Energy monitors are devices that monitor your home energy consumption and empower you to make changes in your electricity usage behavior, ultimately resulting in reduced electricity bills. There are various types of energy monitors available in the market. These devices accurately record your energy consumption and come in different forms, such as energy monitoring plugs, smart meters, and whole-home smart energy monitors.

By using these devices, you can gain valuable insights into how much electricity your TV, washing machine, and other appliances are consuming, and discover ways to optimize your energy usage and save on your electricity bills. This article will provide you with a detailed insight into the best smart energy monitors available for homes in the UK. It will cover information on how these devices work and the benefits they offer.

What Are Energy Monitors?

Energy monitors are devices that accurately measure the electricity consumption of each of your appliances. They come in various forms, such as plugs, LCD screens, and even devices that connect to your electricity meter to monitor the overall energy usage of your entire house. Smart energy monitors for home automatically measure the amount of electricity you are using, enabling you to make informed changes to your energy consumption behavior and reduce your electricity bills.

energy monitoring by energy monitor
Caption – Smart energy monitors being shown in the image

Types Of Smart Energy Monitors

Smart energy monitors for homes are typically available in three different types, each catering to specific monitoring needs. Whether you’re looking for whole-house energy monitoring or tracking the energy consumption of individual appliances, there is a smart energy monitor for you. Let’s explore the types of smart energy monitors for homes:

  1. Plug-in Energy Monitor
  2. Smart Meters
  3. Whole-home Energy Monitor

Plug-in Energy Monitors: The widely Used Energy Monitors

Plug-in monitors are the most common type of smart energy monitors for home. They are easy to install and use, and they can be used to track the energy consumption of individual appliances. Smart energy meters are more expensive than plug-in monitors, but they offer a wider range of features, such as the ability to track energy consumption over time and to receive alerts when appliances are using more energy than usual.

Whole-home smart energy monitors are the most expensive type of energy monitor, but they offer the most comprehensive data. They can be used to track the energy consumption of an entire home, and they can be used to identify areas where energy can be saved.

Emporia Smart Home Energy Monitor

The Emporia home energy monitors not only record and measure your home energy consumption but also monitor the electricity production of your solar panels. In addition, they track the amount of excess energy being sent back to the national grid. It is important to note that the Emporia smart home device requires additional space for installation. This device comes with 16 sensors that are attached to individual circuits, allowing you to monitor the energy usage of specific appliances such as washing machines, cookers, boilers, and tumble dryers.

Emporia Smart Home Energy Monitor
Caption – Emporia Smart Home Energy Monitor

Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5

Aeotec is another high-quality home monitoring device, similar to the Emporia smart home energy monitor. Like the Emporia monitor, the Aeotec device also requires ample space for installation. It operates wirelessly with a range of up to 100 meters and boasts an impressive 99 percent accuracy in monitoring home energy electricity usage. The Aeotec device can detect up to 60 amps of electricity at any given time, unless you are planning to run all your appliances simultaneously.

Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5
Caption – Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5

Mexico 13A Electricity Power Consumption Monitor

This monitoring device measures power consumption and also calculates the electrical cost in real-time. It features a built-in battery option that ensures your data is saved even during a power outage. this smart energy monitors device displays warnings on the screen if the load of a connected device exceeds 3680W.

best energy monitors
Caption – Mexico 13A Electricity Power Consumption Monitor

Energine MIH0006 Whole House Energy Monitor 

Energine is a Wi-Fi connected energy device that enables you to monitor your home electricity consumption from anywhere in the world. Additionally, when you are at home, you can use voice commands through platforms like Alexa and Google Home to control specific appliances. The setup process is straightforward: simply clip it to the mains cable, plug it into the hub, and you’re ready to go.

best energy monitors for energy monitoring
Caption – Energine MIH0006 Whole House Energy Monitor 

TP-Link Tapo Energy Monitoring Smart Plug

The TP-Link Tapo Energy Monitoring smart plug operates similarly to other Wi-Fi connected monitoring devices. This provides you with valuable information about the power consumption of your home appliances and notifies you about which devices are using the most energy. Additionally, you can conveniently test your appliances while on the way to the office.

TP-Link Tapo Energy Monitoring Smart energy monitors
Caption – TP-Link Tapo Energy Monitoring Smart Plug

Efergy Engage Hub Kit – Best for Solar

The Efergy Engage Hub Kit offers free access to its website and app, allowing you to monitor your energy usage in real-time. With this device, you can easily set your monthly or weekly budget goals, making it an affordable option. It also provides access to monitoring up to five different circuits if you wish to track specific devices. Installation is straightforward and hassle-free.

Efergy Engage Hub Kit – Best for Solar
Caption – Efergy Engage Hub Kit

Best Smart Plug: Kasa Smart Plug Ultra Mini

If you’re not interested in monitoring your entire home’s energy consumption, the Kasa Smart Plug Ultra Mini is the perfect option for tracking individual appliances. With its strong Wi-Fi connectivity, you can conveniently turn on your lamp before arriving home on a dark night. The Kasa Smart Plug monitoring system also allows you to easily check whether you’ve switched off appliances before leaving for the office. This affordable monitoring device offers excellent performance and makes it one of the top smart energy monitors for home.

kasa smart energy monitor for energy monitoring
Caption – Kasa Smart Plug Ultra Mini

Topgreener Smart Wi-Fi Outlet Energy Monitoring

Are you someone who often forgets to switch off appliances when leaving home and desires a device that allows you to control them remotely? The Topgreener Smart Energy Monitoring device is the perfect solution for you. With its built-in smart metering feature, you can make informed changes to your energy consumption based on monitoring data.

Additionally, this outlet is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, enabling you to conveniently operate it through your smartphone’s assistant app. The device will notify you about running appliances and their electricity consumption, empowering you to turn them off and reduce your electricity bills.

Caption – Topgreener Smart Wi-Fi Outlet Energy Monitoring

Smart Meter

The smart meter is an excellent monitoring device for homes in the UK if you want to measure the overall energy consumption of your house. It replaces the traditional meter and records your energy usage throughout the day. The recorded data is then sent to the energy supplier, allowing them to provide you with accurate energy bills instead of estimated ones. The smart energy meters offer a convenient way to track your energy usage and ensure accurate billing.

Sense Energy Monitor

The Sense Energy Monitor is considered one of the best smart energy monitors for home due to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. It provides real-time recording of energy usage, allowing you to track consumption on a monthly, weekly, and even daily basis. With this information, you can identify areas where adjustments can be made to optimize energy consumption.

The advanced technology of the Sense Energy Monitor learns the usage patterns of your home appliances over time, enabling you to understand their energy usage based on their on/off cycles. The accompanying Sense Energy Monitoring app keeps you informed about any appliances that may still be running in your home. While the device may have a higher cost, its capabilities and features provide an added peace of mind.


Smart energy monitor devices are the ideal solution for accurately tracking the electricity consumption of your home. As each individual’s energy needs are unique, the choice of smart energy monitors for homes varies accordingly. With numerous options available in the market, you can find the perfect fit for your requirements. Whether you prefer a comprehensive whole-home energy monitoring system or a device focused on specific appliance monitoring, there is a smart energy monitor to suit your needs. This article covers everything you need to know about smart energy monitors for home.

Will I Receive Accurate Bills With the Smart Meter?

A smart meter automatically measures your energy consumption and provides a clear overview of your electricity bills. With the help of a smart meter, you can easily understand what you are actually paying for. It accurately reads and records your electricity usage on a monthly basis, ensuring accurate billing from the energy supplier. While smart meters typically provide monthly readings, you also have the option to receive daily or hourly readings.

Additionally, during smart meter installation, you have the opportunity to install an in-home display—a portable screen that shows your energy consumption in pounds and pence in real time. You might have concerns about the accuracy of smart meters. In this article, we will shed light on the accuracy of smart meters and provide thorough answers to your questions, such as: Are smart meters accurate? or How accurate are smart meters? Let’s discuss them one by one.

So, What’s the Smart Meter?

The smart meter is an innovative device that replaces your old meter and automatically records your energy consumption, sending the data to your energy supplier for accurate billing. It also provides you with information on how energy is being consumed. You may be concerned about the accuracy of smart meters, but rest assured, they are highly accurate and eliminate the need for manual meter readings. They offer better insights into your energy consumption, allowing you to make informed decisions and potentially save on your energy bills.

are smart meters accurate? - how accurate are smart meters?
Caption – Smart giving the cost estimation on the screen

Are Smart Meters Accurate?

Yes, smart meters are just as accurate as traditional meters. They are designed with the purpose of providing you with accurate energy bills based on your actual electricity consumption. By installing smart meters, you can eliminate the need for estimated monthly energy bills. This enables you to make informed decisions and adjustments in your electricity usage throughout the day, leading to potential savings on your electricity bills. With smart meters, you can have confidence in the accuracy of your energy bills, allowing for better management of your electricity usage and budgeting

old meter & new meter - are smart meters accurate
Caption – Old Meter & New Meter

How Accurate Are Smart Meters?

Studies have shown that smart meters are as accurate as traditional meters, if not more so. In a survey conducted after the first year of smart meter installation, it was found that 74% of smart meter users were satisfied with the accuracy of their meters. For more detailed information, please visit this source. (

And if you notice any inaccuracies in the smart meter readings, you can report them to your energy supplier to have them resolved.

how accurate are smart meters
Caption -Smart meter giving energy consumption reading

Are You still receiving estimated bill despite installing the smart meter?

Smart meters are designed to provide accurate billing information. However, if you find yourself still receiving estimated bills, there could be two main reasons for this. Let’s explore them along with potential solutions.

The first reason you might continue to receive estimated energy bills is if you have recently installed the smart meter and received your first bill after its installation. It is common for the initial bill following the addition of a smart meter to be estimated. However, you can expect the next month’s bill to be more likely to reflect accurate pricing.

The second reason for receiving multiple estimated bills after smart meter installation is if you are using a first-generation smart meter. These meters can sometimes lose functionality when you switch energy suppliers. If you are using a first-generation smart meter, it is advisable to upgrade it in order to receive accurate energy bills.

Will a Smart Meter Lower My Bill?

Smart meters do not have the capability to automatically lower energy consumption or electricity bills. They provide you with data on how you are using energy, and to reduce your bill, you will have to analyze the data provided by the smart meter and make changes accordingly. Therefore, in order to lower your energy bill with the help of a smart meter, you will need to closely monitor your energy consumption.

How Can Check If My Smart Meter is Giving Accurate Reading?

The accuracy of smart meters is investigated by energy suppliers. If your smart meter is broken or displaying errors, it is advisable to contact your energy supplier for an inspection. They will send a professional from their team to conduct a preliminary check on-site. If you are still not satisfied with the inspection, you may have the option to send your smart meter to a lab for further testing. It is important to note that gas meters are typically not tested manually on-site and are often sent to a lab for examination.

The supplier company may charge you for the replacement of the smart meter. However, if it is determined that the meter was faulty from their end, you will not be responsible for the cost of the replacement of smart meter.

Is it Worth Getting a Smart Meter?

Yes! It’s worth getting a smart meter for accurate measurement of your energy consumption and energy bills. By installing a smart meter, you will have access to free, real-time information about your energy usage, enabling you to identify areas of consumption and reduce energy waste, ultimately resulting in lower electricity bills. Additionally, smart meters eliminate the need for manual meter reading, saving you time and effort.

Some people may question the accuracy of smart meters, but the answer is straightforward. Yes, they are reliable and accurate, providing you with precise data on your energy consumption.

What are the benefits of having smart meter?

There are numerous benefits associated with installing smart meters. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Smart meters provide more accurate billing, ensuring you only pay for the energy you actually consume.
  • Say goodbye to estimated prices, as smart meters eliminate the need for guesswork and prevent overpaying or underpaying.
  • Enjoy the convenience of automatic meter measuring and reading, saving you time and effort.
  • Gain a better understanding of your energy consumption patterns through real-time data, empowering you to make informed decisions that can potentially lead to energy savings.
  • By installing smart meters, you can experience these benefits and take control of your energy usage and costs.

Is Electricity More Expensive with Smart Meter?

No, the smart meter will not cost you more than the actual price of electricity. It will remain the same. However, with a smart meter, you will have the opportunity to reduce your electricity consumption by using it more efficiently through automatic readings. Smart meters ensure that electricity costs are not higher, but consumers often inquire how accurate are smart meters. The answer is simple: they are very accurate and efficient.


Smart meters are being installed in UK homes at a fast pace. However, some people still have concerns about the accuracy of smart meters and frequently ask questions such as, “Are smart meters accurate?” or “How accurate are smart meters?” According to a government report, smart meters are just as accurate as traditional meters and can help consumers reduce their electricity bills through smart consumption planning. Smart meters are highly recommended, as they are environmentally friendly and eliminate the need for manual readings every month.

It has become a challenging task to predict energy prices due to their continuous rise. And there are various reasons that influence energy costs, such as the higher fuel prices due to the Russian-Ukrainian war and the soaring demand for fossil fuels globally. In such circumstances, people often seek ways to save money on energy bills. There are many ways to save money on energy bills, such as opting for solar energy, which is cheaper and more reliable, switching to LED lights, using high-efficiency energy appliances, and many more. In this blog, we will explore the top ways to achieve visible savings on your energy bills. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Switch to Renewable Energy Source

One of the most efficient and highly recommended ways to save money on your energy bills is to use renewable energy sources such as solar panels. Solar energy has the ability to reduce your electricity costs by more than 60%. It’s a clean, renewable energy source that never runs out, no matter the condition. Even on rainy or cloudy days, solar panels can still generate power.

Investing in solar panels is a one-time investment that can last for more than 25 years with minimal maintenance costs. Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance, making them a hassle-free option for homeowners. Moreover, the prices of solar panels have decreased significantly in recent years, making it more affordable for homeowners to install them. Additionally, solar panels can increase the value of your property and make it more attractive to buyers.

Insulate your Home

Insulation problems can lead to increased energy bills due to heat loss, and many households in the UK are facing this issue. To keep the heat within your home and avoid unnecessary energy costs, it’s important to insulate different areas of your house, such as the roof and loft, walls, tanks, pipes, radiators, and floors.

By properly insulating these areas, you can save hundreds of pounds every month on your energy bills. Insulating your home is a long-term investment that can pay off in the form of reduced energy costs and increased comfort. Furthermore, insulation helps to reduce your carbon footprint by lowering your energy usage.

Take Advantage of Natural Resources

Our environment is abundant with natural resources that can benefit us in many ways, and energy saving is one of them. Taking advantage of natural resources to save money on energy bills is the most effective and healthy way. Let’s look at how you can save money on your energy bills using natural resources.

Natural light is a great source of lighting, so during the winter months, pull back your window shades and let the daylight illuminate your room. On cooler summer days, you can open your windows and turn off your AC to let the air ventilate your room

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Old and less efficient appliances consume more energy and cost you more on your monthly energy bills. If you have old or less efficient appliances at home, try to replace them with more efficient ones. They can save you hundreds of pounds every year. It is important to keep in mind that the most efficient appliances are quite expensive, and not everyone may be able to purchase them. However, if you consider their long-term benefits, you will definitely see the value in investing in them. 

Use Solar Thermal Heater for Water Heating

Solar thermal heaters can help households save money on energy bills monthly by using renewable energy from the sun to heat water. This reduces dependence on fossil fuels, such as gas or oil, which can be expensive, especially during the winter months. By investing in a solar thermal heater, households can enjoy long-term savings on energy bills as these systems have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance. Overall, solar thermal heaters provide an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to heat water and reduce energy bills on a monthly basis.

Change your Bulbs and Switch Off your Plugs

You need to adopt the good habit of choosing LED bulbs over other types of bulbs that consume more energy and cost you more money. Additionally, it is important to switch off your plugs when appliances are not in use. Upgrading your light bulbs can also save you money, but it is important to choose carefully. An average household can save hundreds of pounds each year simply by choosing the right LED bulb. While LED bulbs may seem expensive initially, they will save you money in the long run.

Add Batteries to your Solar Panel System

Electricity providers often charge high at peak hours, which typically occur at night. If you have installed solar panels at home but still have to pay an energy bill due to usage during peak hours, battery storage can make your life easier and save you big on your energy bills. Batteries can store the extra energy your solar panels produce during the day so that you can use the stored energy at night and reduce your energy bills. To add batteries to your existing solar panel system, you can contact us. MAK Energy offers high-quality solar batteries that store more and last longer. Get in touch with us today and start saving on your energy bill now.

Turn Off Standby Appliances to Save Energy

You can save a significant amount on your electricity bills by simply switching off your appliances from standby mode. Many homeowners believe that their appliances don’t consume electricity when on standby, but this is not true. In reality, they still consume electricity and result in higher energy bills. To save money on your energy bills, you should unplug all your energy-consuming devices when they are not in use and switch them off completely. Some appliances such as internet modems and TV recorders may need to be plugged in all the time.

save money on your energy bills

Draught-Proof Windows and Doors

If your home is not brand new, chances are it loses heat due to draughts around doors and windows, gaps around the floor, or through the chimney. The cost of professional draught-proofing, which involves blocking gaps in floors, skirting boards, doors, and windows, can be bit high. However, it can save you approximately hundreds of pounds per year on your energy bills. Alternatively, DIY draught proofing can be a much cheaper option.

save money on energy bills

Heat Pumps as your Heat Partner

Are you still relying on conventional methods to heat up your space, resulting in higher energy bills every month? Consider installing heat pumps in your home or business building. Heat pumps come in different types, such as air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps, and they receive heat from their surroundings and the ground, respectively, to warm up rooms. This can significantly save you money on your energy bills.

save money on energy bills


There are numerous ways that can help you to save money on energy bills in 2023. Switching to renewable energy sources like solar panel systems and using high-efficiency home appliances are some of the most effective ways to cut energy costs. Additionally, insulating homes, and replacing traditional bulbs with LED lights can help you be smarter with your energy usage and save money on your energy bills in the long run. Don’t miss out on these energy-saving tips – start implementing

Solar UPS systems are a popular choice for homes and businesses looking for reliable backup power sources. They utilize the power of the sun to charge batteries, which then provide power in the event of an outage or other disruption to the grid. If you are interested in installing a solar UPS system in your home or business, this guide will provide you with a step-by-step process to help you get started.

solar ups working infographics

Step 1: Assess Your Power Needs

The first step in installing a solar UPS system is to assess your power needs. You will need to determine the amount of power that you will need to run your critical appliances and electronics in the event of an outage. This will help you to determine the size and capacity of the solar UPS system that you will need to install. A professional installer can help you to assess your power needs and recommend the right system for your home or business.

Step 2: Choose Your Solar UPS System

Once you have assessed your power needs, it is time to choose your solar UPS system. There are a variety of systems available on the market, each with their own features and benefits. You will want to consider factors such as battery capacity, charging time, and the number of outlets and ports available. You may also want to consider whether you want a portable or stationary system. Your installer can help you to choose the best system for your needs and budget.

Step 3: Choose the Location for Your Solar UPS System

The next step is to choose the location for your solar UPS system. Ideally, you will want to install it in a location that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. This may be on the roof of your home or business, or in a location that is unobstructed by trees or other structures. Your installer can help you to choose the best location for optimal performance.

Step 4: Install Your Solar Panels

Once you have chosen the location for your solar UPS system, it is time to install your solar panels. This may require drilling into your roof or other structures, so it is important to work with a professional installer to ensure that the installation is done safely and correctly. Your installer will also help you to connect your solar panels to your solar UPS system.

Step 5: Install Your Batteries and Inverter

The next step is to install your batteries and inverter. Your batteries will store the power generated by your solar panels, while your inverter will convert that power into usable electricity for your home or business. Your installer will help you to choose the right batteries and inverter for your system, and will install them in a safe and secure location.

Step 6: Connect Your Solar UPS System to Your Home or Business

Once your solar panels, batteries, and inverter are installed, it is time to connect your solar UPS system to your home or business. This will require running wires and cables from your solar UPS system to your electrical panel. Your installer will ensure that all wiring is done safely and according to local building codes.

Step 7: Test Your System

The final step in the installation process is to test your solar UPS system. Your installer will help you to test your system to ensure that it is working properly and providing the power that you need in the event of an outage or other disruption to the grid. You will also want to test your system periodically to ensure that it continues to work properly over time.

In conclusion, installing a solar UPS system is a smart choice for those looking for a reliable backup power source for their homes or businesses. By assessing your power needs, choosing the right system, selecting an ideal location, and working with a professional installer, you can ensure that your solar UPS system will provide you with the power you need in the event of an outage or other disruption to the grid. With proper installation and testing, you can have peace of mind knowing that your solar UPS system will continue to work efficiently and effectively for years to come. So, take the first step towards a more sustainable and reliable power source today by exploring your options for a solar UPS system.

As solar energy gains popularity and its installation rates continue to rise, there is a growing demand for experts and professionals who are certified in solar energy. Taking a certification course in solar energy can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this rapidly expanding industry. Various certifications are available for different skills and professions, such as solar system design, installation, maintenance and repair, and back-office services. This article aims to explore what solar certifications mean and how they can benefit individuals and companies in the long run. Let’s dive in.

What are solar certification courses

Solar certification courses are specialized training programs that provide individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the rapidly growing solar industry. In the field of solar energy, various certification courses are available that cover a wide range of topics in UK, such as City & Guilds Solar PV Certification for installation and testing, MCS for renewable energy systems, G83/2 for grid connection, BPEC Solar Thermal Certification for maintenance, and HIES for installation and maintenance of renewable energy systems like solar PV. These courses are typically offered by industry associations and community colleges. During certification courses, participants receive both theoretical and practical training, often involving hands-on experience with actual solar panel equipment. Upon completing the certification course, individuals become eligible for employment in the solar industry.

Benefits of certification in Solar Energy

Increased knowledge and understanding of solar energy

Certified individuals typically possess more knowledge than those who are not certified. By taking a solar certification course, participants gain a deeper understanding of how solar energy works, the science behind it, the technology used to capture and store the power of the sun, and how it can be practically applied. This knowledge not only benefits those seeking employment in the solar industry but can also be invaluable in other industries that utilize solar technology, including construction, architecture, engineering, and energy management.

Higher job opportunities

Those with a solar certification often have more job choices. Getting certified in solar energy can open up new career opportunities and help with advancement in your current job. As the demand for solar power continues to grow, so does the need for professionals who are educated in solar technology and can design, install, and maintain these systems. So, if you’re thinking of entering the solar industry, taking a certification course offers numerous career opportunities and potential growth.

benefits of certification in solar energy

Higher earning potential

Having an expert in any field is still greatly sought after. In particular, those who are certified in the solar industry often have the potential to earn more compared to those without certification. That’s because successful solar work involves a broad range of knowledge and proficiency, from design to installation and repair. Certification is a reliable indication of someone’s experience and aptitude in the area, which makes certified professionals more valuable to prospective employers.

Visit here to view the chart!

Offer better services to clients – Benefits of Certification in Solar Energy

Better job security

Customer satisfaction is always a priority for individuals and companies alike. Certified solar industry professionals are likely to better meet customer needs due to their wide-ranging expertise. This knowledge enables them to offer superior services, advice, and information on the most efficient and effective use of solar technology. This could result in greater customer satisfaction, repeat business, and referrals, all of which can contribute significantly to success in this field.

Certification in solar energy can provide individuals with an improved level of job security. As more organizations and industries turn to solar technology, there is a higher need for trained specialists to design, install, and maintain such systems. Individuals who have been certified are more likely to be sought after and retained by companies that value knowledge and dedication to this field.

Future potential of growth

Solar energy is an essential part of our energy supply and is predicted to remain that way for a while. This implies that there will be numerous job opportunities for those with the correct qualifications in solar energy. You can opt to work for an enterprise dedicated to this industry, or you can establish your own business as a private installer. This provides massive money-making potential for yourself when you are properly trained and have the perfect equipment.

Enhance your problem-solving skills

The solar industry needs people who are great at solving problems as solar systems installations and maintenance can be intricate. A solar certification program offers hands-on training, providing individuals with the opportunity to develop their skills in problem-solving, troubleshooting, and critical thinking.

Conclusion – Benefits of Certification in Solar Energy

Certifying in solar energy can give you the expertise and training you need to thrive in the ever-increasing solar industry. By getting certified, you can boost your job options, status in the field, wages, and fulfillment. As the demand for proficient professionals is anticipated to stay on the rise in the upcoming years, getting certified in solar energy will give you a safe job and chances for career growth.

If you’re a homeowner, you may have heard of a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) before. But what exactly is a DEA, and what role do they play in the world of home energy efficiency? In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the DEA profession and what it means for your home.

What is a Domestic Energy Assessor?

A Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) is a trained professional who assesses the energy efficiency of residential properties. They use specialized software and tools to generate an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) that rates a home’s energy efficiency on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient).

DEAs are required by law to be accredited by a government-approved accreditation scheme in order to provide EPCs for residential properties. This accreditation ensures that DEAs are trained and knowledgeable about the latest energy efficiency standards and regulations.

Why is a DEA important?

A DEA is important for a few reasons. First and foremost, they provide homeowners with valuable information about their home’s energy efficiency. This information can be used to identify areas where improvements can be made, such as insulation or heating upgrades, which can save homeowners money on their energy bills.

In addition, an EPC is required when a property is sold, rented or constructed. This means that without an EPC, a homeowner may not be able to sell or rent their property legally. Therefore, a DEA plays a crucial role in ensuring that homes are compliant with energy efficiency regulations.

What does a DEA do?

A DEA’s main responsibility is to conduct an energy assessment of a property and generate an EPC. This involves collecting data on various aspects of a property, including its construction, heating, lighting, insulation, and ventilation systems.

DEAs use specialized software to analyze this data and generate an EPC that rates the property’s energy efficiency. The EPC includes recommendations for improvements that can be made to improve the property’s energy efficiency rating.

DEAs may also provide additional services, such as Green Deal assessments or advice on energy-saving measures.

How to become a DEA?

To become a DEA, you must complete a training course that is accredited by a government-approved accreditation scheme. The training course typically includes both classroom and

practical training and covers topics such as building construction, energy efficiency, and EPC generation.

After completing the training course, you must also pass an exam to demonstrate your knowledge and competence in energy efficiency assessments.

Once you have passed the exam and obtained your accreditation, you can start providing EPCs for residential properties.


In conclusion, a Domestic Energy Assessor plays a crucial role in the world of home energy efficiency. They provide homeowners with valuable information about their home’s energy efficiency and ensure that homes are compliant with energy efficiency regulations.

If you’re considering selling or renting your property, or simply want to improve your home’s energy efficiency, a DEA can provide you with the information and guidance you need. By understanding the role of a DEA, you can make informed decisions about your home’s energy efficiency and take steps to save money on your energy bills.

As renewable energy becomes more prevalent and necessary for reducing our carbon footprint, solar energy has emerged as one of the most popular and accessible sources of clean energy. In the UK, several solar energy companies have risen to prominence due to their innovative technologies, exceptional customer service, and commitment to sustainability. In this article, we will provide an overview of the top 10 solar energy companies in the UK.

1 – Solarcentury

Solarcentury is one of the UK’s leading solar energy companies, providing innovative solar solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. With over 1 GW of installed solar capacity across the globe. Solarcentury has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, reliable solar systems. Their solutions include solar PV, energy storage, and EV charging, among others.

2 – MAK Energy

MAK Energy Ltd is a reputable solar energy company based in the UK that provides custom solar energy solutions for homes and businesses. The company has been in the industry for over a decade and has a team of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering high-quality and affordable solar solutions.

MAK Energy Ltd offers a range of solar energy services, including solar panel installation, battery storage, and maintenance services. The company uses high-quality materials and equipment to ensure that its solar energy solutions are efficient and long-lasting. MAK Energy Ltd also offers a 25-year warranty on all its solar panels, providing customers with peace of mind and protection against any potential defects or issues. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced solar energy company in the UK, consider MAK Energy Ltd.

3 – Lightsource BP

Lightsource BP is a global leader in solar energy, with a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to a low-carbon future. They develop, construct, and operate large-scale solar projects, as well as providing solar solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a portfolio of over 3 GW of installed solar capacity. Lightsource BP is committed to delivering clean, affordable energy for all.

4 – Oxford Solar PV

Oxford Solar PV is a solar energy company based in Oxfordshire that specializes in solar panel installation for homes and businesses. The company offers a range of solar energy solutions, including battery storage and electric vehicle charging points. Oxford Solar PV has a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems that meet their energy needs and budget.

5 – Solarplicity

Solarplicity is a UK-based solar energy company that focuses on providing affordable solar solutions for residential customers. They offer solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient home improvements, all at competitive prices. With a commitment to sustainability and customer service. Solarplicity has quickly become a top choice for homeowners looking to go solar.

6 – Eco Energy World

Eco Energy World is a global renewable energy company with a strong presence in the UK market. They specialize in developing and constructing large-scale solar projects, as well as providing solar solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Eco Energy World is helping to lead the transition to a low-carbon future.

7 – EnergyMyWay

EnergyMyWay is a solar energy company based in the UK that provides a range of renewable energy solutions, including solar panel installation, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging points. The company has a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems. That meet their energy needs and budget.

8 – The Phoenix Works

The Phoenix Works is a UK-based renewable energy company that specializes in solar PV systems, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging. With a focus on sustainability and energy independence, they provide tailor-made solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a commitment to high-quality products and exceptional customer service. The Phoenix Works is a top choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

9 – Sharp Solar

Sharp Solar is a Japanese-based solar energy company with a strong presence in the UK market. They offer a range of solar solutions for residential and commercial customers, including solar PV, energy storage, and EV charging. With a reputation for innovation and reliability, Sharp Solar is a trusted name in the solar industry.

10 – Solarsense

Solarsense is a UK-based solar energy company that provides solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a commitment to sustainability and customer service. Solarsense is a top choice for those looking to invest in solar energy.

11 – SunPower

SunPower is a global solar energy company with a strong presence in the UK market. They offer a range of solar solutions, including solar PV, energy storage, and EV charging. With a focus on high-quality products and exceptional customer service, SunPower is a top choice for those looking to invest in solar energy

12 – SolarTech

SolarTech is a UK-based solar energy company that provides a range of solar solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and EV charging. They offer bespoke solutions for homes and businesses, using high-quality materials and equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

13 – Poweri Services Ltd

Poweri Services Ltd is a solar energy company based in Wales that provides a range of renewable energy solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and EV charging. They have a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems that meet their energy needs and budget

14 – RenEnergy

RenEnergy is a solar energy company based in Norfolk that provides solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions for residential and commercial customers. They are committed to sustainability and customer service, offering tailor-made solutions for their clients.

15 – Solar Plants

Solar Plants is a UK-based solar energy company that provides a range of solar solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions. They offer bespoke solutions for homes and businesses, using high-quality materials and equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

16 – The Cambridge Solar Company

The Cambridge Solar Company is a solar energy company based in Cambridge that provides solar PV systems, battery storage, and EV charging. They have a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems that meet their energy needs and budget.

17 – Ecolution Group

Ecolution Group is a renewable energy company based in the UK that provides a range of energy solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and EV charging. They offer bespoke solutions for homes and businesses, using high-quality materials and equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

18 – Solarplicity Pro

Solarplicity Pro is a UK-based solar energy company that specializes in providing solar solutions for commercial customers. They offer solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions, all at competitive prices. With a commitment to sustainability and customer service, Solarplicity Pro is a top choice for businesses looking to go solar.

The solar energy industry in the UK is rapidly growing, with many reputable companies offering a range of solar energy solutions for homes and businesses. Whether you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint, save on energy costs, or increase the value of your property. There is a solar energy solution that is right for you.

When choosing a solar energy company, it is important to consider factors such as experience, reputation, customer service, and pricing. The 10 solar energy companies listed in this article are some of the best solar companies in the UK, offering high-quality products, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing.