In recent years, more and more homeowners in the UK have been turning to domestic solar systems as a way to reduce their carbon footprint and lower their energy bills. With so many options available. However, it can be difficult to know which type of domestic solar system is the right fit for your home. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the different types of solar pv system available in the UK. nd help you determine which one is best suited for your needs.

Domestic solar systems are becoming increasingly popular in the UK. therefore, homeowners seek to reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources and take advantage of the many benefits that solar power has to offer. Whether you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint, lowering your energy bills, or both, a domestic solar system can be an excellent investment.

There are several types of solar pv system available, each with its own unique advantages and drawbacks. By understanding the differences between these systems. You can make an informed decision about which one is right for your home.

Types of Solar PV System:

1 – Grid-tied systems: Grid-tied domestic solar panels are the most common type of solar system in the UK. These systems are connected to the main power grid and allow homeowners to generate their own electricity. While also receiving power from the grid when needed. This type of system is often the most cost-effective. As it allows homeowners to take advantage of the Smart-Export-Gurantee, which pays them for any excess energy they generate and feed back into the grid.

2 – Off-grid systems: Off-grid domestic solar panels are ideal for homeowners who live in remote areas or who want to be completely self-sufficient. These systems are not connected to the main power grid and rely entirely on solar power to generate electricity. While they can be more expensive than grid-tied systems. They offer complete energy independence and can be an excellent choice for those who prioritize sustainability and self-sufficiency.

3 – Hybrid systems: Hybrid domestic solar systems are a combination of grid-tied and off-grid systems. And offer the best of both worlds. These systems are connected to the grid and allow homeowners to generate their own electricity. While also receiving power from the grid when needed. However, they also include battery storage, which allows homeowners to store excess energy for use at a later time.


When it comes to domestic solar systems, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Moreover, the right system for your home will depend on a variety of factors, including your energy needs, budget, and location. By understanding the different types of solar pv system available in the UK. You can make an informed decision about which one is right for you. Whether you choose a grid-tied system, an off-grid system, or a hybrid system. A domestic solar system by MAK Energy can be an excellent investment. That will help you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills.

As a sustainable energy source, solar energy is gaining popularity. To make the most of solar energy, one must make sure their solar panels are as effective as feasible. The performance of a solar panel is defined as its ability to convert sunlight into usable energy, which ranges from 15% to 22%. The condition, temperature, sunshine hours, placement, and panel substance are just a few of the variables that affect a solar panel’s efficiency.

By finding the best panel model, choosing the best location, and emphasizing the value of battery storage, cleanliness, and by using monocrystalline cells, one can enhance Solar panel efficiency and productivity. We will discuss the finest techniques for achieving the highest solar panel efficiency in this article.

solar panel efficiency

11 Best Ways to boost Your Solar Panel Efficiency

1 – Purchase a Model of a More Efficient Panel Mode

Photovoltaic cells are what solar panels are made of. These cells are what turn solar energy into power. Depending on the efficiency level of the panel, the rate of electricity conversion differs. Despite being the finest in the industry, no panel model can convert all solar energy into electricity. Despite the industry’s recent rapid development, the typical cell’s ability to convert sunlight into usable electricity is still only 22%. Consider Mak Energy‘s services, which are unmatched in the industry, if you want to purchase an effective and dependable solar panel.

2 – Keep Solar Panels Out of the Shade When Placing Them

The panel must not be used in areas with shade because its efficiency is directly linked to sunlight and all of the energy it generates is absorbed by the sun. Although few people are conscious of how shading affects solar panels. Even single cells positioned in shaded areas can reduce the panel’s overall performance because they function as resistors. Make sure you give the site analysis enough time. Tall structures and trees are other additional variables that lower the panel’s efficiency.

3 – Invest in Energy Storage

Maximum energy is absorbed by solar panels during the day, and this energy can be used when the sun is not shining. Even when the sun isn’t shining, a high-quality storage system, such as Power storage batteries, can help to guarantee that your solar panel is operating effectively and providing reliable energy.

4 – Take Care of your Solar Cells

like anything else You must also pay consideration to the cleanliness of your cells. Long-lasting dust that has become wet transformed into the mud, which is even less efficient for solar energy. Solar cells cannot receive sunshine because of dust and dust that has turned into mud. Panels only need a light spray or brushing to stay clean and generate their maximum output. If you don’t feel comfortable, you can contact your solar service supplier for your satisfaction.

5 – Use Monocrystalline Grade-A Panels

The most effective solar cells currently on the market are monocrystalline cells, which are essential for creating high-efficiency solar arrays. Because they are composed of single-crystal silicon, they are the best material for converting sunlight into energy. Due to their high efficiency and ability to minimize energy losses in both large- and small-scale solar panel systems, monocrystalline cells are the preferred option for many solar panel manufacturers. When compared to other cell types, monocrystalline cells have an impressive efficiency rate of up to 22%, which can be crucial for homeowners hoping to get the most out of their solar panels and eventually lower their energy costs.

6 – Hire a Professional Installer

A skilled installer ensures that your solar panel is operating effectively and is generating enough energy for your daily needs. Whether it’s a question of location, panel quality, or direction, a trained individual will never let you down. Beyond credentials, confirm that the individual involved in your solar panel installation has the necessary skills and experience.

The above writing has shed a lot of light on how solar panel effectiveness can be preserved over time. There should be no compromising on panel quality, and in the UK, MAK Energy offers the highest-grade and most effective solar panels. Make sure your solar panel is constructed of monocrystalline cells; this material is crucial for generating the most solar energy.

7 – Allow Air Flow Gaps

Overheating can have a negative impact on energy generation in a solar panel system, as the production of energy is inversely proportional to the temperature. If you are installing a solar system on a roof that is expected to heat up during summer days, it is important to ensure that there is a space between the solar panels and the roof. This will allow for airflow beneath the panels, helping to prevent overheating and ensuring optimal performance.

8 – Face the Sun

Sunlight is the fuel for solar panels, and they operate with maximum efficiency when exposed to optimal sunlight. Therefore, during installation, it is crucial to ensure that your solar panels are positioned to directly face the sunlight. Placing the solar panels due south allows them to receive the maximum sunlight throughout the day, resulting in optimal energy production.

9 – Clean The Panel Properly

Although solar panels require very little maintenance and do not require frequent cleaning, it is recommended to clean the glass frame once every 6 months or once a year. This not only improves the efficiency of the solar panels but also increases their lifespan. If you notice a decrease in efficiency, it may be necessary to clean your solar panels. Look out for bird droppings, accumulated dust, or other debris on the modules and clean them gently.

10 – Choose the Right Solar Panel Components

Every component of the system plays an important role in its efficiency, so it is crucial to choose them wisely when making a purchase. One such component is the solar inverter, which converts DC (direct current) into AC (alternating current). Opting for a less efficient solar inverter model can result in significant DC power loss and ultimately impact the overall performance of the system. Therefore, it is essential to select high-quality components for maximum power generation and optimal system output.

11 – Schedule Preventive Checks

To ensure maximum and optimal output throughout the year, schedule quarterly preventive checks for your solar system. Hire professionals to inspect if all components and modules of the solar system are functioning properly and to identify any unnoticed discrepancies in the panels. Additionally, it is advisable to regularly monitor the power output through the online monitoring system.

Sunlight is an abundant source of energy, and solar panels allow us to harness its power by converting it into electricity. To maximize the efficiency of our solar panel system, it is important to follow certain steps from pre-installation to post-installation. The first step is to select high-quality solar panels that incorporate the latest advancements and technologies. Installation plays a significant role in the efficiency of solar panels, so it is advisable to hire a professional installer who can ensure proper placement and setup. This will help optimize the performance of your solar panels throughout the year. Preserving the effectiveness of solar panels requires attention to detail and a commitment to quality.

When it comes to panel selection, there should be no compromises. In the UK, MAK Energy offers the highest-grade and most effective solar panels available. Opting for monocrystalline cells is crucial as they are known for generating the highest amount of solar energy. By choosing quality panels and employing professional installation, you can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your solar panel system.

Solar panels have become a popular source of renewable energy for homes and businesses. They provide an efficient and cost-effective way to generate electricity while also reducing reliance on fossil fuels. But when it comes to choosing between off grid and on grid solar panels, the decision can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between off grid and on grid solar panels and help you determine which option is right for you.

Off Grid vs On Grid Solar Panels: What’s the Difference?

Off grid and on grid solar panels differ in the way they are connected to the power grid. On grid solar panels, also known as grid-tied solar panels, are connected to the power grid and generate electricity that is fed back into the grid. This means that you can use electricity from the grid when your solar panels are not producing enough power, such as at night or on cloudy days. On grid solar panels are the most common type of solar panel system.

Off grid solar panels, on the other hand, are not connected to the power grid. They generate electricity that is stored in batteries, which can then be used to power your home or business. Off grid solar panels are typically used in remote areas where connecting to the power grid is not feasible or cost-effective.

Cost Comparison: Off Grid vs On Grid Solar Panels

The cost of solar panel systems varies depending on several factors, including the size of the system, the location, and the type of solar panels used. Generally speaking, on grid solar panels are less expensive than off grid solar panels, since they do not require batteries or other equipment to store electricity. However, the cost of on grid solar panels can vary significantly depending on the cost of electricity in your area and the incentives available to homeowners and businesses that install solar panels.

Off grid solar panels can be more expensive than on grid solar panels due to the additional equipment required to store electricity. In addition to the solar panels themselves, off grid solar systems typically require batteries, charge controllers, inverters, and other equipment. However, the cost of off grid solar panels has been decreasing in recent years, making them a more cost-effective option for homeowners and businesses in remote areas.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Off Grid vs On Grid Solar Panels

Both off grid and on grid solar panels have advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs and circumstances. Here are some of the key advantages and disadvantages of each:

Advantages of On Grid Solar Panels:

1 – Lower upfront costs than off grid solar panels

2 – Ability to sell excess electricity back to the grid

3 – Reliable source of electricity, even when solar panels are not producing enough power

Disadvantages of On Grid Solar Panels:

1 – Dependence on the power grid, which can be unreliable in some areas

2 – Lack of power during power outages, unless you have a backup generator

3 – Limited ability to control energy costs, since you still need to purchase electricity from the grid

Advantages of Off Grid Solar Panels:

1 – Ability to generate and store your own electricity, even in remote areas

2 – No dependence on the power grid, which can be unreliable in some areas

3 – Greater control over energy costs, since you do not need to purchase electricity from the grid

Disadvantages of Off Grid Solar Panels:

1 – Higher upfront costs than on grid solar panels

2 – Limited ability to sell excess electricity back to the grid

3 – Greater maintenance and upkeep requirements for batteries and other equipment

Which One is Right for You?

Choosing between off grid and on grid solar panels depends on several factors, including your location, energy needs, and budget. If you live in an area with reliable access to the power grid and want to reduce your energy costs,

on grid solar panels may be the right choice for you. They are generally less expensive and more convenient than off grid solar panels, and you can still sell excess electricity back to the grid.

On the other hand, if you live in a remote area without access to the power grid, or if you want greater control over your energy costs, off grid solar panels may be the better option. While they are more expensive upfront, they can provide long-term savings and greater independence from the grid.

It’s important to note that both on grid and off grid solar panels require careful planning and installation to ensure optimal performance and safety. If you’re considering installing solar panels, be sure to work with a reputable installer who can help you determine the best type of system for your needs and budget.

Off grid vs on grid solar panels: which one is right for you? The answer depends on a variety of factors, including your location, energy needs, and budget. On grid solar panels are generally less expensive and more convenient, while off grid solar panels provide greater independence and control over energy costs. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your individual circumstances and preferences. With careful planning and installation, solar panels can provide a cost-effective and sustainable source of energy for your home or business.

As the demand for renewable energy continues to grow, more and more people are turning to solar panels as a clean and sustainable source of power. However, when it comes to selecting the right solar panel for your needs. One of the most important considerations is its size. In this article, we will explore the various factors that determine the size of a solar panel and what you need to know to make an informed decision.

Size of a Solar Panel: What Does it Mean?

When we talk about the size of a solar panel, we are usually referring to its physical dimensions. The most common solar panel sizes are 60-cell and 72-cell panels. These panels are typically about 65 inches tall and 39 inches wide (60-cell), or 78 inches tall and 39 inches wide (72-cell). However, the size of a solar panel can also refer to its power output, which is measured in watts.

Factors That Affect the Size of a Solar Panel

1 – Wattage: The higher the wattage of the panel, the larger its size will be. For example, a 350-watt solar panel will typically be larger than a 250-watt panel.

2 – Efficiency: Solar panel efficiency refers to the percentage of sunlight that is converted into electricity. The more efficient a panel is, the less surface area it will need to produce the same amount of power. Therefore, high-efficiency panels may be smaller than low-efficiency panels.

3 – Type of solar cell: There are several types of solar cells, including mono-crystalline, poly-crystalline, and thin-film. Each type has different efficiency levels and physical characteristics, which can affect the size of the panel.

4 – Purpose: The size of a solar panel will also depend on its intended use. For example, a small solar panel designed for a backpack or portable charger will be much smaller than a panel designed for a commercial building.

5 – Installation space: The available space for installing solar panels can also affect their size. For example, if you have a limited amount of roof space. You may need to choose smaller panels to fit within the available area.

Choosing the Right Size of a Solar Panel

When choosing the right size of a solar panel, there are several factors to consider. These include:

1 – Available space: Consider the amount of space you have available for installing solar panels. This will help determine the size and number of panels you can use.

2 – Power needs: Determine how much electricity you need to power your home or business. This will help you calculate the number of panels required to meet your energy needs.

3 – Efficiency: Consider the efficiency of the solar panels you are considering. Higher-efficiency panels can produce more power with a smaller surface area.

4 – Budget: The size can also affect its price. Larger panels may be more expensive than smaller ones. So consider your budget when choosing the right size for your needs.

The size of a solar panel is an important factor to consider when choosing the right solar panel for your needs. Factors that can affect the size of a solar panel include wattage, efficiency, type of cell, purpose, and available installation space. By considering these factors and your energy needs, you can choose the right size to meet your energy requirements and budget. With the right solar panel, you can harness the power of the sun to power your home or business in a clean and sustainable way.

The world is rapidly transitioning towards renewable energy sources as people recognize the importance of reducing carbon emissions and preserving the environment. Solar energy is a popular choice among renewable energy sources, and it’s easy to see why. There are many advantages of solar energy that make it a preferred choice over traditional sources of energy like fossil fuels.

In this blog post, we’ll explore ten surprising advantages of solar energy that you might not know about.

1. Cost-Effective

One of the most significant advantages of solar energy is that it’s cost-effective. Once you install a solar energy system, you can generate electricity at a much lower cost than traditional sources of energy. The cost of solar energy has decreased significantly over the years, making it an affordable choice for many households and businesses.

2. Reliable

Solar energy is a reliable source of energy because it’s not dependent on external factors like weather conditions or fuel availability. Once you install a solar energy system, you can generate electricity for years to come, without worrying about any disruptions.

3. Low Maintenance

Another surprising advantage of solar energy is that it’s low maintenance. Solar panels require very little maintenance, and you don’t have to worry about replacing any parts or paying for repairs. Once you install the panels, you can enjoy free electricity for years to come.

4. Easy Installation

Solar panels are easy to install, and you can install them on your roof or in your backyard. The installation process is quick and simple, and you don’t need any specialized skills or tools to install the panels.

5. Long Lifespan

Solar panels have a long lifespan, and they can last for over 25 years. This means that once you install a solar energy system, you can generate electricity for many years to come, without worrying about replacing the panels.

6. Energy Independence

Another significant advantage of solar energy is that it provides energy independence. When you generate your electricity, you don’t have to rely on external sources for your energy needs. This means that you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

7. Versatility

The versatility of solar energy is unparalleled. Solar energy can be used to power homes, businesses, and even cars. This adaptability makes it an excellent option for those looking to reduce their reliance on non-renewable sources of energy.

8. Water Conservation

Producing energy from fossil fuels requires vast amounts of water, but solar energy doesn’t require any water to generate electricity. This helps conserve water resources and protect the environment.

9. Environmental Benefits

Solar energy doesn’t produce any emissions, which means it can help to reduce air pollution. This reduction in pollution can have a positive impact on public health, making it an excellent choice for those looking to improve the environment and the health of their community.

10. Availability

Solar energy is available everywhere, regardless of location. Even areas that don’t have access to the electrical grid can benefit from solar energy, making it an excellent choice for remote locations and areas with limited infrastructure.

In conclusion, the advantages of solar energy are many and varied, ranging from cost-effectiveness and reliability to energy independence and environmental benefits. With its long lifespan, low maintenance requirements, and easy installation process, solar energy is a smart investment that can provide significant returns in the long run. Additionally, solar energy’s versatility and availability make it an excellent option for individuals and businesses looking to reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources and promote a sustainable future. As we continue to transition towards a greener future, solar energy is undoubtedly one of the key solutions that can help us achieve our sustainability goals

As a business owner in the UK, investing in commercial solar panels can bring many benefits to your company. With recent developments and increased investment in renewable energy sources, it’s now more affordable and accessible than ever before. Here are six reasons why your business should consider investing in commercial solar panels:

1 – Reduce Energy Costs

Solar panels offer significant cost savings on electricity bills. The amount of savings depends on several factors, such as the size of the solar panels, the location of your business, and your energy needs.

2 – Tax Incentives

The UK government offers tax benefits and financial assistance to businesses that invest in renewable energy sources. For instance, the government provides Smart Export Gurantee (SEG) Scheme. According to SEG, when you produce extra renewable electricity in your home or business, you can sell it back to the grid and get paid for it. This is possible under the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), which pays you for every unit of electricity you feed back.

3 – Sustainable Environment

As a business owner in the UK, contributing to a cleaner environment is vital. Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of energy, which means it doesn’t produce harmful emissions or contribute to air and water pollution. This can be a significant selling point for businesses that want to be perceived as environmentally responsible.

4 – Brand Reputation

With customers becoming more environmentally conscious, investing in commercial solar panels can differentiate your business from your competitors and improve your brand reputation. Customers are more likely to support businesses that demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

5 – Energy Independence

Solar panels provide energy independence and security. By investing in solar panels, you can generate your electricity, reducing your reliance on the grid and ensuring you have a reliable and consistent source of energy.

6 – Increased Property Value

Commercial solar panels can also increase the value of your business property. Studies have shown that businesses with solar panels installed on their property have a higher resale value than those without.

In conclusion, investing in commercial solar panels is a smart and sustainable decision for your business in the UK. The cost savings, tax incentives, environmental impact, brand reputation, energy independence, and increased property value make it a wise investment for any business owner. At MAK Energy, we believe in helping businesses harness the power of solar energy to achieve their sustainability goals.

Are you curious about the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels? As you browse through the world of solar energy, you may have encountered these two distinct types. Let’s dive in and explore their unique characteristics.

When it comes to visual identification, monocrystalline panels sport a sleek dark grey or almost black color, while polycrystalline panels exhibit a charming light blue hue. Although both types are designed to harness sunlight and convert it into electricity, their dissimilarities are crucial to understand.

In this article, we’ll delve into the specifics of these solar panels, unravelling the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline. From their performance variations to the ideal choice between the two, we’ll leave no stone unturned. Efficiency and pricing will also be thoroughly examined, empowering you to make an informed decision when it comes to adopting solar energy.

Difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar

At MAK Energy, we offer a wide range of premium solar panels that deliver the best energy value savings for our clients.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Before delving into a detailed understanding of the types of solar panels, it might be helpful to grasp the basic workings of solar panels. Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells made of silicon. When sunlight strikes the surface of the panels, they generate an electric current, creating an electric field. The resulting current is then directed to a charge controller, which regulates how much current is sent to the battery or inverter for use with different appliances.

Difference Between Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels

What is a Monocrystalline Solar Panel?

Monocrystalline solar panels are made of a single silicon crystal cell that is formed into a crystalline silicon ingot. They are dark in color and are best known for their superior efficiency compared to other types of panels. Monocrystalline solar panels, being composed of a single crystal, provide more room for electrons to move, resulting in higher efficiency and requiring fewer panels to generate the same amount of electricity compared to polycrystalline solar panels.

These panels have a uniform black color and a sleek appearance, making them a popular choice for domestic and commercial installations. Although these panels are considered premium-quality solar panels, they come at a higher price.

What is Polycrystalline Solar Panel?

Like monocrystalline solar panels, this type of solar panel is also made of photovoltaic cells. However, manufacturers of these panels melt multiple fragments of silicon together to form the wafer for the panel. They are also known as multi-crystalline or many-crystalline silicon. Polycrystalline solar panels are blue in color and have lower efficiency compared to monocrystalline solar panels, as there are multiple crystals in each cell, resulting in less space for electrons to move. Nevertheless, they remain a popular choice for many domestic and commercial installations. They are generally less expensive than monocrystalline solar panels, making them a good option for installations with larger roof spaces.

How Do Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels Compare on Key Metrics?

There are significant differences between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels in key areas such as cost, efficiency, lifespan, and more. Let’s explore how these two panels compare to each other in a few areas.

Key MetricsMonocrystallinePolycrystalline
AestheticsSolar panels are generally dark grey (almost black)Solar panels are typically light blue
CostMore expensiveLess expensive
EfficiencyMore efficientLess efficient compared to monocrystalline panels.  
LifespanMore than 25 yearsMore than 25 years
Temperature CoefficientBest in fluctuating temperatureLess efficient in fluctuating temperatures.  


Both monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels may appear similar, but the primary difference between monocrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels lies in their aesthetic colour. Monocrystalline panels are dark grey, resembling almost black, while polycrystalline solar panels are light blue in colour.


When comparing the cost difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels, it is evident that monocrystalline panels are more expensive due to their higher efficiency. However, this does not mean that polycrystalline solar panels are not a viable option for a solar system. Both types of panels serve the same purpose, with the main difference lying in the silicon structure. While monocrystalline panels come at a higher cost, it’s important to consider that other components required for solar system installation, such as inverters, wires, electrical protections, mounting structures, and labour costs, remain the same regardless of the panel type.


When comparing the lifespan of monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels, both types typically come with a 25-year warranty and often last even longer. However, if you have limited space available for solar panel installation, opting for monocrystalline panels may offer a better return on investment.


There is no doubt that monocrystalline solar panels are more efficient than polycrystalline solar panels because they are cut from a single crystal of silicon. Monocrystalline solar panels can achieve efficiencies of over 23%, while polycrystalline panels typically remain below 20%.

Temperature Coefficient 

Monocrystalline panels are more temperature resistance, they perform well in the changing temperature while the polycrystalline solar panels are less efficient in the changing temperature.

So Which Solara Panel should I Purchase?

The decision of choosing a solar panel can depend on various factors, including cost, available space for installation, and design. Let’s explore each of these factors individually.

How Much Can You Spend on Solar Panels?

Cost is the primary factor that can influence the decision of purchasing a solar panel. It depends on how much you are willing to spend on the solar panel. If price is not a concern and you prioritize quality, then monocrystalline solar panels are the ideal choice. They offer higher efficiency and attractive design. On the other hand, if you have a limited budget for solar panel purchase, polycrystalline panels are a cost-effective option. Despite being lower in price, they still perform well in warm temperatures and have an efficiency rate of up to 20%.

Space Constraint

If your roof has limited space, the best option is to choose higher efficiency solar panels. Monocrystalline solar panels are the preferred choice for such buildings due to their higher efficiency rate while occupying less space. On the other hand, if you have ample space or plan to install ground-mounted solar panels, the best economical option would be lower efficiency solar panels, specifically polycrystalline solar panels.

Personal Preference

It all depends on your preference. If you are conscious about the color and design of the solar panels and how they will appear on your roof, there is a difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels colors. Monocrystalline solar panels typically have a dark grey color, while polycrystalline panels come in a shade of blue.

Where Can I Buy Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels.

MAK Energy offers a range of monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels. However, polycrystalline solar panels are now less commonly used, so you will mostly find them available in smaller sizes. For larger applications and better efficiency, it is recommended to purchase monocrystalline solar panels due to their higher efficiency and less space constraints. To get in touch with us, simply drop us a message or fill out our easy quotation form.

Can You Mix Polycrystalline and Monocrystalline Solar Cells?

It is technically possible to mix polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels, but it is not recommended due to the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels’ electrical structure. If you are still interested in combining them, it is advised to consult with a professional electrician and installer. Several factors, including voltage, wattage, and amps, need to be carefully considered when mixing monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels.

What is the Most Effective Type of Solar Panel?

Due to their higher efficiency rate and greater power per square foot, it can be easily concluded that monocrystalline solar panels are the most effective type. However, polycrystalline panels are also a great option for those seeking to save on upfront solar panel costs. Additionally, if you prefer the blue colour of solar panels, polycrystalline panels can be a suitable choice. Ultimately, both types of panels will help you save on your electricity bill and contribute to environmental protection.


Solar panels have become the fastest-growing source of electricity production for homeowners and businesses. When it comes to solar panels, people often get curious about the different types available. There are two commonly used types: monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels. Both types serve the same function of converting sunlight into electricity. And understanding the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels is crucial when considering a purchase. Monocrystalline solar panels are widely used due to their higher efficiency and greater power generation per square foot.

On the other hand, polycrystalline solar panels are also economical. Though they are less efficient, they still perform well in warm weather conditions. One main difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels is their efficiency rate, with monocrystalline panels being more efficient than polycrystalline panels.

Installing a solar PV system is becoming increasingly popular in the country due to an ever high electricity bills and an all-time high demand for renewable energy sources. Switching to a solar energy solution is a cost-effective way to reduce your energy bills, which is one of the most important benefits of solar panels. Solar panels work by capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity. The produced electricity can be used immediately or it can be stored in batteries for later use.

There are numerous benefits to switching to an eco-friendlier way of generating electricity. However, there are also some cons of solar energy, which we will discuss in the later part of this blog. For now, let’s explore the advantages of solar energy for your homes. But before delving into the benefits of a solar energy system, let’s understand how they are installed and how they work.

solar panels in sunflower field - benefits of solar

How are Solar Panels installed?  

The installation process can be divided into 5 steps, starting with preparation or assessing roof suitability and obtaining permits if required for installation.

  • Then, the mounting rails are fixed on the roof using special brackets that firmly hold the panels.
  • After the installation of mounting rails, solar panels are installed on them, and it is ensured that all nuts and bolts are properly tightened.
  • The next step is to install electrical wiring and then the solar inverter to convert the solar panels’ produce DC current into usable AC current.
  • If you want backup, bond inverters with a battery storage system, and finally, connect the inverter unit with the consumer unit.

Advantages of Solar Energy for your Home  

Lower Electricity Bill  

Once your solar PV system is installed, it will start saving on your energy bill from the very first day. Solar panels directly generate electricity as long as the sun shines, powering your home. The percentage you can save on your energy bills depends on the size of the system you installed, but one can easily lower this ratio by up to 50%.

Low Maintenance  

One of the most important benefits of solar panels is their very low maintenance costs; all they need is to be kept clean from dirt and bird droppings, which could be done automatically if your area receives enough rainfall. However, it is recommended to give them a proper wiping every 6 months so that they can operate at their optimal level.

Independence from the National Grid

Having a solar panel system on your roof makes you less dependent on the national grid for electric supply. If there is something wrong with the grid and the other area in your surroundings is facing power outages, you will still have the source of generating free electricity while free from fossil fuels. 

Increased Property Value  

If you have installed a solar system at your home roof, your home value could be increased by up to 4%. Solar panels not only reduce your energy expenses, but at the same time increase the value of your home. The houses with renewable energy sources are very much in demand in the UK and you could probably get the higher price of your home. 

Smart Export Energy / SEG Tariffs

Through SEG tariffs, you can sell unused electricity back to the grid and get paid. This is another way to further reduce your monthly energy bills. Depending on your solar panel system and the extra electricity they produce, you can save up to £100 to £200 every year.

Solar Panels and Battery storage system

Pairing your solar panels with batteries can double your savings. Because with a battery storage system you can save the extra produce electricity for later use either at night or during the power outage. And using solar energy even when there is no sunshine will make your energy independent and reduce your energy bills too. 

How do Solar Panels work with your electric bill uk

When you use solar energy, it simply reduces your electricity bill, but that does not appear on your energy bills. However, if you get the export tariff through SEG, you will see the payments for your exported electricity on your bill. You don’t need to inform your energy supplier that you have solar panels on your rooftop unless you use the Smart Export Guarantee tariff to sell the extra produced energy back to the grid.

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy

Advantages of Solar EnergyDisadvantages of Solar Energy
Reduce Your Carbon FootprintsHigh Upfront Cost
Reduce Energy BillsToo much dependence on sunlight
Less Dependence on Grid stationsDifficult to relocate solar panels
Long term savingsrecycling options may be limited
Low Maintenance Costs 
Environment Friendly 
Pros and Cons of Solar Energy.

Mak Energy For You

We, at MAK Energy, commit to providing our clients with high-quality solar energy systems and excellent customer service. However, we can help you design, install and maintain a solar energy system that meets your specific needs and goals. And that delivers long-lasting and reliable performance.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of solar energy and how you can switch to clean and renewable energy sources. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our solar experts.