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3kW Solar System

Over 1.3 Million Households in the UK are Now Generating Electricity From Solar

It’s quite warming to witness how families, throughout the UK are embracing renewable energy, solar power as the main source. This isn’t just a passing fad; it’s a growing movement that deserves praise. Just imagine. 1.3 million households already benefiting from the energy captured from the sun itself!

Imagine a small, warm house where a family share lots of smiles and happiness. They have a special 3kW solar system that’s perfect for them. It’s as if they have a little power plant on their roof that makes a lot of electricity—about 2400 kWh every year. That’s plenty to run all their home stuff without worrying about big electric bills. And here’s the best part; going solar isn’t only, about savings; it’s an investment that continues to pay off. Imagine producing your cost electricity for an impressive 25 years!

If you live in a small 2-bedroom house in the UK, a 3kW solar panel system is perfect to meet your energy requirements. However, the cost will typically depend on the system type; an average 3kW solar system in the UK will cost you around £4,000, while adding batteries to it will increase the cost range to £7,000 to £8,500, depending on the battery brands you select.

MAK Energy, with years of experience under its umbrella and certified professional installers, provides you with systems that last longer. Our 3kW solar PV system will also help you save almost £500 every year.

To receive free quotations and a complimentary online survey for your home or business, simply fill out our form, which will only take a minute. Our experts will connect you with our premier and customized solutions.  

3kW Solar Solution (with, without)

Average Price Of a 3kw Solar System

The average price for a 3kW solar system without a battery in the UK is around £4,000. This cost includes the solar panels, mounting structure, installation charges and other compulsory components. However, if you plan to have a hybrid PV system, the price for a 3kW solar system with a battery will be around £7,000- £8,500. The notable thing is that the overall price of the system can vary depending on the quality of the components. As is commonly known, higher product quality typically comes with a higher price tag, but it also offers increased efficiency and productivity. In most cases, the price for a 3kW solar system without battery in the UK will not exceed £4,000.

Key Components of 3kW Solar System  

Solar Panels

The most important part of any solar system is the panels. If you understand the hierarchy of the system, you’ll know that the panels work just like the grid that generates power for your using the sun’s rays. The choice of solar panels and the brand is also yours, you can select the panel’s quality and brand based on your requirements and budget. For instance, if you opt for 405-watt solar panels for your 3kW solar system in the UK, you will need approximately 8 panels. However, you have the flexibility to choose panels of higher or lower wattage based on your specific needs. 

3kw solar system uk

It’s important to remember that as the number of panels increases, more installation space will be necessary.

Wattage No. of Panels


The second component of any solar system is the inverter. You need to keep in mind that the quality of the solar inverter directly affects the overall efficiency of the system, as it converts the energy produced by the panels (DC) into usable home electricity (AC). As the 3kW solar system is quite common for UK domestic users, you will find multiple options to choose from. MAK Energy, based on its years of experience and expertise in handling domestic solar solutions, provides you with a list of 3kW inverters that are not only well-reputed but also reliable.

Here Are Some of The Best 3kw Solar Inverters on The Market:

Brand Best Description
Fox Ess
High-quality, reliable inverter with a long warranty.
Versatile inverter that can be used for a variety of applications.
Advanced inverter with smart features that can help you save money.
Popular and affordable inverter with a good reputation.
Advanced inverter with smart features that can help you save money.
Good value for money inverter with a wide range of features.

Batteries (optional)

Though batteries are not an essential part of a solar system, many households still prefer to install batteries with their existing PV system. This is because panels do not produce electricity at night, and installing enough batteries with your solar system can reduce your electricity bill by up to 100 percent. We suggest our clients conduct thorough research before making a purchase. To assist you in your search, we have compiled a list of some of the best batteries available in the UK, as well as a list of solar batteries that can be installed with your 3kW solar panel kit.

3kw solar system price with Different Batteries

Battery Brand Cost Battery Size
Fox Ess
LG Chem

Mounting Structure  

Your solar panels are physically attached to your current roof by a mounting system, often called a racking system. This is a crucial part of a solar system that will guarantee your solar array stays firmly secured during hail, wind and rain. The type and form of roof your home has will decide whether or not a solar supplier needs to remove tiles in order to install your mounting system.

What Appliances Can I Run On 3kw Solar Panel System

As we mentioned earlier, a house with 2 bedrooms does not have high energy demands. Therefore, if a 3kW solar system is installed properly by an MCS-certified company, it can power most of the appliances in a 2-bedroom house. However, if you are unable to determine your energy needs accurately, we suggest checking your monthly unit consumption. If you find that your monthly consumption is not more than 2000 kWh, you can run multiple appliances on a 3kW solar panel system in the UK. Here are the details:

LED Lights LED TV Laptop
Washing Machine

Find the Right Solar Installer in UK?

The more professionally the work is done, the greater the chances of achieving maximum output and efficiency from your solar panel system. So, you might be wondering what criteria to use to choose the right solar installer in the UK. Well, first of all, look for one that has MCS certification and years of experience in installing not just domestic but also commercial installations, like MAK Energy. With a track record of successfully installed systems across the UK, MAK Energy stands out in the market. We are an MCS-certified company. Fill out our form and receive the best quotation from our expert installers in just minutes.


A 3kW solar system is the ideal choice for small houses in the UK as it provides energy that is efficient. When it comes to cost, the price of a 3kW solar panel kit in the UK is £4,000; keep in mind that this cost does not include batteries. However, if you opt for a 3kW solar system with batteries in the UK, the price can range from £7,000 to £8,500.

If you’re seeking the best and top-quality PV systems for your home or business, our company can assist you. Consider MAK Energy as your energy partner. which is not only MCS certified but also boasts a strong portfolio of handling domestic, commercial, and industrial installations in the country.


The prices are subject to survey, the estimated savings are based on KWh production which is dependent on number of factors including system size, location, orientation, and angle.


What Benefits Can I Get by Installing a 3kw Solar System in the Uk?
  • You can get your investment back in just 10 years.
  • it can increase your property’s value by up to 4%.
  • Make your energy independent
  • Solar PV systems require either no or very minimal maintenance
Is 3kw Enough to Power a House?

Yes! The system can generate enough electricity for smaller homes in the UK. If you consider your annual energy consumption, which amounts to 2400 kWh, regardless of the size of your home or the number of people living there, a 3kW solar panel kit is the best choice to increase energy efficiency and reduce reliance on the electricity grid.

How Much Power Does A 3kw Solar System Produce?

A typically 3kW solar Panels system approximately produce 2400 kwh electricity per year. the electricity generation can slightly increase or decrease in different cases, such as number of sunlight hours can slightly make a different, efficiency of solar panels, inverter capacity and the direction of your solar panel potentially reduce or surpass the estimated production of a 3kw solar panels system.

How Much Can I Save By Installing a 3 KW Solar System?

It’s quite hard to predict the exact amount because the electricity rate varies from state to state in the UK. However, with a 3kW solar system, you can save up to £500 annually.

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