Solar thermal technology is commonly used to heat water for homes, swimming pools, or business spaces. It can also be utilized to heat the air in a given space. This concept has witnessed rapid growth in recent years due to its clean and affordable source of energy, available year-round. In the UK, where temperatures are often low, the adoption of solar thermal technology for water and space heating has become popular.

In this blog, we will cover essential aspects of solar thermal, including its definition, working principles, and the required number of solar thermal panels. Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of solar thermal technology.

What is Solar Thermal System?

Solar thermal is a renewable energy technology that captures the sun’s energy to generate heat for various purposes, including water heating, air space heating, and swimming pool heating systems. They can be used for both domestic and commercial heating needs. It provides sustainable and environmentally friendly heating solutions. It’s important to distinguish solar panels from solar thermal panels, as they are two distinct products.

Solar thermal panels, unlike solar panels, consist of solar collectors designed to generate and transfer heat energy to water by circulating it through the collectors. Solar thermal systems offer an affordable, clean, and efficient method for heating water and air spaces.

Benefits of Solar Thermal Systems

Solar thermal panels are gaining popularity due to their wide range of benefits, similar to solar panels. Installing a solar thermal system at your home or business offers several advantages. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy.

  • Solar thermal panels typically come with a 10-year warranty but can last more than 25 years
  • Solar thermal panels require minimal maintenance and repairs
  • They operate efficiently even in cold weather conditions
  • Solar thermal panels offer a cost-effective solution for water and air heating, with a short payback period
  • By utilizing solar thermal panels, you can save hundreds of kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions every year

How Do Solar Thermal systems Work?

A Solar Thermal system works by capturing the power of the sun and converting it into heat to warm water and spaces. It all starts with solar collectors, which are typically made of metal or plastic. These collectors capture the sun’s energy and absorb its heat. The heat is then transferred to a special fluid, which can be water, antifreeze, or oil. This fluid circulates through a network of pipes and carries the heat to a storage tank. In this tank, the water or air is heated and can be used for various purposes, like providing hot water for your home or heating up your living space.

What Are the Different Types of Solar Thermal System?

There are two main types of solar thermal system, which are generally known as Active solar thermal system and passive solar thermal system. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Active Solar Thermal System

Active Solar thermal system uses the mechanical devices such as heat pump, storage tank  to transfer the fluid from solar collectors, which is typically water, antifreeze or oil. Most of the solar thermal user use active solar thermal system.

Passive Solar Thermal System

Unlike active solar thermal systems, passive solar thermal systems do not rely on mechanical devices like heat pumps or storage tanks. Instead, they harness the power of natural resources to transfer heat from the solar collectors. Passive systems make clever use of building design and insulation to retain the heat. They utilize materials such as dark-colored roofs or walls that can absorb and retain the sun’s warmth.

Is Solar Thermal Worth It?

Yes! A solar thermal system is definitely worth considering for your home. While the initial installation cost can be quite expensive, ranging between £4,000-5,000, the long-term benefits are substantial. A solar thermal system can supply you enough hot water throughout the year, resulting in a remarkable 70% reduction in heating expenses. By switching to a solar thermal system, you not only benefit financially but also contribute positively to the environment. Additionally, you can save hundreds of pounds annually on your energy bills.

How Many Solar Thermal Panels Do I Need?

The number of solar panels needed depends on factors like hot water demand, available roof space, and panel size. Typically, a standard-sized solar thermal panel measures 2-3 square meters. In the UK, a typical house requires 1-3 solar thermal panels for water heating. As a rule of thumb, allocate 1 square meter of solar thermal collector per person in your home. Sunlight availability also affects the panel count: more sun, fewer panels; less sun, more panels.

How Much Hot Water Can Solar Thermal Heater Provide?

On average, a solar thermal system can provide up to 60% of your hot water heating needs throughout the year. During the summer, it can meet up to 90% of your warm water requirements. However, the specific amount of hot water produced varies depending on the time of year.

How Much Can You Save With Solar Thermal System?

Switching to renewable energy sources is always a beneficial approach that provides a multitude of advantages over the years. However, financial benefits are often the most appealing. By installing a solar thermal heating system, you can save hundreds of pounds annually, although the exact savings depend on your previous heating system. According to the Energy Saving Trust, the following savings can be achieved annually, depending on your existing boiler system.

Fuel bill savings (£/year)Existing boiler systemCarbon dioxide savings (kg CO2/year)
£95Gas275 kg
£150Oil380 kg
£105Coal660 kg
£125Electricity170 kg
£200Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)305 kg

Is Your Property Suitable for a Solar Thermal System?

Solar thermal panels are ideally suited for homes where they can be installed on a property with a south-facing roof. However, even if this is not possible, solar thermal panels can still provide sufficient heat. If you have ample roof space and a high annual water heat consumption, a solar thermal heating system is well-suited for you. It is worth noting that homeowners living in listed or conservation areas may face restrictions on installing solar thermal systems due to regulations limiting changes to these buildings.

How Can I Find the Best Solar Thermal Panel Installer in UK?

The installation of solar thermal panels requires professionally trained and skilled individuals with expertise in the UK’s solar thermal panel system installation. Before choosing a solar installer in the UK, ensure that the company is MCS-Certified, well-reputed, and has successfully completed numerous solar thermal panel installation projects. Additionally, it’s important to choose an installer who can answer your basic question: What is solar thermal??

Here at MAK Energy, we meet all the necessary requirements of a reliable solar installer. We are MCS-Certified and have a team of professional installers with over 12 years of experience installing solar thermal systems in various cities across the UK. Give MAK Energy a try, and rest assured that you will have hot water throughout the year without any issues.


The answer to the question ‘What is solar thermal and how does it work?’ is as straightforward as the question itself. Solar thermal systems are renewable technology used to heat water and air spaces by capturing the sun’s energy through solar thermal panels, also known as solar collectors. It offers numerous benefits to homes and businesses as a cost-effective and clean method of obtaining hot water. While installation costs can be significant, the system has a short payback period.

If you’re considering installing a solar thermal panel system to meet your hot water needs, you may be unsure about choosing the best solar thermal installer in the UK. Contact MAK Energy today, and we’ll provide the solution to all your hot water-related concerns, from answering your initial question about what is solar thermal to completing the installation process.

Solar panels are designed to require very little maintenance and repairs. However, in order to achieve maximum efficiency and output, it is important to keep solar panels clean and free from dust. Dust accumulation can reduce the output efficiency of solar panels by up to 6.5%, and in some regions such as the Middle East, this reduction can be as much as 40%. Many people ask us how to clean solar panels in the UK. In this blog, we will discuss several methods for cleaning solar panels at home, including using clear water, detergent, a high-quality soft brush, or soapy water. So, let’s take a closer look at each of the cleaning methods.

The question that often passes through our minds is, “Do solar panels need cleaning?” Before we discuss methods for cleaning solar panels, we need to answer this question properly.

Do Solar Panels Need Cleaning?

The answer is yes! You do need to clean your solar panels in order to achieve their maximum efficiency and output for the maximum number of years. While solar panels require very little maintenance, repair and regular cleaning. Dust is a major obstacle in producing maximum electricity, and clean, dust-free panels generate the most power. As mentioned in the introduction, dust on solar panels can reduce production by up to 6.5% in some regions and up to 40% in certain areas of the Middle East. Therefore, according to the statistics, solar panels must be regularly cleaned, and you can do it at home.

animated image of a boy cleaning solar panels - how to clean solar panels

How to Clean Solar Panels in the UK?

Cleaning your solar panels at home may seem like a daunting task, but with proper care and concentration, anyone can do it. In the UK, the environment is not as dusty as some other regions of the world, such as the Middle East and South Asian regions. This means that solar panels in the UK generally accumulate less dirt and dust and require less frequent cleaning. In this article, we will discuss different methods that you can use to clean solar panels by yourself. These methods are not only easy but also cost-effective and time-saving. Let’s take a closer look at them.

5 Methods on How to Clean Solar Panels

1 – Using a Garden Hose and a Soft Brush

This is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to clean solar panels at home. All you need is a garden hose and a soft-bristled brush. First, spray the panels with water to remove any loose debris. Then, gently scrub the surface with the brush to remove any stubborn dirt or grime. Rinse with water and let them dry.

cleaning solar panels by soft brush & water

2 – A Gentle Soap Solution and a Soft Cloth or Sponge

If your solar panels are particularly dirty or covered in bird droppings, a gentle soap solution may be necessary. Mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water and use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the panels. Avoid using abrasive materials, such as steel wool, which can scratch the surface of the panels.

3 – A long-handled Soft Bristle Brush or Squeegee with an Extension Pole

If your solar panels are mounted in hard-to-reach areas, such as on a rooftop, a long-handled soft bristle brush or squeegee with an extension pole can make cleaning easier. Use the brush or squeegee to gently scrub the surface of the panels and remove any dirt or grime.

a solar expert cleaning solar panels with long handled soft brush

4 – Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning Systems

If you don’t want to clean your solar panels manually, you can consider installing an automatic solar panel cleaning system. These systems use a series of brushes and sprayers to clean the panels without any manual effort. While these systems can be expensive, they can be a great option if you have a large solar panel array and want to ensure that your panels are always clean and efficient.

5 – A Solar Panel Cleaning Kit

For a more thorough cleaning, you can purchase a solar panel cleaning kit, which usually includes a specialized cleaning solution, a brush or squeegee, and a wiper. These kits are designed specifically for cleaning solar panels and can be a great option if you want to ensure that your panels are properly maintained.

Solar panel cleaning kit

Do I Need to Turn Off Solar Panels to Clean?

No, you do not need to turn off your solar panels to clean them. They are designed to operate safely in all weather conditions, including while being cleaned. However, it’s essential to prioritize safety when cleaning your panels and to avoid using abrasive cleaning products or tools that could damage the surface of the panels.

How Often Should Solar Panels be Cleaned?

The frequency of cleaning your solar panels depends on factors like your location, the amount of dust and dirt in the environment, and the angle of the panels. As a general rule, cleaning your panels once every 3 to 6 months should be sufficient. However, it’s a good idea to monitor your solar panel output and clean them more frequently if you notice a significant drop in efficiency.

What is the best thing to clean solar panels with?

For most solar panels, using a mild, non-abrasive, biodegradable soap mixed with water should be sufficient to remove dirt and grime. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the surface of the panels. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning products and methods.

Does Cleaning your Solar Panels Make Difference?

Yes, cleaning your solar panels can increase the efficiency of your solar system, as clean solar panels are not hindered by the obstruction of maximum sun energy by dust and debris. A clean solar panel can produce nearly 7% more output than a dirtier one.

Is it OK to Clean Solar Panels with Water?

Cleaning solar panels with water and a non-abrasive soap is generally safe. However, if you live in an area with hard water, use distilled water or rinse thoroughly with clean water to prevent mineral buildup. Avoid using high-pressure water jets or hoses, as they can damage the panels.

Do you Use Soap to Clean Solar Panels?

A regular soap can be used effectively to clean solar panels, ensuring their cleanliness and efficiency. However, it’s important to avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that could potentially harm the panels.

What Equipment do you Need to Clean Solar Panels?

To clean solar panels, you’ll need a soft brush or sponge with an extendable handle, a bucket, non-abrasive soap, and clean water. A squeegee or microfiber cloth can help remove excess water and prevent streaks.

Can you Use Vinegar to Clean Solar Panels?

While vinegar is often used as a cleaning agent for various surfaces, it’s generally not recommended to use vinegar to clean solar panels. Vinegar is acidic, and it can potentially damage the anti-reflective coating on the surface of the panels, reducing their efficiency.

What is the Best Way to Remove the Snow Without Damaging the Panels?

When removing snow from solar panels, use a soft brush or a snow rake with a rubber or foam edge to gently remove the snow. Avoid using metal tools or shovels, as they can scratch and damage the panels. It’s also important to work carefully and gradually, removing the snow layer by layer to prevent any sudden weight shifts that could cause damage.

When is the Best Time of Day to Clean My Solar Panels to Avoid Any Potential Damage from the Sun’s Heat?

The best time to clean solar panels is early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the sun’s intensity is lower. Cleaning during these times reduces the risk of thermal stress caused by rapid temperature changes, which can potentially damage the panels. Additionally, cleaning during cooler times of the day makes the process more comfortable and safer for you.


Keeping solar panels clean is essential to maintain their optimum efficiency and output. It’s no wonder that people in the UK are conscious about cleaning their panels to keep them in good health. Thankfully, there are several methods to clean solar panels at home, including using a garden hose and soft brush, a gentle soap solution and soft cloth, or a long-handled soft bristle brush or squeegee with an extension pole. For those with larger arrays of panels, automatic solar panel cleaning systems are also available. If you’re unsure about cleaning your solar panels yourself, don’t hesitate to call in professional solar panel cleaners to get the job done.

Solar panels are an effective and sustainable way to produce electricity from the sun’s energy. However, to maximize their efficiency and energy output, it’s crucial to choose the best angle for solar panels. In this article, we will discuss the importance of finding the best angle for solar panels and provide tips for optimizing their performance.

Why is the Best Angle for Solar Panels Important?

The angle of solar panels plays a crucial role in their energy production. The optimal angle depends on several factors, including the location, time of day, and time of year. The angle affects the amount of sunlight that the solar panels receive, which directly impacts their energy output.

When solar panels are tilted at the optimal angle, they can capture the maximum amount of sunlight and convert it into electricity efficiently. However, if the angle is too steep or too shallow, the panels will not be able to capture as much sunlight, resulting in lower energy production.

best angle for solar panels infographic banner

What is the best angle for solar panels in the UK?

The best angle for solar panels in the UK depends on various factors, including the latitude of your location, the time of year, and the type of solar panel installation. Generally speaking, the optimal tilt angle for solar panels in the UK ranges from 30 to 40 degrees.

At a latitude of around 51 degrees, the ideal tilt angle for solar panels in the UK is approximately 35 degrees. This angle provides a good balance between capturing the most amount of solar energy throughout the year and preventing excessive shading from surrounding objects like trees or buildings.

However, it’s important to note that the optimal angle for solar panels can vary depending on the season. During the summer months, the sun is higher in the sky, so a shallower angle may be more appropriate. Conversely, during the winter months, a steeper angle can help maximize solar energy production.

Ultimately, the best angle for solar panels in the UK will depend on the specific location, orientation, and other factors of your solar panel installation. It’s a good idea to consult with a professional solar panel installer to determine the optimal tilt angle for your specific situation.

According to data from The Eco Experts, the table provided below illustrates the maximum percentage output of a solar PV system based on the orientation of your roof (west, south, east) and the tilt angle of the solar panels.

How to Find the Best Angle for Solar Panels?

There are several factors to consider when determining the best angle for solar panels. These include:

  1. Location

The latitude of the location plays a significant role in determining the best angle for solar panels. For example, in the northern hemisphere, solar panels should face south to capture the most sunlight. In the southern hemisphere, they should face north. The optimal angle also varies depending on the location’s distance from the equator.

  1. Time of Day

The angle of the sun changes throughout the day, which affects the amount of sunlight that solar panels receive. Solar panels should be positioned to capture the maximum amount of sunlight during peak sunlight hours, which vary depending on the location.

  1. Time of Year

The angle of the sun changes throughout the year, which also affects the amount of sunlight that solar panels receive. In the summer, the sun is higher in the sky, so solar panels should be tilted at a steeper angle to capture more sunlight. In the winter, the sun is lower in the sky, so solar panels should be tilted at a shallower angle.

Tips for Optimizing Solar Panel Performance

  1. Use a Solar Tracker

A solar tracker is a device that automatically adjusts the position of solar panels to follow the sun’s movement throughout the day. This can significantly increase the energy output of solar panels by up to 30%.

  1. Use a Solar Panel Angle Calculator

There are several online tools that can help you determine the optimal angle for solar panels based on your location, time of day, and time of year. These tools can help you optimize the performance of your solar panels and increase your energy production.

  1. Consult with a Professional

If you’re unsure about the best angle for solar panels, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional solar panel installer. They can assess your location, roof orientation, and other factors to determine the optimal angle for your solar panels.

What is a Solar Panel’s Tilt & Azimuth Angle?

A solar panel’s tilt angle and azimuth angle are important factors that affect its performance in the UK. The tilt angle refers to the angle at which the solar panel is positioned relative to the ground, while the azimuth angle refers to the compass direction that the solar panel faces.

In the UK, the optimal tilt angle for solar panels is typically between 30 and 40 degrees. This angle allows the solar panels to capture the maximum amount of sunlight during the winter months when the sun’s angle is lower in the sky. During the summer months when the sun’s angle is higher in the sky, a slightly lower tilt angle of around 20-30 degrees may be more optimal.

The optimal azimuth angle for solar panels in the UK is typically south-facing. This allows the solar panels to receive the most sunlight throughout the day. However, if a south-facing orientation is not possible, an east or west-facing orientation may still be effective for capturing sunlight during certain times of the day.

How to Calculate Tilt Angle of Solar Panel?

To calculate the tilt angle of a solar panel in the UK, you will need to consider a few factors, including the latitude of your location, the time of year, and the type of solar panel installation.

  1. Latitude

The optimal angle for a solar panel is based on the latitude of your location. For example, in the UK, which has a latitude range of approximately 49 to 59 degrees, the optimal tilt angle for solar panels is between 30 and 40 degrees.

  1. Time of Year

The angle of the sun changes throughout the year, and the optimal tilt angle for your solar panels will depend on the time of year. In the UK, the sun is higher in the sky during the summer months and lower in the sky during the winter months. For maximum energy output, solar panels should be tilted at a steeper angle during the winter months and a shallower angle during the summer months.

  1. Type of Solar Panel Installation

The type of solar panel installation you have will also affect the optimal tilt angle. For a roof-mounted solar panel system, the tilt angle will be determined by the pitch of your roof. Flat roof solar panel systems will require a mounting structure to hold the panels at the optimal angle. Ground-mounted solar panel systems can be adjusted to the optimal tilt angle based on the latitude and time of year.

Once you have determined the optimal tilt angle for your solar panels based on these factors, you can use a solar panel angle calculator to determine the specific angle for your location and solar panel installation type. Many online solar panel angle calculators are available that take into account your location and other factors to calculate the optimal tilt angle for your solar panels.

Should Solar be Flat or Angled?

In the UK, it is generally recommended to angle solar panels rather than keeping them flat to maximize energy production. The optimal tilt angle for solar panels in the UK ranges from 30 to 40 degrees, depending on various factors like the latitude of the installation site, time of year, and shading.

At a latitude of around 51 degrees, the ideal tilt angle for solar panels in the UK is approximately 35 degrees. This angle allows the panels to capture the maximum amount of solar energy throughout the year and prevents excessive shading from surrounding objects like trees or buildings.

While a flat solar panel installation may seem like a simpler and more cost-effective option, it can significantly reduce the efficiency of the solar panels. A flat solar panel receives sunlight at an angle, reducing its efficiency. An angled solar panel, on the other hand, receives direct sunlight perpendicular to its surface, which maximizes energy production.

Solar panels angled on a commercial building - best angle for solar panels

Where is the Best Place to Put Solar Panels?

The best place to put solar panels in the UK is generally on a south-facing roof. This is because solar panels work most efficiently when they receive direct sunlight, and a south-facing roof will receive the most sunlight throughout the day. East and west-facing roofs can also be suitable, although they may receive less sunlight and therefore be slightly less efficient.

The angle and direction of the roof can also affect the efficiency of the solar panel system. As mentioned earlier, the optimal tilt angle for solar panels in the UK ranges from 30 to 40 degrees, depending on various factors like the latitude of the installation site and shading. It is important to ensure that the solar panels are installed at the correct angle and direction to maximize energy production.

Ground-mounted solar panel systems are also an option in the UK, particularly in areas where there is limited roof space or shading issues. Ground-mounted systems can be installed on flat or sloping ground, and they allow for greater flexibility in terms of the angle and direction of the solar panels.

Overall, the best place to put solar panels in the UK is on a south-facing roof at the optimal tilt angle and direction. It is important to consult with a professional solar panel installer to determine the best location for your specific installation site and energy needs.

What is the Best Angle for Solar Panels in Winters & Summers?

The best angle for solar panels in the UK during the winter and summer months can vary based on several factors, such as the location’s latitude, the orientation of the solar panels, and shading from nearby objects.

During the winter months, the sun’s angle is lower in the sky, and the days are shorter, which means that solar panels need to be angled more steeply to capture the maximum amount of sunlight. For locations in the UK, the optimal tilt angle during the winter months is typically between 30 and 40 degrees.

During the summer months, the sun’s angle is higher in the sky, and the days are longer, which means that solar panels need to be angled less steeply to capture the maximum amount of sunlight. For locations in the UK, the optimal tilt angle during the summer months is typically between 20 and 30 degrees.

solar panels angle based on solar panels

What is the Formula for Solar Tilt Angle?

The formula for calculating the optimal tilt angle for solar panels in the UK depends on the location’s latitude and other local factors. A general formula that can be used for a quick estimate of the optimal tilt angle in the UK is:

Optimal Tilt Angle (in degrees) = Latitude of Location + 15 degrees

For example, for a location in London (latitude 51.5 degrees), the optimal tilt angle would be:

51.5 + 15 = 66.5 degrees

This formula is based on the assumption that the solar panel is facing south and there is no shading. However, other factors such as roof orientation, shading from nearby buildings and trees, and local weather patterns can affect the optimal tilt angle.

To determine the most accurate tilt angle for a solar panel installation in the UK, it is best to consult with a professional solar installer who can perform a detailed analysis using specialized software to take all of these factors into account.


Choosing the best angle for solar panels is essential for maximizing their energy output and reducing your energy costs. Factors such as location, time of day, and time of year play a significant role in determining the optimal angle. By using a solar tracker, a solar panel angle calculator, or consulting with a professional, you can ensure that your solar panels are positioned to capture the maximum amount of sunlight and generate the most electricity possible.If you’re still confused, you can consult with our expert

Are you tired of feeling chilly in your home during the winter months? If so, it may be time to consider a warm air heating system. This type of heating system is a popular choice among homeowners for its efficient and effective heating capabilities. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how warm air heating systems work and the benefits they offer.

What is a Warm Air Heating System?

A warm air heating system is a type of central heating system that uses air to distribute heat throughout a building. This system is made up of a furnace, a heat exchanger, and a duct system. The furnace is responsible for heating the air, while the heat exchanger transfers the heat from the furnace to the air. The duct system then distributes the heated air throughout the building.

Working of Warm air heating system
Caption – Warm air heating system working

How Does a Warm Air Heating System Work?

A warm air heating system works by using a furnace to heat air, which is then distributed throughout the building via a duct system. The furnace can be fueled by natural gas, oil, or electricity. When the furnace is turned on, the fuel is burned, which creates heat. This heat is then transferred to the air by the heat exchanger.

The warm air is then distributed throughout the building via a duct system. The duct system is made up of a network of ducts that run through the walls, floors, and ceilings of the building. The warm air is blown through these ducts and into the rooms of the building.

Types of Warm Air Heating System: Comparison

There are several different types of warm air heating systems, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are the most common types of warm air heating systems:

types of the warm air heating system uk
Caption – Types of warm air heating system

Forced Air Systems

Forced air heating systems are the most common type of warm air heating system. These systems use a furnace to heat the air, which is then blown through ductwork and distributed throughout the building. Forced air systems are known for their quick and efficient heating capabilities, making them a popular choice for many homeowners.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are another type of warm air heating system. These systems work by extracting heat from the outside air and using it to heat the building. In the summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump can be used for air conditioning. Heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency, making them a popular choice for homeowners who are looking to save money on their energy bills.

1 – Air-Source Heat Pumps

Air-source heat pumps extract heat from the outdoor air and transfer it indoors to heat a building during colder months. They can also work in reverse during warmer months to provide cooling. Air-source heat pumps are the most common type of heat pump and can be further categorized into two subtypes:

1 – Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

These heat pumps transfer heat between the outdoor air and indoor air through ductwork or air handlers. They are suitable for both residential and commercial applications.

2 – Air-to-Water Heat Pumps

These heat pumps transfer heat from the outdoor air to a hydronic system, such as underfloor heating or radiators, to provide heating for the building.

2 – Ground-Source Heat Pumps (Geothermal Heat Pumps)

Ground-source heat pumps extract heat from the ground or a water source, such as a well or pond, and transfer it indoors. They utilize the relatively constant temperature of the ground to provide efficient heating and cooling. Ground-source heat pumps can be further divided into two sub types:

1 – Closed-Loop Systems

These systems circulate a fluid (usually water or a mixture of water and antifreeze) through a closed loop of underground pipes or loops buried horizontally or vertically. They exchange heat with the ground through the pipe loop.

2 – Open-Loop Systems

These systems use groundwater or surface water as a heat exchange medium. They pump water from a well or other water source, extract heat from it, and then discharge the water back into the environment.

3- Water-Source Heat Pumps

Water-source heat pumps extract heat from a water source, such as a lake, river, or well, and transfer it indoors. Similar to ground-source heat pumps, water-source heat pumps utilize the relatively constant temperature of the water source for efficient heating and cooling. These heat pumps are commonly used in larger commercial buildings that have access to a nearby water source.

4 – Hybrid heat pumps

Hybrid heat pumps, also known as dual-fuel heat pumps, are a type of heating and cooling system that combines the benefits of both an air-source heat pump and a fossil fuel-powered backup system, typically a gas furnace. This combination allows the system to optimize energy efficiency and provide reliable heating and cooling performance. The primary component of a hybrid heat pump is the air-source heat pump, which operates as the primary heating and cooling source. It extracts heat from the outdoor air during the heating season to warm the indoor space and reverses the process during the cooling season to provide air conditioning. Air-source heat pumps are highly efficient in moderate climates, but their efficiency may decrease in very cold temperatures.

Each type of heat pump has its own advantages, disadvantages, and considerations in terms of installation requirements, efficiency, cost, and suitability for different climates. Factors such as the availability of outdoor space, the presence of a water source, and the heating and cooling needs of the building should be taken into account when selecting the appropriate type of heat pump. Consulting with HVAC professionals can provide further guidance in choosing the most suitable heat pump type for a specific application.

Radiant Heating Systems

Radiant heating systems work by using hot water or electric coils to heat a building. The heat is then radiated from the heating source to the objects in the room, providing a more even and comfortable heat. Radiant heating systems are often used in conjunction with other heating systems, such as forced air systems, to provide more consistent and efficient heating.

comparison between radiant heating system's heat vs forced air heating system's heat
Caption – radiant heat vs forced heat

Gravity Furnaces

Gravity furnaces are an older type of warm air heating system that uses the natural convection of warm air to distribute heat throughout a building. These systems rely on a large, central furnace that is typically located in the basement or crawlspace of the building. The warm air rises from the furnace and is distributed through duct-work to the rooms above. While gravity furnaces are not as efficient as other types of warm air heating systems, they can be a good option for older homes with limited space for duct-work.

Benefits of a Warm Air Heating System

Efficient Heating

One of the main benefits of a warm air heating system is its efficient heating capabilities. Warm air systems can heat a building quickly and evenly, which means that you won’t have to wait long to feel the effects of the heat. Additionally, warm air heating systems can be more energy-efficient than other types of heating systems, such as radiators.


Another benefit of a warm air heating system is that it can be cost-effective. Warm air systems can be less expensive to install than other types of heating systems, such as radiant heating systems. Additionally, because warm air systems can heat a building quickly and evenly, you may be able to use the system less often than other types of heating systems, which can help you save money on your energy bills.

Improved Air Quality

Warm air heating systems can also improve the air quality in your home. Because warm air systems use a filter to clean the air before it is distributed throughout the building, they can help remove dust, dirt, and other allergens from the air.


Warm air heating systems can be used in a variety of different types of buildings, including homes, offices, and commercial buildings. Additionally, because warm air systems can be fueled by natural gas, oil, or electricity, they can be used in areas where other types of heating systems may not be practical.

Ease of Use

Finally, warm air heating systems are typically very easy to use. Once the system is installed, you simply need to turn it on to enjoy warm, comfortable air throughout your building. Additionally, many modern warm air heating systems come with programmable thermostats, which allow you to set the temperature of your building to your preferred level.

What is the Cost of Installing Different Warm Air Heating Systems in the UK?

The cost of installing a warm air heating system in the UK can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of system you choose, the size of your home or building, and the complexity of the installation. Here is a rough guide to the cost of installing some of the most common types of warm air heating systems in the UK:

1 – Forced Air Systems Costs

The cost of installing a forced air heating system in the UK can range from £2,500 to £5,000 or more, depending on the size of your home or building and the complexity of the installation. This cost typically includes the installation of the furnace, ductwork, and other necessary components.

2 – Heat Pumps Costs

The cost of installing a heat pump in the UK can range from £6,000 to £12,000 or more, depending on the size of your home or building and the complexity of the installation. This cost typically includes the installation of the heat pump, duct work or other necessary components.

1 – Air Source Heat Pumps Costs:

1 – Air-to-Air Heat Pumps Cost:

The cost of air-to-air heat pumps in the UK typically ranges from £3,000 to £8,000, including installation.

2 – Air-to-Water Heat Pumps Cost:

The cost of air-to-water heat pumps in the UK generally ranges from £6,000 to £12,000, including installation.

2 – Ground Source Heat Pumps (Geothermal Heat Pumps) Costs:

1 – Closed-Loop Systems:

The cost of closed-loop ground-source heat pump systems in the UK usually starts from £10,000 and can go up to £20,000 or more, depending on the system size and installation requirements.

2 – Open-Loop Systems:

The cost of open-loop ground-source heat pump systems in the UK typically starts from £15,000 and can go up significantly depending on factors such as the water source availability and drilling requirements.

3- Water Source Heat Pumps:

4 – Hybrid Heat Pump

The cost of hybrid heat pumps in the UK typically ranges from £8,000 to £15,000 or more, including installation. This cost range is an estimate and can vary depending on the specific requirements of your property, such as the size of the system and any additional installation considerations.

3 – Radiant Heating Systems Costs

The cost of installing a radiant heating system in the UK can range from £6,000 to £12,000 or more, depending on the size of your home or building and the complexity of the installation. This cost typically includes the installation of the heating source, whether it be hot water or electric coils, and the necessary components to distribute the heat, such as pipes or wiring.

4 – Gravity Furnaces Costs

The cost of installing a gravity furnace in the UK can range from £2,500 to £4,000 or more, depending on the size of your home or building and the complexity of the installation. This cost typically includes the installation of the furnace and the necessary duct work.

It’s worth noting that these costs are just estimates, and the actual cost of installing a warm air heating system can vary depending on your specific situation. Additionally, ongoing maintenance and repairs should also be factored into the overall cost of owning a warm air heating system. To get a more accurate idea of the cost of installing a warm air heating system in your home or building, it’s best to consult with a qualified HVAC technician who can provide a detailed quote based on your specific needs and requirements.


Overall, a warm air heating system can be an excellent choice for homeowners who are looking for an efficient, cost-effective, and versatile heating system. Whether you’re looking to heat your home, office, or commercial building, a warm air heating system can provide you with the warmth and comfort you need during the cold winter months. By understanding how these systems work and the benefits they offer, you can make an informed decision about whether a warm air heating system is right for you.

It has become a challenging task to predict energy prices due to their continuous rise. And there are various reasons that influence energy costs, such as the higher fuel prices due to the Russian-Ukrainian war and the soaring demand for fossil fuels globally. In such circumstances, people often seek ways to save money on energy bills. There are many ways to save money on energy bills, such as opting for solar energy, which is cheaper and more reliable, switching to LED lights, using high-efficiency energy appliances, and many more. In this blog, we will explore the top ways to achieve visible savings on your energy bills. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Switch to Renewable Energy Source

One of the most efficient and highly recommended ways to save money on your energy bills is to use renewable energy sources such as solar panels. Solar energy has the ability to reduce your electricity costs by more than 60%. It’s a clean, renewable energy source that never runs out, no matter the condition. Even on rainy or cloudy days, solar panels can still generate power.

Investing in solar panels is a one-time investment that can last for more than 25 years with minimal maintenance costs. Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance, making them a hassle-free option for homeowners. Moreover, the prices of solar panels have decreased significantly in recent years, making it more affordable for homeowners to install them. Additionally, solar panels can increase the value of your property and make it more attractive to buyers.

Insulate your Home

Insulation problems can lead to increased energy bills due to heat loss, and many households in the UK are facing this issue. To keep the heat within your home and avoid unnecessary energy costs, it’s important to insulate different areas of your house, such as the roof and loft, walls, tanks, pipes, radiators, and floors.

By properly insulating these areas, you can save hundreds of pounds every month on your energy bills. Insulating your home is a long-term investment that can pay off in the form of reduced energy costs and increased comfort. Furthermore, insulation helps to reduce your carbon footprint by lowering your energy usage.

Take Advantage of Natural Resources

Our environment is abundant with natural resources that can benefit us in many ways, and energy saving is one of them. Taking advantage of natural resources to save money on energy bills is the most effective and healthy way. Let’s look at how you can save money on your energy bills using natural resources.

Natural light is a great source of lighting, so during the winter months, pull back your window shades and let the daylight illuminate your room. On cooler summer days, you can open your windows and turn off your AC to let the air ventilate your room

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Old and less efficient appliances consume more energy and cost you more on your monthly energy bills. If you have old or less efficient appliances at home, try to replace them with more efficient ones. They can save you hundreds of pounds every year. It is important to keep in mind that the most efficient appliances are quite expensive, and not everyone may be able to purchase them. However, if you consider their long-term benefits, you will definitely see the value in investing in them. 

Use Solar Thermal Heater for Water Heating

Solar thermal heaters can help households save money on energy bills monthly by using renewable energy from the sun to heat water. This reduces dependence on fossil fuels, such as gas or oil, which can be expensive, especially during the winter months. By investing in a solar thermal heater, households can enjoy long-term savings on energy bills as these systems have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance. Overall, solar thermal heaters provide an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to heat water and reduce energy bills on a monthly basis.

Change your Bulbs and Switch Off your Plugs

You need to adopt the good habit of choosing LED bulbs over other types of bulbs that consume more energy and cost you more money. Additionally, it is important to switch off your plugs when appliances are not in use. Upgrading your light bulbs can also save you money, but it is important to choose carefully. An average household can save hundreds of pounds each year simply by choosing the right LED bulb. While LED bulbs may seem expensive initially, they will save you money in the long run.

Add Batteries to your Solar Panel System

Electricity providers often charge high at peak hours, which typically occur at night. If you have installed solar panels at home but still have to pay an energy bill due to usage during peak hours, battery storage can make your life easier and save you big on your energy bills. Batteries can store the extra energy your solar panels produce during the day so that you can use the stored energy at night and reduce your energy bills. To add batteries to your existing solar panel system, you can contact us. MAK Energy offers high-quality solar batteries that store more and last longer. Get in touch with us today and start saving on your energy bill now.

Turn Off Standby Appliances to Save Energy

You can save a significant amount on your electricity bills by simply switching off your appliances from standby mode. Many homeowners believe that their appliances don’t consume electricity when on standby, but this is not true. In reality, they still consume electricity and result in higher energy bills. To save money on your energy bills, you should unplug all your energy-consuming devices when they are not in use and switch them off completely. Some appliances such as internet modems and TV recorders may need to be plugged in all the time.

save money on your energy bills

Draught-Proof Windows and Doors

If your home is not brand new, chances are it loses heat due to draughts around doors and windows, gaps around the floor, or through the chimney. The cost of professional draught-proofing, which involves blocking gaps in floors, skirting boards, doors, and windows, can be bit high. However, it can save you approximately hundreds of pounds per year on your energy bills. Alternatively, DIY draught proofing can be a much cheaper option.

save money on energy bills

Heat Pumps as your Heat Partner

Are you still relying on conventional methods to heat up your space, resulting in higher energy bills every month? Consider installing heat pumps in your home or business building. Heat pumps come in different types, such as air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps, and they receive heat from their surroundings and the ground, respectively, to warm up rooms. This can significantly save you money on your energy bills.

save money on energy bills


There are numerous ways that can help you to save money on energy bills in 2023. Switching to renewable energy sources like solar panel systems and using high-efficiency home appliances are some of the most effective ways to cut energy costs. Additionally, insulating homes, and replacing traditional bulbs with LED lights can help you be smarter with your energy usage and save money on your energy bills in the long run. Don’t miss out on these energy-saving tips – start implementing

Solar powered underfloor heating is an advanced and effective method of heating homes, buildings, or workspace. This heating technique is installed beneath the floor and provides uniform heat distribution in the area. Underfloor heating systems are gaining popularity due to their high efficiency and affordability. You have a variety of options available when it comes to solar powered underfloor heating systems. Underfloor heating systems are available in various types, each with its own advantages. This article will analyze the different categories of underfloor heating systems, enabling you to choose the ideal one for your home or workplace.

What is solar powered underfloor heating system?

A solar powered underfloor heating system is a clever way to heat a building’s floors by using solar panels to generate energy. The system consists of heating elements that are installed beneath the floor, which evenly distribute heat throughout the space. The best part is that underfloor heating systems work at low temperatures, so there’s no need to worry about burning your feet. Instead, you’ll feel the heat rising up from the floor and spreading throughout the room.

This type of heating system can be installed with either a solar PV or solar thermal system. A solar PV system generates electricity that powers the underfloor heating system, while a solar thermal system captures the sun’s energy to heat water that is circulated through the underfloor heating system.

solar powered underfloor heating

How does solar powered underfloor heating work?

Solar underfloor heating is an eco-friendly heating solution that uses the sun’s energy to warm up your home or business. The system consists of tubes or panels filled with a special fluid that absorbs heat from the sun and circulates it under your flooring. Which tan produce heating and warm up the required areas or space. This type of heating is highly efficient and distributes heat evenly. There are two types of underfloor heating systems: Electric underfloor heating and wet or hydronic underfloor heating system. let’s explore them one by one.

Hydronic / Wet underfloor heating

Water based underfloor heating, also known as wet or hydronic systems, work by circulating warm water through pipes that are either installed on or beneath the sub-floor. The arrangement of pipes is designed to ensure even heat distribution throughout the room.

A variety of heat sources can be used for these systems, including solar thermal panels and heat pumps. A manifold and pump mixing device is used to control the temperature of the water before it enters the pipes. Although these systems can be used with carpeted floors if the underlay has an insulating property of no more than 1.5 tog, they are best suited for stone or tiled floors

Solar powered Electric underfloor heating system

The electric underfloor heating system, also known as a dry heating system, uses electric mats containing wires to heat up a room gradually. It’s easy to install and is especially safe for small houses, kitchens, and washrooms where less heat is required. Typically, it’s installed in newly constructed homes, as it requires digging into the floor. If you’re considering this type of heating system for an already furnished home, be prepared for some refurnishing. Despite this, it remains cost-effective and affordable even for small houses.

Benefits of solar powered underfloor heating

There are limitless benefits of installing solar powered underfloor heating system at homes or at workplaces, Solar underfloor heating offers several benefits including:

Affordability: Solar underfloor heating is a cost-effective solution for heating your home. You’ll save money on your energy bills because you won’t need to pay for the energy required to heat the water.

Eco-friendliness: An environmentally friendly option, solar underfloor heating uses a clean and renewable energy source that doesn’t emit any harmful gases or contribute to global warming.

Energy efficiency: By harnessing the sun’s energy, solar underfloor heating is an incredibly efficient way to heat your home. Plus, once the system is installed, it requires minimal maintenance.

Health benefits: Solar underfloor heating can help reduce dust and allergens in your home, contributing to a healthier living environment.

Comfort: With even and consistent heat throughout your home, solar underfloor heating provides a comfortable living environment, especially during colder months.

What are the cost of installing solar powered underfloor heating systems?

The cost of installing an underfloor heating system depends on multiple factors, including the type of system you choose (wet or electric), the materials used, and the installation cost. Both wet and electric underfloor heating systems have different installation costs, with one being more expensive than the other. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

Initial cost

The initial cost of installing a solar-powered underfloor heating system can be higher due to the installation of both the solar panel system and the underfloor heating system. However, if you have already installed solar panels at your place, you can save a significant amount of money as you would only need to bear the cost of the underfloor heating system.

The cost of the underfloor heating system will depend on several factors, including the type of system you choose, the materials you opt for, and the area you want to cover for heating. It’s important to consider these factors when making your selection to ensure that you choose a system that fits your budget and meets your heating needs.

Component cost/ Material cost

When considering the cost of a solar-powered underfloor heating system, the most important factor to take into account is the type of system you choose. There are two main types of underfloor heating systems: electric and wet. In general, electric underfloor heating systems are less expensive than wet systems. This is because electric systems don’t require additional components such as a circulation pump and pipes, which can add to the overall cost of the system. However, it’s important to note that the cost of any underfloor heating system will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the space being heated, the quality of the materials used, and the complexity of the installation process.

Installations cost

The type of underfloor heating system chosen for a solar-powered installation can affect the cost of installation. Wet systems that use pipes filled with hot water are typically more expensive to install than electric or dry systems. This is because wet systems take more time to install and require testing the flow and pressure of the water. The type of floor you have can also impact installation costs. While wet systems may be more expensive, they can be more efficient at heating larger spaces.


You might think that conventional heating methods are cheaper in the short term, but they are not. A solar-powered underfloor heating system is actually more cost-effective because it uses the power of the sun to heat your space and requires only a one-time investment. This means you’ll save money on your energy bills every month. Whether you plan to install an electric or wet/hydronic underfloor heating system in your home or workplace, both options will be beneficial. If you’re still not fully aware of solar-powered underfloor heating systems, don’t worry. Get in touch with us and we will discuss it with you in a professional manner, drawing on our 15 years of experience to help solve your underfloor heating problems.

The solar system has various benefits that can provide advantages to homes and businesses. However, some people may not be familiar with the obscure terms used by solar companies, including the output of solar panels. Nevertheless, there’s no need to worry because we are here to simplify things for you. We have gathered all the necessary information you need to understand the panel output that your solar panel generates.

Do you already have knowledge about solar panel output? That’s great! Get a quote from us and start saving money, time, and the environment. If you’re not familiar with it, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore the world of solar energy.

What is solar panel power output?

The power output of a solar panel refers to the amount of electrical energy that it can generate when exposed to sunlight. This output is typically measured in watts or kilowatts, and it represents the maximum amount of electricity that the panel can produce under ideal conditions. However, several factors can affect the output of a solar panel, such as the location and conditions where the solar system is installed, including the direction of the panels and the amount of sunlight they receive. These factors are crucial in determining the effectiveness of the solar energy system.

How much power does a 4.5kW solar system produce?

 So How Much Power Does a 4.5kW Solar System produce? To calculate the amount of energy produced by a 4.5 kW system, first you need to know the size of your system, here we are talking about 4.5 kW. But using this technique power of any system can be calculated. And the second and the most important is the peak sun hours in your areas. You can find the peak sun hours of your areas by using google isolation maps. keep in mind that the number of peak hours could vary from region to region.

To determine the amount of energy generated by your 4.5 kW solar system, there are two key pieces of information you need to consider. Firstly, you must know the size of your system, which in this case is 4.5 kW. However, this calculation method can be applied to any solar power system. Secondly, it’s important to determine the peak sun hours in your area. You can easily find this information by using Google isolation maps and chart data. It’s worth noting that the number of peak hours can vary from region to region.

Once you have this information, it’s a straightforward process to calculate the energy output of your 4.5 kW solar system. Simply multiply the number of peak hours by the system size to get the total amount of energy produced. For example, if your area receives 5 peak sun hours and you have a 4.5 kW solar system, your system will produce:

4.5 kW x 5 peak hours = 22.5 kWh or 22,500Wh

Alternatively, if your solar panels only receive 3 peak sun hours per day, your 4.5 kW solar system will produce:

4.5 kW x 3 peak hours = 13.5 kWh or 13,500Wh

By using this formula, you can easily calculate the average energy output of your solar system by multiplying the peak sun hours with the system size you have installed. On average, a 4.5 kW solar system will produce between 15,000 Wh to 22,500 Wh (15 kW – 22.5 kW) of energy.

Daily production of 4.5 kW solar system = 4.5kW * sun peak hours.

Monthly production of 4.5 kW solar system= 4.5kW * sun peak hours * 30

Yearly Production of 4.5 kW solar system = 4.5 kW * sun peak hours * 365

Please note that to calculate the daily power output of a solar panel, you need to multiply its wattage by the number of peak sun hours it receives. You can refer to the chart below, which summarizes the estimated production of a 4.5 kW solar system in areas that experience between 1 and 8 peak sun hours per day.

Peak Sun Hours:4.5kW System Output Per Day (kWh/Day):4.5kW System Output Per Day (kWh/Month):4.5kW System Output Per Day (kWh/year):
1 Peak Sun Hour4.50 kWh Per Day135 kWh Per Month1642.5 kWh Per Year
2 Peak Sun Hours9 kWh Per Day270 kWh Per Month3285 kWh Per Year
3 Peak Sun Hours13.50 kWh Per Day405 kWh Per Month4,928 kWh Per Year
3.5 Peak Sun Hours15.75 kWh Per Day473 kWh Per Month5,749 kWh Per Year
4 Peak Sun Hours18.00 kWh Per Day540 kWh Per Month6,570 kWh Per Year
4.5 Peak Sun Hours20.25 kWh Per Day608 kWh Per Month7,391 kWh Per Year
5.0 Peak Sun Hours22.50 kWh Per Day675 kWh Per Month8,213 kWh Per Yea
5.5 Peak Sun Hours24.75 kWh Per Day743 kWh Per Month9,034 kWh Per Year
6.0 Peak Sun Hours27.00 kWh Per Day810 kWh Per Month9,855 kWh Per Year
6.5 Peak Sun Hours29.25 kWh Per Day878 kWh Per Month10,676 kWh Per
7.0 Peak Sun Hours31.50 kWh Per Day945 kWh Per Month11,498 kWh Per Year
7.5 Peak Sun Hours33.75 kWh Per Day1,013 kWh Per Month12,319 kWh Per Year
8.0 Peak Sun Hours36.00 kWh Per Day1,080 kWh Per Month13,140 kWh Per Year

It is now very easy for you to calculate the power output of your solar system if you know the number of peak sun hours that your solar panels receive in your area.

Solar potential energy on peak sun hours map

If your location receives an average of 5 peak sun hours per day, you can use the following information to estimate the electricity production of a 4.5kW solar system installed there. According to the chart, a 4.5kW solar system generates 22.50 kWh Per Day, 675 kWh Per Month, and 8,213 kWh Per year at 5 peak sun hours. With this knowledge and the calculator provided above, you have all the necessary tools to make your own calculations. If you require any assistance or have any suggestions regarding this article, feel free to contact, and we will be glad to assist you.


So How Much Power Does a 4.5kW Solar System produce? Well, solar panels have the ability to generate electrical energy when exposed to sunlight, with their power output typically measured in watts or kilowatts.To calculate the energy produced by a 4.5 kW solar system, two factors must be taken into account: the system’s size and the number of peak sun hours in the region. By multiplying these two figures, the total energy output can be determined. On average, a 4.5 kW solar system generates anywhere between 15,000 Wh to 22,500 Wh of energy daily, contingent upon the peak sun hours received. In addition to helping homes and businesses save money, time, and the environment, solar energy systems offer numerous benefits.

Solar UPS systems are a popular choice for homes and businesses looking for reliable backup power sources. They utilize the power of the sun to charge batteries, which then provide power in the event of an outage or other disruption to the grid. If you are interested in installing a solar UPS system in your home or business, this guide will provide you with a step-by-step process to help you get started.

solar ups working infographics

Step 1: Assess Your Power Needs

The first step in installing a solar UPS system is to assess your power needs. You will need to determine the amount of power that you will need to run your critical appliances and electronics in the event of an outage. This will help you to determine the size and capacity of the solar UPS system that you will need to install. A professional installer can help you to assess your power needs and recommend the right system for your home or business.

Step 2: Choose Your Solar UPS System

Once you have assessed your power needs, it is time to choose your solar UPS system. There are a variety of systems available on the market, each with their own features and benefits. You will want to consider factors such as battery capacity, charging time, and the number of outlets and ports available. You may also want to consider whether you want a portable or stationary system. Your installer can help you to choose the best system for your needs and budget.

Step 3: Choose the Location for Your Solar UPS System

The next step is to choose the location for your solar UPS system. Ideally, you will want to install it in a location that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. This may be on the roof of your home or business, or in a location that is unobstructed by trees or other structures. Your installer can help you to choose the best location for optimal performance.

Step 4: Install Your Solar Panels

Once you have chosen the location for your solar UPS system, it is time to install your solar panels. This may require drilling into your roof or other structures, so it is important to work with a professional installer to ensure that the installation is done safely and correctly. Your installer will also help you to connect your solar panels to your solar UPS system.

Step 5: Install Your Batteries and Inverter

The next step is to install your batteries and inverter. Your batteries will store the power generated by your solar panels, while your inverter will convert that power into usable electricity for your home or business. Your installer will help you to choose the right batteries and inverter for your system, and will install them in a safe and secure location.

Step 6: Connect Your Solar UPS System to Your Home or Business

Once your solar panels, batteries, and inverter are installed, it is time to connect your solar UPS system to your home or business. This will require running wires and cables from your solar UPS system to your electrical panel. Your installer will ensure that all wiring is done safely and according to local building codes.

Step 7: Test Your System

The final step in the installation process is to test your solar UPS system. Your installer will help you to test your system to ensure that it is working properly and providing the power that you need in the event of an outage or other disruption to the grid. You will also want to test your system periodically to ensure that it continues to work properly over time.

In conclusion, installing a solar UPS system is a smart choice for those looking for a reliable backup power source for their homes or businesses. By assessing your power needs, choosing the right system, selecting an ideal location, and working with a professional installer, you can ensure that your solar UPS system will provide you with the power you need in the event of an outage or other disruption to the grid. With proper installation and testing, you can have peace of mind knowing that your solar UPS system will continue to work efficiently and effectively for years to come. So, take the first step towards a more sustainable and reliable power source today by exploring your options for a solar UPS system.

Investing in solar batteries for energy storage is a wise decision that can provide a multitude of benefits, such as improved reliability, decreased energy costs, and heightened sustainability. And whether you’re considering installing solar panels or already have them, a solar battery should be an essential part of your system. However, many people find it challenging to understand battery storage systems, including how they work, which one is the best in the market, and their cost. In this article, we will explore which solar battery is best in the UK market and which one would best suit your needs.

solar batteries installed on the wall

Choosing a solar battery involves considering multiple factors such as battery capacity, cost, efficiency, and suitability for your needs. Here, we will discuss these factors in a comprehensive and step-by-step manner. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at the world of solar batteries.

What is a Solar Battery and How it Works?

A solar battery, like any other battery, is used to store energy. But the concept of solar energy is often considered as a battery which stores the excess amount of energy produced by your solar panels and uses the stored energy when needed. This comes in extremely handy during the evening and night when your solar panel isn’t able to generate enough power. The benefits of a solar battery speak for themselves, but the question of which solar battery is best in UK is the million-dollar question. Here, you will find the answer to this question.

Which Solar Battery is the Best in the UK in 2023

Choosing the perfect solar battery for your needs can be a daunting task, but fear not, as the best fit for you will depend on a variety of factors. Do you want one that can store a lot of energy or one that’s affordable? Whatever your preferences may be, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of the top solar batteries that are sure to meet your needs and exceed your expectations, with each one boasting a unique set of advantages in different areas.

Tesla Powrwall 2.0

No debate can be had over the quality and efficiency of the Tesla Powerwall batteries – they are arguably the best in the market. Boasting incredible storage capacity and impressive depth of discharge, the Tesla Powerwall sets the standard for others to follow.

The Tesla Powerwall 2.0 features an AC lithium-ion battery, making it exceptionally compatible with a wide range of solar panels. Not only that, it looks great and operates quietly. Compared to batteries with a similar price tag, the Tesla Powerwall offers superior storage capacity and a significantly higher usable capacity.

Dimensions1150x755x 147 mm
Depth of discharge100%
Storage capacity14 kWh
Usable capacity13.5 kWh
Max power output5.0 kWh

Huawei Luna 2000-10

What sets the Luna 2000 apart is its ability to provide maximum battery storage capacity in a limited space. With its slim design of only 150mm, it’s easy to install in your garage or under the stair-space, saving you valuable space.

But that’s not all. The Luna 2000 is also waterproof, making it perfect for outdoor installation, and its durable construction ensures that it can withstand harsh, rainy weather. You can rest easy knowing that your energy storage system is secure and protected from the elements.

The Huawei Luna comes in a 5kW module, but it’s expandable up to 10kW, allowing you to customize your energy storage needs. And if that’s not enough, the capacity of a single tower Luna module can be increased up to 15kW, giving you even more flexibility and power.

Dimensions670 x 150 x 960 mm
Weight139.6 kg
Depth of discharge90%
Storage capacity10 kWh
Usable capacity9 kWh
Max power output5.0 kWh
Cost £6,700

Powervault 3 –

For those seeking energy independence, finding the perfect solar battery can be a complex assignment. Luckily, the Powervault 3 has emerged as a game-changing option, particularly for those who want to live off-grid. The Powervault 3 offers an impressive balance between storage capacity and portability, making it an ideal choice for those who want a powerful battery without sacrificing mobility. While there are batteries with higher capacities available, the Powervault 3 strikes the perfect balance for those seeking a truly versatile option.

Additionally, the Powervault 3 comes with a warranty of ten years or a minimum of 6,000 cycles, providing peace of mind and ensuring that you’ll be powered for years to come.

Dimensions120 x 98 x 25mm to 177 x 98 x 25mm
Weight129 to 279
Depth of discharge100%
Storage capacity4.1kWh8.2kWh12.3kWh
Usable capacity4.1kWh8.2kWh12.3kWh
Max power output3.3kWh5.5kWh5.5kWh

Key stats

  • The Powervault 3 can be discharged up to 100%, making it highly efficient.
  • The higher capacity versions, especially the 20.5kWh option, are perfect for off-grid living.
  • The Powervault 3 offers an excellent balance between portability and storage capacity, making it a versatile option for those on the move.
  • Cost: available from 4500 pounds.

Enphase Encharge 10T

Looking for the ultimate all-in-one solar battery solution? Look no further than the Enphase Encharge 10T! With its cutting-edge technology, this top-ranked battery offers numerous benefits that set it apart from the competition. One of the key advantages of the Enphase Encharge 10T is its ability to manage your entire home energy system, not just your solar panels. This means you can switch seamlessly between grid, solar, battery or even generator power, depending on your needs.

And that’s not all – the Enphase Encharge 10T is also the perfect solution for power outages. It can automatically detect when grid power is down and immediately switch to battery power to keep your home up and run.

With the Enphase Enlighten app, you can easily track your power usage and storage, so you always know how much energy you’re using and how much you have left.

Dimensions1283 x 188 x 775 mm
Weight156.7 kg
Depth of discharge100%
Storage capacity10.5 kWh
Usable capacity10.5 kWh
Max power output5.7 kW


If you’re looking for an affordable battery system, then Solax is the best option for you. It’s ideal for homes with lower energy consumption and storage needs. The Solax system works efficiently and comes with a healthy and long-lasting warranty of ten years or 3,000 cycles.

Although the Solax system may have a shorter lifespan compared to other batteries available in the market, it’s still a worthwhile investment if you’re looking for something relatively affordable right now.

Dimensions338.8 x 445 x 110 mm
Weight25 kg
Depth of discharge95%
Storage capacity3.5 kWh
Usable capacity3.1 kWh

Generac PWRcell

The Generac PWRcell battery stands out in the market due to its impressive potential power output of up to 11 kWh. This means that you can power more appliances simultaneously than with any other battery in the market.

Moreover, the PWRcell is a modular unit that allows you to adjust its capacity according to your specific needs. With a maximum power output of 34 kW and a storage capacity of up to 36 kWh (with over 91% usable capacity), the Generac PWRcell is an excellent choice for maximum power and storage.

It is important to note that the PWRcell can only be installed standing up indoors. The battery comes with a 10-years warranty.

Dimensions559 x 254 x 1727 mm
Weight208 kg
Depth of discharge96%
Storage capacity9–34 kWh
Usable capacity17.28 kWh
Max power output11 kW

Fox Ess

Fox Ess battery is an excellent lithium-ion solar batteries brand that works wonderfully for storing extra power generated by solar panels. Fox Ess batteries are great for homes that don’t have a lot of extra room because of how little they are and how efficiently they’re designed. They can be set up with minimal effort because of their lightweight.

Fox Ess battery storage systems are well-known for their exceptional performance thanks to their high energy density and long lifespan. These batteries are cost-effective because of their compact size and long lifespan (up to 15 years with regular maintenance).

The option to add more Fox Ess Batteries in a series configuration is a major selling point for this product. It can store up to 20.48 kWh, making it a great option for homes and companies with fluctuating energy demands.

Dimensions380 x 440 x 167 mm
Weight19 kg
Depth of discharge96%
Storage capacity10.5 kWh
Usable capacity10.5 kWh
Max power output 7.7 kW

LG Chem Resu-10H

If you’re looking for a solar battery that offers good value for money, we suggest considering the LG Chem Resu-10H. It’s a well-known choice in the market, made in South Korea. One of the highlights of this battery is its high usable capacity, which is more than 90% of its storage capacity. This means you can make the most out of the energy stored in the battery. Additionally, it’s relatively lightweight, which makes it easier to install and maintain.

If you’re on a budget or have lower energy requirements, there are options with lower capacity available that are cheaper and better suited for your needs.

The LG Chem Resu-10H comes with a warranty of at least 10 years or 6,000 cycles. Overall, this LG solar battery is a great option if you’re looking for good performance and value for your money. and If you’re on a budget or have lower energy requirements, there are options with lower capacity available that are cheaper and better suited for your needs.

Dimensions29.3 x 35.7 x 8.1mm
Depth of discharge96%
Storage capacity9.8 kWh
Usable capacity9.3kWh
Max power output 5.0 kW

How to choose the Best Solar Battery?

You will have to look into several factors before choosing the best solar battery. Here are some of the factors you should consider before purchasing a solar battery.

Battery capacity

Battery capacity refers to the maximum amount of energy that a battery can store at a given time and is typically measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The usable capacity, on the other hand, refers to the amount of energy that can actually be used from the battery. It’s important to note that the usable capacity is typically lower than the actual battery capacity because a portion of the stored energy is used to run the battery itself.

When purchasing a battery for your solar power system, it’s crucial to ensure that the battery capacity matches your solar power production. Oversized or undersized batteries may not be able to keep up with the amount of energy your system produces. In general, a 10 kWh battery is sufficient for most homeowners’ energy needs. By matching your battery capacity to your solar power production, you can maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your solar power system.

Depth of discharge

This concept is commonly referred to as the depth of discharge (DoD), which indicates the percentage of the battery’s total capacity that has been discharged. It’s important to note that the DoD can also have an impact on the battery’s overall lifespan.

When considering which solar battery is best in UK, it’s worth noting that many battery manufacturers limit the DoD in order to ensure that the battery can operate efficiently over the long term.


Whenever you plan to purchase a solar battery, you want to ensure that it lasts for the longest possible time. Each battery available in the market comes with a guaranteed number of cycles, which refers to one complete discharge and one complete charge of the battery.

It’s worth noting that not every use of the battery’s capacity and subsequent recharge will count as a full cycle. For instance, if you only use 60% of the battery’s capacity before recharging it, this will only count as 0.6 of a cycle. When it comes to warranties, most batteries typically come with a 10-year warranty. However, it’s important to ensure that the battery you purchase has a high number of cycle options in order to maximize its lifespan.

Operating temperature

Checking the operating temperature of a battery is an important consideration, as you wouldn’t want to find yourself in a situation where your battery stops working due to extreme temperatures. It’s crucial to choose a battery that can withstand both the highest and lowest temperatures that you may encounter in your area.

When selecting a battery, it’s important to note that some lithium-ion batteries may stop working when exposed to higher temperatures. However, there are other batteries available that are capable of functioning in temperatures ranging from -20°C to 60°C, providing a wider range of usability regardless of the weather conditions.


solar batteries are an excellent investment for anyone looking to harness the power of renewable energy. With the variety of solar batteries available in the UK market, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your specific needs. However, by understanding the factors that affect battery storage systems, such as capacity, cost, efficiency, and suitability, you can make an informed decision. The Powervault 3, Tesla Powerwall 2.0, and Huawei Luna 2000-10 are some of the top solar batteries available in the UK. Each battery offers unique features, making them suitable for different purposes. Investing in a solar battery will not only reduce your carbon footprint, but will also provide you with long-term energy independence and peace of mind.

Commercial solar panels have the capacity to make a real difference to your business. Whether you aim to cut down your business energy bills, want to be a sustainable businessman to increase your brand reputation, or attract customers from your non-green competitors, commercial solar panels are the best option.

It’s important to know what commercial solar panels are and how they differ from domestic ones. You’ll also want to know how many panels your business needs, the cost, and how long it will take for your investment to pay off. Luckily, this article will answer all your questions and provide a comprehensive guide to the components and functionality of a commercial solar panel system. Let’s take a comprehensive look at the components and functionality of a commercial solar panel system.

What are commercial solar panels?

Commercial solar panels are a powerful solution designed to meet the energy needs of businesses. With a similar appearance to domestic solar panels but larger in size, they offer increased energy production and savings. While they may be more expensive than typical solar panels, their capacity to generate power makes them ideal for large-scale industries. Moreover, commercial solar panels can supply electricity not only to industrial power needs but also to nearby domestic properties, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective choice for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Working of commercial solar panels

Solar panels produce direct current (DC) electricity, while most homes and businesses use alternating current (AC). To make the solar energy usable, an inverter will be installed along with the system to convert DC electricity into AC electricity for your business.

In good sunlight, each solar panel can generate around 200-350 watts of energy. Despite the UK’s reputation for cloudy weather, solar panels can still produce power on cloudy days.

Battery storage is an option for businesses that want to make the most of their solar energy. Excess energy generated by the commercial solar system during the day can be stored in batteries and used when the sun isn’t shining.

What are the benefits of a commercial solar system for businesses?

Switching to solar power can provide businesses with numerous benefits in both the short and long term. The most significant benefit is the reduction of electricity bills by almost 50%, resulting in substantial cost savings. Solar power also helps to reduce carbon emissions, demonstrating a business’s commitment to sustainable practices and improving their corporate responsibility.

A medium-sized commercial solar array of 30 kWp (kilowatts peak) can typically reduce your yearly electricity bills by around £5,400 on average.

Solar panels require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning to keep the panels clear and debris-free is typically all that is needed to ensure they continue generating affordable, sustainable power for 25 years or longer.

How many solar panels would my business need?

Every business is different so their energy needs. However, there are several determining factors that are essential to your business that will influence how many solar panels your business need.

Electricity consumption

When considering how much electricity your business uses, energy consumption is a crucial factor. Most solar panel suppliers typically evaluate your current energy usage, either through your bills or other consumption data. They typically use total Kilowatt-hours (kWh) as a standard unit of measurement for this assessment.

The local sunlight hours

The number of solar panels required for your business is directly influenced by the amount of natural sunlight your area receives. Since the UK experiences varying amounts of natural sunlight, this factor will impact the amount of energy that solar panels can generate.

Your roof size

The amount of sunlight your business receives is another crucial factor in determining the number of solar panels that can be installed on your roof. Additionally, it’s important to consider the stability of your roof, such as its ability to support the weight of the panels and how they will be angled.

How much do commercial solar panels cost?

For small to medium-sized businesses considering a commercial solar panel system, the cost can vary between £16,000 and £80,000 depending on factors like roof size, energy requirements, and the number of panels needed.

It’s essential to determine if solar panels are suitable for your business before investing. A good starting point is to review your utility bills to evaluate your energy consumption and cost per kilowatt. An average small to medium-sized business in the UK consumes approximately 30,000 to 50,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year, with an estimated cost of £1600 per kilowatt for installing a commercial solar panel system. Refer to the table below for an overview of various commercial solar panel system sizes and typical costs.

System size in kilowatt peakEstimated Cost Approximate number of panels of around 440W
10 kWp£16,00023
20 kWp£32,00045
25 kWp£40,00056
30 kWp£48,00068
50 kWp£80,000115

Do you need planning permission for commercial solar panels?

Solar panel installations in the UK are generally considered “permitted development rights,” which means that, in most cases, planning permission is not needed. However, there may be certain exceptions and restrictions that could impact the installation, such as the location of the building or the nature of the business. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult with the local planning authority to confirm whether planning permission is required for a commercial solar installation.

How can businesses get financed for commercial solar panels?

Every business owner wants to finance their business when they try to adopt new technology, and this holds true for solar panel systems for commercial use. For commercial solar panels, one way to finance them is through power purchasing agreements (PPAs).

PPAs allow business owners to install a solar panel system for their business without having to pay for it upfront. By choosing a PPA, a business can lease its roof space and purchase solar electricity at a discounted rate, rather than investing in a solar system of their own. This way, businesses can enjoy multiple benefits, including solar power, cost savings, and not having to bear the full cost of purchasing a solar system. A business can also choose to buy the solar system at a later date under the agreement.

Many PPAs offer businesses the opportunity to acquire the solar system at no additional cost after a 25-year period, which is advantageous. While older solar panel models have a lifespan of 25-30 years, newer models can last up to 40-50 years.

Are there any grants to help businesses buy commercial solar panels?

In the last decade, the UK government has taken many initiatives regarding incentives and grants for the installation of solar panel systems in the country. There are still some grants available for businesses to take advantage of when installing a solar system, but some of them are no longer available. To learn more about the detailed grants and incentives that the government is still offering, you can read our comprehensive blog on government grants and incentives.


In today’s world, the need for sustainable energy solutions is more critical than ever. That’s why commercial solar panels have become the go-to solution for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint while saving on energy costs. But before jumping into the world of solar energy, it’s essential for business owners to understand the ins and outs of solar power systems, including their functionality, cost, and regulatory requirements. Commercial solar systems are not only cost-effective, but they’re also environmentally friendly and easy to install. The number of panels and overall cost will depend on the specific energy needs of the business, but the benefits of transitioning to solar power are numerous. We highly recommend that every business consider solar as their energy partner and start enjoying the many benefits of clean, inexpensive electricity for decades to come.

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular option for homeowners and businesses in the UK. In recent years, many people have been turning to solar panels with battery storage as a way to reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources and to save money on their energy bills. However, it is important to understand the cost of solar panels with battery storage in order to make an informed decision about whether this investment is right for you. In this article, we will discuss the key factors that influence solar panels with battery storage cost UK, as well as the potential long-term financial benefits of this investment.

Understanding the Basics of Solar Panels with Battery Storage

To fully grasp the cost of solar panels with battery storage, it’s essential to understand how these systems work. In a nutshell, solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is then stored in a battery for later use. However, the type of battery and solar panel can make a significant difference in the overall cost and efficiency of the system. From lithium-ion to lead-acid to flow batteries, there are several options available, each with their own set of pros and cons. Choosing the right battery for your solar panel system is crucial to unlocking maximum savings and efficiency. Let us guide you through the world of solar panel storage and help you get the most out of your investment.

cost of solar panels with battery storage - solar panels with battery storage cost uk

Factors that Influence the Cost of Solar Panels with Battery Storage UK

Solar panels with battery storage cost in the UK can vary widely based on several factors that need careful consideration. The size of the solar panel system is one critical factor that affects the cost of installation, as the larger the system, the higher the cost. Additionally, the type of battery used plays a crucial role in determining the overall cost of the system, as some types can be more expensive than others. Alongside these factors, installation costs, including labor and permit expenses, can also significantly impact the final price. In this guide, we’ll help you understand the different factors that contribute to the solar panels with battery storage cost in the UK, and provide you with price ranges to make informed decisions.

Here are some factors that affects solar panels with battery storage cost UK

Size and Capacity

When planning for a solar panel and battery storage system, it is important to consider the size and capacity as they are key factors in determining the overall cost. On average, a 4kW solar panel system with battery storage costs between £10,000 to £12,000. It’s worth noting that a larger system with a higher capacity will generally cost more, but it will also generate more energy and provide greater energy security. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider your energy needs and budget before deciding on the size and capacity of your solar panel and battery storage system.

Type of Solar Panel

The type of solar panel used can significantly impact the cost of a solar panel system. Higher efficiency panels tend to be more expensive, but they can generate more electricity from the same amount of sunlight. The two most commonly used types of solar panels in the market are monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels. When comparing their cost, monocrystalline panels are more efficient and expensive than polycrystalline solar panels. The cost of your solar panel system will depend on the type of panel you choose.

Solar panel calculation scenario

4KW Solar PV cost – Commonly Used System for UK Households

A commonly installed solar PV array on UK domestic properties is a 4kW solar system. It is usually sufficient to meet the energy needs of a household comprising three to four people. The average cost of a 4kW solar PV system ranges between £5,000 to £6,000 and requires approximately 10 solar panels.

5KW solar PV cost

In case you have a larger household and higher energy requirements, a bigger PV array would be necessary to meet your needs. Typically, a 5kW solar system will require 12 solar panels. The cost of a 5kW solar PV system usually ranges from £8,500 to £10,000.

Cost of Solar PV per KW System in the UK

System SizeEstimated CostsNumber of Panels
3kW PV system£5,000 – £6,0008
4kW PV system£5,500 – £7,00010
5kW PV system£8,500 – £10,00012
6kW PV system£10,500 – £12,00016

Type of Battery

The type of battery used for storage can impact the cost of the solar panel system. Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive than other types, but they tend to be more efficient and have a longer lifespan. It is essential to select a battery that is compatible with the solar panels and can store enough energy to meet the needs of the household or business. And if you talk about the range of the solar battery price it can cost you between £5000 to £15000, depending on your requirements.

Comparison table showing the costs of different lithium-ion solar batteries in the UK:

Battery BrandUsable Capacity (kWh)CostWarrantyLife cycles
LG Chem RESU6.5 kWhFrom £3,50010 years6000
Tesla Powerwall13.5 kWhFrom £5,50010 yearsUnlimited
Powervault4 kWhFrom £4,50010 years> 6000
SolaX3.5 kWhFrom £4,00010 years6000

Installation Costs

Installation costs can vary depending on the complexity of the installation, accessibility of the site, and labor costs. It is essential to choose a reputable and experienced installer who can provide a detailed quote for the installation and any necessary upgrades to the electrical system.

 Maintenance Costs

Ongoing maintenance costs such as battery replacements and system checks can impact the overall cost of a solar panel system with battery storage. It is important to factor these costs into the overall investment and choose a system that requires minimal maintenance over its lifetime.

Average cost of different solar panels with solar battery storage

We’ve already given you the lowdown on the factors that can impact solar panels with battery storage cost in the UK. Now, let’s talk numbers! Check out the average costs of 4kw and 5kw solar panel systems with battery storage, so you can start planning your sustainable energy future. Don’t miss out on our expert tips to make the most of your investment.

4kW solar panel with battery storage

Imagine paying less for energy bills while contributing to a sustainable future – it’s possible with a 4kw solar panel system and battery storage. This is the ideal fit for an average household in the UK. Curious about the average cost of this eco-friendly energy combo? We’ve got you covered.

4KW solar panels with battery storage cost in the UK

No of solar panels10 panels
Battery capacity5.2kWh
Inverter5 KW
Price£10,000- £12000

5KW solar panels with battery storage cost in the UK

No of solar panels12 panels
Battery capacity5.2kWh
Inverter5 KW
Price£12,000- £13000

6-7KW solar panels with battery storage cost in the UK

No of solar panels 16 panels
Battery capacity5.2kWh
Price£14,000- £15,500

In conclusion, Solar panels with battery storage are becoming a popular option in the UK for reducing energy bills and reliance on traditional energy sources. However, understanding the factors that influence the cost, such as the size and type of battery and solar panel, is crucial for making an informed investment decision. A 4 Kw solar panels with battery storage cost UK system typically ranges from £10,000 to £12,000, and the type of battery used can impact the overall cost. Selecting the right system size and battery is important to maximize savings and efficiency

As more people turn to solar energy to power their homes, the use of batteries to store excess energy has become increasingly popular. Adding batteries to an existing solar system can be a great way to save money on energy bills and increase energy independence. In this blog, we will explore the process of adding batteries to an existing solar system in the UK.

What are Solar Batteries?

A solar battery is a device that stores energy generated by solar panels. The battery can be charged during the day when the sun is shining, and the energy can be used at night or during periods of low sunlight. Solar batteries can be an excellent addition to an existing solar system, as they can help homeowners reduce their reliance on the grid and save money on energy bills.

adding batteries to existing solar system uk

Retrofitting Batteries into an Existing Solar System

If you already have a solar panel system installed on your property, you can retrofit it with batteries to store the excess energy generated during the day. Batteries can be added to existing solar systems, but it requires a professional installation to ensure everything is correctly connected and configured.

Types of Batteries for Retrofitting into an Existing Solar System

There are two main types of batteries used for retrofitting into an existing solar system: lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries.

Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are the most common type of batteries used in solar panel systems. They are reliable, cost-effective, and have a long lifespan. However, they are bulky and require regular maintenance, including topping up water levels and checking the battery’s charge levels.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive than lead-acid batteries, but they have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance. They are also smaller and lighter, making them easier to install.

Why Adding Batteries to Existing Solar System UK is beneficial?

If you already have a solar system installed in your home, adding batteries can help you maximize the benefits of solar energy. By adding batteries to your system, you can:

  1. Increase Energy Independence: By storing excess energy generated by your solar panels in batteries, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and increase your energy independence.
  2. Reduce Energy Costs: By using stored energy during periods of low sunlight, you can reduce your energy bills and save money.
  3. Improve Resilience: By having a backup power source in the event of a power outage, you can improve the resilience of your home.
  4. Environmental Benefits: Adding batteries to existing solar system in the UK can also have environmental benefits. By storing excess energy, you reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Guide on: Adding Batteries to Existing Solar System UK?

Adding batteries to an existing solar system can be a straightforward process. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Determine Your Energy Needs: Before adding batteries to your solar system, it’s essential to determine your energy needs. You will need to calculate your daily energy usage and the size of the battery bank required to meet your energy needs.
  2. Choose the Right Battery: There are different types of batteries available, and it’s essential to choose the right one for your system. Factors to consider include capacity, lifespan, and cost.
  3. Hire a Professional Installer: Adding batteries to your solar system can be a complex process, and it’s important to hire a professional installer. A professional installer can ensure that the batteries are installed correctly and safely.
  4. Install the Batteries: The batteries are typically installed in a battery bank, which is connected to your solar system. The installer will connect the batteries to your solar panels and inverter.
  5. Test the System: Once the batteries are installed, the installer will test the system to ensure that it’s working correctly.

Challenges of Adding Batteries to Existing Solar System in the UK

While adding batteries to an existing solar system can be a great way to maximize the benefits of solar energy, there are some challenges to be aware of:

  1. Cost: Adding batteries to an existing solar system can be expensive, and the cost will depend on the size and type of battery bank required.
  2. Compatibility: Not all solar systems are compatible with batteries, and it’s important to ensure that your system can support batteries before adding them.
  3. Limited Storage Space: Battery banks can take up a lot of space, and it’s important to ensure that you have enough space available to install the batteries.
  4. Maintenance: Solar batteries require regular maintenance, and it’s essential to ensure that you have the resources and expertise to maintain the batteries.


Adding batteries to existing solar system UK can be an excellent way to maximize the benefits of solar energy. By storing excess energy generated by your solar panels in batteries, you can reduce your reliance on the grid, save money on energy bills, and improve the resilience of your home. While there are some challenges to be aware of, the benefits of adding batteries to your solar system can outweigh the costs. If you’re

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular form of renewable energy, and many homeowners are considering installing solar panels on their roofs. However, there is a growing trend of installing solar panels on both sides of roof. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of installing solar panels on both sides of roof.

What are Solar Panels on Both Sides of Roof?

Installing solar panels on both sides of roof means installing solar panels on the front and back of the roof. Typically, solar panels are installed on the south-facing side of the roof, as this is where they can receive the most sunlight. However, when solar panels are installed on both sides of the roof, they can capture more sunlight throughout the day.

solar panels on both sides of roof

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels on Both Sides of Roof

  1. Increased Energy Production

When solar panels are installed on both sides of the roof, they can generate more energy throughout the day. This is because the panels can capture sunlight from both the east and west, as well as the south.

  1. Reduced Energy Costs

By generating more energy, homeowners can reduce their energy bills. Installing solar panels on both sides of the roof can help homeowners save money on their energy bills, which can be a significant benefit over time.

  1. Improved Aesthetics

Installing solar panels on both sides of the roof can improve the aesthetics of the home. Instead of having all the solar panels on one side of the roof, the panels are distributed evenly, making the home look more visually appealing.

  1. Increased Home Value

Homes with solar panels installed on both sides of the roof typically have a higher value than homes without solar panels. This is because solar panels can help reduce energy costs, making the home more attractive to potential buyers.

Challenges of Installing Solar Panels on Both Sides of Roof

  1. Increased Installation Costs

Installing solar panels on both sides of roof can be more expensive than installing them on just one side of the roof. This is because it requires more panels and more installation time.

  1. Potential for Shading

When solar panels are installed on both sides of the roof, there is a potential for shading. This is because trees, buildings, and other structures can cast shadows on one side of the roof, reducing the amount of sunlight that the solar panels can capture.

  1. Complex Wiring

Installing solar panels on both sides of the roof can require more complex wiring. This is because the panels need to be connected to the same inverter, which can be more challenging when the panels are installed on different sides of the roof.

  1. Maintenance Challenges

Maintaining solar panels on both sides of the roof can also be a challenge. Homeowners need to regularly clean the panels to ensure that they are functioning at their optimal level. This can be more difficult when the panels are installed on both sides of the roof, as it requires more effort to access them.

How to Install Solar Panels on Both Sides of Roof

To install solar panels on both sides of the roof, it is important to work with a professional solar panel installation company. They can provide an assessment of the roof’s structural integrity and ensure that the panels are installed safely and efficiently.

The installation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Structural Assessment – A professional solar panel installation company will assess the roof’s structural integrity to ensure that it can support the weight of the panels.
  2. Panel Placement – The installation company will determine the best placement for the solar panels on both sides of the roof to ensure maximum sunlight exposure.
  3. Wiring – The panels will need to be wired together and connected to the inverter to ensure that they are functioning properly.
  4. Inverter Installation – The inverter will need to be installed to convert the DC power generated by the solar panels into usable AC power for the home.
  5. Maintenance – Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure that the solar panels are functioning at their optimal level.

In conclusion, installing solar panels on both sides of roof can provide many benefits, including increased energy production, reduced energy costs, improved aesthetics, and increased home value. However, there are also challenges to consider, such as increased installation costs, potential for shading, complex wiring, and maintenance challenges. Working with a professional solar panel installation company can help ensure that the panels are installed safely and efficiently, providing a reliable and sustainable source of energy for years to come.

Solar energy is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy available today. It is not only environmentally friendly, but it also helps reduce energy costs in the long run. However, installing solar panels can be expensive, and optimizing them for maximum efficiency can be challenging. This is where a buck converter comes in. In this blog, we will discuss what a buck converter is, how it works with solar panels, when buck is used with solar panels and how it can optimize your solar energy system.

What is a Buck Converter?

A buck converter is a type of DC-DC converter that steps down voltage from a higher voltage to a lower voltage. It does this by controlling the amount of time the input voltage is applied to the output. In other words, a buck converter takes in a high voltage, and then outputs a lower voltage.

when buck is used with solar panels

How Does a Buck Converter Work with Solar Panels?

Solar panels generate DC power, which is then converted to AC power using an inverter. However, before the DC power can be converted to AC power, it needs to be regulated to ensure that it is at the right voltage level. This is where a buck converter comes in.

When a buck converter is used with solar panels, it steps down the voltage from the solar panels to match the voltage level of the inverter. By doing this, it ensures that the solar panels are operating at their maximum efficiency.

When Buck is Used with Solar Panels: Benefits

  1. Increased Efficiency: One of the most significant benefits of using a buck converter with solar panels is increased efficiency. When the voltage from the solar panels is not regulated, it can fluctuate, leading to power loss. By using a buck converter to regulate the voltage, the solar panels can operate at their maximum efficiency, leading to increased power output.
  2. Longer Lifespan: Another benefit of using a buck converter is that it can help extend the lifespan of your solar panels. When the voltage from the solar panels is not regulated, it can cause damage to the panels, leading to a shorter lifespan. By using a buck converter, you can ensure that the voltage is regulated, which can help extend the lifespan of your solar panels.
  3. Cost Savings: Using a buck converter with solar panels can also lead to cost savings. By increasing the efficiency of your solar panels, you can generate more power, which can help reduce your energy costs. Additionally, by extending the lifespan of your solar panels, you can avoid the costs associated with replacing them.

There are different types of buck converters available in the market, and the choice of the right converter depends on the specific requirements of your solar energy system. For instance, if your solar panel generates a voltage that is higher than the voltage of your inverter, you will need a buck converter that can step down the voltage to match the inverter’s voltage.

Apart from regulating the voltage, a buck converter can also provide other functionalities that can optimize your solar energy system. For instance, some buck converters come with a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) feature that ensures that the solar panels are always operating at their maximum power output.

MPPT is a technology that helps track the maximum power point of the solar panel, which is the point where the panel generates the most power. By constantly adjusting the output voltage of the buck converter to match the maximum power point of the solar panel, MPPT ensures that the solar panel operates at its highest efficiency.

Another functionality of buck converters is the ability to regulate the current flowing from the solar panel to the inverter. This is important because the current that flows from the solar panel needs to be regulated to match the requirements of the inverter. By regulating the current, a buck converter ensures that the solar panel operates within its safe limits, thereby preventing damage to the panel.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, using a buck converter with solar panels can also help reduce the overall size and cost of your solar energy system. This is because a buck converter can step down the voltage to match the requirements of the inverter, thereby allowing you to use smaller and more cost-effective components.

Conclusion – when buck is used with solar panels?

In conclusion, using a buck converter with solar panels is an effective way to optimize your solar energy system. It ensures that the solar panels operate at their maximum efficiency, leading to increased power output, longer lifespan, and cost savings. When choosing a buck converter, it is important to consider the specific requirements of your solar energy system and choose a converter that meets those requirements. With the right buck converter, you can maximize the benefits of solar energy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

As solar energy gains popularity and its installation rates continue to rise, there is a growing demand for experts and professionals who are certified in solar energy. Taking a certification course in solar energy can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this rapidly expanding industry. Various certifications are available for different skills and professions, such as solar system design, installation, maintenance and repair, and back-office services. This article aims to explore what solar certifications mean and how they can benefit individuals and companies in the long run. Let’s dive in.

What are solar certification courses

Solar certification courses are specialized training programs that provide individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the rapidly growing solar industry. In the field of solar energy, various certification courses are available that cover a wide range of topics in UK, such as City & Guilds Solar PV Certification for installation and testing, MCS for renewable energy systems, G83/2 for grid connection, BPEC Solar Thermal Certification for maintenance, and HIES for installation and maintenance of renewable energy systems like solar PV. These courses are typically offered by industry associations and community colleges. During certification courses, participants receive both theoretical and practical training, often involving hands-on experience with actual solar panel equipment. Upon completing the certification course, individuals become eligible for employment in the solar industry.

Benefits of certification in Solar Energy

Increased knowledge and understanding of solar energy

Certified individuals typically possess more knowledge than those who are not certified. By taking a solar certification course, participants gain a deeper understanding of how solar energy works, the science behind it, the technology used to capture and store the power of the sun, and how it can be practically applied. This knowledge not only benefits those seeking employment in the solar industry but can also be invaluable in other industries that utilize solar technology, including construction, architecture, engineering, and energy management.

Higher job opportunities

Those with a solar certification often have more job choices. Getting certified in solar energy can open up new career opportunities and help with advancement in your current job. As the demand for solar power continues to grow, so does the need for professionals who are educated in solar technology and can design, install, and maintain these systems. So, if you’re thinking of entering the solar industry, taking a certification course offers numerous career opportunities and potential growth.

benefits of certification in solar energy

Higher earning potential

Having an expert in any field is still greatly sought after. In particular, those who are certified in the solar industry often have the potential to earn more compared to those without certification. That’s because successful solar work involves a broad range of knowledge and proficiency, from design to installation and repair. Certification is a reliable indication of someone’s experience and aptitude in the area, which makes certified professionals more valuable to prospective employers.

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Offer better services to clients – Benefits of Certification in Solar Energy

Better job security

Customer satisfaction is always a priority for individuals and companies alike. Certified solar industry professionals are likely to better meet customer needs due to their wide-ranging expertise. This knowledge enables them to offer superior services, advice, and information on the most efficient and effective use of solar technology. This could result in greater customer satisfaction, repeat business, and referrals, all of which can contribute significantly to success in this field.

Certification in solar energy can provide individuals with an improved level of job security. As more organizations and industries turn to solar technology, there is a higher need for trained specialists to design, install, and maintain such systems. Individuals who have been certified are more likely to be sought after and retained by companies that value knowledge and dedication to this field.

Future potential of growth

Solar energy is an essential part of our energy supply and is predicted to remain that way for a while. This implies that there will be numerous job opportunities for those with the correct qualifications in solar energy. You can opt to work for an enterprise dedicated to this industry, or you can establish your own business as a private installer. This provides massive money-making potential for yourself when you are properly trained and have the perfect equipment.

Enhance your problem-solving skills

The solar industry needs people who are great at solving problems as solar systems installations and maintenance can be intricate. A solar certification program offers hands-on training, providing individuals with the opportunity to develop their skills in problem-solving, troubleshooting, and critical thinking.

Conclusion – Benefits of Certification in Solar Energy

Certifying in solar energy can give you the expertise and training you need to thrive in the ever-increasing solar industry. By getting certified, you can boost your job options, status in the field, wages, and fulfillment. As the demand for proficient professionals is anticipated to stay on the rise in the upcoming years, getting certified in solar energy will give you a safe job and chances for career growth.

In recent years, solar panels have gained significant attention as a promising source of renewable energy for electricity production. The demand for solar panels is increasing globally, as homeowners, individuals, businesses, industries, and farms seek a cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable energy source. Despite the abundance of information available on the internet, some people still struggle to find accurate information on solar panels. This blog aims to explore essential solar panels facts and figures to provide a better understanding of the power of the solar panels.

Here are some solar panels facts that will change the way you think about solar panels

Solar panels are not new in the market – Solar Panels Facts

Many people around the world believe that solar panel systems are a new way of energy production, but this is not true. In fact, the first solar panel was manufactured in the mid-19th century when Bell Laboratories created the first solar cell. Although its efficiency was only 1%, this marked the beginning of the solar energy initiative.

Solar panel industry growth and projections – Solar Panels Facts

Power generation from solar PV increased by a record 179 TWh in 2021, marking a 22% growth from 2020. Solar PV accounted for 3.6% of global electricity generation, making it the third largest renewable electricity technology behind hydropower and wind. ( The industry is expected to continue its impressive growth rate. According to “World Energy Outlook 2022“, the latest publication by The International Energy Agency (IEA), the annual capacity of added solar panels is predicted to increase more than quadruple to 650 GW in 2030. This growth is driven by several factors, including the decreasing cost of solar technology and increasing government support for renewable energy.

Solar panels are cheaper – Solar Panels Facts                                              

One of the most significant advantages of solar energy is its cost-effectiveness. The cost of solar energy has declined rapidly over the last decade, making it increasingly competitive with traditional energy sources. Solar panel costs have dropped by over 80% in the past decade, making it the cheapest source of electricity in some regions, and when compared to electricity bills, solar panels are more than 50% cheaper than grid electricity.

Figure by – Green Power

Solar panels are built to last – Solar Panels Facts

One of the most tremendous benefits of installing solar panels is their ability to last for a longer period of time. Solar panels are a lifetime companion. Typically, when a solar panel is installed, the power agreement lasts between 20 to 30 years. It means a solar panel can produce electricity for a minimum of 20 years, and a well-reputed and quality-oriented brand can resolve your electricity headache for nearly 30 years. And magically, after that period, they don’t stop working immediately. In most cases, solar panels will be fully functional even after that period.

Solar panels increase your home’s value – Solar Panels Facts

Homes that have solar panels installed on their rooftops are more valuable than those without. Even if your home is not the most visually attractive feature, studies have shown that its value can still increase by 4% to 14% with the installation of solar panels. This means that your home will still be desirable to potential buyers, even if it is not located in the most well-reputed areas of society.

Solar panels do not need direct sunlight – Solar Panels Facts

One of the surprising solar panels facts is that they can still work and produce enough electricity during cloudy days or when the sunlight is dim. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, solar panels can still produce 25% of their energy production during cloudy days. This makes solar panels a reliable source of power even in cold weather conditions.

Solar panels are completely silent – Solar Panels Facts

All forms of traditional electricity generation produce noise and add pollution to the already polluted environment. Unlike generators, solar panels do not produce any noise, making them completely silent. This makes solar PV a superior solution for domestic and other applications, such as libraries, schools, and hospitals where silence is necessary. You may wonder about inverter noise, but it is negligible when compared to generators and other traditional forms of energy production.

Solar panels are environment-friendly – Solar Panels Facts

Solar panels are the most reliable and environmentally friendly source of electricity production. They emit almost nothing in terms of environmental pollutants. In the first two years of their production, solar panels emit only around 50g CO2 per KWh. By the third year, most of the solar panels become carbon neutral. On the other hand, the traditional way of electricity production emits almost 2.26 pounds of CO2 per kWh produced.

Solar panel efficiency ratings – Solar Panels Facts

You may be surprised to know that solar panels cannot convert all the sunlight that hits their surface into electricity. Here’s why: One hour of sunlight has the potential to power the Earth for an entire year. It’s simply not possible for a single panel to absorb that much light at once. On average, a solar panel can convert only 15% to 22% of the sunlight it receives into energy. So, the efficiency of solar panels is measured by their ability to convert sunlight into electricity.


The solar panels facts and figures presented in this blog highlight the tremendous potential of solar energy as a clean and sustainable source of power. With the cost of solar technology continuing to decline and government support for renewable energy increase, we can expect to see continued growth in the solar industry. As we move towards a more sustainable future, solar energy will play an important role in reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy sources and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change.

Solar energy is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy in the UK, and for good reason. Not only does it provide clean energy, but it also saves homeowners money on their energy bills. The UK government has recognized the importance of solar energy and offers a variety of government grants for solar panels and schemes to help homeowners install solar panels. In this blog, we’ll go over everything you need to know about government grants for solar panels in the UK in 2023.

Despite the energy price crises and inflation, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has removed the 5% VAT on solar panel installation for a period of 5 years. Currently, VAT on solar panel installation is set at 0%. The government grants for solar panels in UK now presents an excellent opportunity to switch to a solar PV system.

What Solar Panel Funding is Available in UK?

The government has been actively promoting renewable energy sources for several years, and as part of their efforts, they have introduced various grant schemes to encourage people to transition to renewable energy. One of the initial steps taken was to reduce the price of solar panels, making it more accessible for the average person. While there are no traditional grants specifically for solar panels at the moment, there is one open grant called the Smart Export Guarantee for new applications.

In addition to government grants for solar panel, there are other incentives and benefits available for solar panels in the UK.

Solar Grants Potential Saving Run Time
0% VAT One can save more than £1200 on solar panel installation and energy bills. From April 1 to March 2027  
Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Partially or fully FREE solar panel possibility   From April 1 to March 2026
Smart Export Guarantee £160 per year From 1st Jan – indefinite time
Feed In Tariff 4.21p per kWh you produce & 5.99p per kWh you send to the grid Expired in 2019 —  but those registered will continue to benefit
Renewable Heat Incentive Up to £3,000   Expired on 31 March, 2022
Free Solar Panel Scheme Free solar panels (£5,000 to 10,000) Expired in March 2019  

Latest NewsSolar Panels are Now VAT-Free Until 2027!


In recent times, Europe has experienced the highest energy prices in four decades, with inflation largely driven by rising energy costs. In an effort to assist UK households in reducing their electricity bills, the government has implemented a reduction in the VAT on solar panel installation from 5% to 0% under the government grants for solar panels UK.


According to a government report, the average household can expect to save over £1,000 in total installation costs and £320 on annual energy expenses.


It’s important to note that the VAT exemption will remain in effect until 2027, after which the rate will return to 5%. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save money on your electricity expenses. Take advantage of it now and start enjoying the benefits of solar panel installation.

The ECO4 Scheme – Government Grants for Solar Panels

One of the most well-known government schemes for solar panels in the UK is the ECO4 scheme, which was implemented in April 2022 and will run until March 2026. The purpose of the government grants for solar panels is to improve the energy rating of UK homes and reduce carbon emissions.

eco4 energy performance rating
energy performance rating

The ECO4 scheme is open to all UK homeowners, regardless of whether they own or rent their property. Eligible individuals can receive free or discounted solar panels through the scheme, which aims to assist low-income households in reducing their energy bills and carbon footprint. The eligibility criteria for the ECO4 scheme are as follows:

    • You must be a homeowner or private tenant in the UK

    • You or someone in your household must receive certain benefits

    • Your home must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D, E, F, or G

    • Your home must be suitable for solar panel installation

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for the ECO4 scheme through an approved installer. The installer will assess your home to determine if it’s suitable for solar panel installation and will provide you with a quote. If you decide to go ahead with the installation, the installer will handle all the paperwork and the installation process.

ECO4 - government grants for solar panels uk

The amount of funding you can receive through the ECO4 scheme depends on your household income and the number of children in your household. The following table shows the maximum funding amounts for different household sizes:

One-parent households: One child – £18,000 Two children – £21,000 Three children – £24,000 Four or more children – £27,000

Two-parent households: One child – £27,500 Two children – £32,300 Three children – £37,200 Four or more children – £42,000

If you receive funding through the ECO4 scheme, you won’t have to pay anything upfront for the solar panel installation. Instead, you’ll make repayments through your energy bills over a period of time. The repayments are designed to be affordable, and you should see a reduction in your energy bills right away.

Benefits of ECO4

The ECO4 scheme offers significant benefits to low-income households in the UK by providing the opportunity to upgrade their heating systems to more efficient and eco-friendly alternatives, such as solar PV panels.

This scheme is expected to upgrade around 450,000 homes, primarily to an EPC band C rating. This means that households will benefit from reduced energy bills, with an average reduction of approximately £290 per year. For homes with the least efficient heating systems, this reduction could be as much as £1,600 annually.

Eligibility criteria

The ECO4 scheme is designed to help low-income, fuel-poor, and vulnerable households in the UK receive assistance with their heating systems. To qualify for solar PV panels, your home must meet specific requirements, including having an inefficient heating system within the D-G energy efficiency band, owning your home or living in private rented accommodation, and receiving government benefits like income support or child benefits.

table of proposed benefits of ECO4 Scheme

For households that are not currently receiving benefits but are considered low-income, there is still an opportunity to qualify for ECO4 through the ECO4 LA Flex program. This program allows local councils to determine eligibility criteria tailored to the needs of people in their area, which may include factors like age, number of occupants, number of children, and the condition of the home. This means that more people in the UK will have access to government grants for solar panels UK.

Comparison of ECO3 and ECO4

How to Apply for ECO4 Scheme

To apply for the ECO4 scheme, contact a participating energy supplier for a telephone assessment. If you qualify, an installer will confirm the energy-efficient measure’s suitability for your home. Choosing the right solar panels is crucial for maximising savings – tailor-made panels can reduce annual energy bills in the UK by over 70%. Compare up to three tailor-made solar systems in your region for the best choice that matches your home’s specific needs and leads to maximum efficiency and savings.

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Scheme – Government Grants for Solar Panels UK

In addition to the FIT scheme, the UK government also introduced the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme in Jan 1st, 2020. This scheme requires energy suppliers with more than 150,000 customers to offer a tariff for the surplus electricity generated by small-scale low-carbon generators, including solar panel systems. This means that homeowners with solar panels can earn money by selling their surplus electricity back to the grid.

Under the SEG scheme, energy suppliers set their own tariffs, so it’s important to shop around to find the best deal. Tariffs can be fixed or variable, and some suppliers may offer export payments in addition to the standard tariff. It’s important to note that the SEG scheme only applies to new solar panel installations and does not provide any funding for the installation itself.

SEG scheme - government grants for solar panels uk

The SEG scheme is expiry date is not out yet. It’s important to note that while the SEG scheme provides a way for homeowners to earn money from their solar panels, the amount they can earn will depend on a number of factors, including the size of their solar panel system, the amount of surplus electricity they generate, and the tariff rate offered by their energy supplier.

Advantages of Smart Export Guarantee

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) provides benefits to solar panel owners by allowing them to shop around for the best price per kWh for exporting their excess energy. SEG Licensees offer rates between 1p and 7.5p per kWh, and solar panel owners can choose any licensee, regardless of their electricity supplier. This flexibility enables them to secure the best deal for their exported energy. Based on a rate of 7.5p per kWh, a typical three-bedroom home with a 3.5 kWp solar panel installation can earn £112 per year under SEG.

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Tariff Comparison

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Tariff Comparison

seg scheme tariff comparison

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the SEG, homeowners must have solar panels with a capacity of up to 5MW and a smart meter to measure exports. Certain energy suppliers may offer unique rates for energy exported from particular solar battery storage systems.

How you can apply for Smart Export Guarantee

To apply for Smart Export Guarantee, you need to find an SEG Licensee and apply directly to them. All eligible generators can receive an SEG tariff. Make sure to have an energy-efficient panel tailored to your home’s needs before applying for SEG tariffs.

Smart Export Guarantee Grants in the UK (2023): Complete Guide
Caption – Application Process Steps fro SEG


VAT Reduction – Government Grants for Solar Panels

Another way that the UK government has supported the installation of solar panels is by reducing the VAT rate on renewable energy products and installations. In April 1st, 2022, the government announced that the VAT rate on solar panel installations would be reduced from 20% to 5%, making it more affordable for homeowners to install solar panels.

This VAT reduction applies to all solar panel installations on residential properties, regardless of the size of the system or the income of the homeowner. It also applies to all associated products and services, including batteries, inverters, and installation costs.

The reduced VAT rate on solar panel installations is expected to make a significant difference in the affordability of solar panels for homeowners, reducing the upfront cost and increasing the potential return on investment. This reduction also brings the VAT rate on solar panels in line with the VAT rate on energy bills, further encouraging the adoption of renewable energy.

It’s important to note that while the VAT reduction on solar panel installations is a welcome change, it only applies to the installation itself and not to ongoing maintenance or repair costs. Homeowners should also be aware that the VAT reduction may not be applied automatically and should check with their solar panel installer to ensure that they are receiving the reduced rate.

0% VAT Reduction - government grants for solar panels uk

Advantages of 0% VAT

0% VAT on renewables, such as solar panels, heat pumps, biomass boilers, insulation, and other energy-saving materials, can result in significant savings for households. Scrapping the previous 5% VAT will see typical families with rooftop solar panels save over £1,000 on installation and £300 annually on their energy bills.

Zero Percent VAT solar panels in the UK
Caption – Martin Lewis – Money saving Expert’s estimation about potential Savings on VAT

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for the 0% VAT rate is based on specific requirements that must be met. The installation and product must be done together, and the primary work must be for energy-saving materials. The government’s website provides full details and the previous eligibility criteria no longer apply. Other goods and services, such as insulation, can also be installed at the same time.

How you can apply for 0% VAT

The 0% VAT will be applied automatically by the installer if the installation and energy-saving material are eligible, so no application process is required.

Recently Expired: The Green Homes Grant – Government Grants for Solar Panels

Another government scheme that homeowners can take advantage of is the Green Homes Grant. This scheme was launched in 2020 and provides funding for a variety of energy-saving home improvements, including solar panel installation. The Green Homes Grant is open to all UK homeowners and covers up to two-thirds of the cost of eligible home improvements, up to a maximum of £5,000 per household. Low-income households can receive up to 100% of the cost of eligible home improvements, up to a maximum of £10,000.

The eligibility criteria for the Green Homes Grant include:

    • You must be a homeowner or private tenant in the UK

    • Your home must be built before 2011

To apply for the Green Homes Grant, you’ll need to find a registered installer and obtain a quote for the solar panel installation. Once you’ve received the quote, you can apply for the grant through the Simple Energy Advice website. If your application is approved, you’ll receive the grant funding, and the installer will handle the installation process.

Recently Expired: The Feed-in Tariff Scheme – Government Grants for Solar Panels

In addition to the ECO4 and Green Homes Grant schemes, homeowners can also take advantage of the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme. This scheme pays homeowners for the renewable electricity they generate through their solar panels. The FIT scheme was closed to new applicants in 2019, but if you installed solar panels before that time, you may still be eligible to receive payments.

Under the FIT scheme, homeowners receive two types of payments:

    • Generation tariff: A set rate paid for each unit of electricity you generate. This rate depends on the size of your solar panel system and when it was installed.

    • Export tariff: A set rate paid for each unit of surplus electricity you export back to the grid.

The amount you can earn through the FIT scheme depends on the size of your solar panel system, the amount of electricity it generates, and the rates set by the government. FIT payments are tax-free and are made quarterly over a period of 20 years.

Other Recently Expired: Government Grants for Solar Panels

In addition to the ECO4 scheme, Green Homes Grant, and FIT scheme, there are other grants and schemes that homeowners can take advantage of to help with the cost of solar panel installation. These include:

    • Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI): This scheme pays homeowners for the renewable heat they generate through technologies such as solar thermal panels. The RHI is open to both homeowners and businesses and pays out over a period of 7 years.

    • Local authority schemes: Some local authorities offer grants or loans to homeowners for solar panel installation. Check with your local authority to see if they offer any such schemes.

    • Energy Company Obligation (ECO): This scheme is similar to the ECO4 scheme and provides funding for energy-saving home improvements. Check with your energy supplier to see if they offer any ECO schemes.

Solar Panels Funding is Legitimate, Right?

Yes, UK solar panel funding is legitimate. You can recoup most of the installation costs of solar panels and other energy-saving measures through ECO4 if you meet the eligibility criteria. You can also earn money by generating extra electricity through the Smart Export Guarantee.

MAK Energy Ltd reviews solar panel funding regularly and provides updated information. It’s important to choose the right panel for your home, and MAK Energy Ltd can help you by providing tailor-made solutions available near you. For further information on energy government grants for solar panels, you can visit the government’s website. If you decide to invest in solar power or other clean energy sources, MAK Energy Ltd can help you receive free, non-binding quotes for solar panel, solar thermal & their installation, saving you time and effort.


Solar energy is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills. The UK government offers a variety of government grants for solar panels and schemes to help homeowners install solar panels, including the ECO4 scheme, Smart Export Guarantee(SEG) Scheme, Green Homes Grant, and FIT scheme. If you’re considering installing solar panels, be sure to check if you’re eligible for any of these schemes to help with the cost.

If you are considering installing solar panels for your home in the UK, you may be wondering whether to opt for roof-mounted or ground mounted solar panels. While roof-mounted solar panels are a popular option, ground mounted solar panels are gaining popularity for several reasons. In this article, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of installing ground mounted solar panels for your home in the UK.


Increased Efficiency: Ground mounted solar panels are typically installed at an optimal angle and direction to capture the maximum amount of sunlight. This can result in increased efficiency and higher energy production compared to roof-mounted solar panels that may not always be installed at the ideal angle.

More Space: Ground-mounted solar panels offer more space for solar panel installation. This is especially useful if you have a large property or if your roof is already occupied by other installations such as a chimney or skylight. Additionally, ground mounted solar panels can be installed in a separate location from your house, which can be ideal if your roof is not strong enough to support the panels or if your roof needs repairs.

Easy Maintenance: Ground mounted solar panels are easier to access for maintenance and cleaning compared to roof-mounted panels. This can help prolong the lifespan of your solar panels and ensure they continue to operate at peak efficiency.

Flexibility: Ground mounted solar panels are not limited by the size, angle or shape of your roof. This means you can install more solar panels and generate more energy than with roof-mounted panels.


Higher Cost: Ground mounted solar panels are generally more expensive than roof-mounted panels due to the additional costs associated with excavation and installation of support structures. Additionally, the cost of maintaining a ground mounted solar panel system may be higher due to the increased labor required for maintenance and cleaning.

Aesthetics: Ground mounted solar panels may not be as aesthetically pleasing as roof-mounted panels. This is because the panels and supporting structures may be visible in your yard. However, the design and placement of your solar panel system can be customized to minimize the visual impact.

Planning Permission: Ground mounted solar panels may require planning permission from your local council, especially if your property is in a conservation area or has other restrictions. You should check with your local council before installing a ground mounted solar panel system.

Location Limitations: Ground mounted solar panels require a suitable location that receives a sufficient amount of sunlight throughout the day. If your property is surrounded by tall buildings or trees, you may not be able to install a ground mounted solar panel system.

Sustainability Benefits of Ground Mounted Solar Panels

Clean Energy: Ground mounted solar panels generate clean energy, which means they do not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants. This makes them an ideal solution for reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Renewable Energy: Solar energy is a renewable resource, which means it is sustainable and will not run out. By harnessing the power of the sun, ground mounted solar panels offer a long-term and reliable source of energy that can help to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Ground mounted solar panels can help to reduce the carbon footprint of a property or business by generating clean energy. By reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources, we can help to mitigate the effects of climate change and create a more sustainable future.

Energy Independence: Ground mounted solar panels can help to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels. By generating our own energy, we can become more energy independent and reduce our reliance on external sources of energy.

Cost Savings: Ground mounted solar panels can help to reduce energy costs, which can have a significant impact on a property or business’s bottom line. By generating their own electricity, businesses and homeowners can save on their energy bills and reinvest those savings into their operations or into other sustainability initiatives.

The Future of Ground Mounted Solar Panels

As the world becomes more conscious of its carbon footprint, the demand for renewable energy solutions is increasing. Ground-mounted solar panels are an effective way to generate clean energy, reduce carbon emissions, and promote sustainability.

In the UK, the government supported the growth of renewable energy by offering incentives and grants for the installation of solar panels. The Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme, for example, paid households and businesses for the electricity they generate from their solar panels, while the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) provided payments for those who generate heat from renewable sources. However, these schemes are no longer available.

The growth of solar energy in the UK is also being driven by falling costs. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar energy is now the cheapest form of electricity in history, with the cost of solar power falling by 90% over the past decade. This makes it an increasingly attractive option for businesses and homeowners looking to reduce their energy costs while also making a positive impact on the environment.


Ground-mounted solar panels are an effective way to harness the power of the sun and promote sustainability. They offer a range of benefits, including increased efficiency, more space, easy maintenance, and reduced costs. By generating clean and renewable energy, ground-mounted solar panels can help to reduce our carbon footprint, promote energy independence, and save on energy costs.

As the demand for renewable energy solutions continues to grow, ground mounted solar panels will play an increasingly important role in the UK’s transition to a more sustainable future. Whether installed on commercial or residential properties, they offer a practical and effective solution for reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy sources and mitigating the effects of climate change.

If you’re a homeowner, you may have heard of a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) before. But what exactly is a DEA, and what role do they play in the world of home energy efficiency? In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the DEA profession and what it means for your home.

What is a Domestic Energy Assessor?

A Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) is a trained professional who assesses the energy efficiency of residential properties. They use specialized software and tools to generate an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) that rates a home’s energy efficiency on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient).

DEAs are required by law to be accredited by a government-approved accreditation scheme in order to provide EPCs for residential properties. This accreditation ensures that DEAs are trained and knowledgeable about the latest energy efficiency standards and regulations.

Why is a DEA important?

A DEA is important for a few reasons. First and foremost, they provide homeowners with valuable information about their home’s energy efficiency. This information can be used to identify areas where improvements can be made, such as insulation or heating upgrades, which can save homeowners money on their energy bills.

In addition, an EPC is required when a property is sold, rented or constructed. This means that without an EPC, a homeowner may not be able to sell or rent their property legally. Therefore, a DEA plays a crucial role in ensuring that homes are compliant with energy efficiency regulations.

What does a DEA do?

A DEA’s main responsibility is to conduct an energy assessment of a property and generate an EPC. This involves collecting data on various aspects of a property, including its construction, heating, lighting, insulation, and ventilation systems.

DEAs use specialized software to analyze this data and generate an EPC that rates the property’s energy efficiency. The EPC includes recommendations for improvements that can be made to improve the property’s energy efficiency rating.

DEAs may also provide additional services, such as Green Deal assessments or advice on energy-saving measures.

How to become a DEA?

To become a DEA, you must complete a training course that is accredited by a government-approved accreditation scheme. The training course typically includes both classroom and

practical training and covers topics such as building construction, energy efficiency, and EPC generation.

After completing the training course, you must also pass an exam to demonstrate your knowledge and competence in energy efficiency assessments.

Once you have passed the exam and obtained your accreditation, you can start providing EPCs for residential properties.


In conclusion, a Domestic Energy Assessor plays a crucial role in the world of home energy efficiency. They provide homeowners with valuable information about their home’s energy efficiency and ensure that homes are compliant with energy efficiency regulations.

If you’re considering selling or renting your property, or simply want to improve your home’s energy efficiency, a DEA can provide you with the information and guidance you need. By understanding the role of a DEA, you can make informed decisions about your home’s energy efficiency and take steps to save money on your energy bills.

The world is rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, and solar power is at the forefront of this change. As the technology has improved over the years, solar panels have become more efficient, affordable, and accessible than ever before. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which solar panels are the best for your home or business? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the factors that determine solar panel quality and help you choose the right panels for your needs.


The efficiency of a solar panel refers to the amount of sunlight it can convert into usable energy. More efficient panels will produce more energy for the same amount of sunlight than less efficient panels. In general, the efficiency of solar panels has been improving over time, and most panels on the market today are around 15-20% efficient. However, some premium panels can reach efficiencies of 25% or higher.

While higher efficiency panels are more expensive, they may be worth the investment if you have limited roof space or want to maximize your energy production. However, if you have ample roof space, it may be more cost-effective to install more lower-efficiency panels than a smaller number of high-efficiency panels. Read more ‘How to improve efficiency of solar panels?’

Durability and Warranty

Solar panels are designed to last for decades, so it’s important to choose a brand and model that is durable and reliable. Look for panels that are certified by industry organizations like the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or Underwriters Laboratories (UL). These certifications ensure that the panels meet certain standards for quality and safety.

In addition to choosing a durable panel, make sure to check the warranty offered by the manufacturer. Most panels come with a warranty of 20-25 years, but the specifics of the warranty can vary widely. Look for a warranty that covers both materials and workmanship, and make sure to read the fine print to understand what is and isn’t covered.


Solar panels are a significant investment, but the price of panels has dropped dramatically in recent years. However, the cheapest panels may not always be the best choice. It’s important to balance the upfront cost of the panels with the potential savings on your energy bill over time.

In addition to the cost of the panels themselves, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of installation and any additional equipment like inverters and mounting hardware. Make sure to get quotes from several reputable solar installers to compare prices and find the best deal.

Brand and Reputation

Finally, it’s important to consider the brand and reputation of the solar panel manufacturer. Look for brands that have been in the market for a while and have a good track record of producing high-quality panels. Check online reviews and customer feedback to get a sense of the brand’s reputation and customer service.

In addition, consider the environmental impact of the panel’s production. Look for brands that use sustainable manufacturing processes and materials, and avoid companies with a history of environmental violations or controversies.

Types of Solar Panels:

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

These solar panels are made from a single crystal of silicon and are known for their high efficiency and durability. They have a uniform black color and are often the most expensive option.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

These solar panels are made from multiple crystals of silicon and have a speckled blue color. They are less expensive than monocrystalline panels but have slightly lower efficiency.

Thin-Film Solar Panels

These solar panels are made from a thin layer of photovoltaic material applied to a base material like glass or metal. They are the least expensive option but have the lowest efficiency and lifespan.

Top Solar Panel Manufacturers:


SunPower is a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency solar panels. Their panels are known for their sleek design and superior performance, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial installations.


LG is a well-known electronics manufacturer that also produces high-quality solar panels. Their panels are known for their durability and efficiency, and they offer a wide range of sizes and styles to fit different applications.

Canadian Solar

Canadian Solar is a global leader in solar panel manufacturing, with a reputation for producing high-quality panels at an affordable price point. Their panels are known for their efficiency and reliability, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial installations

In summary, choosing the best solar panels for your home or business requires consideration of several factors. The efficiency, durability and warranty, price, and brand reputation are all important considerations that should be weighed carefully. By doing your research and comparing options from several reputable manufacturers, you can make an informed decision and feel confident in your investment in solar power.

Ultimately, the best solar panels for you will depend on your unique needs and priorities. Whether you’re looking to save money on your energy bill, reduce your carbon footprint, or increase the value of your property. Solar power is a smart investment that can pay off for decades to come. So start exploring your options today and join the millions of people around the world who are harnessing the power of the sun for a cleaner, brighter future.

With the increasing demand for renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a popular option for both residential and commercial needs. While rooftop solar panels have gained popularity in recent years. Solar farms are becoming an increasingly popular option for meeting larger energy needs. In this blog, we will compare and contrast solar farms and rooftop solar panels to help you decide which option is better for your energy needs.

Solar Farms:

A solar farm is a large-scale solar installation that generates electricity for a utility company or a group of consumers. These farms are often located in remote areas and require large tracts of land to accommodate the solar panels. Solar farms typically generate more energy than rooftop solar panels and are therefore an ideal option for meeting large-scale energy needs.

Benefits of Solar Farms:

Higher energy output: Solar farms have a larger capacity to generate energy than rooftop solar panels, making them a better option for meeting larger energy needs.

Economies of scale: The larger size of solar farms often allows for lower costs of production per unit of energy, making them a more cost-effective option than rooftop solar panels.

Land use: Solar farm requires a significant amount of land to accommodate the solar panels, which can be challenging in urban areas. However, this also means that the panels can be placed in remote areas, avoiding conflicts with other land uses.

Rooftop Solar:

Rooftop solar panels are a popular option for residential and commercial buildings. These panels are installed on the rooftop of a building and generate energy for on-site consumption. Rooftop solar panels have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their affordability and ease of installation.

Benefits of Rooftop Solar:

Lower installation costs: Rooftop solar panels require less equipment and labor for installation than a solar farm, making them a more affordable option.

Accessibility: Rooftop solar panels can be installed on buildings in urban areas where there may be limited space for solar farms.

Independence: Rooftop solar panels allow for greater independence from utility companies and can generate energy for on-site consumption, reducing energy bills.

Which Option is Right for You?

The decision to invest in a solar farms vs rooftop solar panels depends on several factors, including energy needs, budget, and available space. Therefore, if you have a large-scale energy need, such as a utility company or industrial facility. A solar farm may be the better option. However, if you have limited space or a smaller energy need, rooftop solar panels may be the more cost-effective option.

MAK Energy and Solar Farms:         

MAK Energy is a UK-based solar company that specializes in the installation of solar farm. Furthermore, they have extensive experience in the design, construction, and maintenance of solar farm. Making them a top choice for those looking to invest in this type of renewable energy. Moreover, with a commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction. MAK Energy is an excellent choice for those looking to invest in a solar farm.

Solar farm and rooftop solar panels are both excellent options for meeting energy needs through renewable sources. Solar farms are better suited for larger energy needs. While rooftop solar panels are a more cost-effective option for smaller energy needs. Ultimately, the decision to invest in either option depends on several factors, including energy needs, budget, and available space. With the help of a reputable solar company like MAK Energy, you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

What's on the page?

As more and more people in the UK turn to renewable energy, the popularity of DIY solar panels has grown. By installing your own solar panels, you can save money on energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. However, building your own solar system may seem like a daunting task, and it could be dangerous and expensive if the installation goes wrong. It is recommended to have your system installed by a professional and experienced team for effective functioning and maximum efficiency.

Key Notes

  • DIY solar panel kits are increasingly popular in the UK, driven by a desire for energy independence and cost savings, as reported by The Guardian.
  • Well-installed DIY solar panels can save homeowners hundreds of pounds annually on energy bills. With government incentives, the payback period can be relatively short.
  • UK DIY solar panel systems usually range from 1 kW to 4 kW. Data from kit providers shows homeowners often choose these sizes to meet their energy needs effectively.

Can I Install Solar Panel Myself?

Yes, you can install the solar panel yourself if you are trained and have experience in installing solar panels. However, it’s important to note that the installation process is technical and complicated, and it is highly recommended to be done by professionals. MAK Energy offers experienced solar panel installers across the UK who are knowledgeable about environmental factors and optimal panel direction. Easily access their installation services at your doorstep.

To help you understand how to install a DIY solar panels UK, we have provided step-by-step information that will ultimately assist you if you plan to do it yourself. Let’s examine each step one by one.

DIY solar panels uk - man installing solar panels
Caption – man DIY installing solar panels

How to Size Solar Panel for Your Home

There are two essential things you must consider before learning how to size solar panels for your home, and these are:

  • Daily energy consumption: Determine how much energy you consume on a daily basis.
  • Number of sunlight hours: Take into account the number of hours of sunlight your home receives each day.

After understanding these two factors, you will be able to calculate the number of panels and their sizes required for your home.

By dividing your daily usage by the number of peak sun hours, you can determine how much energy your solar panels should generate per hour.

Then, divide that figure by the wattage of your chosen panel. For example, if your hourly power consumption is 2000Wh and you select a 405-watt panel, you will need 5 panels to meet your energy demand for that hour.

What is DIY Solar Panel Kits?

Solar systems come in different types, and so do the components of these systems. They function optimally when all the components are well-matched with one another. When shopping for solar system parts, ensure that the solar inverter, solar panels, batteries, and other components are suitable for each other and aligned with your needs.

DIY solar panel kits consist of a pre-selected set of compatible components for your system. This means you don’t have to purchase each solar system part individually. Buying a DIY solar panel kit will not only save you time but also money.

MAK Energy offers DIY solar panel kits in various sizes, tailored for different solar systems.

  • On-grid DIY Solar Panel Kit
  • Off-grid DIY Solar Panel Kit
  • Hybrid DIY Solar Panel Kit

DIY Solar Panels UK: DIY Solar Panel Installation Process

  1. Determine your energy needs
  2. Assess your roof space for solar panel installation
  3. Find the Right Spot
  4. Decide on the Type of Solar Panels
  5. Check What Permits You Need
  6. Choose Your Solar System Installation Type
  7. Tool You Will Need If You Are Planning to Install Off Grid Solar System
  8. Purchase Your Solar Panels and Inverter
  9. Gather Your Tools: The Essentials You Will Need for A DIY Solar Installation
  10. Set Up a Circuit
  11. Install Your Solar Panels
  12. Test Your Solar System
  13. Enjoy Your Savings

Step 1: Determine Your Energy Needs

Before you start building your solar system, you need to determine how much energy you use. Understanding your energy needs is the first step towards a successful DIY solar panel installation process. The best way to check your energy consumption is to review your monthly electricity bill and identify the annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage.

For example, if you consume between 3000kWh and 4000kWh per year, you can assess which system would meet your energy needs. In this case, a 4kW solar system would be suitable for this category of electricity consumer. Determining the size will make it easier to select the right system for your home.

energy monitor by a smart meter

Step 2: Assess Your Roof Space for Solar Panel Installation

Before proceeding with the purchase of solar panels, it is essential to assess the roof space available in your home. If you have limited space, you will need to consider larger-sized solar panels, while smaller panels can be installed if you have ample space. Accurately measuring the available installation space is a crucial step towards a successful solar panel installation.

Assess Your Roof Space for Solar Panel Installation

Step 3: Find the Right Spot

Before delving into the installation process, it is necessary to find the right spot, keeping in mind the roof type. If you are planning to install solar panels on a pitched shed roof, the direction (ideally south for maximum sun exposure) and angle (best at a 35-degree angle from horizontal) are the most important things you must check.

best angle for solar panels infographic banner

If you are planning to install solar panels on a flat roof, make sure the roof can bear the weight of the solar panels. In the case of a ground-mounted structure, ensure your panels have a sunny spot in the garden.

Step 4: Decide on the Type of Solar Panels

The performance and efficiency of a solar system largely depend on the type and quality of the solar panels used. In general, there are two types of diy solar panels available in the market: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline panels are more expensive, but they offer higher efficiency and occupy less space. On the other hand, polycrystalline panels are cheaper but require more space and have slightly lower efficiency.

It’s important to choose wisely based on your specific needs and considering the purpose of the installation. For businesses, opting for monocrystalline panels is recommended as they provide a more efficient system that supports uninterrupted performance and growth.

Decide on the Type of Solar Panels

Step 5: Check What Permits You Need 

For solar panels installed on an A-frame or ground-mounted system, you will need to obtain permission if you plan to exceed a total of 6 arrays. If you are considering a grid-tied DIY solar panel installation, it is advisable to check whether your energy supplier supports DIY installation. To qualify for the SEG program, you must possess an MCD Certification and an Energy Performance Certification rated D or above.

diy solar panels uk permits

Step 6: Choose Your Solar System Installation Type

You may be considering an on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid solar system for your installation. Before diving into the DIY solar panels process, it is essential to determine the type of solar system you intend to install. For residential homes, a hybrid solar system is often the best choice as it allows for the storage of excess energy in batteries, which can be utilized during peak hours to further reduce energy bills. On the other hand, if you reside in a remote location without access to grid electricity, an off-grid solar system becomes the only viable option. This ensures self-sufficiency in generating and utilizing electricity independently.

Choose Your Solar System Installation Type

Step 7: Tool You Will Need If You Are Planning to Install Off Grid Solar System

In the case of off-grid solar system installations, you will need to acquire additional tools and equipment. These include a solar charge controller, a battery bank, DC connectors, an off-grid inverter, and an electricity backup option such as a generator. These components are necessary to ensure the efficient operation and reliability of your off-grid solar system.

tools you need for diy solar panels installation

Step 8: Purchase Your Solar Panels & Inverter

Now, the actual work begins. Solar panels and inverters can be purchased either online or from local markets. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are numerous solar panel and inverter manufacturing companies, each offering a variety of options. It is crucial to choose the best among them. The top solar panel brands include JinkoLongiCanadian Solar, and JA Solar. Compare the prices, efficiency, performance, warranty, and lifespan of each solar panel. Additionally, visiting e-commerce sites to read reviews from customers can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

When it comes to solar inverters, the first consideration should be the type of solar system you are planning to install: on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid. Select an inverter that aligns with your specific requirements. Feeling overwhelmed by the process of purchasing a solar inverter? Don’t worry, we have compiled a list of the best solar inverters available, making it easier for you to make a choice.

diy solar panels uk

Step 9: Gather Your Tools: The Essentials You Will Need For A DIY Solar panel Installation

After purchasing solar panels and the solar inverter, now You will need a few basic tools to install your diy solar panels. These include a drill, screwdriver, wire cutters, and safety equipment such as gloves and safety glasses. Make sure you have all the necessary tools before you start installation.

diy solar panels uk tools
Caption – diy solar panels uk tools

Tools You need for DIY Solar Panel Installation

  • Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Wire Cutter
  • Safety Equipment – gloves and safety glasses
  • Level
  • Flashing
  • Roof Sealant

Step 10: Set Up a Circuit

Setting up the circuit for a solar system is a technical task that requires careful attention and skill to ensure proper execution. Prior to mounting the solar panel structure, it is highly recommended to have a professional electrician handle the circuit installation, unless you possess the necessary expertise. It is crucial to prioritize safety and accuracy in this process. Take the time to set up the circuit diligently, ensuring that all connections are made correctly and securely.

Set Up a Circuit diy solar panels uk

Step 11: Install Your Solar Panels

Now it’s time to start installing solar panels. This is where things can get tricky, so it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. Start by mounting the panels on the roof or other suitable location. Then, connect the panels to the inverter, which converts the DC power generated by the panels into AC power for your home. Finally, connect the inverter to your home’s electrical system.

Install Your Solar Panels

Step 12: Test Your Solar System

Once the system is successfully installed, the next step is system testing, which can be a challenging process typically carried out by professional electricians. However, if you feel confident, you can perform the testing yourself. Utilize a multimeter to measure the voltage output of both the solar panels and the inverter. If you are not comfortable conducting these tests independently, it is advisable to hire a professional to ensure accurate results and the optimal functioning of your system.

Test Your Solar System

Step 13: Enjoy Your Savings

Once your solar system is up and running, you can sit back and enjoy the savings on your energy bills. You will also be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

How Much Does It Cost to Install Solar Panels?

The amount of money you need to have in your pocket before installing your own solar system depends on the system size, installation type, location, and labor costs if you opt for professional installation. If you’re skilled enough, you can even install it yourself. On average, a UK household typically requires a 4kW solar system, which would cost around £6000 for a 4kW grid-tied solar system.

Factors That Can Affect the Installation Cost

  • Your System Size
  • Type of installation
  • Location – where you live
  • Labor Cost – if you choose an installer

What are the Pros and Cons of DIY Solar Panel Installation?


  • Cost-effective and cheaper installation is possible, but it also depends on the successful installation.
  • If everything goes perfectly, you will find it easy to maintain and repair your solar system because you are familiar with its structure.


  • There is a higher likelihood of needing repairs and component replacements.
  • A minor mistake can cost you thousands.
  • If installed incorrectly, it can result in fires or damage to your roof.
  • You will have no warranty in case of any damage.
  • DIY solar panels are less likely to perform well for 25 years compared to those installed by professionals.
  • It can be dangerous if you are not well aware of the installation process.

DIY Solar Panel UK Building Regulations for Home

Whether you install a solar panel system by yourself or hire a professional installer, it is crucial to adhere to the UK building regulations for solar panel installations. Regulations may vary in different areas. 

But in general, the following regulations need to be followed before undertaking a DIY solar panel installation. 

  • The first and foremost step is to ensure that your roof is strong enough to bear the weight of the solar panels.
  • Enhancing electrical safety for your installation.
  • Securely mounting your solar panels and other components.
  • Ensuring proper installation of solar components for improved ventilation.
  • Mitigating the fire risk associated with your solar panels.
  • Ensuring that cables are properly sealed to prevent moisture entry into your structure.

Do I Need Permission for Solar Panel Installation?

In most areas, you will not need permission for solar panel installation unless your home or building is listed or located in a designated conservation area. 

However, there are certain cases in which you may be required to seek permission for solar panel installation.

  • If your property is classified as a listed building.
  • If you reside in an area that has been designated as a conservation area.
  • If you plan to undertake significant modifications to the building, such as enlargements.
  • If your solar panels extend beyond 0.2 meters or 20 centimeters from the roof. For instance, flat roof installations often exceed 0.2 meters due to the angled stands.

MAK Energy Ltd: A Trusted Supplier of DIY Solar Panels in the UK, If you are looking for a trusted supplier of DIY solar panels in the UK, look no further than MAK Energy Ltd. They offer a range of high-quality solar panels at affordable prices, along with expert advice and support to help you through the installation process. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, MAK Energy Ltd is a name you can trust.

In addition to providing solar panels, MAK Energy Ltd also offers a range of other renewable energy products and services. These include wind turbines, solar hot water systems, and battery storage solutions. Whether you are looking to reduce your energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, or both, MAK Energy Ltd has the expertise and products you need.

In conclusion, building a DIY solar panel system in the UK can be a challenging yet rewarding project for those willing to take on the task. By following the steps outlined in this guide and carefully considering the costs and benefits, you can create a solar system that meets your energy needs and reduces your carbon footprint. 

However, it is important to note that building a solar system requires technical knowledge and experience, and if you are unsure about any aspect of the process, it is best to seek professional help. With that said, if you have the skills and motivation, building a DIY solar panels UK can be a great way to save money on your energy bills and contribute to a more sustainable future.

As renewable energy becomes more prevalent and necessary for reducing our carbon footprint, solar energy has emerged as one of the most popular and accessible sources of clean energy. In the UK, several solar energy companies have risen to prominence due to their innovative technologies, exceptional customer service, and commitment to sustainability. In this article, we will provide an overview of the top 10 solar energy companies in the UK.

1 – Solarcentury

Solarcentury is one of the UK’s leading solar energy companies, providing innovative solar solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. With over 1 GW of installed solar capacity across the globe. Solarcentury has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, reliable solar systems. Their solutions include solar PV, energy storage, and EV charging, among others.

2 – MAK Energy

MAK Energy Ltd is a reputable solar energy company based in the UK that provides custom solar energy solutions for homes and businesses. The company has been in the industry for over a decade and has a team of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering high-quality and affordable solar solutions.

MAK Energy Ltd offers a range of solar energy services, including solar panel installation, battery storage, and maintenance services. The company uses high-quality materials and equipment to ensure that its solar energy solutions are efficient and long-lasting. MAK Energy Ltd also offers a 25-year warranty on all its solar panels, providing customers with peace of mind and protection against any potential defects or issues. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced solar energy company in the UK, consider MAK Energy Ltd.

3 – Lightsource BP

Lightsource BP is a global leader in solar energy, with a mission to accelerate the world’s transition to a low-carbon future. They develop, construct, and operate large-scale solar projects, as well as providing solar solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a portfolio of over 3 GW of installed solar capacity. Lightsource BP is committed to delivering clean, affordable energy for all.

4 – Oxford Solar PV

Oxford Solar PV is a solar energy company based in Oxfordshire that specializes in solar panel installation for homes and businesses. The company offers a range of solar energy solutions, including battery storage and electric vehicle charging points. Oxford Solar PV has a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems that meet their energy needs and budget.

5 – Solarplicity

Solarplicity is a UK-based solar energy company that focuses on providing affordable solar solutions for residential customers. They offer solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient home improvements, all at competitive prices. With a commitment to sustainability and customer service. Solarplicity has quickly become a top choice for homeowners looking to go solar.

6 – Eco Energy World

Eco Energy World is a global renewable energy company with a strong presence in the UK market. They specialize in developing and constructing large-scale solar projects, as well as providing solar solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Eco Energy World is helping to lead the transition to a low-carbon future.

7 – EnergyMyWay

EnergyMyWay is a solar energy company based in the UK that provides a range of renewable energy solutions, including solar panel installation, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging points. The company has a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems. That meet their energy needs and budget.

8 – The Phoenix Works

The Phoenix Works is a UK-based renewable energy company that specializes in solar PV systems, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging. With a focus on sustainability and energy independence, they provide tailor-made solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a commitment to high-quality products and exceptional customer service. The Phoenix Works is a top choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

9 – Sharp Solar

Sharp Solar is a Japanese-based solar energy company with a strong presence in the UK market. They offer a range of solar solutions for residential and commercial customers, including solar PV, energy storage, and EV charging. With a reputation for innovation and reliability, Sharp Solar is a trusted name in the solar industry.

10 – Solarsense

Solarsense is a UK-based solar energy company that provides solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions for residential and commercial customers. With a commitment to sustainability and customer service. Solarsense is a top choice for those looking to invest in solar energy.

11 – SunPower

SunPower is a global solar energy company with a strong presence in the UK market. They offer a range of solar solutions, including solar PV, energy storage, and EV charging. With a focus on high-quality products and exceptional customer service, SunPower is a top choice for those looking to invest in solar energy

12 – SolarTech

SolarTech is a UK-based solar energy company that provides a range of solar solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and EV charging. They offer bespoke solutions for homes and businesses, using high-quality materials and equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

13 – Poweri Services Ltd

Poweri Services Ltd is a solar energy company based in Wales that provides a range of renewable energy solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and EV charging. They have a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems that meet their energy needs and budget

14 – RenEnergy

RenEnergy is a solar energy company based in Norfolk that provides solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions for residential and commercial customers. They are committed to sustainability and customer service, offering tailor-made solutions for their clients.

15 – Solar Plants

Solar Plants is a UK-based solar energy company that provides a range of solar solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions. They offer bespoke solutions for homes and businesses, using high-quality materials and equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

16 – The Cambridge Solar Company

The Cambridge Solar Company is a solar energy company based in Cambridge that provides solar PV systems, battery storage, and EV charging. They have a team of experienced professionals who work closely with clients to design and install solar panel systems that meet their energy needs and budget.

17 – Ecolution Group

Ecolution Group is a renewable energy company based in the UK that provides a range of energy solutions, including solar PV, battery storage, and EV charging. They offer bespoke solutions for homes and businesses, using high-quality materials and equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

18 – Solarplicity Pro

Solarplicity Pro is a UK-based solar energy company that specializes in providing solar solutions for commercial customers. They offer solar PV systems, battery storage, and energy-efficient lighting solutions, all at competitive prices. With a commitment to sustainability and customer service, Solarplicity Pro is a top choice for businesses looking to go solar.

The solar energy industry in the UK is rapidly growing, with many reputable companies offering a range of solar energy solutions for homes and businesses. Whether you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint, save on energy costs, or increase the value of your property. There is a solar energy solution that is right for you.

When choosing a solar energy company, it is important to consider factors such as experience, reputation, customer service, and pricing. The 10 solar energy companies listed in this article are some of the best solar companies in the UK, offering high-quality products, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing.

As a sustainable energy source, solar energy is gaining popularity. To make the most of solar energy, one must make sure their solar panels are as effective as feasible. The performance of a solar panel is defined as its ability to convert sunlight into usable energy, which ranges from 15% to 22%. The condition, temperature, sunshine hours, placement, and panel substance are just a few of the variables that affect a solar panel’s efficiency.

By finding the best panel model, choosing the best location, and emphasizing the value of battery storage, cleanliness, and by using monocrystalline cells, one can enhance Solar panel efficiency and productivity. We will discuss the finest techniques for achieving the highest solar panel efficiency in this article.

solar panel efficiency

11 Best Ways to boost Your Solar Panel Efficiency

1 – Purchase a Model of a More Efficient Panel Mode

Photovoltaic cells are what solar panels are made of. These cells are what turn solar energy into power. Depending on the efficiency level of the panel, the rate of electricity conversion differs. Despite being the finest in the industry, no panel model can convert all solar energy into electricity. Despite the industry’s recent rapid development, the typical cell’s ability to convert sunlight into usable electricity is still only 22%. Consider Mak Energy‘s services, which are unmatched in the industry, if you want to purchase an effective and dependable solar panel.

2 – Keep Solar Panels Out of the Shade When Placing Them

The panel must not be used in areas with shade because its efficiency is directly linked to sunlight and all of the energy it generates is absorbed by the sun. Although few people are conscious of how shading affects solar panels. Even single cells positioned in shaded areas can reduce the panel’s overall performance because they function as resistors. Make sure you give the site analysis enough time. Tall structures and trees are other additional variables that lower the panel’s efficiency.

3 – Invest in Energy Storage

Maximum energy is absorbed by solar panels during the day, and this energy can be used when the sun is not shining. Even when the sun isn’t shining, a high-quality storage system, such as Power storage batteries, can help to guarantee that your solar panel is operating effectively and providing reliable energy.

4 – Take Care of your Solar Cells

like anything else You must also pay consideration to the cleanliness of your cells. Long-lasting dust that has become wet transformed into the mud, which is even less efficient for solar energy. Solar cells cannot receive sunshine because of dust and dust that has turned into mud. Panels only need a light spray or brushing to stay clean and generate their maximum output. If you don’t feel comfortable, you can contact your solar service supplier for your satisfaction.

5 – Use Monocrystalline Grade-A Panels

The most effective solar cells currently on the market are monocrystalline cells, which are essential for creating high-efficiency solar arrays. Because they are composed of single-crystal silicon, they are the best material for converting sunlight into energy. Due to their high efficiency and ability to minimize energy losses in both large- and small-scale solar panel systems, monocrystalline cells are the preferred option for many solar panel manufacturers. When compared to other cell types, monocrystalline cells have an impressive efficiency rate of up to 22%, which can be crucial for homeowners hoping to get the most out of their solar panels and eventually lower their energy costs.

6 – Hire a Professional Installer

A skilled installer ensures that your solar panel is operating effectively and is generating enough energy for your daily needs. Whether it’s a question of location, panel quality, or direction, a trained individual will never let you down. Beyond credentials, confirm that the individual involved in your solar panel installation has the necessary skills and experience.

The above writing has shed a lot of light on how solar panel effectiveness can be preserved over time. There should be no compromising on panel quality, and in the UK, MAK Energy offers the highest-grade and most effective solar panels. Make sure your solar panel is constructed of monocrystalline cells; this material is crucial for generating the most solar energy.

7 – Allow Air Flow Gaps

Overheating can have a negative impact on energy generation in a solar panel system, as the production of energy is inversely proportional to the temperature. If you are installing a solar system on a roof that is expected to heat up during summer days, it is important to ensure that there is a space between the solar panels and the roof. This will allow for airflow beneath the panels, helping to prevent overheating and ensuring optimal performance.

8 – Face the Sun

Sunlight is the fuel for solar panels, and they operate with maximum efficiency when exposed to optimal sunlight. Therefore, during installation, it is crucial to ensure that your solar panels are positioned to directly face the sunlight. Placing the solar panels due south allows them to receive the maximum sunlight throughout the day, resulting in optimal energy production.

9 – Clean The Panel Properly

Although solar panels require very little maintenance and do not require frequent cleaning, it is recommended to clean the glass frame once every 6 months or once a year. This not only improves the efficiency of the solar panels but also increases their lifespan. If you notice a decrease in efficiency, it may be necessary to clean your solar panels. Look out for bird droppings, accumulated dust, or other debris on the modules and clean them gently.

10 – Choose the Right Solar Panel Components

Every component of the system plays an important role in its efficiency, so it is crucial to choose them wisely when making a purchase. One such component is the solar inverter, which converts DC (direct current) into AC (alternating current). Opting for a less efficient solar inverter model can result in significant DC power loss and ultimately impact the overall performance of the system. Therefore, it is essential to select high-quality components for maximum power generation and optimal system output.

11 – Schedule Preventive Checks

To ensure maximum and optimal output throughout the year, schedule quarterly preventive checks for your solar system. Hire professionals to inspect if all components and modules of the solar system are functioning properly and to identify any unnoticed discrepancies in the panels. Additionally, it is advisable to regularly monitor the power output through the online monitoring system.

Sunlight is an abundant source of energy, and solar panels allow us to harness its power by converting it into electricity. To maximize the efficiency of our solar panel system, it is important to follow certain steps from pre-installation to post-installation. The first step is to select high-quality solar panels that incorporate the latest advancements and technologies. Installation plays a significant role in the efficiency of solar panels, so it is advisable to hire a professional installer who can ensure proper placement and setup. This will help optimize the performance of your solar panels throughout the year. Preserving the effectiveness of solar panels requires attention to detail and a commitment to quality.

When it comes to panel selection, there should be no compromises. In the UK, MAK Energy offers the highest-grade and most effective solar panels available. Opting for monocrystalline cells is crucial as they are known for generating the highest amount of solar energy. By choosing quality panels and employing professional installation, you can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your solar panel system.

As the demand for renewable energy continues to grow, more and more people are turning to solar panels as a clean and sustainable source of power. However, when it comes to selecting the right solar panel for your needs. One of the most important considerations is its size. In this article, we will explore the various factors that determine the size of a solar panel and what you need to know to make an informed decision.

Size of a Solar Panel: What Does it Mean?

When we talk about the size of a solar panel, we are usually referring to its physical dimensions. The most common solar panel sizes are 60-cell and 72-cell panels. These panels are typically about 65 inches tall and 39 inches wide (60-cell), or 78 inches tall and 39 inches wide (72-cell). However, the size of a solar panel can also refer to its power output, which is measured in watts.

Factors That Affect the Size of a Solar Panel

1 – Wattage: The higher the wattage of the panel, the larger its size will be. For example, a 350-watt solar panel will typically be larger than a 250-watt panel.

2 – Efficiency: Solar panel efficiency refers to the percentage of sunlight that is converted into electricity. The more efficient a panel is, the less surface area it will need to produce the same amount of power. Therefore, high-efficiency panels may be smaller than low-efficiency panels.

3 – Type of solar cell: There are several types of solar cells, including mono-crystalline, poly-crystalline, and thin-film. Each type has different efficiency levels and physical characteristics, which can affect the size of the panel.

4 – Purpose: The size of a solar panel will also depend on its intended use. For example, a small solar panel designed for a backpack or portable charger will be much smaller than a panel designed for a commercial building.

5 – Installation space: The available space for installing solar panels can also affect their size. For example, if you have a limited amount of roof space. You may need to choose smaller panels to fit within the available area.

Choosing the Right Size of a Solar Panel

When choosing the right size of a solar panel, there are several factors to consider. These include:

1 – Available space: Consider the amount of space you have available for installing solar panels. This will help determine the size and number of panels you can use.

2 – Power needs: Determine how much electricity you need to power your home or business. This will help you calculate the number of panels required to meet your energy needs.

3 – Efficiency: Consider the efficiency of the solar panels you are considering. Higher-efficiency panels can produce more power with a smaller surface area.

4 – Budget: The size can also affect its price. Larger panels may be more expensive than smaller ones. So consider your budget when choosing the right size for your needs.

The size of a solar panel is an important factor to consider when choosing the right solar panel for your needs. Factors that can affect the size of a solar panel include wattage, efficiency, type of cell, purpose, and available installation space. By considering these factors and your energy needs, you can choose the right size to meet your energy requirements and budget. With the right solar panel, you can harness the power of the sun to power your home or business in a clean and sustainable way.

The world is rapidly transitioning towards renewable energy sources as people recognize the importance of reducing carbon emissions and preserving the environment. Solar energy is a popular choice among renewable energy sources, and it’s easy to see why. There are many advantages of solar energy that make it a preferred choice over traditional sources of energy like fossil fuels.

In this blog post, we’ll explore ten surprising advantages of solar energy that you might not know about.

1. Cost-Effective

One of the most significant advantages of solar energy is that it’s cost-effective. Once you install a solar energy system, you can generate electricity at a much lower cost than traditional sources of energy. The cost of solar energy has decreased significantly over the years, making it an affordable choice for many households and businesses.

2. Reliable

Solar energy is a reliable source of energy because it’s not dependent on external factors like weather conditions or fuel availability. Once you install a solar energy system, you can generate electricity for years to come, without worrying about any disruptions.

3. Low Maintenance

Another surprising advantage of solar energy is that it’s low maintenance. Solar panels require very little maintenance, and you don’t have to worry about replacing any parts or paying for repairs. Once you install the panels, you can enjoy free electricity for years to come.

4. Easy Installation

Solar panels are easy to install, and you can install them on your roof or in your backyard. The installation process is quick and simple, and you don’t need any specialized skills or tools to install the panels.

5. Long Lifespan

Solar panels have a long lifespan, and they can last for over 25 years. This means that once you install a solar energy system, you can generate electricity for many years to come, without worrying about replacing the panels.

6. Energy Independence

Another significant advantage of solar energy is that it provides energy independence. When you generate your electricity, you don’t have to rely on external sources for your energy needs. This means that you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

7. Versatility

The versatility of solar energy is unparalleled. Solar energy can be used to power homes, businesses, and even cars. This adaptability makes it an excellent option for those looking to reduce their reliance on non-renewable sources of energy.

8. Water Conservation

Producing energy from fossil fuels requires vast amounts of water, but solar energy doesn’t require any water to generate electricity. This helps conserve water resources and protect the environment.

9. Environmental Benefits

Solar energy doesn’t produce any emissions, which means it can help to reduce air pollution. This reduction in pollution can have a positive impact on public health, making it an excellent choice for those looking to improve the environment and the health of their community.

10. Availability

Solar energy is available everywhere, regardless of location. Even areas that don’t have access to the electrical grid can benefit from solar energy, making it an excellent choice for remote locations and areas with limited infrastructure.

In conclusion, the advantages of solar energy are many and varied, ranging from cost-effectiveness and reliability to energy independence and environmental benefits. With its long lifespan, low maintenance requirements, and easy installation process, solar energy is a smart investment that can provide significant returns in the long run. Additionally, solar energy’s versatility and availability make it an excellent option for individuals and businesses looking to reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources and promote a sustainable future. As we continue to transition towards a greener future, solar energy is undoubtedly one of the key solutions that can help us achieve our sustainability goals