of panel cleaning, especially when using drones in populated areas. Therefore, Proper drone operator training, regular maintenance of the advanced system, and strict safety protocols are essential parts of every cleaning system. Drones must be operated by trained professionals who understand how to use them safely and effectively. Regular maintenance is also necessary to ensure the drones are in good working condition and to prevent accidents.


Another major challenge while cleaning solar panels with drones is the Privacy concerns that can arise when drones are used near homes or private properties. Operators must follow privacy regulations. Drones equipped with cameras and sensors can infringe on people’s privacy. Operators must adhere to privacy regulations and guidelines to ensure that individuals’ privacy is respected. This is particularly important when drones are used in residential areas or near private properties.

Airspace Regulation 

Every drone operator must remember this ep while cleaning solar panels or other building glass, either in commercial or domestic areas. Because Drones share airspace with other aircraft, you must follow Regulations to ensure safe coexistence. Drones must be operated in accordance with airspace regulations to avoid conflicts with other aircraft. This includes adhering to altitude restrictions and no-fly zones. Operators must also be aware of and comply with local and national regulations regarding drone use.


Cleaning drones for solar panels makes the Solar PV industry the most advanced and efficient. This blog has mentioned the reasons.  They offer enhanced safety, efficiency, and cost savings in various sectors, from commercial buildings to solar panel farms. However, some challenges and airspace regulations must be followed, but this industry has potential for growth and innovation.

The use of drones in the cleaning industry is still in its early stages, but with the advanced equipment MAK Energy owns, the cleaning process becomes more reliable and efficient.

For more information, fill out our quotation form and get advice from our cleaning experts. 

As per the report, more than one million houses, apartments, and buildings have solar panels on their roof. So, to protect the investment of millions of people around the country, it is necessary to save the panels from pigeons and birds making their nest underneath solar panels.

Because solar panels aren’t just a valuable investment but source of energy production. The damage done by these birds can also void the manufacturer’s warranty on your Solar’s components as they use the cabling to make their nest, and the weight of the nest can cause damage to the cables.

 Bird droppings, feathers and the nesting material they use to build underneath can also block sunlight from reaching the panel’s surface, ultimately reducing panel production and overall system performance.

Therefore, if you don’t apply any bird protection for solar panels, it can cost you a lot of time and money in the long run. So, take action before it’s too late.

MAK Energy, an MCS-certified solar installation and cleaning maintenance services provider, is best at handling solar panel pigeon proofing. For further information, please contact us through our contact number or by visiting our office. 


What Does Pigeon Proofing Mean for Solar Panels?

Well, generally, the solar panels’ owner takes measures to stop birds and pigeons from birds and pigeons’ droppings. Usually, the measure includes stopping birds from building the nest and damaging the panels. Dropping and nesting highly affect the solar panel’s efficiency in producing power using the sun’s energy. Keeping pigeons out also means less noise and mess on your roof. It’s about protecting your solar investment and keeping it running smoothly without any problems.

Why Pigeon proofing your solar panels is essential?

Keeping the birds away from your place where solar panels are installed isn’t just a reason for pigeon-proof; it is also about ensuring solar PV systems work efficiently because pigeons and birds’ nests—have several issues. Let’s discuss the major problems they can create for your system.


Physical Damage

Pigeons love to make nests under solar panels. While building a nest, there is a high chance of cables being damaged. Birds’ weight, the material they carry for nesting, and the habits of roosting can physically damage the solar panels.

Reduced Efficiency

Even though solar panels do not need many maintenance services, pigeon dropping can stop sun rays from reaching the solar panels’ surface, which could ultimately reduce the panels’ efficiency, and you may have to pay a high electricity bill.

Maintenance Cost

 Too many pigeons increase maintenance and cleaning costs. It can also become a headache for owners who spend a lot of time removing the birds’ droppings daily. 

Why is solar panel bird-proofing the most effective solution?

Removing bird droppings and debris is quite a difficult task because the panels need cleaning daily. On the other hand, protecting the solar panels from building nests is a one-time solution. Birds are habitual visitors unless they are deterred. Particularly, pigeons regularly visit those places with their nests. If the behavior of such birds passes to their offspring, it will be more challenging to get them away from the system.  

Bird-Proofing your solar panels: Prevention is better than cure

Pigeon proofing was not done by solar panel companies in the UK at the time of installation. Therefore, owners need to get pigeon-proofing for their solar panels as soon as possible to prevent further loss.

How does MAK Energy protect your solar panels from Pigeons?  

MAK Energy’s proofing process involves three steps: We ensure that your solar PV system is properly maintained and clean and produces enough electricity for your home.

  1. First, make sure the birds do not land on your solar panels. For this, we use repellent gel, which restricts birds and pigeons from landing on the solar panels, ultimately protecting them from debris.
  • After applying the gel, the next step is to prevent birds from getting underneath. We use mesh fitting around the solar panels, which includes special material clips to secure the mesh to the panels. Alternatively, we can install bird spikes around the solar panels.
  • To prevent birds from sitting and causing trouble on your roof, we simply install pigeon spikes where they tend to land. These spikes deter them from perching and creating a mess


The efficiency of the overall solar PV system highly depends on the maintenance and cleaning of the solar panels. as they are the real source of absorbing the sun power and converting it into electricity for the use in home or offices. But one such problem that home owners particularly face is the birds and pigeons dropping that can damage the solar panels not just physically but also its performance.

MAK Energy make sure your solar panels do not become the home place for birds, for that we use three easy steps it starts with apply the gel which restrict the birds to stay away form the panels. then mesh is fitted around the solar panels and at the end we put up some birds’ spikes to stop their landings.

If you need any information regarding solar panel bird proofing, feel free to contact us by filling our form or by contacting us at the given number. 

The increasing demand for energy across the globe and consequently the rise in carbon emissions and fossil fuel emissions have already threatened the environmental future of our planet. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly crucial for every home owner, business owners and industrialists to meet their energy needs using renewable energy sources. Solar energy is one such source that is easily accessible for every one and also cost-effective.

Although the components of a Solar PV system do not require regular maintenance, installations in areas like commercial and industrial zones are more prone to accumulating dust, bird droppings, and leaves which ultimately reduce the overall system performance.

While cleaning and maintenance for small systems can be done manually. However, the megawatt projects require advanced AI-integrated tools that can perform the cleaning process more accurately and at a faster pace. One such solution is solar panel cleaning robots that clean the solar surface efficiently and ensure there is no risk of human injury or damage. MAK Energy offers solar cleaning services using the latest robots that do the job efficiently, reliably, and quickly.

So, if you have a solar PV system installed over large areas, opt for our robotic cleaning services to ensure your system produces maximum energy for you.

In this blog, we will discuss four different robotic products for solar panel cleaning that can make your system highly efficient and free from any dust or bird droppings

Understanding the Solar Panel Clearing Robots

Solar panel cleaning robots are advanced and automated cleaning machines designed to efficiently clean solar panels by removing dust and debris. The operation of these robots is quite similar; they are equipped with soft brushes, an air blower, and a water tank to gently clean the panels.

A common perception is that water must be used to clean panels. However, some robotic models are waterless, which makes the cleaning process eco-friendlier and more cost-effective. They ensure your panels produce maximum energy output and prolong the panels’ lifespan

What are the different types of Solar panels robots

SolarCleano Model F1            

This robotic machine is known as the fastest cleaning robot available on the market. It can easily cover up to 1600m² in an hour, meaning no matter how large your project is, it will only take a few hours for this speedy robot to clean your panels. With just one person in command, the SolarCleano Model F1 can clean 2MW of solar panels in one day. Isn’t that interesting?

The condition of the panels doesn’t matter to it; whether wet or dry, it will perfectly clean the panels

SolarCleano Model F1

Key Features:

  • Connects to standard garden hoses (13-15mm diameter; 2.0 – 8.0 bar pressure).
  • Valves to regulate water consumption.
  • Option for waterless cleaning.
  • Certified no microcracks after electroluminescent testing.
  • Central electric switching box powered by lithium-ion batteries (2h30 autonomy).
  • Remote operation camera for safety.
  • Helicoidal brushes in 1.1m, 1.2m, and 2.2m lengths with two bristle types.
  • High-end caterpillar tracks exerting 4200Pa pressure on panels.

Solarcleano Model M1 Mini

For smaller solar PV systems, the SolarCleano Model M1 Mini is the perfect robotic machine. They are very lightweight and can easily be moved from one place to another, weighing only 27kg. The M1 can clean up to 800 m² in an hour. Just like the F1 model, it also comes in two variations: water and waterless. You can choose the one that suits your requirements. The best part about using these cleaning robots is that they don’t require much human interaction; they can be operated all day by just one person. It’s perfect for smaller installations, such as domestic panels

SolarCleano Model M1 Mini

Key Features:

  • Hooks up to your everyday garden hoses (13-15mm diameter; 2.0 – 8.0 bar pressure).
  • Built-in valves to keep water use in check.
  • Boasts a waterless cleaning option for those dry days.
  • Passed with no microcracks in the electroluminescent test – that’s quality assurance!
  • Central electric box powered by lithium-ion batteries, good for a solid 3-hour run.
  • Comes with 0.8m helicoidal brushes, dual bristle types, ready for any solar cell, wet or dry.
  • High-end caterpillar tracks that tread lightly with a 3500Pa pressure, keeping your panels safe and sound.

Solar Robot Pro

If you have a larger PV system whether roof-mounted or ground-mounted the Solar Robot Pro is perfectly suited to clean your panels efficiently. It can quickly clean areas up to 2000 square meters. The system is user-friendly and can be assembled in just a few minutes with a few simple steps. It is then controlled from a safe distance using a radio remote control. The unique brush design ensures an effective cleaning process without the need for chemical additives or cleaning agents. If you need more information or further assistance, feel free to ask.

Solar Robot Pro

Key Features

  • Adaptable for various areas: roofs, open fields, deserts, barns, and more.
  • Flexible use on surfaces with up to 25° incline, and 45° with side guidance.
  • Enhanced safety features, including edge detection and fall protection sensors.
  • Remote control operation for safe and convenient use.
  • Innovative brush design for high performance, rotating at ±400 rpm.
  • Efficient cleaning with minimal water use, approximately 0.5 l/sqm, without chemicals.
  • Dry cleaning capability for versatility.
  • Modular design with 7 lightweight components under 20kg each, for easy transport and customization.

GEKKO Solar High-Tec Robot – Serbot 

The GEKKO Solar robot is a game-changer for cleaning hard-to-reach PV panels on rooftops and solar farms. It’s ideal for cleaning services. It come with an impressive cleaning rate of up to 1,040 m² per hour which make it a perfect cleaning partner for larger installations. The robot operates with rotating brushes and demineralized water that ensure that you do not need any labour to clean your panels. Additionally, it comes with a trolley for water and energy, and for smaller farms, a support wagon provides all necessary utilities for autonomous operation.

GEKKO Solar High-Tec Robot – Serbot


The cleaning process for smaller home solar PV systems isn’t difficult. However, systems installed in commercial and industrial areas are often larger in number, so their cleaning needs to be done in a fast and reliable manner. This is where the solar panel cleaning kit, equipped with robots, comes in handy. These robots can easily clean megawatts of solar panels in a single day, ensuring you get the maximum output from your solar system. MAK Energy is equipped with all these solar panel robotic machines and is the best solar panel cleaner in town. If you own a system that requires an advanced tool for its cleaning and maintenance, feel free to contact us.